The second is more, it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow, will everyone read the book?

When Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang arrived at Mr. Wan's house, Mr. Yin and Mrs. Yin were having breakfast. When they saw the two of them coming in, Mr. Wan put down his chopsticks: "You guys came at a good time, and I just finished eating too." He said apologetically Looking at Chu Xia, "Xia, grandpa couldn't pass yesterday, so you're not angry with grandpa, are you?"

"Grandpa, am I such a stingy person?" Chu Xia sized him up, and found that his eyes were bruised and black, and he didn't sleep well, "Grandpa, are you angry again?"

The old man sighed: "To tell you the truth, I'm really angry. They are both sons and daughters. Why did I give birth to such a daughter? Alas, I don't know how much I owed her in my previous life. Let her torment me like this."

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia looked at him worriedly, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay, grandpa is used to it, anyway, I get annoyed every time she comes, and I get annoyed every time she calls, but if she doesn't hear anything from her, I'll panic again.

When you have children, you will understand this feeling. No matter what the child's temper is, as a parent, you will always worry about it. Sometimes you say bad things, but your heart is more sad than the child. "

Chu Xia patted the old man on the back lightly. Hearing what the old man meant, it must mean that the two parties broke up after another quarrel. When they left, they both said unfeeling words.

After all, they are the old man's biological daughter and granddaughter. She has no position to blame the other party for what she did. All she can do is do her best. Make the old man happy.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Grandpa. My parents are coming over in the next two days. Zhou Mikang said that we should wait for them to come before leaving, so as not to worry them all the time. Grandpa will also help to lie, okay? good?"

"Okay, grandpa will help you lie." Sure enough, when it came to this, Mr. Wan's expression was obviously relieved. Looking at Zhou Mikang, "I'll be back in two months, right?"

"Yeah." Zhou Mikang nodded, "When I go back this time, I will slowly start recycling."

"For ordinary people, peace is better than war, and don't get emotional."

"Grandpa, I know." Zhou Mikang looked at old man Wan respectfully, "Grandpa can rest assured, I will definitely stand up for my post. Do my own thing well and don't meddle indiscriminately."

This is tantamount to indirectly expressing his opinion to the old man. Some militants are recently co-signing a letter on this matter. He didn't intend to get in.

Hear him say that,

The old man smiled relievedly: "Okay, grandpa knows. You are a sensible child, and grandpa was very relieved of you at first. Now hearing you say that, I feel more relieved."

The old man meant to tell him, of course. I will tell the people who should know about your situation. Don't worry, no matter where you go, I will escort you.

Zhou Mikang stood up and bowed deeply: "Grandpa, thank you."

Chu Xia didn't understand what the two of them were talking about, and looked at it with a dazed face, but didn't say much.

Mr. Wan smiled at her: "I'll let Xiaomi explain to you later, go to work quickly, don't delay."

Chu Xia stood up and said, "Grandpa, then I'm leaving. I'll come back to accompany you tonight. We'll live here tonight."

"Okay." The old man agreed happily, and patted Zhou Mikang on the shoulder, "Let's have a good chat tonight."

Zhou Mikang hurriedly said: "Well, I will have a good chat with grandpa at night. Grandpa's knowledge can give me a lot of help and avoid detours."

On the way, Zhou Mikang explained the charade between the two of them, and Chu Xia's eyes immediately turned red. The old man has never been involved in any kind of business, but this time he is so understanding and supportive of the Zhou family, obviously because of her.

She believed that it was definitely not her self-indulgence of affection. She really didn't know how to repay this deep friendship. Parents living with the old man can give him some comfort, but they are not the old man's biological children after all...

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhou Mikang: "Do you know the situation of Wan Yuqiong and her daughter?"

"Why, do you want to be a lobbyist?" When Zhou Mikang heard her ask, how could he not understand her thoughts, and immediately denied it, "It's not that I poured cold water on you. You can't solve this matter. Okay, don't mix it up, the jealousy of the mother and son is not so strong, if you make it self-defeating, you will regret it later."

"I just feel uneasy..." Chu Xia sighed, "You know Grandpa Wan's character. I feel very uneasy when he does this. I, our family owes him too much."

"If he knows that you think so, he will definitely be unhappy." Zhou Mikang stopped the car and looked at her seriously, "Chu Xia, do you have a sense of identity now? I mean..." After a short pause, he continued Said, "Do you have a sense of identity with this era? Or to put it bluntly, do you regard yourself as a person of this era?"

