"If I hadn't done something wrong to you back then, would you have married me?" Ye Meiru looked at Zhou Mikang persistently, turning a deaf ear to his reminder.

"Yes." Zhou Mikang didn't lie, "But it has nothing to do with love, it's just because of responsibility."

"At the beginning, you must be with me. At the beginning, you were very angry. Why do you say now that it has nothing to do with love?"

"At that time, did you know what love was?"

"Me?" Ye Meiru pondered for a while, then shook her head, "I probably don't understand, otherwise, I wouldn't have done such a thing."

"My answer is the same as yours, Ye Meiru, I don't want to explain to you what happened in the past, what's going on now, I believe, in fact, you already understand, it's just that you are not reconciled .

From childhood to adulthood, only you don't want others, and there is no other person who doesn't want you. So, knowing that I'm married, you can't bear it.

It's not that you really love me, but that you can't accept that I get married before you, that you can't accept that I fall in love with other girls, and to put it bluntly, you are a very possessive girl.

As long as it is close to you, you don’t have to, but others must never pick it up. If you pick it up, it will immediately become a priceless treasure in your eyes. If you return it, you will throw it back. Dustbin, this is you, Ye Meiru who was spoiled since childhood. "

"Really?" Ye Meiru looked at him fixedly, "Is that how you see me?"


"When did you find out I was like this?"


"That still means, you loved me before."

Zhou Mikang frowned helplessly: "I don't want to argue with you about this issue, you can't accept it. No matter what I say, you will find a reason and come back. Ye Meiru, don't let Grandpa Ye worry about it anymore. Look at him A head of white hair, do you really not feel it?"

"You are willing to tell me so much because of my grandpa?"


"Has nothing to do with me?"


"Anyway, we've had a good time,

And I married Huang Xinlong because of you. Seeing me come to this point, do you really not feel any distress at all? "


"You weren't so cold-blooded before."

"When you were dealing with my wife, why didn't you think of the word cold-blooded?" Zhou Mikang looked at her steadily, "Ye Meiru. If you weren't Grandpa Ye's granddaughter, do you think you can stand here and talk to me now?" ?

In front of so many people wanting to embarrass my wife and the Zhou family, have you ever asked yourself, what is it that you love?

If you don't plan on my wife, how can you fall into Huang Qiuai's plan? Drink the bitter wine you brew yourself, and don't always put the blame on others. "

"The Huang family treats me like this, and you still speak for the Huang family?" Ye Meiru's voice suddenly became sharp, "They are dealing with me in name. In fact, they are using this matter to deal with the Ye family, which in turn affects the Zhou family. .

Would this have happened but for your wife? Zhou Mikang, the person you married back home is a bastard at all. Everything is caused by her! "


Ye Meiru was slapped heavily on the face, she was not surprised by this. Just smiled crazily: "Hit, hit. Keep hitting, you can hit women now. It's really a skill."

"You insulted my wife, I must fight for justice for her." Zhou Mikang sighed, "Ye Meiru, if you still don't think you are wrong, I can only say that you are hopeless." Turning around and walking out, Ye Meiru ran a few steps to grab him, Zhou Mikang, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged to the side, and she made nothing, in the midst of her daze, Zhou Mikang had already opened the door and left out.

The conversation between the two of them did not deliberately lower their voices. Of course, the few people sitting in the hall could hear clearly. Seeing her coming out, Qiang Yuxian stood up angrily: "Stop!"

Zhou Mikang looked at her with a frown and said nothing.

"Why did you treat my daughter like that?"

"Yuxian, come back to me!" Old Master Ye stopped drinking and waved his hand at Zhou Mikang, "Don't talk to her, do whatever you want."

"Grandpa Ye, I tried my best, goodbye." Zhou Mikang bowed slightly to Mr. Ye, turned around and walked out. Qiang Yuxian, who had already sat back on the sofa, looked unwilling, "Dad, how could you just let him go like this?" gone?"

"Then what else do you want?" Mr. Ye sighed heavily, "Yuxian, you are a mother, if you really love your daughter, stop making such indiscriminate fuss!"

"Dad!" Qiang Yuxian's eyes were red, "How can Meiru get married if the Huang family makes such a fuss? She is not yet thirty years old, and there is still a long way to go in the future. Could it be that she is alone? ?”

"You also know that there is still a long way to go, so don't draw conclusions in advance. Her happiness depends on herself. If her character doesn't change, no matter who she marries, she will not be happy." Old Man Ye sighed, " Yuxian, don't you think it's you who needs to reflect most?"

"I..." Qiang Yuxian muttered and couldn't speak. She really wanted to say that it had nothing to do with her, but she couldn't even convince herself, so how could she say it?

Ye Meiru stood at the door of the study, looking at Old Man Ye with firm eyes: "Grandpa, I want to go abroad."

"You can't hide abroad every time something happens, how can you do that?" Mr. Ye sighed as he said, "Besides, the current situation is not the same as back then. In what name will I send you out?"

Ye Meiru bit her lip: "If I stay in China, I will inevitably think of those unpleasant things. Grandpa, if you really love me, please help me find a way."

Mr. Ye sighed heavily: "There is no way to think about it. Now is the time when you are nervous. If you really want to go out, wait a little longer. Grandpa will do his best to help you."

"Okay." Ye Meiru responded, turned and went back to her room.

"Dad, do you really want to get her out?" Qiang Yuxian looked at Old Man Ye with tears in her eyes, "If she leaves like this this time, it will be difficult for me to see her again in my life."

"Then what do you want to do?" Mr. Ye sighed helplessly, "It's not like you don't know what kind of temper she has. When did we get her over what she decided?"

Qiang Yuxian sniffed: "She won't come back in the future, Dad, don't you miss her?"

"What do you think?" Mr. Ye frowned and looked at Qiang Yuxian, "If you hadn't been thinking twice and covering things for her, things wouldn't have come to this point."

While several people were talking, Rao Ying came and greeted a group of people, and Rao Ying went to Ye Meiru's room.

"Beautiful as..." Rao Ying's voice visibly trembled.

"What's the matter?" Ye Meiru looked at her with a puzzled look on her face, "Why did you come here at this time? Didn't you say that I will go to your house to look for you tomorrow?"

"Meiru, you want to save me." Rao Ying grabbed Ye Meiru's arm with an urgent look on her face, "I... I have caused a big disaster, Zhou Mikang is afraid to kill me, Meiru, only you can save me, I beg you."

"Why did Zhou Mikang kill you?" Ye Meiru slapped her head suddenly as she said, "He just left our house. Could it be, what conflict did you have with her just now?"

"No, I..." Rao Ying hesitated, but decided to tell the truth, "My sister released it yesterday, and she still has some things in 401, she didn't want to pick them up, so I decided to pick them up for her.

When I was almost at the door, a car drove past me. I turned my head and saw Lin Chuxia's face. For some reason, I felt blood rushing to my forehead. Then, there happened to be a bicycle beside me. Passing by, I pushed him violently, there happened to be a big downhill, and it was a coincidence that the man's bicycle didn't have brakes, and it turned out..."

Ye Meiru interrupted her excitedly: "You killed Lin Chuxia in the end?"

"No..." Rao Ying said with a bitter face, "It didn't hit her, but the head of the man riding the bicycle was hit, I thought it was over like this.

However, our unit went to the two people sneakily today. I suspect that Zhou Mikang sent them there. He should have found me. Meiru, you must save me. I don’t want to die in such a vague way. My parents still want me to take care of them. "

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