This is almost three chapters, and they will be published together. Dear friends, don’t forget to count the votes~

"Sister-in-law, Qihui is much more cheerful. Besides, she has a quiet temperament, unlike Chu Xia, who was a monkey when she was a child." Knowing that Li Aiyuan was worried about Zhao Qihui, Zhao Yulan went to her and whispered to her.

"Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, and I'm going to be a year older, how can I not worry?..." Li Aiyuan couldn't help sighing, "We can't let her see that we are anxious in front of her, but we can delay it for a day or two. year, what should I do?"

Zhao Qihui was exactly twenty-four years old after the new year, and it was very difficult to find someone of a decent age. Zhao Yulan didn't know how to comfort her for a while, so she just sighed.

The appearance of the sister-in-law and sister-in-law caught Qiao Ying's attention, so she asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with the second sister-in-law and sister-in-law Aiyuan? If it's convenient, tell me, and we can help you out."

Jiang Xinwan, who made the dumplings and put them on the cover mat, also said: "Yes, we are all a family, and we will solve any difficulties together, don't worry about it yourself."

"No one can help you with this matter, you have to rely on the child..." Li Aiyuan hesitated for a moment, then told about Zhao Qihui and Zhao Yuanbao,

Of course, she didn't tell the truth about Zhao Yuanbao's character. She was gone, and she didn't want to tell the other party's bad things from her own mouth. made.

Speaking up. Yuan Bao's father and Yuan Bao's mother are also very pitiful, since Yuan Bao is gone. The mental head is gone all of a sudden, the two of them are just fifty. It looks like sixty or seventy, if there are two married daughters who come back to see the couple from time to time, it is hard to say whether they can survive.

What's more, there was an old lady in her seventies paralyzed on the kang. Looking at the big family, they were pitiful everywhere. up. What's the use of hating? Those who are alive are already sad enough, why sprinkle another pinch of salt on their wounds?

The problem was that she had concealed it so much, Qiao Ying and Jiang Xinwan, who didn't know the truth, took it for granted that Zhao Qihui's unhappiness was due to their inability to let go of their relationship with Zhao Yuanbao.

This actually made the two of them agree with Li Aiyuan's statement that "no one can help, only the child can rely on himself", and they sighed and sighed.

Zhao Yulan watched helplessly, but after all, she was not very familiar with Qiao Ying and Jiang Xinwan. It's not easy to tell the truth, but she has an idea and wants to go back and discuss it with Lin Baohe.

Just at this time, Zhao Qihui came back from the outside. Seeing that everyone was busy making dumplings, I was a little embarrassed, after saying hello.

Hurry up to wash your hands and come over to help, "Where's Chu Xia?" She asked Zhao Yulan.

Zhao Yulan nodded her chin into the room: "It's inside. I was arguing with Miao Miao just now."

"I guess you're angry with me." Zhao Qihui smiled flatteringly at Zhao Yulan, "Sister, can you say something nice for me, okay?"

"What's going on?" Zhao Yulan was puzzled, "Looking at the way she came back just now, she doesn't look angry?"

"When Chuxia went to pick us up from my grandma's village..." Zhao Qihui told a few people about a series of things that happened in the afternoon. In fact, at this moment, she also wanted to hear the opinions of the elders. After believing the man, she was also a little ambiguous and uncertain.

However, she also believed that Chu Xia knew Lin Chuxia better than they knew Yao Xinshan, so she persuaded Su Qin to be more cautious, but Su Qin couldn't listen to it, and after a long time of persuasion, she strengthened the other party's determination. Next, she's back.

It's not that she is willing to meddle in other people's business, but after all, she is a good sister who grew up together, and she doesn't want to see the other party being cheated. If it is really like what Lin Chuxia said, Yao Xinshan has a problem with his absolute quality. A man would probably be nice to Su Qin for the sake of profit at first, but after a long time, when he has a child, his true colors will probably be revealed. By then, it will be too late to regret, and his whole life will probably be ruined.

After listening to her account of the cause and effect, Li Aiyuan was the first to vote against it: "It doesn't matter whether the girl who shares the same name as Xia in our family is telling the truth or not, just because of his enthusiasm for Xiaoqin's job as a worker in the county, it doesn't matter. What a treat."

"Well, that's the reason." Zhao Yulan sighed, "It's easy to make this kind of mistake when you're young, Qihui, wait two days before persuading her, she probably won't listen to what you say right now. went in."

