One more.

"For Shuan'er, I have to live a more down-to-earth life. It's not easy for my second uncle. I can't make things difficult for him, so don't think about me." Zheng Sanqiao's words not only did not impress Lin Chudong, but became more determined Lin Chudong's determination was broken.

"Why did I marry you, such a brainless fool?" Liu Meiqing was so angry that she pushed Lin Chudong, threw Shuan'er onto the kang, turned around and walked out.


"Liu Meiqing, why are you insane?" Lin Chudong quickly picked up his son, "Shuan'er, don't cry, don't cry, mother won't hug you, dad will hug you, go, dad will bring you candy."

As soon as he heard that there was candy to eat, the little guy stopped crying immediately, broke his tears into a smile, Sa Huan'er's dance tied his little arms, and muttered: "Tang, Tang, sister-in-law, Tang..."

Zheng Sanqiao hit the nail on the head, and answered quickly: "Chudong, Shuan'er misses his sister-in-law, why don't you take Shuan'er to see her sister-in-law."

"Mother, Shuan'er misses his little sister because she is the only one who gives him candy. When he hears about candy, of course he thinks of his little sister. His little sister has lived here for so many years, and mother has never given him a bite of delicious food. of?"

Zheng Sanqiao looked disapproving: "If we have that condition, can I not give her food? Who gave birth to your child? Isn't the fight between mother and father all because of you, because of Shuan?" Son?"

"Mom, can we keep our eyes open and talk nonsense?" Lin Chudong was speechless, "You know better than anyone how Second Uncle lived before. When Chu Xia was so hungry and crying, you were willing to let her live." Do you want a piece of pancake?

You don't give. On the contrary, we have to find ways to find the delicious food from the second uncle's house to our side, when there is no Shuan'er. You have a backache today and a backache tomorrow with all kinds of excuses to grab it, and you have Shuan'er. Your reason is more open and aboveboard. Now that you think about it carefully, do you think that the second uncle's family is really honest, or is it because they don't want to haggle with you for the sake of their relatives? "

"No matter what, she is your mother!" Lin Baojiang glared at his son, "We are not old yet, you have started to be the master of the house and teach others. When we are old, can you pack up and throw us on the street superior?"

"Father and mother don't want to listen to me so I won't talk about it. I'm just helping you remember what I did. What did others do." Lin Chudong turned around and went to the Westinghouse with Shuan'er in his arms. "Canned food, sugar, and biscuits, who gave them to Shuan'er?" Lin Chudong deliberately asked loudly, pointing to a pile of delicious food on the kang.

"Sister...Tang...Tang...Sister..." Shuan'er muttered indistinctly, stretching out his arms to reach.

Lin Chudong gave him two pieces of candy,

He grabbed two more biscuits and stuffed them into his little pocket: "When Shuan'er grows up, he will buy food for my sister-in-law and treat her well, you understand?"

The little guy's mouth was bulging with sugar, so he nodded his head vigorously. These things were before Lin Baohe was admitted to the hospital. When Lin Chudong went to see them with Shuan'er in his arms, Chu Xia gave it to him, and the child remembered to eat it, so he firmly remembered that it was given by his sister-in-law.

Lin Chudong sighed softly. Resting his chin on his son's head, he rubbed back and forth: "Shuan'er, Daddy doesn't want you to be successful when you grow up, as long as you have a better mind. Just don't be like your mother."

"Dang bang!" Zheng Sanqiao threw the sweeping broom and hit the tea mug, making a loud noise. Startled, Shuan'er shuddered, just in time to get the sugar stuck in his throat. Immediately rolled his eyes.

"Shuan'er, Shuan'er..." Lin Chudong stretched out his hand anxiously to pick it out, but the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't get it out. Seeing the child's face turn blue, he was so frightened that he hugged Shuan'er and ran out.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with Shuan'er?" Zheng Sanqiao realized that something was wrong, and ran out barefoot. Lin Baojiang also hurriedly got off the kang and chased outside. Lin Chudong didn't care about them. He only had one thought in his mind, to save his son!

Zheng Sanqiao and Lin Baojiang chased to the door, but Lin Chudong had long since disappeared, "Father, what do you think happened to Shuan'er?" Zheng Sanqiao asked hurriedly.

"I don't know!" Lin Baowang's eyes fell on the broom bump that fell on the ground, and he slapped his forehead fiercely: "Zheng Sanqiao, if something happens to Shuan'er, go back to your mother's house!"

"Why are you angry at me? It's not..." Zheng Sanqiao wanted to say, "I didn't harm Shuan'er", but when she got to her mouth, she also realized something. Shuan'er was eating candy just now and was caught She was so frightened... she didn't dare to think about it...

Lin Chudong hugged Shuan'er and went straight to Dr. Zhao's house, the barefoot doctor in the village. Only Mrs. Zhao was at home in Zhao's family. "Fifth Grandma, where is Dr. Zhao?" .

The old lady didn't actually hear it, but seeing Lin Chudong's expression and Shuan'er's expression in his arms, she couldn't understand, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Go to the commune for a meeting!"

