As soon as the watch arrives, I continue to write code words worryingly.

"Xiao Chuxia, what do you mean? Huh?" Mr. Li pointed to the snack cans on the ground in Chuxia, "Old man, am I that greedy for money?"

"Who said you're greedy for money?" Chu Xia's eyes widened, with an expression of righteous indignation, "If anyone dares to say that you're always greedy for money, I'll be in a hurry with him!"

"That's what you said." Mr. Li snorted, "I was just joking with you, you continue to carry such a big bag of things, you are slapping the old man in the face, don't you know?"

"Grandpa, you misunderstood..." Chu Xia asked for help and aimed at his aunt Li Aiyuan. Grandpa and grandpa never mentioned the matter of Mr. Li's birthday.

She was also to blame, she ran in in a hurry just now, and forgot to mention the gift, alas, I need to have a longer memory in the future, no wonder there are many "li".

"Father, don't embarrass Chu Xia, my parents-in-law sent her to us in such a hurry, it must be something urgent at home..."

Mr. Li interrupted her displeasedly: "What's the matter with you? I'm talking to Xiao Chuxia, what's the matter with you, ah?"

This old man, he was never so difficult before...

Helpless, Chu Xia had no choice but to grin foolishly and stay silent. She didn't know what to say, and she was racking her brains for ideas.

"Chu Xia, you married a good wife, didn't you?" Mr. Li asked.

"Grandpa, what do you want me to say about this?" Chu Xia looked embarrassed, "I think my in-law's family is good. But, I really want to admit it. Isn't it a bit too thick-skinned? What if you do it again Because I have the cheek to punish me, what should I do?"

"Hahaha..." Mr. Li smiled and waved his hands. "Okay, it's not hard for you guys, let's go, Xiao Chuxia, come to grandpa to play when you have time, and forget about grandpa and his family when you don't want to be successful."

Although it is not clear what the old man is playing, Chu Xia hurriedly answered: "Grandpa, how can it be, no matter what time it is, I will never forget you, grandma, and uncles and aunts."

"Okay, okay. Come back quickly, don't make Lao Zhao wait in a hurry..." Mr. Li pointed to a pile of food on the ground, "Chu Xia, take it back to honor your grandma and grandpa, I received too many presents for my birthday today , I can’t finish it in a while, and it’s a waste if it’s broken. Take it back and give it to them, Lu Ping. Pick some rare ones and add them. Don’t let the old man say that I searched, I want him..."


We walked. " Before Mr. Li could finish speaking, Li Aiyuan dragged Chu Xia to the outside, and Zhao Yushan and Zhao Qihui quickly followed.

"The water thrown by the married girl is really right. I'm facing her, she doesn't know that I'm facing her." Mr. Li waved his hand at everyone, "Ignore her. Let's chatter."

Li Aiyuan's elder brother, sister-in-law, younger siblings, and younger sister all followed. Seeing the car parked at the door, there was obvious surprise in his eyes.

"Aiyuan, I guess your parents-in-law are in a hurry, put the car here first, and let Lu Ping and the others send it over later, you go first." Li Aiyuan's sister-in-law reacted very quickly. Things settled down.

"Okay, sister-in-law, then I will trouble you." Li Aiyuan was not polite to her, opened the door and got in the car. When she saw Lin Chuxia who was sitting honestly in the back seat, she was obviously stunned. She glanced at Lin Wenbin, then looked clear, obviously, she had misunderstood, she had met Jing Zhe, but she had never met Lin Wenbin, so she naturally regarded Lin Chuxia as Lin Wenbin's girlfriend or something.

"Hello Auntie, Hello Uncle, Hello Sister." Lin Chuxia greeted several people politely, with a faint smile on her face, and there were still tears in the corners of her eyes.

Li Aiyuan glanced at Lin Wenbin quickly, and seeing that the other person looked normal, she twitched her mouth in dissatisfaction, and hugged Lin Chuxia's shoulder affectionately: "Hi, girl."

When Chu Xia saw the expression on her aunt's face, how could she not know what she was thinking, so she hurriedly introduced: "Uncle, aunt, sister, she is Lin Chuxia from Xiaoxiazhuang. We met, so we will take her back along the way."

Li Aiyuan felt a little embarrassed when she thought of the way she looked at Lin Wenbin just now, and coughed in disguise: "I said this girl looks familiar, so she has the same name as Chuxia in our family, ha ha..."

Chu Xia has black lines all over her head, does a name look familiar...

In front of Lin Chuxia, Chuxia couldn't ask her grandparents why they didn't tell her about Mr. Li's birthday, and she was also puzzled by Mr. Li's strange behavior just now, but for the time being, she could only keep these doubts in her in stomach.

The journey from Po'er Village to Xiaolin Village was only a few minutes away. Putting my aunt's family at the entrance of the alley, Chu Xia went straight to my sister-in-law's house with Jing Zhe and Lin Wenbin.

