The second watch arrives.

"Yeah, we're just fighting for what belongs to us. Is it wrong? Why would I do anything to Lin Chuxia? Because if it weren't for her, my sister wouldn't have to go to jail, and I wouldn't have to look at Qiao Gang and other women. Playing ambiguously but dare not make a sound.

This world is not fair. Some people just need to wait at home, and a good man will go through fire and water for her. However, we work so hard to find happiness, but happiness is getting farther and farther away from us. Rao Ying murmured, her face getting more and more ugly, "Why?" You said, how can she be so lucky? "

Ye Meiru slapped her forehead fiercely: "Xiaoying, go ask Qiao Jingjun, he and Zhou Mikang are best friends, and Zhou Mikang will weigh his request. At this time, don't have so many scruples anymore. Otherwise, with Zhou Mikang's temperament, he will never let you off lightly."

"I..." Rao Ying looked troubled, "I really don't want to...disgrace myself in front of him."

"Isn't it ugly to be locked in?"

"If I find Qiao Jingjun, then the relationship between me and Qiao Gang will really be over..." Rao Ying looked pained, "There is something that I have never been embarrassed to tell you. When I was in bed, Qiao Gang would not listen. Ask me who is stronger, he or Qiao Jingjun, Qiao Jingjun is one of his demons, if he knows that I went to Qiao Jingjun, he won't let me go."

"Then you have to go to Qiao Jingjun even more. If he can still accept you, wouldn't it be better than being with Qiao Gang?" If it was before, Ye Meiru would definitely not make such a suggestion, but now, she is Sincerely thinking about Rao Ying.

"Do you think. Will he still accept me?" Rao Ying smiled bitterly, "I liked it at first. It was just a hormonal impulse, but now. I have become his cousin's woman, a woman who was used by his cousin , will he still care about it?"

Ye Meiru sighed heavily, yes, which man can not care about this matter? Isn't she an example? Back then, Mei Yitong and Zhou Mikang fought to get her, but after learning about her and Jonny, didn't they immediately retreat? A man's love can't stand the test (she doesn't seem to realize it. Her test is too weird).

"This is the only way, you have to try it?" Ye Meiru pushed her out, "Hurry up, go now, if Zhou Mikang finds out that you did something, it will be too late."

After seeing off Rao Ying, Ye Meiru sat in front of several elders: "I may be pregnant."

"What?" Qiang Yuxian sat up straight in shock, staring at her daughter in disbelief, "How is it possible?!"

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Ye also sat up straight,

Look dignified.

Ye Meiru looked at Old Man Ye: "Grandpa, I want to hear your opinion."

When she asked like this, how could Mr. Ye not understand her thoughts, and sighed, "You want me to agree to you giving birth to this child and help you protect this child?"

"I can't take him by myself." Ye Meiru stared fixedly at Old Man Ye. "If I give birth to the Huang family, I'd rather not give birth, so. I need grandpa's promise."

"Your own life, no one can promise you. I hope you think about it in all aspects. Of course I hope you want this child. But, I don't force it." Mr. Ye stood up as he said, "Meiru, you It’s not small anymore, don’t always push responsibility on others.”

"Grandpa!" Ye Meiru grabbed Old Man Ye, "I can take responsibility for him, but Grandpa wants to guarantee him for me. I don't want his last name to be Huang!"

Mr. Ye sized her up for a while, then nodded: "Okay!"

"I don't agree!" Mrs. Ye frowned, "Meiru, if you really give birth to this child, it will be difficult to find a man who really loves you in this life. Is it worth it?"

"Grandma, do you think there will be a man who really loves me?" Ye Meiru smiled mockingly, "Didn't Grandpa say that he should be responsible for his own life, and I am now responsible for my own life."

"Oh!" Mrs. Ye sighed, and pulled her to sit beside her, "You child, why bother?"

"Grandma, do you think God is really fair? Why doesn't he give me a chance to correct what I did wrong? Why do some people get everything without doing anything?"

Mrs. Ye patted her: "If you want to give birth, grandma and your mother will help you."

The mother-in-law said so, Qiang Yuxian had no choice but to agree: "Meiru, mom will help you." Then, she pulled her daughter into the house, "Meiru, you are crazy, if you just bring a drag Oil bottle, your life is over!"

"Mom, if I don't want him, I won't be able to have children in this life!" Ye Meiru smiled sadly, "Just treat me as punishment for my past mistakes."

"Is this punishment too severe?" Qiang Yuxian put her arms around her daughter, "My poor child, you have been going through twists and turns, when will you be the leader?"

Putting her hands on her upper abdomen, Ye Meiru's expression became solemn: "Mom, I want to be a mother who makes my child proud. I want to work, and I want to bring him up with my own strength! I want to let everyone see, I Ye Meiru is definitely not what they say!"

