There are too many military makeup codes today, and I want to vomit, let’s get married first, and marry first tomorrow——

Unexpectedly, such a big change happened in a month. I remember that when I came to class last time, the interns in 401 looked at the members of the women's medical team with envious eyes. In such a short time, it was completely reversed. coming.

"Did something happen?" Chu Xia asked, "Didn't they envy us all the time?"

Liu Meijun sighed softly: "After two tests, only Wu Jingbo, Lin Mengran, and Yang Xiaoli were among the top 20. Only those students who passed the period could stay, and those people's tails were raised."

Chu Xia suddenly nodded. The self-enrollment of 401 was originally to supplement the temporary staff recruited by domestic demand. Therefore, they would have an instinctive envy for the members of the female medical team with military membership. Now, everyone has equal opportunities, mentality Naturally, things have changed.

Otherwise, many turning points in a person's life require both hard work and luck. For members of the medical team such as Chu Xia, this is true, and it is even more true for 401's self-enrollment. They are all special products of this era.

The difference is that these self-called personnel were originally only temporary staff members of 401, but they were suddenly transferred to official personnel with military status by a piece of approval last month. What I envied at first was the halo of the women's medical team, but now that I have it, my mentality has naturally changed.

When Luo Xiaoqiong and Liu Meijun were talking about it. Chu Xia felt that someone was sneaking at her, and followed her gaze. A girl with white to transparent complexion lowered her head in a panic.

Noticing Chu Xia's actions, Luo Xiaoqiong also looked over. Said: "She is Mei Jun's neighbor, her name is Hu Die, and we Mei Jun have not dealt with since childhood."

"Xiaoqiong saved me face. It's not that Hu Die and I didn't get along. It's that she was born to be my nemesis. She was better than me in every aspect, whether it was study or appearance. Whenever I saw her, my mother would definitely kill her." The nose I trained is not a nose and a face is not a face.

I hated her when I was little. Every day I look forward to her moving away. Now, I think she is quite pitiful. Her father has fled to the other side of the strait. It is not easy for her and her mother to depend on each other. "

Chu Xia came to a sudden: "Does that mean she was spying on you just now?"

"Yeah." Liu Meijun nodded and curled her lips again, "In the first few days, she still communicated with me, but now the people on both sides are at odds. She doesn't dare to talk to me anymore, and she probably feels guilty again in her heart. She always likes to peek at me, and I hate this kind of dishonesty the most. Just ignore her."


"Get up! Get up!"

"It's over, it's over,

crushed! "


Chu Xia, Luo Xiaoqiong and Liu Meiqun were startled by the sudden howl, and turned their heads to look. I saw a few girls frantically grabbing the crushed cage from the ground, and the two little white mice inside... were stuck together...

"What... what does this mean?" Luo Xiaoqiong's eyes widened. Then he hooked the heads of Chu Xia and Liu Meijun to his side, and whispered. "That's all right now, the patient was murdered, so there's no need to compete."

"..." The two of them fell silent.

"It's all your fault. Why do you push? This is good. Where can I find two sick mice?"

"Who told you to occupy the place and not let me see it?"

"Just now you were bullying the place and not letting me see it."

"Who didn't let you see it, it's clear that you took me away and you took all the territory by yourself."


The quarrel was between two girls, one fat and one thin.

Luo Xiaoqiong introduced to Chu Xia in a low voice: "Finally it's their turn to do it. The fat one is called Liu Xinghua, and the thin one is called Zhang Junmei. They are all in a group. First and second, no one will accept the other."

Seeing Professor Yuan swaying and swaying towards the classroom, the noisy and lively two quickly returned to their seats. As soon as Professor Zhizi entered the door, he saw a cage pressed into a board and two corpses that had been turned into cakes, "Oh!" With a bang, he rushed to the podium: "Who did it?!"

His stern gaze passed over everyone, and he fixed on the position of the second group: "Who did it, stand up for me quickly! Otherwise, when I find out, you don't want to stay here any longer!"

"She did it!" The fat girl and the skinny girl pointed at each other.

Professor Yuan waved his hand: "Okay, sit down, the practical class will start tomorrow, no matter who did it, you two are responsible for finding two mice for me, now let's continue with the content of the previous class speak."

Luo Xiaoqiong pursed her lips and leaned into Chu Xia's ear and said, "See, this is differential treatment. If someone from our side must mention the punishment of standing at the door for a class, then report it to the leadership of the school."

Liu Meijun also came over: "He is very good at studying, even a little unprincipled, Chu Xia, I think he will like you."

"Listen to the class." Hearing what the two of them said, Chu Xia understood the old professor's character. After all these years, he favored martial arts but not literature. The old professor has a paranoid liking for students who study well. This may be because he particularly hates women's medicine. It is estimated that in his opinion, a doctor is a doctor, and a soldier is a soldier. Why recruit a group of soldiers who have no background and train them to become doctors?