"..." Lin Chudong felt his mind go blank. On the way here, he turned Shuan'er backwards and outwards, but it was useless. When he ran to the town, the little guy's life would probably be gone... ..., by the way, my second uncle's family has a car!

"Second Uncle! Second Uncle! Second Uncle!..." Shouting all the way and running into the house, Lin Chudong's eyes looked around without focus, and Lin Baohe hurried over from the crowd, "Chudong, what's wrong?"

Just as Lin Chudong was about to answer, he felt his hand lighten, "Shuan'er! Shuan'er!" He shouted anxiously, reaching out to grab the child from Jing Zhe's hands, "If you want him to live, don't move!" Glaring at him, Jing Zhe sat on the chair and opened Shuan'er's mouth to take a look, then patted the back of his neck...

At this time, the people crowded in the room couldn't understand what was going on, and all of them stared nervously at Jing Zhe and the child in Jing Zhe's arms, not daring to make a sound.

Chu Xia moved to Lin Chudong's side and comforted him in a low voice: "Brother, Brother Jing is a famous doctor in the province."

Lin Chudong was so nervous that he couldn't say anything, so he just kept nodding his head, and tears kept streaming down his eyes, clearly feeling his fear and sadness from the bottom of his heart, Chu Xia only patted Rubbing his back, trying to make him relax.


The voice was heard in everyone's ears, it was as sweet as fairy music, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief by coincidence.

"Fortunately, it's sugar, and it doesn't get stuck deep, otherwise it would be troublesome without tools..." Jing Zhe lightly ran down Shuan'er's back and explained to everyone, "The sugar will melt due to the effect of saliva. However, it will stick to it, and it will be useless if you don’t take it hard enough. If it is too much, it will hurt the child. It is difficult for inexperienced people to save themselves. Notice."

"Shuan'er! Shuan'er!..." Zheng Sanqiao howled and rushed in, followed by Lin Baojiang who looked anxious. Sanqiao fell silent all of a sudden.

"Wow wow wow..." Shuan'er's cry rang out clearly. Lin Chudong was so excited that he didn't know why, so he simply "thumped" to kneel down to Jing Zhe and was about to kowtow, but Chu Xia quickly stopped him, "Brother, you What are you doing, hurry up and hug Shuaner."

Jing Zhe smiled and handed Shuan'er to Lin Chudong: "Coaxing children is not my strong point." The other party took care of the child's funeral, he and Chu Xia pulled Lin Chudong up from left to right, and smiled at each other , "I'm a doctor, no matter whose family's children I meet, I will save them."

"You are Shuan'er's savior..." Lin Chudong blushed, but he didn't know how to express his gratitude, and the veins on his neck stood out.

Lin Baohe stepped forward and patted his nephew on the shoulder: "Chudong, Jing Zhe is the elder brother of Chu Xia's grandpa's family, and also a good friend of your brother-in-law. There will be many things to do in the future. If you are really grateful, let Shuaner remember him." Now, we must not forget Uncle Jing's life-saving grace in the future."

Jing Zhe answered with a smile: "That is, to train Shuan'er well and make him promising is the best thanks to me."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Apart from answering, Lin Chudong didn't know what to say anymore. He was already a dumb man. At this moment, he just experienced fear, excitement and surprise... so he didn't know what to say.

Zheng Sanqiao and Lin Baojiang stepped forward anxiously, reaching out their hands to hug Shuan'er, Lin Chudong twisted his body, avoiding the hands they extended, and didn't say a word.

"Chudong, mother knows it's wrong, don't blame mother, let mother hug Shuan'er, Chudong, let mother hug Shuan'er..." Zheng Sanqiao stretched out his hand to his son while crying.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, your family is busy today, so I won't be here to join in the fun, and I will come to see you later." As if he didn't see Zheng Sanqiao's extended hand, Lin Chudong walked towards Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe Farewell, bowed to Jing Zhe again, hugged Shuan'er and went out.

Zheng Sanqiao hesitated, and hurriedly chased him out.

Lin Baojiang walked towards Lin Baohe, his lips trembled for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

"Hey!" With a heavy sigh, Lin Baohe clapped his big hand on Lin Baojiang's shoulder, "Brother, you don't need to say anything, as long as you live a good life, you will be my brother in the future."

"Baohe, I'm sorry, big brother is not a joke. After all these years, big brother has nothing to be sorry for you. I don't want to hide it. Just now we forced Baojiang to come and intercede for me. If he doesn't come, he Mother became angry and threw the broom out, almost killing Shuan'er.

We chased after Dr. Zhao's house, and the old lady said that Dr. Zhao was not at home, which really frightened us. When we came out to inquire, she said that Chudong came to the second brother's place with Shuan'er in his arms.

Along the way, my heart was full of turmoil, and all kinds of bad thoughts came out. If something happened to Shuan'er, we grandparents would not be able to explain to him after death.

It is said that it is for the good of the child, but in fact, it is still for the sake of my competitive face, Baohe, I am older than you for many years, but I have never understood it, I am sorry for you! "

"Brother, from now on, just be good, just be good, it's not too late, it's not too late to understand." Lin Baohe said, his eyes were red, he could feel that Lin Baojiang didn't say this just to plot against him, She must have been really frightened by Shuan'er.

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