Qiang Yuxian looked at her distressedly: "Why are you bothering? You didn't care about anyone's words before, but now, why do you want to live for others?"

"I was not a mother before, but now I am a mother."

"You've grown up." Qiang Yuxian sighed softly, "It's just that the price is too high. Okay, mom will support you. Tell me, what do you want mom to do?"

"I'm going to work in 401 too, please ask Aunt Xu for help, okay?"

"Beautiful as..." Qiang Yuxian frowned, "Why are you bothering? He no longer has you in his heart, why should he spend his whole life on him?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'm a person with concerns now, and I won't mess around like before. I just want to go to 401, and I just want him to see who is better! I'm an international student anyway, so I don't believe it." , I will not be as good as that rural girl who hasn't studied for a few years!"

Qiang Yuxian sighed: "Even if you want him to see who is stronger, there is no need to go to 401. Will you be really happy to see her? Meiru, mom is from here. Mom understands your thoughts, you I just want Zhou Mikang to regret it.

But sometimes, what you think may not be the same thing as the truth. Men and women are different. A woman turns around and thinks about the first man, while a man turns around and thinks about the last woman.

No matter how strong you are, he will not see you in his eyes now. Being a nurse is too hard, and being a doctor is too tiring. No matter what you study, you are asking for trouble. Why bother? Mom thinks it's good for you to go to the art troupe. If you want, mom will help you beg Aunt Wang, okay? "

"Mom, if you don't help me, I'll ask grandma, she will help me."

"You..." Qiang Yuxian looked at her daughter helplessly, "Mom, this is for your own good, why are you so stubborn? Just when you said you were sensible, you became stubborn again, alas!"

"I'm going to beg grandma." Ye Meiru walked out as she spoke, and Qiang Yuxian grabbed her, "Okay, Mom promised you that's okay, but, are you ready? Studying medicine is very difficult." bitter."

"I'm sure I can suffer as much as she can suffer."

"You." Qiang Yuxian shook her head, "Okay, you rest, mom will help you with this matter, you, you just like to ask for trouble, alas!"

After Zhou Mikang left Ye's house, he returned to 401. In the office, only Wang Jing sat there in a daze. "Do you know where Chu Xia went?" Zhou Mikang asked as he knocked on the door with his fingers.

"Ah?" Dazed for a moment, Wang Jing stood up nervously, "Hello, Captain Zhou!"

"Where did Chu Xia go?" Zhou Mikang asked again.

"She went to dinner with a young man and Director Song."

Zhou Mikang glanced at her lightly, turned around and left.

A smile formed on the corner of Wang Jing's mouth, telling you not to call me together! Make you disrespect me! Let you steal the teacher's exclusive favor from me! Now your man is jealous, let me see what you do!

In an instant, she felt much better, packed up her things, and went home for dinner.

After Chu Xia and Lin Wenbin and Song Xiaoyu went out, they made an appointment with Jing Zhe, Dean Xu and Luo Xiaoqiong, and a mighty group of people killed the Guangming Hotel.

Dean Xu has a good relationship with the Lin family. Knowing about the disappearance of the second child of the Lin family, now that Chu Xia is the descendant of the second grandfather Lin, he kept feeling emotional: "I can't think of it, I can't think of it." He said and looked at Luo Xiaoqiong, "Xiao Qiong, I told you now that you don't mind, but it was actually Chu Xia's mother-in-law who asked you to be my assistant.

She, seeing that Xiaomi couldn't catch up with Chu Xia, was anxious, so she wanted to transfer you away and create conditions for his son. I was reluctant at first, but after testing you, I really wanted to I sincerely want you to come and work by my side.

Looking at it now, this is fate. If I hadn't helped Lin Yanqiu at that time, Xiaomi and Chu Xia wouldn't have gotten together, and maybe the series of things that followed would not have happened, and the Lin family would not have been reunited so quickly. Alas, fate. "

Luo Xiaoqiong smiled and said: "Dean, I knew about this a long time ago, so I don't mind. I know that if I am incompetent, you will definitely not trust me with the job."

Jing Zhe protested: "Dean, I am the key person for the reunion of the Lin family, not Zhou Mikang. Where are you feeling? You are drunk before you drink it. You can do it."

"Okay, okay, I feel wrong, I mean, if Chuxia and Xiaomi hadn't gotten married so quickly, and this matter hadn't been brought up so quickly, for no reason, Chuxia's parents wouldn't have known about it I am not born to the old couple, am I?"

Zhou Mikang opened the door and walked in: "Aunt Xu, you are wrong. No matter whether you agreed to help my mother or not, I will hurry up and marry Chu Xia home. I am determined to win her!"

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