"That man is indeed not a good thing." Qiao Ying interjected, "But I have to say, this man is a little quick-witted. Most people will definitely panic when they encounter this scene. How can they quickly fight back and win?"

"Yeah." Zhao Qihui nodded, "At first, I thought he was not a thing, but seeing his explanation without changing his face, I doubted my judgment, let alone the one who was optimistic about him before. Su Qin."

"Sister-in-law, Chu Xia is quite good at judging people at such a young age." Qiao Ying looked at Zhao Yulan with a smile, "You still think she has a childish temper, I see, it's not easy to make her suffer."

"Praise me?" Chu Xia led Miao Miao out and said with a smile.

"Xia..." Zhao Qihui smiled flatteringly at her, "Send that Lin Chuxia home?"

"Well, I sent it back." Chu Xia looked at her amusedly, "Sister, why are you guilty?"

"I'm afraid you'll be angry with me." Zhao Qihui looked at her calmly, "I should have believed you, but at that time I was shaken."

"I'm not that narrow-minded yet." Chu Xia moved to Zhao Qihui's side with a gossipy face, "How did Su Qin decide in the end?"

"How else can I decide?" Zhao Qihui smiled wryly, "Yao Xinshan was the first man she fell in love with. Now she believes in Yao Xinshan with all her heart. In fact, when we told her about Yao Xinshan's resignation , don't you think she is a little dubious, otherwise, she wouldn't suggest that we bring Lin Chuxia to confront her.

I really regret listening to her now, but in the end I made brother Lin and brother Jing to follow suit, Xia. I'm sorry, I won't cause you this kind of trouble again. "

Chu Xia waved his hand: "It's okay. Whether Su Qin believes it or not, I feel that the work was not in vain. At least, that Lin Chuxia can fully understand what kind of person Yao Xinshan is through this matter, and he can do it in the future." Accept others frankly, and no longer worry about why he divorced her.

As for Su Qin, we gave her a chance to see Yao Xinshan clearly. If she insists on not believing it and jumping into the fire pit, then there is really nothing she can do about it, and her future will be better. She can only blame herself.

Sister, you have done your best, so stop taking responsibility on yourself. You are not her parents, and you have no obligation to let her hate you now in order to let her live well. "

Zhao Qihui smiled bitterly and said: "Her parents won't offend her just to make her live better, they just want to get more gifts from her, alas! If I don't help her wink, no one will care Her life."

Chu Xia showed disapproval on her face: "She still has to live her own life, and besides, you think you are doing it for her own good, but she may think that you are objecting because of jealousy."

Zhao Qihui sighed and nodded: "It's possible. Ever since her sister-in-law agreed to take her to the city as a worker, all the young men and women in the village have been envious. She probably can't be trusted by anyone now, or else she wouldn't You can't listen to my advice at all."

Chu Xia curled her lips: "If this is the case, she chose the wrong person. She can't blame others."

Zhao Yulan felt that her daughter's words were reasonable, but it would make people feel a little heartless. She didn't want the relatives she had just met to dislike her daughter because of this, so she looked at Qiao Ying and Jiang Xinwan worriedly.

"Second sister-in-law. Didn't we say earlier that Chu Xia looks very much like her grandma? Now we find that her personality is very similar to her grandma. She is kind-hearted, but not indecisive, and she does things simply and neatly. If the old lady is alive, she must be treated like a treasure." I don't know if it was because of seeing Zhao Yulan's eyes, Jiang Xinwan made such a speech.

"When I was in the hospital, I thought Chu Xia had a good personality." Qiaoying said, using her arm to crutch Miao Miao who was standing beside her, "Didn't you admire your sister Chu Xia? She can't look like her, and her personality is like hers. That will do."

"Auntie, Auntie, are you praising me on purpose to reassure my mother?" Chu Xia smiled calmly, "We are relatives, I don't want to pretend in front of you, for me, it is worth my kindness to him People, I will really treat him well, it's not worth it, what does life and death have to do with me?"

"Everyone in the Lin family has such a temper. When I see you later, your sister-in-law must like you very much. She has such a personality." Jiang Xinwan said and looked at Zhao Yulan, "Sister and sister, I didn't say that to make you happy. After getting along with us for a long time, you will know that what I said is true or false."

Qiao Ying laughed: "Second sister-in-law still doesn't think we are a family, otherwise, how could there be such scruples?"

"No..." Zhao Yulan wanted to explain, but found that what he said was fundamentally correct, so she smiled embarrassingly and was speechless.

