First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 435 There is a brother-in-law

It's three o'clock.

"You, where did you get so many witty words?" Song Xiaoyu shook her head with a smile, and quickened her pace, "You go back first, I'll go to the dean's office."

"Ah!" Chu Xia slapped his forehead fiercely, "Teacher, I want to go to Director Jing's first, but I fell and injured myself, so I forgot to ask him for leave."

Song Xiaoyu waved her hand and quickly disappeared around the corner. Chu Xia turned around and trotted over. Jing Zhe and Wu Jingbo had just come back from rounds. Seeing her coming in out of breath, they both stood up, "What's wrong?" Jing Zhe asked He said, but Wu Jingbo sat back in an instant, without even looking at Chu Xia, but his ears were obviously stunned.

"Director Jing, I fell and went to the emergency room. I forgot to tell you..." Chu Xia explained in detail what happened at the gate of the hospital earlier.

"Did it hurt you?" Jing Zhe asked.

The corners of Wu Jingbo's mouth twitched obviously, and the corners of Chu Xia's mouth twitched subconsciously: "Director Jing, I'm fine, thank you." Such a distant address is to remind the other party that you care about working hours , don't be so obvious, okay?

"It's fine. When you get out of the car, remember to look around. Don't rush to run. You are such a big person, and you are frizzy all day long. If you really suffer, it will be too late..." Jing Zheru didn't hear her As a reminder, he frowned and babbled a lot.

"Little Chuxia, you are indeed here!"

Chu Xia was having a troubled look on her face, Lin Wenbin rushed in, patted her shoulder with a big hand, "Tell me, do you miss your brother?"

"I'm the big brother!" Jing Zhe stared at him in protest. It's only been a few days, why did you start to rob him again?

"Second brother. Why are you here?" Chu Xia looked at Lin Wenbin in surprise, but automatically changed his address to Second Brother. The smile on the corner of Jing Zhe's mouth unconsciously moved away from this younger sister, it didn't hurt in vain!

"If I miss you, I'll come and see you. It's not like you. When you have a big brother, you forget your second brother." Lin Wenbin sighed as he said, "I don't know how to write a letter to my second brother. Do you know that your grandpa Grandma is thinking about you, saying that you have no conscience, and you will not believe me when you leave. As for me, I am here to interrogate you on behalf of the whole family. Tell me quickly, why don’t you write to the family? Think of it as your own home?"

"Aren't my parents over there all the time..." Chu Xia didn't mutter a sentence later, she felt that she was not that important in the Lin family. If Baba wrote the letter, wouldn't it be a bit too self-indulgent?

Lin Wenbin whitened her dissatisfied: "Second uncle and second aunt have been away for several days,

Don't pretend to be confused with me, you have already called Zhou's family. Can you not know? "

"I just found out last night..." Chu Xia raised her hand to make an oath, "Second brother, I really didn't lie about this. If you don't believe me, you can ask my mother-in-law and the old woman. They can testify for me."

"They are a family with you, and the testimony is invalid."

"Anyway, I just found out yesterday." Chu Xia spread his hands, "If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do. By the way, second brother, I'm still at work. If there's anything else, we can talk about it at noon, okay?"

"Girl, have a little conscience, okay? I came all the way to see you, and you treat my second brother like this?" Lin Wenbin wrinkled his face like a bitter gourd, "It seems that in Xiao Chuxia's heart, second brother has a little place Not at all, hey, it’s really too self-indulgent, if I knew it, it would be better for me to chase a girlfriend home than to come here and be treated coldly by my sister."

"You can really pretend." Chu Xia curled her lips, "Do you think I don't know, you were chased by three girls and you couldn't find your way, so you hid on purpose."

"How do you know?" Lin Wenbin looked at her in surprise, "Tell me quickly, who notified you, agreed to give you a surprise, who on earth let me slip the truth?"

"You think too much..." Chu Xia patted him with a smile, "Did you forget that when you went to your house, three women called you, and you asked me to answer the phone and refuse?

As long as I think about it a little bit, I can think of why you came to see me. Of course, I believe that you miss me, but the most important thing is that you want to leave the capital, so that they can't find you, right? "

"Become a monster..." Lin Wenbin looked at Jing Zhe, "Did you notice that this little girl is getting more and more arrogant, don't dare to underestimate her, she will become transparent in front of her by accident."

"She is studying psychology recently. You really have to be careful. If you are not careful, you may become the subject of her research. It doesn't matter. If you study a mental illness for you, you will really be in trouble."

"I don't have anything to worry about. If I want to find out about mental illness, I'll do it for you first. Compared with you, I think it's normal." Lin Wenbin put his arm loosely on Chu Xia's shoulder, "Is that right, Little Chu Xia?"

Chu Xia shook her head: "I refuse to answer."

