The second watch arrives.

Grandpa Dagang's prestige in the village is there. Of course, everyone will sell his face when he speaks. Moreover, the excitement is almost over. Now everyone urgently needs three groups of five groups to digest the gossip.

When there were no outsiders in the house, Grandpa Dagang looked at Grandpa Lin guiltily: "It's not that I don't want to help Baohe. I live in a village. I can't say anything about this kind of thing. Brother, you have to take care of it."

"Brother, don't say that, we understand your difficulties." Uncle Lin also sighed, "We don't want to pursue anything that is similar, but I can see that old couple too. If they don't scare them, they will Still have to fix some messy things.

Zhiliang has feelings for the village, and he wants to come back often in the future. I can't follow him every time, so this time I've sorted things out, and we can rest assured when he comes back in the future. "

"These..." There was no outsider in the room she couldn't trust, so Zhao Yulan took out a gold bracelet, a gold ring and gold earrings from her pocket, "Baohai's daughter-in-law brought them here, and said that the old lady gave them to her."

Grandpa Lin took it over, looked at it carefully, and nodded: "Yes, they belong to our family. There should be three pairs of gold bracelets. I can't remember the earrings and rings. If she can give these to her daughter-in-law, it means that the remaining It's still in her hands."

"Ah!" Grandpa Dagang sighed again, "If it wasn't for the fact that there is no place to sell them, there probably wouldn't be any left. Those couple were eaters and spenders when they were young."

Chu Xia was secretly dumbfounded, fortunately it was this era, if it were five years later. There is absolutely nothing left of these things, or. There are many good things in the old man and old lady? "Take it." Just thinking about it, Grandma Lin handed the bracelet and finger to her. "Take it as the dowry given to you by your grandparents, and let your grandpa take back the rest for you."

"Okay, I'll take it." Chu Xia happily put it in his pocket, and laughed, "In the blink of an eye, I'm also a rich man."

"You child..." Zhao Yulan looked at her amusedly and angrily, "How can you protect things like this? You haven't even read it yet, so you put it away?"

"It's nothing to look at. You can't wear it outside now, but when you can wear it in the future, you will see it." Chu Xia made a financial fan, "I want to see it after it's in my pocket? How is that possible! "

"You child..." At this moment, even Lin Baohe couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm just kidding you." Chu Xia took out the things with a grin, and stuffed them into Zhao Yulan's hands, "Mother, this is a betrothal gift from your grandparents, you accept it. They will be happy."

Zhao Yulan's eye sockets turned red immediately,

When she married Lin Baohe, the Lin family didn't give a single gift, and she brought many things from home. Because she likes Lin Baohe, she doesn't care whether she sticks to it or not, but. It would be a lie to say that she didn't care about gossip from outsiders at all.

Daughter does it. It was obviously trying to make up for her regrets, for fear that she would be embarrassed to accept it. Just lift the real parents-in-law out to crush her, the daughter is really grown up and knows how to love others!

"I can't wear it either. I'm worried about losing it. I don't want it." Zhao Yulan said as she returned the item to Mrs. Lin. It felt like holding a hot potato.

"Hold it!" Grandma Lin stuffed it back into her hand, and firmly held her hand, "This belongs to your parents-in-law. We are not qualified to collect it for you. If you want to give it to your daughter and grandson in the future, that is your freedom. Anyway, you have to accept it now."

Seeing that his wife was still trying to evade, Lin Baohe sighed softly: "Yulan, if your parents are alive, they will definitely give you more than this. Accept it. Accepting it means that you approve of the Lin family. If you agree to marry me, you will not marry me." regret."

"I didn't regret it at all." Zhao Yulan whispered.

"Master, these are left by the second master." Two tall and strong men brought in a small bag and handed it to Grandpa Lin, who opened it conveniently. Inside were several other bracelets that were the same as the bracelet just now. , plus a pair of gold earrings, a gold ring, four fine jade pendants, two golden hairpins, and a pair of silver bracelets.

One of the men pointed to the silver bracelet and said, "The old lady took it off by herself, we didn't force it."

The corner of Chu Xia's mouth twitched, just that old lady, wouldn't she be forced to twitch? Unless it is brain-changed.

"Take it." Grandpa Lin handed everything to Zhao Yulan: "Whether you can wear it or not, and you can see people or not, these are all handed down by the ancestors of the Lin family, and the ones you pick out are all real family heirlooms." , these jewelry are all things in the palace, put them away properly, the direction of the wind will not change again, don't worry."

Obviously, Grandpa Lin didn't want Zhao Yulan to dare to accept it because of fear. In the past few years, if these things were found from anyone's house, they would all be confiscated, and even lost their heads for it. Well, from this point of view, old man Lin and Mrs. Lin are very brave.

"Okay, I'll take it." After Grandpa Lin said that, Zhao Yulan would certainly not refuse, otherwise, it would seem that she didn't dare to take it because she was afraid of getting into trouble.

