One more.

Seeing someone smiling triumphantly, Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping looked at each other, holding someone tightly in the middle.

"Siblings, when will you give us a little nephew?"

"Yes, sister-in-law three, I am in a hurry to send my little nephew to Yuhong class."

Can these words disarm Chu Xia? What a joke! The smile on the corners of someone's lips didn't fade: "My little nephew can't steal the limelight from my little nephew, you have to hurry up, so as not to delay my little nephew from going to school."

"Sister-in-law three..." Zhou Xiangping looked at her speechlessly, "Are you just married?"

"I'll ask your third brother." Chu Xia said while breaking the hands of the two of them, trying to get up to find Zhou Mikang.

Seeing that her expression did not seem to be fake, Zhou Xiangping was so frightened that she held her tightly and refused to let go, apologizing incessantly: "Sister-in-law, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please don't let me go!" Don't tell third brother, I don't want to touch his ass..."

"Pfft!~" Zhou Jiping spat, "Little Si, you want to touch your third brother's ass all the time? Haha..."

Is this the second sister who was in the same trench as her? Zhou Xiangping gave her a bitter look, and quickly explained: "Sister-in-law, I don't want to touch the third brother's butt, I mean, the third brother's butt is a tiger's butt, so you can't touch it."

Chu Xia suppressed her laughter and made a serious face: "Isn't the meaning still the same?"

"No, it's not the same..." Zhou Xiangping wanted to cry anxiously. Her third brother always looked at her, and it seemed that she was about to come over. If her third brother knew that she dared to tease her like that Sister-in-law, will you just drag her onto the tiger stool?

"I'll tell third uncle." Ying'er, who was standing aside and watching the excitement, couldn't understand what it meant. But now in her little mind, the third aunt is the closest to her. She wanted to help the third aunt, so she took a step with her short legs. "Da da" ran to Zhou Mikang's side.

Zhou Xiangping was in a hurry, and Chu Xia was also embarrassed. The children are not sensible. If they repeat the truth, they will be ashamed of adults. Even in front of their family, it is awkward to say...

"Sister-in-law three, you killed me." Zhou Xiangping said as she hurriedly chased after her, when she came close. I heard Yinger say, "My little aunt wants to tell my third uncle, my fourth aunt won't let my little aunt talk, and my second and fourth aunts are holding my little aunt away..."

Zhou Xiangping quickly stepped forward to hold her little hand, and smiled at Zhou Mikang and Zhou Xikang Lin Wenbin, "We're just joking around, little girl is serious, she and her little aunt are real relatives.


"What do you want to tell me in early summer?" Zhou Mikang asked.

Zhou Xiangping, who was nervous at first, immediately put down her heart, and said with a smile, "It's nothing. I was just joking, third brother, I'll take Yinger there."

Ying'er kicked her calf and refused to leave: "Fourth Aunt, you are lying! You and Second Aunt dragged the little aunt to prevent her from coming, you are not joking!"

"Little thing. You can really make a fuss!" Zhou Xiangping forcibly picked her up and left, "Oh..." Yinger, who hadn't practiced crying for a long time, was stabbing a hornet's nest. It's fried.

Chu Xia hurried forward and took the little girl from the embarrassed Zhou Xiangping: "Don't cry, don't cry. Didn't Ying'er promise my little aunt not to cry to solve the problem? If you are disobedient, my little aunt won't like it." is you."

The little girl quickly stopped crying, sobbing and choking: "The fourth aunt won't let Ying'er talk to the third uncle, and the fourth aunt and the second aunt bully the little aunt."

Chu Xia wiped away the tears from her face, and said with a smile: "I know that Ying'er loves little aunt, but fourth aunt and second aunt are really playing with little aunt, and they are very dear to little aunt and Ying'er." .”

The little girl widened her watery eyes: "Really?"


The eyes of a child who just cried are like the sky after the rain, clear and bright, and the intimacy and distress are clearly written in it. In early summer, I feel soft and warm in my heart.

Every day when she came back, she would take Yinger to play with Wan Lao, tell her a story, teach her to sing a nursery rhyme. The most important person in the other party's heart.

This kind of dedication and reward made her happy and gave her a sense of responsibility. In the future, she should be more careful when speaking in front of the little girl.

Seeing that the little girl had calmed down, she whispered in her ear: "Ying'er, Fourth Aunt and Second Aunt are very embarrassed now, can you go and tell them that you like them?"

After hesitating for a while, the little girl nodded, and Chu Xia let her go.

"Second Aunt, Fourth Aunt, Ying'er likes you guys." The little girl said timidly as she snuggled up to Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping who looked embarrassed.

Both Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping felt a little sour and guilty.

They didn't like Zhou Aiping, so when they first knew that the child was being sent back, they were all against it, thinking that it was a deliberate trick of the Xiao family, and they might take the child back when everyone showed affection.

Knowing that they can't get it, it's better not to give. This was their thought, but now, they really realized that they were wrong, the child is innocent, and the parents' fault should not be borne by the child.

Even if the child is going to leave this home one day, then they should treat her well and give her the warmth of home when she stays here, so that they can't really have a clear conscience and no regrets.

