First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 286 Self-made and self-eating

The second watch arrives——

When Zhao Yulan said this, Mrs. Zhou couldn't force her to stay, so she discussed: "I won't stop you if you want to go back, but the house is sold, where will you live when you go back?

I know you still have a hut, but you don't know what your current physical condition is, how can you live in that kind of damp room?

Otherwise, wait a few more days, we will send someone to buy the house back, and everything will be done quickly, and you and Baohe will go back. Ok? "

"Auntie, don't buy back the house we sold. They saved our life, so we will buy it again. It's not appropriate.

Baohe and I have made plans to live in Gangshun's house first. Both of their children have come out to serve in the army, and we are panicking. It just so happens that we go to accompany them.

Our old house was actually not damp, but there were too few windows, and the room was a bit dark. Baohe and I thought about breaking down the windows and replacing them with glass windows before it was too cold in winter, so that the room would be brighter. . "

"You child, why are you so stubborn?" The old lady Zhou sighed helplessly, "When the Zhou family was in trouble, you sold the house and came to accompany us through the difficulties. When the Zhou family was rehabilitated, you went back to live That little black house, do you want someone to break the Zhou family's backbone?"

"No..." Zhao Yulan waved her hands anxiously, "Auntie, why don't we go back to my mother's house to stay with my parents, and find out if there is anyone selling a house, do you think it will work?"

"Yulan, if we said that we treated you and Baohe well in the past because you were the parents of Chu Xia, and we just fulfilled our obligations as in-laws. Now, we really treat you and Baohe as members of the Zhou family. I With your uncle, I love you and Baohe as my own sons and daughters.

You are also a mother. If you let yourself live a good life and let Chu Xia live a hard life, how would you feel in your heart? "

"Auntie, I..." After hesitating, Zhao Yulan looked at the old lady Zhou, "I'm really not used to living here with Baohe.

We are used to farming, and we are also used to waking up to the sound of roosters crowing in the morning. We are both young. If we don't reach the retirement age, if we stay here, we will feel that we are useless.

In fact, both of us were reluctant to leave Chu Xia, and discussed privately whether we could rent a house here and support ourselves by pasting matchboxes.

But then we gave up on the idea, if we both did. Chu Xia will not feel good, and neither will you.

let's do nothing,

Just waiting to eat, we really can't live. Auntie, I promise you that I will have a baby in early summer. Baohe and I lived here to help take care of the children. At that time. If you want to drive me away, I won't leave. "

"You..." Knowing that Zhao Yulan's words were mixed with truth and falsehood. There was only one purpose, and she didn't want to become a burden to eat with her daughter, so the old lady Zhou sighed, "Forget it, I won't force you, go back if you want.

It's unrighteous for us to forcefully buy the house back. In this case, just as you said, go back and inquire, and buy a house first to make do with it.

Turn around and let Xiaomi build a new one for you. As for whether to build it with Chu Xia's grandma or in your original village, you and Baohe should discuss it carefully. "

"Well, I'll listen to my aunt." Knowing that it would hurt her feelings to refuse any further, Zhao Yulan readily agreed.

The old lady Zhou still felt a little regretful, true friendship is found in adversity, what Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan did when the Zhou family was down, fully demonstrated their noble personalities, such in-laws are really hard to find with lanterns.

However, through this period of getting along, she also knew that although this couple was born in poverty, they were extremely arrogant in their bones. If they were really forced to stay, they probably would not be happy.

Then it's better to let nature take its course, or, when Chu Xia has a baby and they are hooked by their grandson, they will really stay.

At this time, everyone had packed up everything and went to Jing's house for dinner.

The two nannies in the family went home separately after the Zhou family's accident, and Zhu Xinqin volunteered to take care of the dinner with her, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Wan's Mrs. Yin.

It was Mr. Wan who opened the door.

Looking into the hall again, the expressions on everyone's faces are wonderful.

Jing Monian and Jing Zhe were rolling the skin at high speed with a rolling pin. Zhu Xinqin, old man Jing, old lady Jing, Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Yin couldn't keep up with their speed.

"Just now I also packed it." Mr. Wan explained.

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Yulan is a restless person, as soon as she enters the door, she immediately rinses the bathroom, and after washing her hands, she goes to the table to help.

After Lin Yanqiu saw Zhu Xinqin, all sorts of feelings came to her heart, she just stood there in a daze, and was dragged to the bathroom by Liang Xiaohong to wash her hands, and then she came back to her senses, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Xiaohong, you said I used to fight her so badly. Huan, is there something wrong with your brain?"

"This is how you get along." Liang Xiaohong smiled, "If you don't believe me, just look at it, and you two will quarrel when you meet again later."

"No..." Lin Yanqiu smiled into the mirror, "This time, their family is kind to the Zhou family, and I will let her in from now on."

Liang Xiaohong smiled noncommittally, dried her hands and left the bathroom.

It's not that Chu Xia didn't want to help, as soon as she moved her foot, she was stopped by Zhou Mikang: "Don't make trouble."

"You're just making trouble..." Chu Xia's big eyes flickered, and he was in a daze, "You should be blocking me because you can't roll the skin or wrap it, right? Isn't it just to find someone who is at the bottom? Ah, I will cooperate with you."

Zhou Mikang lowered his voice, gritted his teeth and said, "You were mad at me when I came back."

After a moment of stunned, he realized that this person was showing extreme guilt, and Chu Xia immediately lost his courage: "Brother, Zhou Mikang is going to roll the skin."

"Okay, Captain Zhou, come." Jing Zhe stopped, got up and gave up his seat.

Zhou Mikang's body was obviously stiff, but who is he, will he admit defeat? "I'll make your bag." Immediately dragged Chu Xia expressionlessly to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Could it be that I guessed wrong? Chu Xia glanced at him wonderingly, washed his hands obediently, found an empty seat and sat down, but kept his eyes on Zhou Mikang's movements.

I saw him sitting in the same position as Jing Zhe just now, taking a look at Jing Mo Nian's movements, and also picked up a dough, rolling it while turning...

When the head of Zhou pushed a polygon in front of Chu Xia, and calmly picked up a dough, Chu Xia was stunned..., Head, can you not pretend to be 13?

At dinner, everyone had a plate of dumplings in front of each other, and only the head of the group, Zhi Zi, had a plate of...noodles? Noodle? noodle……?

In short, not dumplings!

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