Almost no one doesn't like these things, but because of the age, they can only be kept privately. However, even after a few years, these things can't be worn out. Chu Xia studied them one by one, secretly regretting, except for the bracelet And the ring, and others, probably can only be kept at the bottom of the box, which is too wasteful.

In the eyes of the great aunt, she only thought that she liked these things because of a girl's nature, so she smiled and said: "Xiao Chuxia, there are some small things that the great aunt can bring, and the great aunt will bring them to you later."

"No, no, no..." Chu Xia hurriedly refused, "Grandma, I'm a quasi-military doctor, how can I wear jewelry, it's a waste if you give it to me."

The old lady made up her mind to give it: "It's the same if you just leave it alone, there is nothing to waste."

Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to cast her eyes on Zhao Yulan for help, "It's useless to look at me, what can I do?" A certain mother unscrupulously sold her daughter...

The lunch is ready-made steamed stuffed buns, and Zhao Yulan just got out of the pot, Fat Aunt and Luo Gang came over with two food boxes, stir-fried pork with leeks, fried pork with celery, fried pork with garlic moss, stewed tofu with Chinese cabbage, fried saury fish and stewed mushrooms Chicken, very hearty six dishes.

Everyone was courteous and had a lively lunch.

After the meal, everyone was chatting, Chu Xia walked to Jing Zhe and whispered: "Brother, come with me to my uncle's house."

"Okay." Jing Zhe didn't ask the reason, and responded happily, got up and followed her out, Lin Wenbin quickly chased her out, "Where are you going, why don't you take me?"

"My sister and I have some things to do, can you not meddle?" Although he didn't know what Chu Xia asked him to do, but instinctively, Jing Zhe didn't like someone robbing him of his sister.

"Chu Xia is my younger sister, she is related by blood, and she is closer than you." Lin Wenbin smiled shyly at Chu Xia, "Xia'er, if you need to find my brother in the future, we will be closer."

"Okay, okay, let's go together." Chu Xia couldn't reason, so he had to drag the two together and bring them both.

"Sister, where are we going now?" Lin Wenbin asked curiously. His image and personality really don't match up to death. He is a tall and strong man around 1.8 meters, chattering, and loves to gossip. Chu Xia looked at him, which was funny. Shaking his head, "Brother, I really admire you, how can you make your image and personality so polarized?"

"I'm only this close to you. Do you think I'm close to everyone?" Lin Wenbin rolled his eyes, "I treat you like my own sister, Chu Xia, you can't break my heart."

"Okay, okay, I won't hurt your heart." Chu Xia shook his head amusedly, "I'll go to my uncle's house. It's not easy for my parents to come forward about this matter, so it's most suitable for me to go."

"Beat that old man and old lady?" Lin Wenbin rolled up his sleeves, eager to try.

Chu Xia looked him up and down: "Are you planning to beat them with your own hands?"

"It's kind of bullying for me to beat them up. I'll leave it to you, the old man. If anyone else dares to help, I'll beat you to death!" After speaking, Lin Wenbin waved his fist with a little excitement on his face.

"Why don't you go back." Chu Xia stopped and pushed him back, "I'm afraid of you looking so smart."

"What is a frame?"

"Psychopathy for fighting."

Lin Wenbin: "..."

Jing Zhe grinned: "Go back, Jiajing."

"I think you're a good fighter." Lin Wenbin rolled his eyes at him, then looked at Chu Xia curiously, "You didn't go to fight, then what did you do? Could it be that you have to apologize to them?"

"Why are they so beautiful?" Seeing that this big cousin is a master who breaks the casserole pattern to the end, Chu Xia had to explain to him in a low voice, "I don't worry if I don't go and see, what should I do if my parents are bullied again in the future?"

"I don't understand." Lin Wenbin shook his head in confusion, "Forget it, I'll just follow you, I don't need to understand."

When they arrived at Lin Baohai's home, Mrs. Lin was sitting under the kang crying with tears and snot running down her nose. Chuchun sat on the side watching the fun with a blank expression on his face, while Lin Chuqiu squatted by the door with a dead face, not knowing what he was thinking.

The appearance of the three made the voices in the room suddenly stop.

"What are you doing here?" Granny Lin got up from the ground with a high-pitched voice, stretched out her hand and took a step forward, and after seeing Jing Zhe and Lin Wenbin, she quickly shrank back in fright.

"Want to hit me?" Chu Xia looked at her with a funny face, "Do you really want to go to jail? Hit me if you want to go, come on, I'm sure I won't hide, but I also guarantee that you will wear out the prison, don't believe you Just try it!"

Mrs. Lin shrank her neck and stopped talking.

Old man Lin rolled his eyes at Chu Xia, and put down his cigarette pouch: "You came to see a joke? Now that you see it, let's go."

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