Zhou Jiping held Ying'er in her arms, but turned her gaze to Chu Xia: "Thank you, brother and sister."

"What can I thank you for?" Chu Xia laughed, "Do you still treat me as a family and always be polite to me?"

"No, I thank you, it's because you let me figure out some things..." Zhou Jiping smiled embarrassedly, "So much older than you, the environment is really far behind you."

Chu Xia's eyebrows and eyes curled up with a smile: "Second Sister, I like to hear compliments, please say a few more words, Fourth Sister, please praise me too."

"Sister-in-law San, you have a thick skin..." Zhou Xiangping smiled and snatched Xiao Ying'er from Zhou Jiping's arms, "Don't teach Xiao Ying'er to be so thick-skinned."

Ying'er struggled to get down from her arms, walked up to Chu Xia, looked at her carefully, and after a while, turned around to look at Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping seriously, and finally concluded: "Fourth aunt has thick skin, little aunt is not thick .”

Among the three, Zhou Xiangping had the longest face, so Zhou Jiping burst out laughing, and hugged Ying'er: "Xiao Yinger, you are so cute, no wonder your little aunt likes you so much."

It is a happy thing to be praised, and the little girl grinned with eyebrows crooked.

Zhou Yueping, who was sitting not far away chatting with Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu, had been paying attention to the situation of the younger generation. At this moment, she looked at Mrs. Zhou with a smile: "Mom, I was always wondering that Chu Xia has been living in that closed How could he know so much in this small mountain village? Now he understands what's going on.

Thinking back then, the old lady of the Lin family was definitely a first-class and smart person, and Lin Zhiling was absolutely outstanding among our generation, with such good genes, it is no wonder that Chu Xia is so outstanding. "

"What you said also makes sense. When I chatted with Wan Lao that time, he talked about the time he got along with Chu Xia before, and said that Chu Xia was the only one who got close to him among the children in the village.

His books, piano, and other children would go to read them when there was a lot of excitement, but at most once, they would never talk to him again, only Chu Xia would grind him to read books every day.

He likes studious children, so he tries his best to teach Chu Xia, people, there really is a cause and effect, and now, how close Chu Xia is to Wan Lao, this child is a grateful one. "

"Well, it's good for Ying'er to spend more time with Chu Xia." Zhou Yueping nodded, "You see, who liked Ying'er when she first came, but now, she's too sensible."

The old lady Zhou sighed: "Yes, but fortunately Lu Yu'e sent Ying'er here. This age is when the child's character is gradually forming. If it is a few years later, it will be difficult to correct her."

"Adults are ignorant, and it is the children who suffer the most. By the way..." Zhou Yueping lowered her voice, "I heard from Yue Li the other day that when she went shopping at a supply and marketing agency, she saw a figure who looked very much like Liu Lingmei. She thought I chased after him, but I turned a corner and got lost.”

The old lady Zhou sighed: "Didn't Xiaomi keep asking his comrades to help find out Aiping's whereabouts, but they didn't find Aiping's whereabouts, but found her whereabouts, forget it, don't mention her anymore, this woman, It is the greatest shame of the Zhou family."

"Mom, do you know?" Lin Yanqiu raised her eyebrows, "When did this happen? Why don't I know anything about it?"

"Recently, Xiaomi has a comrade-in-arms named Qin Hai, do you still have any impression?"

Zhou Yueping nodded: "Of course I remember, he fell in love with Aiping back then and asked Xiaomi to match him up, but Aiping wanted to marry Xiao Yuwen wholeheartedly, so he called him a black dog who wanted to eat swan meat, because of this, Aiping I haven't spoken to Xiaomi for three months, but I remember it clearly, and my sister-in-law also has an impression?"

Lin Yanqiu was always upset about her son's unfavorable efforts, so she curled her lips: "I'm impressed, if she was willing to marry Qin Hai back then, she wouldn't have ended up like this."

"It was this Qin Hai who discovered her..." Mrs. Zhou sighed, "She lives with a man in his fifties. Qin Hai found out that he is Yunni's father-in-law."

"What... what?" Zhou Yueping looked disbelieving, "It's Yunni's father-in-law Jiang Tianbei who has the best relationship with Aiping?"

"Yes, it's Jiang Tianbei..." Mrs. Zhou sighed heavily, "Jiang Tianbei should also think that this is not an honorable thing, and he didn't publicize it. Yunni is kind and didn't tell it, otherwise , where to put Shanping's face?"

Zhou Yueping shook his head speechlessly: "I can't tell, Liu Lingmei is quite capable, she is quite old, and Jiang Tianbei can marry her.

But we in Chu Xia really repaid our grievances with kindness, and it was only the two of them who were picky about Chu Xia, but now, Ying'er can get better, all thanks to Chu Xia. "Speaking and looking at Lin Yanqiu, "Sister-in-law, you can't play the prestige of your mother-in-law to Chu Xia, this child is really not picky." "

Lin Yanqiu gave her a white look: "It's too late for me to love her, how can I play prestige?"

"I'm just saying, why are you unhappy?" Zhou Yueping smiled, and knew that it was a bit out of place for her to worry, but in fact, she just wanted to hurry up.

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