Rao Xue howled so loudly that the family members of the patients who were able to get away and the obstetricians and nurses who were idle ran out to watch the excitement. The commotion was so loud that Wang Chunli, who happened to come out of the patient room to see everything, No matter how much you don't like your students, you have to stand up.

"Comrade, if you have something to say, what are you doing?"

"Executing official duties!" Zhou Hanliang took a step forward and showed Wang Chunli his work card. "Rao Xue is suspected of colluding with counter-revolutionaries to murder our comrades. Please cooperate."

Wang Chunli didn't understand what the evidence was. She saw the red national emblem and immediately returned to the office. She doesn't care, and others don't care, so Rao Xue, who was dying and shouting desperately, was thrown to Zhou Hanliang by the tube leader, like throwing a broken rag, and fell on the ground. Zhou Hanliang shook his arms and picked up the rag , followed behind Zhou Mikang, and dragged away...

"That was Captain Zhou, right?" After a while, someone in the crowd asked weakly.

"Yes, it's Captain Zhou." Someone answered in the affirmative.

"I heard that Captain Zhou has a violent temper, but it looks like he really is."

"In fact, he is very principled. My brother is under his command. He said that Captain Zhou looks serious, and in fact he has clear rewards and punishments. Under his command, as long as he works hard and is capable, he will never be buried."

"Hearing what you said, I really admire the leader."

"Of course, don't you worship?"


A group of little nurses scattered around, muttering and laughing, and Zhang Erniu stood outside in a daze for a while, unable to sort out what was going on just now.

Isn't Chu Xia an intern? How could he arrest people with Captain Zhou? Zhang Erniu scratched her head. The more I think about it, the more confused I become. Hearing Wang Chunli calling her, she hurried back to the office. "Teacher, what are your plans?"

"Do you know what happened to Rao Xue?" What Wang Chunli saw when she came out of the ward was Rao Xue being slipped outside by Zhou Mikangti. Then, being frightened by the work card with the big red national emblem on it, she quickly backed away. Now sitting in the office and thinking about it for a while, she remembered that Rao Xue had always been with Zhang Erniu.

"I don't know." Zhang Erniu shook her head in confusion, "I don't know."

Wang Chunli waved her hand: "Forget it, you go to study."

"Yes, teacher." Zhang Erniu replied,

Sit back at your desk. I stared at a page of paper for more than ten minutes, but didn't move.

"Zhang Erniu." Wang Chunli frowned in displeasure, "You should focus on your studies, and you don't need to worry about Rao Xue."

Zhang Erniu was so frightened that she quickly regained her composure, but she made up her mind to ask Sun Shangmei immediately after get off work. She and Chu Xia are fellow villagers, so she should know more than her.

Chu Xia, together with Zhou Mikang and Zhou Hanliang, brought Rao Xue to the room where Xiao and his son were imprisoned.

Xiao's father and son were both handcuffed and handcuffed to iron chairs, sitting on each side of each chair. The image is similar to the watchdog.

Rao Xue, who was still struggling all the way, immediately became honest when she saw the father and son.

Zhou Hanliang tore off the cloth in her mouth: "Do you still feel wronged?"

Rao Xue drooped her head for a while, then suddenly raised her head and stared at the father and son viciously: "Didn't you say that she would never have a chance to escape? Two big men, how could you let her escape? Why are you so angry?" fool?"

Xiao Yuwen was completely hopeless at this time. He stared blankly at the ground without any reaction.

Xiao Bingqi also closed his eyes and remained silent.

When he chose to take this step. He was ready to fail, for him. Whether he takes this step or not, the result is the same, so he might as well take a gamble.

Anyway, he is already an abandoned child, and it is worthwhile to be able to give him a back when he is dying.

The three people were arrested here, and the case was basically settled. I really didn't want to see the hysterical Rao Xue and the lifeless Xiao and his son, so Chu Xia turned and went out.

Zhou Mikang winked at Zhou Hanliang and quickly followed him out.

Chu Xia was standing under a ginkgo tree with his back facing him, the midday sun shined through the branches and mottled on her body, adding a bit of warmth to his frightened and cold heart.

Regardless of whether it was in the military area, he hugged her from behind.

"Don't do this." Chu Xia shook his body, trying to break free, "It's not good for others to see."

"You are my wife."

"I'm your wife, yes, but you're wearing a military uniform."

"Soldiers also have feelings, and soldiers also have lovers." Zhou Mikang hugged him tighter.

Afraid of being seen, Chu Xia unconsciously tensed up: "You forgot your identity?"

"No matter what your status is, you are human, and you have emotions and desires. Chu Xia, you scared me to death." Zhou Mikang didn't care about it at all.

"I'll talk to you when I go home tonight. Now, I'm going back to the hospital." Chu Xia said as he patted his hand lightly, "If it wasn't for Yang Xiaoli, I'm not sure what to do, I'm going back to tell her Thank you, and I have to explain the reason for the disappearance to the teacher, if something happens, let's talk tonight, okay?"

