Corrected the typo and reposted it.

"Zhou Mikang, Ye Meiru is not suitable for you."


"You and I are close buddies. I won't hurt you. Listen to me and be happy. She really isn't suitable for you. She will ruin you if she is with you."

"You are my brother?"

"It's because I'm your brother that I say things that others can't and don't want to say! Good medicine is bitter, wake up!"

"You like her too?"

"Zhou Mikang, we are no longer friends, if I tm see you again, I will not be human!"


This was a conversation between him and Wang Jie eight years ago. Before that, they were best brothers.

For the next two years, Wang Jie really stopped contacting him until the news spread that he and Ye Meiru broke up completely. At that time, he was so sensitive that he would die. Wang Jie kindly came to comfort him, but he kicked him out.

He has the kind of stubborn temper, even if he realizes that he has wronged his brother, he still can't open his mouth to admit his mistake to the other party. Unexpectedly, he pokes the other party's weakness, and the other party is determined not to talk to him anymore. The stalemate lasted until the end Now.

Wang Jie's father, in his eyes, was an amiable and upright old man. He respected him, even adored him, but now, this old man broke all of this with his own hands.

His current mood is very complicated.

He regretted that he didn't settle his suspicions with Wang Jie before this, and he was also angry about the old man's deception over the years. I also regretted my stubbornness. At the same time, he wondered whether his own judgment was really correct.

After thinking about it. What the old man said and did today was more like trying to ease the relationship between their father and son. In fact, he no longer hates his father now. Especially after going through this incident, although he still disagrees with his father's choice back then, he also understands a little more.

But he himself knew that everything that happened during this period had truly proved that Wang Jie's father had indeed abandoned the Zhou family at a critical moment!

It was when his various emotions were intertwined and he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't extricate himself. Someone came looking for him again. Seeing the door come in with a "bang", Xiao Bing got up with a contorted expression, and the corner of his mouth twitched disdainfully.

The middle-aged man in charge of guarding,

Some embarrassed persuaded Xiao Bing: "Director Xiao, we can't visit for the time being, so don't make things difficult for us, okay?"

"Get out!" Xiao Bing turned his head and glared at him, "Don't force me to be rough."

"Director Xiao, there is no approval slip. We really can't let you in." The middle-aged man also looked a little unhappy. In fact, he and Xiao Yuwen are also on the same level. What right does he have to treat him like this?

"You guys. Are you dead?" Xiao Bingqi rushed to the back and shouted, and five strong men came over hesitantly. He wanted to stretch out his hand to pull the two guards away, but he was too nervous to do so.

"Something happened. I'll take care of it!" Xiao Bingqi looked at several people, "Whether you want to apply for a promotion or not has been sleeping all the time. You decide for yourself."

Director Xiao, it's in full swing right now.

Although they are just young people, they can also feel what Director Xiao's development will be like in the future. Since Director Xiao said that he will take care of something, why do they hesitate?

It's better to be in charge now, the situation forced them to take a gamble, and they came here, and they couldn't do it if they wanted to, so they looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and controlled the two men in charge of the guards , and stuffed white cloths in their mouths.

Xiao Bing snorted, and ordered: "You, you, look at them, you three, go and handcuff the one inside to me on the table."

The three of them flinched.

"Go or not?" Xiao Bing narrowed his eyes, "You don't want to do it, there are things you want to do."

"Do, do, let's do it." The three strong men took a long breath and rushed towards Zhou Mikang. Unfortunately, within a few minutes, the three fell to the ground.

Xiao Bing's face turned blue from anger: "Worthless!"

Zhou Mikang greeted him leisurely: "Come on, you are not a wimp, come here."

"You wait for me!" Xiao Bing looked at several followers, "You are also waiting here, I will be back in a while." Then he told the three lying inside, "You guys, come out!"


When the three of them heard this, as if they were pardoned, they hurriedly got up and ran out to close the door, and locked it from the outside, as if Zhou Mikang would come out and beat them up if they didn't do so.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Bingqi returned aggressively with a dozen or so middle-aged men.

This time, the fight was still fierce, but in the end, Zhou Mikang was successfully restrained.

"You don't want a future?" Zhou Mikang, whose legs and arms were pinned down, still had such a relaxed tone, and looked at Xiao Bingqi with teasing eyes, "It's hard to get to where you are today, are you willing? "

"What else am I reluctant to do?" Xiao Bing pulled out a gleaming dagger from his waist, staring at Zhou Mikang fiercely in his eyes, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, but, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Are you sure?" Zhou Mikang's lips curled into a sarcasm smile, "Looking at you now, don't you think you're about to end your children and grandchildren?"

