First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 426: Liberation equals death

One more.

"Brother, this incident will spread quickly. Grandpa and Dad will not allow her to be part of the Huang family. If you take the initiative to divorce, she will suffer less damage."

"I know." Huang Xinlong's voice was full of depression.

"I'm sorry." Guilt appeared in Huang Su'ai's eyes. Today's situation was caused by her. At that time, she really felt that it was not worthwhile for eldest brother to be with such a woman.

Even just now, she still felt that she was doing the right thing.

But now, seeing the pain in her elder brother's eyes with her own eyes, she was not happy at all.

Regardless of whether the woman is worth it or not, as long as the elder brother likes it, she can find a way to restrain her, so why do you have to get to this point?

In this instant, she understood her eldest brother's tolerance towards Ye Meiru, she was as rational as she was, let alone her elder brother?

"Aiai, it's Big Brother who's sorry for you." Huang Xinlong sat beside his sister and put his arms around her shoulders, "Don't worry, Big Brother won't do anything to embarrass you in the future, just being crazy once is enough."

She turned her face sideways, touched that ugly face with her hand, stroked it gently, and said in a voice like a dream, "Brother, as long as I'm here, I won't let you be wronged."

Huang Xinlong bit his lips hard to prevent himself from crying out loud. He is an elder brother and should protect his sister, but because of this face, he has become a burden to her sister...



The shrill cry woke Huang Suai from her sleep. She quickly got out of bed and ran to her brother's room. She had a very bad premonition in her heart...

The door is locked. She ignored the rules and etiquette and kicked up.

Ye Meiru stood at the door of the bathroom. Hugging my head and howling...

She ran over, her eyes were tearing in an instant, she kicked Ye Meiru down, ran in and jumped high and cut the rope, and hugged Huang Xinlong in her arms.

His body has stiffened.

The moment she hugged him, she knew it was too late.

No matter how good her medical skills are, at this time, she is useless.

Hope was shattered, and he couldn't find the motivation to live. He didn't want to continue to trouble his sister, so he chose to go to another world, which was the content of his suicide note.

Holding his cold body, holding the last handwriting he left her, she was like a puppet, without thoughts or souls...

Ye Meiru came back to her senses, and left with her packed luggage last night. She told Huang Su'ai that he had already decided to divorce me anyway, and his affairs had nothing to do with me.

Did Huang Suai hear that? She didn't know, anyway, she didn't want to stay in this house for a moment.

She to him. There is no love at all, at this time. Not even the slightest bit of sympathy. Such a cowardly man does not deserve her sympathy. And, obviously, by doing so, he chose his family, his sister.

From now on, the Huang family will regard her as an enemy, so why should she pretend anymore?

If he really loved her, how could he leave her with such an ending?

When Chuxia came home from get off work and got the news, she had a look of disbelief. The impression of Huang Xinlong came from Zhou Mikang and Jing Zhe's narration, and based on what he did before, she felt that he was taking advantage of others. Although Ye Meiru is not a good person, his actions show that he is not a good person either.

But now, he committed suicide because of Ye Meiru?

But she couldn't help but not believe it, because at this time, members of the Huang family were at Ye's house, demanding that Ye Meiru, as his wife, must go to guard Huang Xinlong's spirit.

"Is Grandpa Ye okay?" Chu Xia asked after listening to her mother-in-law. She still had a good impression of Mr. Ye. He was old and had high blood pressure. She was really worried about him.

"Your grandfather Ye hasn't come back yet, he and your grandfather have both gone to the capital, and they probably received the letter and rushed back now..." Lin Yanqiu couldn't help sighing, "It's a crime to have such a daughter. "

"Marrying a wife who understands is more important than anything else. Qiang Yuxian is a woman who looks clear but is confused, and blinded the child." Mrs. Zhou sighed and stood up, "I'll go back to my room to rest for a while, don't call me for dinner gone."

Lin Yanqiu winked at Chu Xia.

"Grandma, I'll help you back to your room." Chu Xia stepped forward and took the old lady's arm, "I learned a trick today, grandma, do you want to try it?"

"What's the trick?" The old lady asked vigorously.

"Pinch your feet."

"Hehe..." The old lady laughed, "What kind of stunt is this?"

Chu Xia explained solemnly: "Grandma, you can't underestimate this foot pinching. It was taught by Lin Mengran. Her family is not from a family of martial arts. It is very tiring after one day's practice, and then pinching the feet will wake up the next day. Very comfortable.

This is to pay attention to the acupuncture points, and you can't pinch them randomly. If it weren't for my smart memory and good memory, I wouldn't dare to take on this job right now. Grandma is the treasure of our family. I wouldn't dare to try something I'm not sure about. "

"Xia, grandma is fine." The old lady patted Chu Xia dotingly, "Go and play by yourself, don't accompany me, an old woman, once you wake up, everything will be fine."