"I..." After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia looked at him uncertainly, "I don't know, sometimes I feel that I identify with this era and regard myself as a member of this era, but when I really meet When I do some things, I will find that there is too much gap between me and this era.

This made me have to move forward cautiously, for fear that something would happen and my family would suffer, but no matter how careful I was, it seemed that I would still do something wrong.

Just like yesterday, in the era I lived in, it was really not a problem, so I did it without thinking, because I regarded myself as a member of the Zhou family, and I didn't want anything to happen to the Zhou family. I think I did something very right.

But when I think about it later, I feel that I am very stupid. Even if I explained the matter as a doctor, will the third uncle really feel awkward in his heart?

It was I who pushed him to a dead end. If I hadn't intervened at that time and let grandma or mother intervene, things would not be what they are now. Zhou Mikang, I really regret it.

I have to admit to you that I was so anxious to show off at the time because I wanted my family to recognize my talent and ability in medicine. Now that I think about it, I was really selfish. At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing. Woolen cloth. "

"I can see that you've been holding something in your heart. You, you put everything on your face, and you think you're hiding it well. When you came out, Grandpa Wan asked me if you had something on your mind.

It's not easy for me to tell Mr. Wan about the third uncle's matter, so I told him that something happened at home and you helped.

Mr. Wan is a smart man, so he didn't ask any more questions after hearing what I said, but let me explain to you, saying that you are still young, don't always carry the burden of mess on yourself.

In the end, I haven't persuaded you yet, and you started to shoulder the burden on your own again, Lin Chuxia, don't you think you always have a sense of urgency? It seems that I am afraid that it will be too late to repay the love owed to others. Like this, it's not good.

You have come to this age, you belong to this age, you and I have become a family, and you have become a family with the Zhou family. If Wan Lao recognizes you as his granddaughter, it means that he really likes you and is willing to help you , He thinks you are worthy of help.

Otherwise, with his age and experience, he would never give up his principles and go blindly help just because he recognized a goddaughter. If this was the case, he would already have ten or eight granddaughters, wouldn't he?

Enjoy everything that belongs to you in a down-to-earth manner. You don't owe anyone. Your happiness is earned by yourself, not given to you by others. You married into the Zhou family because I like you.

All the people in the Zhou family were kind to you at first, probably because of me, but now they are kind to you, it is all because of your own fight, you don't need to always think about repaying their love.

If you want to be a doctor, I support you. You already know this, so you don’t have to think of ways to get the big guys to agree. Whether they agree or not will not affect your decision. You have to remember, as I said, this I will make you happy in my life, and I will definitely do it.

You don't need to do anything you don't like to cater to others. If I can't even protect you, what else can I do, right? "

"What are you trying to tell me?" Chu Xia was a little out of his mind for a while, and didn't quite understand what Zhou Mikang meant when he said all these things.

"You don't understand what I'm going to tell you?" Zhou Mikang's hair was black, "Okay, then let me ask you, don't you know what you forced yourself to do?"

After thinking about it, Chu Xia said uncertainly, "I don't seem to be forcing myself."

"Be good to Ying'er, didn't you force yourself?"

"No." Chu Xia quickly shook her head, "At first, I really wanted to help grandma, but later, I really felt that she was quite pitiful, she was less secure than me, I have good parents, but she didn't. "

Well, it’s time to play the piano to Niu, so Zhou Mikang had no choice but to speak more clearly: “When I’m not around, you don’t have to do what you don’t want to do, and no one dares to treat you badly. When you were nice to Ying’er in the first place, it was just to please you.” Grandma, right?"

Chu Xia became a little annoyed when he was told about the central matter: "Don't make me so utilitarian, okay? I explained it so clearly, why do you still say that about me?"

"Okay, okay, I used the wrong words, what I mean is, you are too eager to want your family to recognize you, so you can go for it regardless of whether it is within your ability or not. You know what happened to Ying'er. Jiang Qi and Ma Chao, how dangerous are you?"

"Ah?" Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang with a confused face, "She is a five-year-old child, what danger will she have? Besides, when I took her out, she didn't encounter any danger?"

This girl's sense of security is too bad... Zhou Mikang stroked his forehead with a headache. Fortunately, he is coming back soon, otherwise, how can he rest assured?

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