"You instigated it? You instigated it!" Xiao Bing twisted his cheeks, his lips trembled, and approached Zhou Mikang step by step. He gestured with the knife at that sensitive part, and laughed wickedly, "Now I want you to taste it too." Taste the taste of cutting off children and grandchildren!"

While speaking, he brandished the dagger and stabbed fiercely at the middle of Zhou Mikang's legs. In his mind, the image of Zhou Mikang being stabbed by him, and from now on with his son, his expression became even more distorted.

The people who pressed Zhou Mikang also had excitement in their eyes.

Such a scene is too exciting! Treat the enemy like this! They are all loyal to Xiao Bingqi.

Seeing the moment when the knife was about to fall, Zhou Mikang kicked firmly on Xiao Bingqi's wrist, and the dagger that was originally aimed at a certain part of Zhou Mikang turned around and stabbed straight. Into a certain part of Xiao Bingqi...

Everything happened so fast, before everyone recovered, Xiao Bing howled like a pig being killed.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!..." Xiao Bing shouted like crazy.

The minions who came back to their senses rushed towards Zhou Mikang, who had escaped from the restraint. As a result, Zhou Mikang, who was easily dealt with by them, was subdued and immobile, but this time, they quickly cleaned them up. The obedient sticky stickers can't move...

With a cold face, Zhou Mikang picked up Xiao Bing who was still howling: "Is it comfortable?"

"" Xiao Bing didn't know whether he was angry or in pain, he couldn't speak at all.

The moment he got the results of his son's examination, he felt that the sky was dark.

Xiao Yuwen was the only son in the Xiao family up to his generation. If the son couldn't give birth to a son, the Xiao family would really be left behind!

In fact, it was a coincidence that the inspection found out that his son was injured by Jing Zhe, and he seemed to have recovered, but he didn't know if it would affect his fertility, so he added an inspection.

Unexpectedly, the result of the inspection was that it was completely dead.

He didn't believe it and asked to check it again.

The result is still the same.

Seeing the result, the son was also stunned, and suddenly remembered that he had been given an injection by Lin Chuxia.

Then, he entrusted his old friend to do a more in-depth examination.

He didn't get any definite results, but he said with certainty that his son probably wouldn't have any more offspring in his life.

However, his son had already given Xiao a little granddaughter before, which means that his son's fertility is not a problem. Everyone is inseparable.

And all this is due to Zhou Mikang's little wife!

He can't deal with that woman for the time being, so let's deal with Zhou Mikang.

Moreover, in his opinion, letting Zhou Mikang lose his children and grandchildren is far more satisfying than ruining his little wife.

He went to Mei Changqing, hoping to give him the right to test Zhou Mikang, but was rejected.

He had no choice but to pass over Mei Changqing and give it to the old chief, but no one picked it up...

He has worked so hard to get everything today, isn't he just hoping that the Xiao family will become stronger and stronger, but now, the roots are gone, so why is he still struggling?

He couldn't wait any longer, even, he had a feeling that the victory on his side was only temporary, while he was just a pawn, a pawn to charge forward.

Then, if this is the case, if he wins, he will not be held accountable for what he has done. If he loses, no matter what he does or does not do, the outcome will be the same. If this is the case, why doesn't he take a gamble?

Moreover, he believed that the old chief should also be willing to see this result.

Therefore, he summoned a few stronger staff members to settle the score with Zhou Mikang. Not fulfilling his wish, he called in the diehards who were hidden outside.

He didn't let them in at first because he wanted to hide his strength, and didn't want Mei Changqing to be wary of him, but in the end, he still couldn't hide it.

But now, what is this called?

Of course he understood that he had been duped by Zhou Mikang, and now he was even more ashamed. Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope that his son would not be born, but now, this hope was gone.

Zhou Mikang looked at Xiao Bingqi, whose face was cloudy and sunny, with a smile, and then patted his head: "You send it to your door yourself, and I will be embarrassed if I don't fulfill your wish."

"Take me to the hospital." Xiao Bingqi panted heavily.

"I can't, I'm a detainee now, as for those who can send you, you have arrested them, hehe..." Zhou Mikang smiled gloatingly, "You are too foresighted, I found out , the person I admire the most right now is you, it's really extraordinary for you to be able to make up your mind to leave the palace."

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