One more.

Mrs. Zhou couldn't be more clear about the temper of the youngest son. Seeing his anxious expression, she knew that the girl was here to blackmail someone, so she looked at Qin Mei with a cold face: "Girl, you Stop now and we can act like nothing happened."

"I... I'm really pregnant with his child..." Qin Mei blushed, "He always avoids me at work and never gives me a chance to talk. If I hadn't been desperate, I wouldn't have found him Come here, if... if you, the elders, don't want him to take this responsibility, then I...then my only choice is death."

"Are you threatening us?" Mrs. Zhou stared straight at her, "Who told you to do this?"

Qin Mei was taken aback: "You...what do you mean?"

"Who ordered you to come to Zhou's house to make trouble?" Mrs. Zhou asked straightforwardly.

Qin Mei was stunned for a while, her face turned from red to purple: "Is this how your big family bullies people? I mustered up the courage to come here, because I was afraid that I would be too big to hide it. How could I let you abuse me like this? ?

Now I swear to the old man, if what I said today is even a little bit of a lie, I will be caught in a big prison, killed by rats, and no one will collect my body!"

In this day and age, the old chairman is like a god. If she dares to say that, it means that she is really not lying. The old lady Zhou is not sure now, so she looks at Zhou Shanping in doubt.

"Mom, I can also swear to the old chairman that if I move her finger, I will also be caught in the big prison and killed by rats. No one will collect the body!"

Chu Xia has a black line, from the sincerity of Uncle Wednesday's words. She also believes that Uncle Wednesday is definitely not lying about this matter. But judging by Qin Mei's expression, it really doesn't look like she's lying.

All the people looked dignified. Except for Lin Wenbin and Chu Xia, everyone sitting here knew Zhou Shanping very well. No matter which one of the Zhou family did such a thing, it was impossible for him to do such a thing. .

However, Qin Mei's appearance doesn't look like a fake, moreover, in this age. No one dared to lie to the old chairman, even if the oath was not fulfilled, they would not be able to escape legal sanctions.

Chu Xia's eyes fell on Qin Mei's stomach unconsciously, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind. She stepped forward and took Qin Mei's hand: "Let me talk to you."

"You..." Qin Mei struggled hard not to follow her.

Chu Xia provoked her: "Don't you dare?"

Qin Mei bit her lips: "Okay,

I will go with you. "

Seeing that Lin Yanqiu and others wanted to follow, Chu Xia hurriedly stopped him: "Everyone wait a moment, let Comrade Qin and I have a private chat, maybe. We will understand what's going on."

Seeing the two disappear at the top of the stairs, Mrs. Zhou sighed, and looked at Lin Wenbin with a wry smile: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

Lin Wenbin hurriedly said: "Grandma Zhou. I'm Chu Xia's cousin, and we belong to the same family." His implication was that no matter what the outcome of this matter is. Everyone is a winner, and a loser. There is no need for the Zhou family to worry about him.

This is also his cleverness, in fact, when Qin Mei first came in. He wanted to say goodbye, but if he really did that, the estrangement with the Zhou family would be formed.

He avoided it because he wasn't close enough, so for the sake of Chu Xia, he chose to stay.

The Lin family has always been full of yang and yin, and he loves Chu Xia from the bottom of his heart. Of course, not only him, everyone in the Lin family loves Chu Xia very much. It just so happens that he has the opportunity to take up a job, and the whole family agrees. By letting him come to city a,

In fact, for him, the best choice is not City A, but just as his grandfather said to him when he left, there will still be opportunities if he misses them, but his loved ones cannot be missed.

Feelings can only be found by getting along with each other more, and they finally found them. They hope to do their best to make up for the debts of these years, so that the second grandfather and second grandmother can truly rest in peace.

His answer made Mr. Zhou very pleased. He patted his shoulder with his big hand, and looked at Zhou Shanping: "Third brother, you are all my family now. You really have nothing to do with that woman, right?"

"Dad, I swear..." Zhou Shanping leaned weakly on the sofa and sighed, "Anyway, in my life, I never want to get married again."

Zhou Huakang, who had been silent all this time, said, "Dad, don't be so absolute. Forget it, let me help you find it in the future. My vision must be better than yours."

Zhou Shanping gave his son an angry and funny look: "Don't make trouble, if there is another scene like this, I will probably take a detour when I see a woman in my life."

"This is no trouble..." Zhou Huaping looked at the old lady Zhou, "My dad clearly has a bad eye, but he wants to beat all women to death with one blow. Grandma, do you think I'm right?"

"It's not up to you to worry about whether it's right or not." The old lady Zhou looked at Lin Yanqiu, Liang Xiaohong and Zhou Yueping, "You three give me long looks, and if you have good character and the right age, just make a fuss."

Zhou Shanping said anxiously: "Mom, please forgive me. I really don't want to look for it anymore. I haven't figured out this mess yet. You'd better let me rest."