Li Aiyuan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Turning around, she wanted to tell her husband and parents-in-law about this scene, so that they could also relax. The old man and Mrs. Lin in the past only knew about exploitation, but now these real relatives, although We just met, but we can tell at a glance that we sincerely treat them as relatives, and even want to make up for it. Speaking of it, my sister-in-law has finally come to the end of her hardships.

When the dumplings came out of the pot, the second uncle Zhao Yushui and the second aunt Lin Xiaohua came, and as soon as they entered the door, Lin Xiaohua took Zhao Yulan's arm affectionately: "Little sister, I heard that your Jiabaohe has found a rich relative, so let me tell you , the little sister is blessed, no, the blessing comes as soon as it is said.

We are all blessed, our family Qiyan, the one who is married now is a good one, her in-laws treat her well, treat her like a baby, Zhenqiang is also a good child, listen to her in everything.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Xiaomei's family for this matter. If it wasn't for Chuxia's joy, she would never meet Zhenqiang, and it would be impossible to have such a good life. Wherever she wants to go, no matter how busy Zhenqiang is at work, she will go with her.

Little sister, you can't be so spoiled by son-in-law Xia, how can you just let Xia come back by himself? No matter how big the official is, he still has to hurt his wife. Do you think it makes sense? "

Dare to show off.

Zhao Yulan was embarrassed to turn against her, but it doesn't mean that Chu Xia was also embarrassed. She stepped forward and pulled Zhao Yulan's arm out of Lin Xiaohua's hand, and looked at Lin Xiaohua with a fake smile: "Who are you? Li my mother Stay away!"

The smile on Lin Xiaohua's face stopped immediately, and then she slapped her hands, but she didn't wait for her to show off. Zhao Yushan came out holding Zhao Yushui's neck: "Take this sweet potato and go, if you let her come again. My parents don't have your son, and I don't have your brother!"

Lin Xiaohua is not afraid of Zhao Yushui. It didn't mean that she wasn't afraid of Zhao Yushan. After what happened last time, she knew that no one in this world could treat her unconditionally except Zhao Yushui.

If her daughter had married a good family before, she would have left Zhao Yushui to enjoy life, but now, she would not be so foolish as to think that her son-in-law's family would really support her unconditionally.

Want to live a stable life. She still has to be with Zhao Yushui, and after living with Zhao Yushui for so many years, she also knows that Zhao Yushui is honest and useless, but extremely filial, if she wants to stay by his side for the rest of her life, she must let her parents-in-law and elder brother accept her. Own.

During this period of time, she has actually been flattering the old man, the old lady, and the uncles and sisters-in-law, but everyone treats her indifferently, when she came here just now. She did come to congratulate her after hearing the rumors outside, but when she saw Chu Xia, the humiliation she had suffered in the past welled up in her heart, and she couldn't help but want to stab her a few words.

Unexpectedly, it made the elder brother angry. At this moment, she was really regretful, and immediately retracted her hands, with a flattering smile on her face: "Brother, many people have asked about our little brother-in-law's family, but we don't know anything. We are just afraid Outsiders think that our family is not in harmony, so I came here with Yushui.

Magnolia. I was wrong, Chu Xia, I’m sorry, my little aunt doesn’t hate you anymore, in fact, my little aunt escaped all the way back by herself to blame herself and not you, my little aunt knows..."

Well, at this time, he still didn't forget to put eye drops on himself, Chu Xia rolled his eyes at her, and dragged Zhao Yulan into the room: "Mother, let's go in for dinner."

"Bad woman!" Miao Miao, who was following Chu Xia, was now a solid supporter of Chu Xia, glared at Lin Xiaohua, moved into the threshold, and closed the door with a "bang".

"Let's go." Zhao Yushui sighed sullenly, and walked out with her head drooping. Today is different, so Lin Xiaohua had to follow up quickly. When she reached the door, she couldn't help but look back, her eyes were full of jealousy...

After dinner, Grandpa Tai, Grandpa Lin, Grandpa Lin and Chu Xia's family returned to Dalin Village. The kang in the new house was very big, women squeezed into a big kang, men squeezed into a big kang, and it took one night to make do.

The kang was warmed by the fat aunt, and everyone who was tired all day fell asleep after touching the kang.

At five o'clock in the morning, Zhao Yulan got up carefully to make breakfast, and Qiao Ying, who was extremely alert in her sleep, also got up carefully. As a result, she wanted to be a helper, but after helping for a while, she had no choice but to be honest. Sit aside as a spectator.