Jing Zhe raised his eyebrows proudly: "Did you hear that, my sister said she refused to answer, what does she mean by refusing to answer? Of course it means agreeing with my statement."

"Chu Xia, come here!" Zhou Mikang came in after the bandaged fruit, and saw Lin Wenbin's paws on Chu Xia's shoulders, his face visibly turned stinky.

At the same time that Zhou Mikang's voice fell, Lin Wenbin grabbed the arm on Chu Xia's shoulder and forced him to hold him back: "Why does he listen to whatever he says? You have your brother backing you now, so don't be afraid of him!"

"You are Lin Wenbin?" Zhou Mikang looked him up and down, "However, you are only my wife's cousin, not a real brother, so, please pay attention to your words and deeds, okay?"

"Are you jealous?" Lin Wenbin grinned, "I tell you, the aggressive method is useless to me, no matter what you say, I will not give up my custody of my sister.

Although she is married to you, she is an independent person, not your appendage, and you have no right to forcefully threaten her, understand? "

Zhou Mikang looked at him lightly: "You think too much, what I mean is, this is a hospital with many eyes, what would outsiders think if you look like this?

There are quite a few staff members in this hospital who know that Chu Xia is married, but don't know who her husband is. If they preconceive you as her husband now, what will others think when I'm with her in the future?

If you really love her and treat yourself as her brother, you shouldn't do such things that embarrass your sister, what do you think? "

"I've always heard that you don't talk much, but now it seems that the rumors can't be trusted..." Lin Wenbin said with a sigh, "Oh, you are obviously wordy like an old woman, how can you talk less?"

"Who is right? What should I do when I meet you who are chatty and my wife's cousin?" Zhou Mikang spread his hands, "For the sake of living here comfortably in early summer, I haven't announced my love until now." Your identity, do you think I am willing to hide it?"

Over there, Jing Zhe, who finished the routine questioning of the results, looked at the two of them fighting like cocks, the corners of his lips curled up, and he stepped forward to forcibly snatch Chu Xia from Lin Wenbin's hand: "Go to work, I'm here. "

"Yes." Chu Xia, who was struggling with boredom, quickly disappeared outside the door with oil on the soles of his feet.

"Let's get together." Lin Wenbin looked at Zhou Mikang with a bitter face, "If the two of us pinch each other like this, then Jing Zhe is taking advantage of it, don't you think?"

"Who wants to pinch you?" Zhou Mikang glared at him, then looked at Jing Zhe, "As a result, he can't go to work for the time being, so I'll send him back."

"Are you so kind?" Jing Zhe apologized, "I'm sorry, sorry, I was too surprised, okay, then please send the results back, it's just right, and it will save you two pinching here, and I can rest assured Go to work."

"Let's go." Zhou Mikang didn't bother to chat with him, so he greeted Guoguo, turned around and walked out.

"You're so arrogant." When he went out, Lin Wenbin shrugged his shoulders unconvinced, "Why did this guy marry my sister back home?

Alas, it's a pity that my second uncle didn't come back to the Lin family early, otherwise, I would definitely have to let him go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties to marry my sister! "

"It's just you?" Jing Zhe looked him up and down, "It's still 99-81, I think it's almost the same if he gave you 99-81."

Wu Jingbo didn't know the relationship between Chu Xia and Lin Wenbin, so she was just curious at this moment, why did Chu Xia suddenly have such an older brother.

But she was a measured person, no matter how curious she was, she would not take the initiative to ask the stranger Lin Wenbin, and as for Jing Zhe, she would not ask.

She has not forgotten her original intention until now. Now it seems that marrying him is impossible, so she can only find a way to achieve another goal of hers to bring Jing Zhe back to her grandfather.

This is what her grandpa is most concerned about. She believes that if this matter is done, grandpa will be in a very good mood, and even if he does, his health will also be very good!

Seeing that the patients had already started queuing up outside, Lin Wenbin left consciously. He came here not just to visit Chu Xia. As the eldest grandson of the Lin family in Beijing, how could he be as nonsensical as he appeared on the surface?

After finishing what he needed to do, he checked that the time was almost noon, and he turned back to 401.

Chu Xia was sorting out the medical orders of the patients she had seen in the morning, and she had become more and more fond of the feeling of handwriting and recording each item in a large notebook.

When she first started this job, she especially missed the days when she had a computer, but now she finds that doing so has the advantages of making her handwriting look better and her mind more peaceful.

"Dong dong dong..." Lin Wenbin tapped on the door a few times.

Chu Xia raised his head, his eyes quickly filled with a smile, then nodded at him, walked to Song Xiaoyu and whispered: "Teacher, my brother is here, shall we have lunch together?"

Song Xiaoyu glanced up and nodded, "Okay."

Wang Jing's face quickly filled with anticipation. She thought that Chu Xia would definitely come to ask her, but... until the three of them left, she still sat there with an unbelievable expression on her face...

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