"What happened when I went in?" Looking at Lin Chuxia's gloomy expression, Chu Xia asked, remembering that when she got out of the car, Lin Chuxia had already returned to normal, that's why she asked this question.

"He followed me to scold me, but..." Lin Chuxia quickly glanced at Lin Wenbin, "This elder brother helped me drive him away."

"The 'he' you mentioned is the man who came out of the yard when you were hit by the car door?" Chu Xia asked.

"Yeah." Lin Chuxia nodded, "He is engaged to me and will get married next month, but the day before yesterday, their family sent a letter from a matchmaker asking me to come over.

I just came, but I didn't expect that as soon as I walked in, his parents and he said that they would not marry me and wanted to withdraw from the marriage, and asked me to pay them back the banquet money for the engagement.

They said that they were afraid that I would not pay it back, so they used the car I rode as collateral. I asked them what happened, but they didn't say anything, and said that it was not suitable for me. "

"Is there such a scum?" Chu Xia blinked and swallowed, "There is such a scum?"

Her appearance is so cute, Lin Wenbin couldn't help but turn around and rub her head: "Yes, there are all kinds of people in this world, do you think they are all good people like your brother?"

"Brother, it's not good for us to be so narcissistic." Chu Xia shook his head speechlessly, "I didn't expect there to be such a scumbag, but Lin Chuxia, I think such a family should leave early, otherwise, You really married into their family, and you will be the one who suffers in the future!" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but shook his head again, "It's so strange that we have the same name, and I feel like persuading myself when I persuade you."

She was called Lin Chuxia before, and she is still called Lin Chuxia now. Therefore, when she said this name, she had a strong sense of belonging, and she really felt that she was trying to persuade herself.

"Pfft!" Lin Chuxia was amused by her, "Although we have the same name, our personalities are vastly different. If I were as cheerful as you, they would definitely not want me."

"It's not that you are bad, it's that they don't know how to cherish. Don't be sad. You are still young. There must be a better man waiting for you. By the way, what did that man do just now?"

The corners of Jing Zhe's mouth twitched imperceptibly. He has been with Chu Xia for so long, and he understands her character. Her curiosity is similar to that of a cat.

"He probably didn't come back to his senses when I left with you, but after thinking about it, he followed me and told me..." Lin Chuxia bit her lips and couldn't continue.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia made a good guess: "Did he suspect that you had something to do with my brother and the others, and then slandered you?"


"It's so scumbag!" Chu Xia looked at Lin Wenbin, "Brother, did you beat his teeth out?"

Lin Wenbin slapped his forehead fiercely: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? I should have smashed all his teeth, oh, it's too cheap for him to have black eyes, no, next time we meet, I must Give him a few teeth, dare to say that Chu Xia is not good, can he say my sister's name casually?"

"The man said that as soon as he finished saying Lin Chuxia, Lin Wenbin went down and blackened the circles of his eyes," Jing Zhe explained.

"Your brother is really kind to you." Lin Chuxia said sincerely. At that time, she was a little confused and didn't understand the situation. Now, after hearing Jing Zhe's explanation, after thinking about it again, she immediately understood that they were fighting. Not for her, but for my younger sister, just because my younger sister's name was called so harshly, or in other words, I didn't want the man to say insulting words to this name later.

It's nice to have a brother! It's a pity that this is not enviable.

"Brother, you are really my dear brother..." Chu Xia smiled at Lin Wenbin, "I will love me so much after I have a sister-in-law, okay?"

"That is necessary. No one is more important than my sister." Lin Wenbin raised an eyebrow at Jing Zhe, "From this matter, who is closer to my sister?"

"I lost to you." Jing Zhe nodded, "I must admit that you are the elder brother who loves my sister more than I do. From now on, I will learn from you."

"Forget it, I'm her own brother, I can't treat her too much, if you are like this, others will misunderstand." Lin Wenbin patted Jing Zhe on the shoulder with sympathy, "Second brother, you can only Be the second child."

Jing Zhe: "..."

The three of them first sent Lin Chuxia to the entrance of Xiaoxiazhuang Village, and then turned to Luanjia Village where Lin Baojuan was.

Lin Baojuan was standing at the door talking to the neighbor's wife, when she saw a car approaching from a distance, she stopped talking and stretched her neck to look around.

The daughter-in-law of the neighbor's family also looked around, and then said enviously: "Whenever we can ride in this big car, alas, I heard from my natal brother, it is very comfortable to sit on, just like sitting in the house. "As he spoke, he slapped his forehead fiercely, "By the way, my sister-in-law has already sat down, look at my brain, sister-in-law, tell me, is it true what my brother said, just as comfortable as sitting in a house ?”

"Crunch!" At the same time as the neighbor's daughter-in-law's voice fell, the car stopped beside the two of them. Chu Xia poked her head out of the car window first, "Sister-in-law!"

"Xia?" Lin Baojuan looked surprised, "Didn't you just go back, why did you come back again? Why didn't your parents come?"

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