"Grandma..." Chu Xia looked at her worriedly, and without waiting for the other party to speak, she let go happily, "Grandma, if you want to try it, tell me."

The old lady nodded with satisfaction: "OK."

At dinner, the old lady didn't eat.

Lin Yanqiu wanted to send it in, but Chu Xia held her back: "Mom, grandma can't eat, why don't you let her be quiet, if we keep asking and caring, she will feel even more uncomfortable."

"Hey!" Sighing, Lin Yanqiu had no choice but to give up.

The Zhou family's favorite Ye Meiru is the old lady Zhou, so even though she and Zhou Mikang have been separated for many years, the old lady still hopes that they can reunite. Of course, the old lady doesn't know the inside story, which is also one of the reasons.

After marrying Chu Xia and learning what Ye Meiru had done, she no longer has any affection for Ye Meiru.

But, after all, she was the child she once liked. Now, how could she be so calm when something like this happened? In her opinion, if it weren't for her insistence at the beginning, Ye Meiru would not be so persistent in wanting to be with Zhou Mikang again, and she would not marry Huang Xinlong for the sake of Zhou Mikang's heart, and she would not With Huang Xinlong's heart, he committed suicide.

The old lady's guilt and sadness now are because of Huang Xinlong, not Ye Meiru.

For such a dedicated man, no matter how bad his reputation was originally, at this moment, he will not care about it anymore.

In the middle of the night, Mr. Zhou and Zhou Jingping and his son came back.

It wasn't a surprise to see them when Chu Xia got up in the morning. With the relationship between the Zhou family and the Ye family, if this happened, Mr. Zhou would definitely accompany Mr. Ye back.

As for the father-in-law, Zhou Jingping, he has a good relationship with Ye Meiru's father, Ye Zhonghe. Besides, the two families have been on the same rope all along. At this moment, it is impossible to really watch from the sidelines.

To put it bluntly, what happened to the Huang family this time was just an excuse.

Ye Meiru was indeed wrong, but the Huang family was so fanatical about Zhang Luo, and Zhang Luo was so afraid of chaos in the world, they just wanted to take advantage of this incident to get what they wanted from the Ye family.

Originally, when Huang Xinlong married Ye Meiru, the Huang family turned a blind eye and closed their eyes in the hope that their relationship with the Ye family would develop. On the contrary, then, Ye Meiru, the daughter-in-law, becomes a tasteless one. Of course, in the eyes of the Huang family, the disfigured Huang Xinlong is also a tasteless one.

Now, the chicken ribs have become chicken thighs, how can I not catch them?

It wasn't Chu Xia's turn to get involved in these matters, so she didn't worry too much. After eating, she waved her paws with the elders and went to work.

If you want to be a useful person to the Zhou family, the most important thing is to make yourself a useful person as soon as possible.

She has been on leave for such a long time, and she is hurrying to make up for missed classes.

As for the admission to A Medical University, she thought she would discuss it with Zhou's family when she matured. After all, she didn't have a charter herself now, and, when it was such a mess, how could she add to the chaos.

Things about Ye Meiru spread quickly.

In the whole hospital, there seemed to be whispers about the matter of the Huang family and the Ye family.

As one of the parties involved, Chu Xia was speechless and helpless when listening to various versions of romances. People's imagination is really too powerful.

Under everyone's interpretation, Huang Xinlong's disfigurement was also destroyed to save Ye Meiru...

So much so that Luo Xiaoqiong deliberately grabbed her and asked if that was the case...

However, Luo Xiaoqiong, who knew about the past between Ye Meiru and Zhou Mikang, was very happy about Ye Meiru's misfortune. Her idea was very simple. If you bully my friend, you have to pay a price... …

Yang Xiaoli and Lin Mengran also quietly looked for Chu Xia, but they came to give her a thumbs up. They thought that the Zhou family was venting their anger for Chu Xia...

What a mess...

A light flashed in Chu Xia's mind, Huang Suai!

That's right, all of this should be written by this woman, right? She has such deep feelings for Huang Xinlong. Now that Huang Xinlong is gone, what she wants is to drag people into the water as much as possible. It seems that only in this way can her brother go away with more peace of mind...

Chu Xia felt that geniuses should be very vengeful, so she inferred like this... She went back and forth and recalled the details of that day, feeling that she had nothing to offend Huang Suai, so she let go Take a breath.

It is absolutely disgusting to be stared at by such a person.

Of course, if the other party remembers her hatred and retaliates against her because of her brilliance, there is nothing she can do. Not to mention that she didn't expect today's consequences, even if she did, she wouldn't do it for Huang Suai's sake. Face, regardless of mother-in-law and Zhou family's face!

Moreover, Jiang Qi and Ma Chao are always by her side, so what is there to be afraid of? In an instant, someone was full of blood, blue and fighting spirit...

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