Zhou Mikang turned her around and stared into her eyes: "You don't want to avenge yourself with your own hands?" Originally, it was agreed that after Rao Xue was caught, she would vent her anger on herself first.

"You can do better than me." Chu Xia smiled at him, "The moment I woke up, a lot of things flashed through my mind, and the best plan was to escape with injuries all over my body, Zhou Mikang, Thank you, thank you for allowing me to continue to live with my chest held high."

Displeasure flashed in his eyes: "I am your husband."

Seeing someone walking this way, Chu Xia pushed him hard: "Let go of me and talk carefully, otherwise, I'll ignore you."

Feeling that Chu Xia was a little annoyed, Zhou Mikang stopped forcing her and let go of her hand: "Okay, tell me."

Chu Xia waved at him and backed away quickly: "I'll go home tonight and tell you, revenge, you can avenge me now. With my strength, I can't hurt them even if I hurt myself. It's meaningless."

"It's so far away from the hospital, how do you get there by yourself?" Zhou Mikang caught up with her in two or three steps, and grabbed her little hand, "I'm going to war in a few days, do you need to hide from me like this?"

Chu Xia pursed her lips on purpose: "I'm afraid that you love me so much that you won't be willing to leave."

Zhou Mikang: "..."


Because of what happened in the morning, after arriving at 401 and stopping the car, Zhou Mikang said that he would send Chu Xia to Song Xiaoyu's office before leaving.

Knowing his temper, Chu Xia didn't persuade him, but said with a smile: "I will go to work every day from now on."

"I'll make arrangements."

Chu Xia was startled, and stared round with big eyes: "What do you mean?"

"You don't need to worry about it, it won't affect your life, don't worry." Zhou Mikang held her shoulders domineeringly and walked forward, "I haven't seen Aunt Song for a long time, so I just went to see her."

"Okay." Chu Xia had no choice but to accept her fate. Originally, she didn't want others to know who she was marrying, because she didn't want everyone to reject her efforts. After this incident, she also looked away.

No matter what she does, after people know who she is marrying, they will look at her with colored eyes for a while. In fact, she did get into the medical team because of the honor of the Zhou family. What is there to hide? What about?

It's better to face it calmly early, or maybe everyone won't pay attention at all.

Zhou Mikang took a few glances at Chu Xia and said, "The people in this hospital don't know me, you think too much about me."

"That's right." Chu Xia slapped his forehead fiercely, "I look like you are more famous than a movie star, haha..."

Zhou Mikang: "..."

Entering the hospital building, a few nurses whom Chu Xia knew just happened to walk towards him, so they nodded and smiled at Chu Xia, and when their eyes turned to Zhou Mikang, they were purely curious.

"I understand, now your identity is Lin Chuxia's husband, hehe..." Chuxia laughed and teased Zhou Mikang, "They must be judging your appearance, whether you are worthy of me."

Zhou Mikang snorted: "Do you know now? Apart from the old men of Teacher A, there are also some classmates and friends who knew me since childhood. As for the resident hospital of Teacher A, there are only a small number of doctors and nurses who know me." , When it comes to 401, people who know me can be counted with a slap, you, you are simply worrying."

Chu Xia nodded with a smile: "Well, I'm worrying unnecessarily, and I'm blinded by a leaf."

"This attitude of admitting mistakes is okay."

There was more than half an hour before work time, worried that Song Xiaoyu and Wang Jing were on their lunch break, Chu Xia knocked on the door first, and pushed the door in by herself first, seeing that only Song Xiaoyu was sitting at the desk reading materials, she smiled and called the teacher , Turning around to greet Zhou Mikang: "Come in."

Song Xiaoyu especially hates people who are not punctual, so when she saw Chu Xia, her face pulled down, and when she saw Zhou Mikang coming in together, her face pulled even longer.

"What does this mean?" Song Xiaoyu looked at the two of them, "Do you want me to write a transfer report?"

"Auntie, you are so angry." Zhou Mikang smiled wryly, "No wonder you and my mother are friends, so you are so irritable, so similar. Do you think that Chu Xia deliberately released your pigeons?"

"Isn't it?" Song Xiaoyu snorted coldly, "Xiao Mi, I also think that I watched you grow up. In my impression, you don't seem like a child who likes to make up nonsense and deceive people. Why, now that you have a wife, you should Out of principle?

Now, I don't care what Lin Chuxia's identity is, and I don't care if she is the student I fancy, if her attitude towards work is like this, I'm sorry, I won't accompany her. "

"Aunt Song, Chu Xia came here early in the morning, but on the way to the dormitory, Xiao Bingqi and his son kidnapped her. I just rescued her not long ago, so I sent her over with my own hands in case she had an accident." Zhou Mikang It's not the kind of temperament that likes to be meandering. At this time, how can I talk nonsense.

"Are you...really?" Song Xiaoyu jumped up in shock, and also noticed Chu Xia's swollen cheeks at this time, "Apart from the face, is there any other injury?"

ps: For those who are in a shortage of books, you can read Nuan's finished novel and the serialized ones that are nearing the end. Click on the author's information to get a link, or you can directly search for the title of the book.

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