After returning to the office after class, Chu Xia told Song Xiaoyu everything she saw in class.

Song Xiaoyu sighed: "Mr. Yuan suffered from rheumatism in both legs that were tortured a few years ago. Standing for a while will cause heartache, but this time when the class starts, he has to go to the podium in person. Dean Xu didn't The method agreed to him.

Yuan Lao studied medicine in country D when he was young. He is a person with real skills. Apart from his stubborn personality, he has no other problems. You, follow him carefully, and you will gain a lot. "

"Teacher, I will." Chu Xia hurriedly stated.

At this moment, Wu Jingbo ran over in a hurry: "Director Song, can I have a few words with Chu Xia alone?"

Song Yanqi had a good impression of Wu Jingbo, so she waved her hand: "Go."

"Chu Xia, do me a favor." Pulling Chu Xia to a secluded corner, Wu Jingbo hurriedly said, "As a result, he accompanied the teacher to the operating table. Now, only you can help him."

"What's going on, please explain clearly."

"As a result, I have a girlfriend named Li Xiaoru, and the two of them have filed a marriage report and are about to get married, but today, Li Xiaoru's mother was suddenly taken away.

The charge was harboring and sheltering, and Xiao Bingqi confessed to her. Li Xiaoru just came to look for results, but he was not there, so he told me. After much deliberation, I think it is the most convenient to find you. "

Chu Xia thought for a while, and agreed: "Okay, let me ask."

"You wait first." Wu Jingbo held back Chu Xia, "Chu Xia, I don't like to meddle in other people's affairs, I know, and neither do you, but I've weighed it over and over again about today's matter, and I'm here to beg you.

As a result, it was not easy to get together with Li Xiaoru. Earlier Li Xiaoru was almost raped by Xiao Yuwen, and it was also to save Li Xiaoru.

As a result, I hurriedly typed the marriage report. I really don't want to see another twists and turns in their marriage.

However, if Li Xiaoru's mother deliberately helped Xiao Bingqi, she deserved it. If she has unavoidable difficulties, I would trouble you to plead with Captain Zhou. "

"Okay." Chu Xia responded, and then asked suspiciously, "How do you know that Zhou Mikang is in charge of this matter?"

"When the Zhou family was in trouble, it was the Xiao family who did it. Now that the Zhou family has turned around, it is natural to clean up Xiao Bing." Wu Jingbo said with a face of course.

"Okay, I was confused, the reason is quite clear." Chu Xia thought for a while, "It's not convenient to talk about this kind of thing on the phone, Zhou Mikang is not a fool, I will go to him directly after work, By the way, ask about this matter, you and Guo Guo also tell him to take it easy."

"Okay." Wu Jingbo breathed a sigh of relief, "I also made Li Xiaoru cry just now, and it's also true that according to Zhou's temper, he will never wrong people indiscriminately like the Xiao family and his son. In a hurry."

"You have a good relationship with Senior Brother Cheng." Chu Xia joked with a smile.

"Well, I treat him as my own brother now." Wu Jingbo poked Chu Xia, "I know what you're thinking, you can just say this in front of me, but don't do it in front of Senior Brother Cheng. Said, he has a tender face, he will not be able to bear it, besides, if Li Xiaoru misunderstands, I will not be able to clean up even if I jump into the Yellow River."

"Why are you explaining so much?" Chu Xia glanced at the time, "I'll go back and talk to the teacher, and I'll help you with things now."

"Thank you." Wu Jingbo bowed to Chu Xia, and quickly ran back to her office. Li Xiaoru was still waiting there anxiously. When she saw her come in, she stood up anxiously, with a look of hesitation.

Wu Jingbo smiled at her: "Don't worry, I've asked a friend for help. If your mother was wronged, she will be fine."

"Thank you." Li Xiaoru couldn't stop crying again, "My mother must have been wronged by Xiao Bingqi. He is retaliating against me for not listening to him and following Xiao Yuwen's wishes. That must be the case."

"Okay, don't cry." Wu Jingbo looked at Li Xiaoru with some headaches, "Why do you cry so much? People say that women are made of water. You have really verified this statement."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cry either..." Li Xiaoru cried even harder...

Wu Jingbo suddenly felt very pitiful, finding such a daughter-in-law would be fatal.

In fact, what she didn't know was that besides her mother being taken away, there was another more important reason for Li Xiaoru's crying now. The matter really came out, and she and Guoguo probably couldn't be together anymore.

Guo Guo doesn't mind, what about Guo Guo's parents? It is impossible for them not to mind this matter, but she, as her mother's daughter, can't stand by and watch her mother being forced to be killed, but ignore it for her own happiness.

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