The first update arrives, the second update code is over, the article is being revised, and it will be uploaded soon——

Xu Zhenghong looked at Zhou Mikang expectantly: "Is there any big happy event at home?" As a relative of the Zhou family, it was rare for him to be implicated this time. It's time to go back to Zhou's house to have a look.

The smile on the corner of Zhou Mikang's mouth subconsciously spread: "My daughter-in-law said she likes me, can I not be happy?"


The room fell into a strange silence, Xu Zhenghong and Zhou Hanliang stared at Zhou Mikang with cross-eyed eyes.

Zhou Mikang frowned in displeasure: "What are you doing?"

After all, I was startled once in the morning. Zhou Hanliang came back to his senses first, pulled the muscles on his cheeks, and moved his teeth.

At this moment, Jiang Jiaming, political commissar Liu Lihui of regiment b, Lin Hongjiang, head of regiment c, and Qian Qiaoming, political commissar, walked in together. Xu Zhenghong and Zhou Hanliang quickly rolled their eyes, adjusted the focus, and made a calm gesture.

"Zhou Tuan." Jiang Jiaming stepped forward, hugged Zhou Mikang and patted him hard, "It can be regarded as coming back, I miss me to death."

Lin Hongjiang pushed him away, and hugged Zhou Mikang herself instead: "Zhou Tuan, you're not here, I'm exhausted from training."

"Zhou Tuan, they really miss you. When you are here, they will fight you to the death. If you are not here these days, they don't even have the energy to train."

"Yeah, when you're here, they look like they've been pumped with chicken blood. When you're not, they're like wilted dogtails. If you don't believe me, ask Han Liang."

Liu Lihui and Qian Qiaoming laughed and shook their heads, joking one after another.

"That's right. You are expecting me to come back and continue to ravage you, right?" Zhou Mikang also patted Lin Hongjiang's back vigorously and laughed.

If it was before, being hugged and tossed by everyone in turn. He would definitely push everyone away, but now, his heart was full of sour and swollen emotions. Even if they usually blushed and punched each other, but at this moment, this kind of true friendship in battle cannot be deceived.

"Zhou Tuan, don't throw your big talk so early, I let you go before." Jiang Jiaming said while pushing Zhou Hanliang. "Talk to Zhou Tuan about our competition some time ago."

Lin Hongjiang said sharply: "Hurry up and pull it down, if the soldiers of the A regiment were not depressed because the regiment leader was not here, would you have any advantage? You know why we didn't win the A regiment,

Let me tell you, it was to cheer up the soldiers of Regiment A. "

Jiang Jiaming pointed his little finger at him: "Hey, you are shameless. If group A has emotions, your group is really the defeat of our group B. Don't shame yourself It's gold."

Liu Lihui looked at the two of them with a funny face: "Listen to you two arguing, why do I have a feeling that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings?"

"Hi. Old Liu, what group are you in?"

"It doesn't matter how many groups, I'm just talking about the facts."


Looking at the harmony of the heads and political commissars of the three regiments under him has never been before. A gratified smile appeared on Xu Zhenghong's face, "Okay. I have seen your solidarity and friendship, let's start the meeting!"

This is after Zhou Mikang returned. In a regular meeting of Division A, after reporting on the training situation during this period, Xu Zhenghong's face became serious: "I believe you have all received the notice, do your ideological work on the soldiers these few days, and don't want to participate in the mission Yes, let them submit their applications early."

"Master, those who belong to the only child in the family, should we let them stay?" Liu Lihui looked at Xu Zhenghong inquiringly and asked.

"This is still based on personal preference, but each regiment can call such soldiers together for a meeting..." After a pause, Xu Zhenghong continued, "We must tell them that they will not be looked down upon if they stay. Let them consider the situation at home comprehensively, of course, there must be differences in the treatment of soldiers who participated in the mission and soldiers who did not participate in the mission, and they should be mentally prepared for this."

According to the information they got, it is unknown when they will return this time, but the war will not break out in a short period of time. For the time being, it is just for deterrence. However, it is now in an emergency situation.

For soldiers, it is necessary to raise soldiers for thousands of days and use them for a while. Although guns and guns have no eyes, I believe that most people hope to prove their worth. This is why Xu Zhenghong does not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach.

"I guess with this democratic method, no one would choose to stay." Qian Qiaoming frowned, "They are all at the age of enthusiasm, even if there are a few who don't want to go, probably, they are too embarrassed to say so. .”

"This is the job of your political commissars. First, find out the basics of democracy. In the end, if you are too embarrassed to express your thoughts, you will forcefully make a list. This way, everyone will look good."

"Well, that's good." Zhou Hanliang nodded in agreement, "At least this way you won't leave what you want to go, and take what you left behind."