"It's not that I'm asking you to look for it now. Do you think it's so easy to find a woman who is about your age, has a good heart, and can talk to you?" The old lady gave her younger son a blank look, "Anyway, don't worry about it yourself. The woman you fancy, one counts as one, I'm really scared."

Zhou Shanping is an elder, and it is inconvenient for the juniors to talk, so they just sat on the side to set up the background board. Although the elders were joking, the atmosphere was so dignified.

In this day and age, it is impossible for any family not to be serious about something like this today, but it would be more awkward to just sit silently at the moment, and the old lady beat the youngest son on purpose.

However, she really doesn't want her younger son to find another half by himself. The younger son's vision of finding a wife is not ordinary. For the sake of the stability and unity of the Zhou family, it is still very important to kill this possibility in the cradle in advance. Necessary.

After a while, Chu Xia and Qin Mei went downstairs one after the other.

Qin Mei's face was pale, but her eyes were a little red. She had obviously cried. She went straight to Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou, and bowed deeply: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault for disturbing you."

Looking at it like this, the matter is over, so the old lady Zhou raised her hand falsely at her: "It's okay, as I said, if we stop here, we won't pursue it."

After Qin Mei stood up straight, she looked at the elder with some anxiety: "I... can I leave?"

"Yes." Mrs. Zhou said.

Xiaojing hurried over and took Qin Mei away.

Everyone turned their inquiring attention to Chu Xia.

"It is most likely that she is sick, and then she misunderstood that she was pregnant. I have already agreed with her to go to 401 tomorrow and ask the teacher to help her check it out." Chu Xia said.

Zhou Yueping looked puzzled: "What disease can be misunderstood as pregnancy?"

After a little hesitation, Chu Xia still expressed his own judgment: "What kind of disease can only be known after an examination, but I suspect it is a tumor. According to the growth rate, it is more likely to be benign."

"Nephew and daughter-in-law, thank you. Third uncle owes you too much." Zhou Shanping walked up to Chu Xia, bowed sincerely, and Chu Xia hurriedly supported him, "Third uncle, you and I are so polite." , are you trying to kick me out?"

"No, no..." Zhou Shanping waved his hands anxiously, "If you kick out anyone, you can't kick out your nephew and daughter-in-law."

The old lady Zhou snorted: "I hear what you mean, who else do you want to kick out?"

"Mom..." Zhou Shanping said with a bitter face, "I don't think so, I'm stupid and you don't know." He said and looked at Zhou Mikang, "Xiao Mi, Third Uncle knows your feelings."

Zhou Mikang looked at him seriously: "Third Uncle, shouldn't you rectify the name of a woman now?"

Zhou Shanping was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his head in embarrassment: "Yes, yes, it's because I don't have a good eye for people, and I can't kill a boatload of people with one blow. I was wrong."

At this time, Zhou Jiping and Zhou Xiangping had dragged Chu Xia back upstairs for interrogation, and they could see that it was probably inconvenient to talk about Qin Mei in front of everyone, but they were too curious.

"Sister-in-law three, what's the matter?" Once inside, Zhou Xiangping quickly closed the door and asked bluntly. Zhou Jiping also stared at Chu Xia curiously and impatiently.

"Dong dong dong..." Zhou Yueping shouted angrily from outside the door, "Open the door, open the door for me."

"Sister-in-law is very curious. Can I tell her in front of her? If not, I won't open the door. If I can, let her in." Zhou Xiangping asked.

Chu Xia nodded: "Yes."

Zhou Xiangping trotted to open the door. Zhou Yueping, Lin Yanqiu, Liang Xiaohong, Yu Tao, and the old lady Zhou all squeezed in. Zhou Yueping still didn't forget to give Zhou Xiangping a look: "You bastard, you're so selfish! Knowing that we are anxious to know the truth, You even locked the door, do you want to beat me up?"

Lin Yanqiu also had a look of displeasure: "You child, the older you get, the more ignorant you become!"

"Chu Xia, what's going on?" Mrs. Zhou pulled a few people away, sat in front of Chu Xia, and asked anxiously.

Daringly, the one with the strongest curiosity is the oldest one...

Looking at this large group of people, Chu Xia really couldn't laugh or cry, but she really had to talk about the matter. Although she was a little embarrassed to say it, as a doctor, she couldn't have such thoughts...

This kind of psychological hint from someone is very useful. After thinking about it for a while, she began to talk about the cause and effect with a calm face: "Although I have not been married to this family for a long time, I think I understand the behavior of my third uncle, and Qin Mei also It didn't seem like a lie, but I also noticed that Qin Mei's belly was a little fatter than her body, so I thought of a possibility, that is, she took the illness as pregnancy, of course, I couldn't confirm it at the time, So, I took her upstairs and asked her alone."

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