"Second sister-in-law, you are really capable." After watching for a while, Qiao Ying praised sincerely.

Zhao Yulan just laughed: "Siblings are really good at boasting. There are no children who grew up in the countryside who can't cook pots and stoves. Sisters are really amazing. Not everyone can do the work of curing diseases and saving lives."

"It's called each has its own strengths, but to be honest, if the second sister-in-law studies medicine, she will definitely be a good one. You can tell by how agile you are."

"It's just my big thick hand, or is it a good one?" Zhao Yulan sat down and stretched out her hand to Qiao Ying while pulling the bellows, "It's not like a brother and sister, like a spring onion, it's just a coincidence."

Qiao Ying laughed: "It's so coincidental that I burn and put out the fire for my sister-in-law once, haha..." After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Second sister-in-law, I will kiss you."

Zhao Yulan was taken aback, and immediately understood what she meant. Che Yali was Qiao Ying's aunt, and Qiao Ying told her in a disguised form that although Che Yali was her own aunt, she would not love her. She was grateful He smiled and said nothing.

At six o'clock, everyone got up one after another, and Zhao Yulan put breakfast on the table, white and fat bean buns, golden corn cakes, soft boiled sweet potatoes, sticky millet porridge... There is appetite.

Looking at the two tables full of people, Grandpa Lin couldn't help but sigh: "It's been so many years since we had such a lively breakfast."

The grand aunt nodded in agreement: "Yes, I'm all busy, and I can't even make it up for the New Year."

Miao Miao pouted and raised her hands to speak: "I really like eating with a lot of people, it's delicious."

Qiao Ying pulled off her hand and said with a smile: "Usually let her have a good breakfast, you have to beat her."

Zhao Yulan sighed helplessly: "When the child was young, she didn't like to eat, and Xia was the same when she was young. The family was poor, and she was picky about food. She was as thin as a bamboo pole. My father and I almost made her worry to death. Let’s just play this year. Only then will I know how to eat well.”

Chu Xia pouted secretly, it wasn't her at all, was it? Why. It's a scapegoat, it's decided. Most importantly, there seems to be a lot of people talking about this kind of scapegoat...

Miao Miao stared at her with bright eyes: "Sister Chuxia, no wonder I watched you kiss, we have the same personality!"

Children's thinking is so simple. If you like someone, you will feel that the common ground with the other person is beautiful, but where is all this? What is the same personality? well. The child who didn't graduate from primary school spoke, it really didn't make sense, a certain summer was faintly sad...

Not long after breakfast, the ox carts carrying paper horses, paper donkeys and other things to the grave also arrived at the door. Chen Jianxin came with him, and he helped to handle this matter.

After some chatter, everyone loaded the burning paper and offerings into another bullock cart. At this time, more than a dozen people who are very close to each other, including Grandpa Dagang, Chen Jianfeng, Luo Gangshun, and Aunt Fat, all came here. A group of people went to the cemetery mightily.

In terms of seniority, Taigu's grandmother is the oldest, so she doesn't need to go, but after so many years. She has been thinking about this matter in her heart, and she will go to the grave to talk about it no matter what.

"Shengjun. Qing'er, it's my sister-in-law's fault for letting you stay here all these years. My sister-in-law always takes chances. I always hope that one day you will appear in front of me. I know it's a dream, but I lied to myself." Myself, sister-in-law, I'm sorry..." The old lady cried and fell to the ground as she spoke, Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan hurried forward to comfort her.

After finally persuading the old lady, Grandpa Lin and Grandma Lin took all the juniors to pay homage to the younger brothers and sisters who had been alone in a foreign land for so many years, and then Grandpa Dagang presided over the opening of the grave ceremony.

The soil on the top was newly added, and the grave was easily completely dug up. The upper part of a thin coffin was already rotten, and it shattered when touched by hands. Looking at the pile of bones spread inside, let alone Taigu Grandma and Grandpa Lin, Grandpa Lin, those who lived with them, even Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan, who had never seen them, were crying so hard.

Grandpa Dagang, who was standing aside, sighed heavily. He decided to buy this pair of thin coffins with money from the public account and added a little more himself. Otherwise, what he saw now would be a pile of stalls. Bones in the ground.

From this point of view, old man Lin and Mrs. Lin are indeed cruel enough.

After all, these two couples died to save their son, and they left so much property in their hands, but they were able to lie to everyone without any burden, and did something unrelated to this matter. bystander...