"Then it's settled. Time is tight. Everyone hurry up to finalize this matter and adjourn the meeting." Xu Zhenghong ended the meeting quickly.

Time was really tight, Jiang Jiaming and the others exchanged a few words with Zhou Mikang, and then went back to their respective regiments to work.

"Commander, I'm going back to deal with this matter. You and the teacher will talk for a while." Zhou Hanliang threw down a sentence and ran out like a rabbit. What about retaliation?

Xu Zhenghong had been thinking about what happened in the morning, so after hesitating for a moment, he sat next to Zhou Mikang and put his hand on his shoulder: "I am your little uncle."

"Just say what you want..." Zhou Mikang glanced at him lightly, "You don't need to play the family card with me first, I have no intention of beating anyone now."

Xu Zhenghong coughed lightly: "Do you really like Lin Chuxia?"

"Is that what you asked?"

"This..." Xu Zhenghong smiled embarrassingly, "It's true that my uncle shouldn't be the one asking about this, but your sister-in-law doesn't always see you, and you know how much she cares about you.

Originally, she always suspected that you married Lin Chuxia on purpose to silence the family members, but, after what happened a while ago, I was talking about the fact that you protected Lin Chuxia before our family had an accident. My sister-in-law's thinking has changed a little bit.

This time, our family has such a big incident, the Lin family is quite interesting, although it is a small family, but their eyelids are not shallow at all.

Your sister-in-law asked me to tell you that you can't let her girl down. Looking at your situation this morning, I think your sister-in-law's worry seems a little unnecessary, right? "

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I just want to say..." Xu Zhenghong scratched his head and mumbled for a long time without uttering a word.

"Does my sister-in-law know about our mission?"

"Yeah." Xu Zhenghong nodded, "She knows we're on a mission, but she doesn't know the details, but she should be able to guess it from her appearance."

"Why didn't she tell me herself?"

"Ah?" Xu Zhenghong was taken aback for a moment, and smiled wryly, "You already guessed what I'm going to say, right?"

"Don't you just want me to leave a child behind before I leave?"

"Yes, that's what happened." Xu Zhenghong nodded repeatedly, "I'll just say it, you're really smart, you don't need me to tell you, you understand."

"Understand what?"

"..." Xu Zhenghong didn't know what to say, did he say that he understood that before setting off, he should first sow seeds?

"What did you say to tell me to treat her girl well? Is this because you want to treat her well?" Zhou Mikang snorted, "Tell me, sister-in-law, don't just think about your own affairs. If she really thinks that the Lin family is not easy, she shouldn't Open your mouth and let you say, little uncle, I think you are a bit stupid, why didn't she say that you don't know?"

"Hehe..." Xu Zhenghong could only smirk.

"You, don't you feel useless by letting my sister-in-law do everything?"

"You don't give up everything to Chu Xia, do you feel useless?"

After Xu Zhenghong said this, Zhou Mikang froze there. Xu Zhenghong felt a little regretful, finally the little stubborn figured it out, was willing to marry a wife, and was willing to treat others well, so don't be stubborn again because of his words.

"I'm different from you." After a while, Zhou Mikang looked at Xu Zhenghong seriously, "You listen to everything regardless of right and wrong, but I am selective, so I am different from you." After finishing speaking, Quickly got up and opened the door to leave.

After being stunned for a long time, Xu Zhenghong finally realized that this little stubborn man had a guilty conscience! Thinking of this, he hurriedly called his wife to report: "Yue Ping, you don't have to worry too much about Xiaomi, he will treat his wife well..." Afterwards, he vividly described Zhou Mikang's behavior in the morning .

Unexpectedly, the wife on the other end of the phone let out a long sigh after hearing this: "Why did this boy become a wife slave all of a sudden? If this is the case, I guess my sister-in-law's desire to hold her grandson will not be realized for a while. "

"You guys..." Xu Zhenghong shook his head and didn't say any more.

"You want to say that we are selfish, right?" Zhou Yueping's voice was full of helplessness, "My elder brother's side, whether the eldest daughter-in-law can have children in this life depends on God's will, and Xiaomi's side depends on God's will..."

Xu Zhenghong also remained silent when his wife didn't continue talking. In his position, it's really hard to say anything about this matter, but can he say that his wife is selfish? He's not sure either...

However, Zhou Mikang was not bothered by his sister-in-law and uncle. When he returned to the regiment, Zhou Hanliang happened to have just finished a meeting with everyone. As everyone guessed, after hearing the news, the soldiers were not depressed, but each one of them was very upset. Get excited, what needs to be done is not who is mobilized, but who is mobilized to stay...

"Xiao Mi, come with me."

Xu Zhenghong hurried in, pulled Zhou Mikang and walked out.

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