Rulian was made by Lin Baohe's son himself. In fact, the remains were put into two bundles, and then buried in the coffin after arriving at the ancestral grave of the Lin family.

It is already grand enough to be able to do this. If he really came with the coffin, it is estimated that someone would intercept it for investigation before he was buried in the ground. As for whether the result will be bearable, it is really something that I dare not say.

Without any delay, the group left the ancestral grave in Dalin Village and set off for the capital. Of course Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan would accompany them. In early summer, they took Jing Zhe aside to discuss quietly and asked him to go back first. Otherwise, this delay would take several more God, like this, she is already very embarrassed.

Jing Zhe rejected her proposal, he said: "My brother-in-law told me to take good care of you and send you back to Zhou's house after the matter is completely finished, then I will complete the task."

Unexpectedly, they had to say goodbye after the first meeting, Aunt Fat and Luo Gangshun were extremely reluctant.

Zhao Yulan, who had just cried for a while, smiled forcedly: "We'll come back when we're done with our parents-in-law. When we return to City A, we'll be together. Don't you guys want to see Hongqi's girlfriend?"

"Okay, that's it." Fat Auntie hugged Zhao Yulan and patted her hard, "Yulan, I'm actually happy for you, you and Baohe have survived, and you don't need any messy relatives here in the future." Never mind, they like to make troubles, so don't bother with them from now on."

"Yeah." Zhao Yulan nodded solemnly, "I'll listen to you, and I won't talk to them in the future. Originally, I thought they raised Baohe, but today, when I saw the remains of her father-in-law and her mother-in-law, I was serious. Gratitude is gone, with a black heart to this extent, is he still human?"

At this time, Old Man Lin and Mrs. Lin were also among the crowd watching the excitement, her face was very ugly, but she was sensible and did not come to make trouble, and was made very uncomfortable by the strange eyes of the people around her, so Old Man Lin snorted coldly and turned around Walking home, Mrs. Lin quickly followed.

Second Grandpa Lin and Second Grandma Lin who stood behind them hesitated for a moment, but instead of following, they squeezed in front of Lin Baohe. Wipe away tears and say, poor child. You finally found your loved one, we are happy for you...

When Jiang Yuesheng rushed to Xiaolin Village. The convoy had left for a long time, and the spectators were all gone. He knocked on the door of Zhao Yulan's new house for a long time, but no one answered, and the fat aunt came over.

"What are you doing?" Fat Aunt also knew him, and she frowned, "Your wife is looking for Yulan's affairs when she has nothing to do, why are you here to make trouble? Is it because your wife is not embarrassing enough?"

"You are?" Jiang Yuesheng had scolded her in an official tone before, but now he didn't dare. Just smiled flatteringly, "I don't have a very good memory, and I can't match the numbers for a while."

"You don't need to match the numbers, I don't care too much." The fat aunt stared at him, "Are you here to apologize?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Jiang Yuesheng nodded again and again, "I just came to apologize to Yulan, it was my bastard's fault, hey, I was too angry after I knew it. I scolded her severely, and came to find her in person Yulan apologized, and Che Yali has already made a promise that she will never trouble Yulan again. If I hadn't stopped her, she would have apologized in person."

"Oh." Fat Aunt replied. "I'll tell Yulan about this, and you can go."

"Can I talk to her myself?"

"As you like." Fat aunt shook her hand and left. "She has left Dalin Village. If you can find her, just tell me yourself."

"Where did he go?" Jiang Yuesheng caught up with the fat aunt in two or three steps, "Please tell me, where did she go?"

"I can't." Fat Aunt turned around and entered the door, and closed the door with a "bang". Now her hands are itching badly, and she just wants to punch the other party half to death!

Luo Gangshun came out of the room and looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong with you? Who are you lucky with?"

The fat aunt held her chest and let out a long sigh of relief: "Jiang Yuesheng came to look for Yulan, and I got angry when I saw him, but he is in the hospital. If he is beaten to death, it won't be worth it."

Luo Gangshun: "..." Daughter-in-law, you really are a hero among girls...

Early the next morning, Chu Xia and his group finally arrived at the ancestral grave of the Lin family in the capital, and Lin Zhiling also came. Sure enough, as everyone said, it was 80% similar to Chu Xia. The remains of the Shengjun couple were buried in the ground.

Everything here has long been handed over to the relevant people. At this time, it is only necessary to move the remains into the coffin and seal the grave in the cave.

Back at the house at noon, everyone was too tired to talk. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, they rested in the arranged rooms. It was not until evening that they all recovered.

Needless to say, this dinner was lively.

Lin Zhiling and Chu Xia really had a bad temper, holding Chu Xia's hand, and couldn't see enough of Chu Xia's 200% suspicion that the other party was missing her girlhood.

Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan wanted to stay at the Lin family in the capital for a few more days to get to know everyone and visit relatives. They returned to City A with Jing Zhe early the next morning in early summer.

First go to Mr. Wan to say hello, then hurried to Zhou's house.

"Mom, I'm back." It was Lin Yanqiu who opened the door. Chu Xia smiled and hugged her and walked in. Seeing the old lady Zhou sitting in the living room, she said sweetly, "Grandma, I'm back!"

Lin Yanqiu, who came back to his senses, laughed and joked: "You really don't like nagging, kid. Grandma was still nagging me about you just now, so you came back."

A four or five-year-old girl hid behind Mrs. Zhou, timidly staring at Chu Xia.

Seeing Chu Xia's gaze fell on the little girl, Mrs. Zhou said, "This is Ying'er, Aiping's daughter." As she spoke, she pulled the little girl in front of her, pointed at Chu Xia, and said, "This is Third Aunt, Ying'er says hello to third aunt."

The little girl pursed her lips and didn't speak, she shrank straight behind the old lady. The old lady sighed and called Chu Xia to sit down: "Are you tired? Are you done with your grandparents' affairs?"

"Well, it's safe to be buried in the ground yesterday..." Chu Xia told the old woman and her mother-in-law in detail about the past few days, and they both sighed, and felt that what Old Man Lin did was too much .

"Where's grandpa?" Everyone else had gone to work, and Mr. Zhou was not there, so Chu Xia was a little puzzled.

The old lady Zhou said: "At such an advanced age, I'm going to use my remaining energy again. I'm going back to the capital with Old Man Ye."

"Oh." This kind of question is very sensitive, Chu Xia stopped asking more, and instead asked about other people's situation, the key point of course was to ask how her pregnant sister-in-law Yu Tao was doing now.

Lin Yanqiu said: "Your sister-in-law is very nice, and her reaction is not so great. I want her to rest at home for a while, but she refuses and has to go to work. Your elder brother will deliver her meals at noon every day and pick her up from get off work at night. It's okay, nothing to worry about."

When the few people were talking, Ying'er kept shrinking behind the old lady silently, her big eyes looked back and forth at the several people, and sometimes she looked straight at people, which was quite creepy.

After everyone's situation was finished, the old lady sighed: "There has been no news of Aiping. The Xiao family can't afford to support this child, so they sent it here."

Chu Xia understood that such a big incident happened to Xiao's family, and probably the relatives would not want to get involved, and they had to take care of their parents-in-law and granddaughter. Xiao Bingqi's wife probably couldn't stand it anymore, so they gave her granddaughter to her. Sent to Zhou's house.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia asked, "Grandma, Mom, I've been wondering why Ying'er doesn't follow Mom and Dad?"

"Aiping almost died when she gave birth to this child. She didn't have the energy to take care of her, so she was sent to Xiao Yuwen's hometown to be taken care of by Xiao Yuwen's mother. Later, her body recovered. When she came back to live, she was crying to death. Lu Yu'e loved her granddaughter so much that she always took her by her side. Aiping wanted to be free, so naturally she wouldn't stop her.

This time, if it wasn't really the end of the mountain, Lu Yu'e would not be able to send her back. In the first two days, she cried day and night, and couldn't be coaxed. These two days, she finally got better, but she still doesn't love her. Speaking, I am afraid of meeting strangers, but I am willing to meet strangers. This child was raised by his hometown, alas! "Sighed, the old lady Zhou didn't say the following words, the meaning was very clear, it was too petty to raise a good child.

Seeing that Chu Xia's face was a bit tired, Lin Yanqiu pushed her away: "I'm tired from the journey, so I'll go back to my room and sleep for a while, and I'll call you when I have lunch."

It was really exhausting, Chu Xia was not hypocritical, stood up and yawned: "Grandma, Mom, then I'll go to sleep for a while, go to grandpa's place to stay longer in the afternoon, and then go see Grandpa Jing and Grandma Jing, I have troubled Jing Zhe too much this time, without him, my father would not be able to find his relatives."

Lin Yanqiu gave her a blank look: "Okay, go, I didn't say I would stop you."

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