After eating at noon, Chu Xia was sitting at the desk and squinting, when Li Xiaoru came, her eyes were a little red, obviously she had cried.

After Wang Jing talked with her aunt Wang Lei yesterday, she no longer felt any resentment towards Chu Xia, but her face couldn't be wiped off for a while, and she was still a little awkward to get along with. At this time, Li Xiaoru's arrival gave her a chance to show her goodwill. She stood up and walked out, saying: " Lin Chuxia, I'll go out for a while and come back before work."

Apparently, what she meant was, you can talk about something, I won't come back halfway to interrupt, Chu Xia was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Wang Jing smiled and waved her hands, and left briskly.

"Sorry to bother you." Li Xiaoru looked at Chu Xia apologetically, "I was too thoughtless, sorry."

"Miss Xiaoru, don't be so polite, sit down and talk." Chu Xia motioned her to sit down, and poured her another glass of water, "Are you curious about what Brother Cheng said to me in the morning?" Guo Guo was complaining to her in the morning At that time, Li Xiaoru came back, and then she left, so she asked this question.

"No..." Li Xiaoru shook his head with a wry smile, "I want to ask you something, I know I'm a bit abrupt, but after much deliberation, it seems that you are the only one I can ask."

Chu Xia had a good impression of her, so she nodded cheerfully: "You said, if I can help, I will do my best."

"Guan Guo likes his little junior sister, but, out of responsibility, he has always chosen to be with me. If I don't bring it up, he will definitely marry me.

Even if the married uncle and aunt strongly objected during this time, he would definitely take the pressure to marry me home, and I have known him since childhood. I know, he is such a person.

But I can't be that selfish. He can't be forced to suppress himself for the rest of his life, I know. If I told him clearly, he would definitely deny my statement.

So, I will leave City A with my parents in a few days, and we will not come back in the future. In this life, I will probably never see the results.

He will definitely look for me, please give him this letter after I leave..." Li Xiaoru took out a long-folded letter from his pocket as he spoke. It was not sealed.

Chu Xia took it, picked up the glue and glued it firmly, and smiled at her: "I don't have the hobby of spying on others for personal gain."

"Thank you, I have troubled you too much, but I probably won't be able to make it in this lifetime..." Li Xiaoru sighed heavily, and Li Xiaoru's expression was indescribably lonely.


Chu Xia asked, "Did you hear our conversation this morning?"

"No." Li Xiaoru shook his head, and looked at Chu Xia expectantly: "Has he ever talked about his relationship with me?"

"A little bit, he said that he was indifferent to you during this time. He hoped to persuade his parents to accept it first. He said that his parents are actually hesitant now, saying that they are against you, but they are concerned about your mother's affairs in their hearts. Very guilty."

Chu Xia recounted the first half to her. But he did not repeat the second half to her.

Because when Guo Guo asked her if she saw something, she thought he was talking about a change in his attitude, but he told her. In fact, the person he really likes is Wu Jingbo.

From the very beginning, he liked Wu Jingbo. But later, what happened to Li Xiaoru. The promise he made with them when they were young made him unable to refuse Li Xiaoru's approach.

Later, things developed to a situation that he never thought of, which made him even more unable to let go, and he couldn't let go.

However, he is in great pain. He looks at the person he likes walking up and down in front of him every day, but he has to pretend nothing has happened, and he has to be careful when helping the other party, for fear of being misunderstood.

He said that he lived so hard that his brain was tense every day.

In fact, as a doctor, such a state is very dangerous, and he himself knows it, but he has no ability to change everything.

Just when he was talking about this, Li Xiaoru went back, and Chu Xia also left, but it could be seen that his complexion obviously improved a lot when he finally told the burden in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there was a turn of events. In the morning, Guoguo had just talked about his entanglement. At noon, Li Xiaoru came to ask Chu Xia to hand him the letter and let him go free.

Rationally, Chu Xia felt that this was the best solution.

But emotionally, she still sympathized with Li Xiaoru.

This is a kind girl, her life experience is not something she can choose, and everything her mother suffered was not intentional by her mother, no wonder, but the fault is her own...

Li Xiaoru is not stupid, she was silent for a while, then raised her head and smiled wryly: "Did you hide something from me?"

"Have you really thought it through?" Chu Xia looked into her eyes seriously, "You said that being able to marry Guo Guo was your wish since childhood, but now, you are one step away from your wish, so you gave up. You may never have such an opportunity again, do you really not regret it?"

"I've been thinking about it for a long time..." Li Xiaoru sighed, "If I hadn't been looking for a house and a place to take care of me, I would have left a long time ago. If we stayed here, my mother would have been in pain forever.

Originally, she was lucky enough to think that no one would pursue what happened in the past, but now, this scar has been exposed vividly, revealing blood dripping, which made her unable to accept it at all.

She couldn't sleep the whole night, and her hair fell out in handfuls. She used to look like thirty-seven or eighteen years old, but now she looks like fifty-seven or eight-year-old.

She is my biological mother. In this world, my father and I are the closest people to her. If we don't think about her, her life will really be over.

My mother is very dependent on me now. If I stay, she and my father will leave, and she will always miss me. Moreover, as long as I marry Guo Guo, I will inevitably have to deal with my uncles and aunts. So, my mother's health , may never get better.

Without me, I can live a better life, but my mother may lose her life. There is only one answer to this multiple-choice question, and I cannot and cannot choose the wrong one. "

Chu Xia patted her and didn't say anything else. This is a filial and kind girl. It can be seen that she loves her deeply. The choice now is for family affection. In fact, the most important thing is to return her love. The result is a free body.

It's just that she doesn't want the results to be too burdensome, so she will pull out her family relationship as a cover. To be honest, Li Xinwan just can't stand other people's eyes, and it's not that she has a mental illness. How could she not be able to live without her?

"When I came here just now, the uncles and aunts of the Cheng family came over. They saw me as if they saw air. They liked me very much since they were young, but their current attitude made me very, very unbearable.

Originally, I wanted to come back tomorrow. From this point of view, let’s forget it. It will make myself sad and worry others. Why not, from today onwards, I will disappear from his life.

I believe that in just two or three months, he will completely forget about me. Chu Xia, if it's convenient, I'll trouble you to say more good things about Guo Guo in front of Wu Jingbo.

He is really a nice man, I can see that he really likes the result, also, when I was with him, he said that I don't understand anything about medical skills.

But when he was with Wu Jingbo, the other party could understand what he said, and he could also put forward different opinions. When the two of them were together, his whole body was full of light.

I sincerely hope that he can get what he wants and be happy, Chu Xia, this is the last thing I ask you, so that I can leave with peace of mind. "

"You're quite a worry..." Chu Xia curled her lips, "However, I can't agree to your last request. It's most inappropriate to get involved as an outsider in emotional matters.

If Wu Jingbo has feelings for the results, I don’t need to say, they will come together. If she doesn’t feel it, I will only make her feel less. People have rebellious psychology, right? "

"That's right." Li Xiaoru smiled shyly, "Could you please tell Wu Jingbo that I am especially grateful for her help. If she hadn't come to you at the beginning, my mother would still be in prison now."

"Why didn't you tell her yourself?" Chu Xia asked.

"I can't say it." Li Xiaoru bit her lip, tears welled up in her eyes, "I'm forcing myself to let go, forcing myself to be magnanimous. When I'm in front of you, I can still control my emotions. In front of her, I'm afraid I'm going to cry."

Chu Xia nodded: "Understood, okay, I will pass on your thanks to her."

"Thank you, then I won't bother you." Li Xiaoru stood up and bowed respectfully, "You and your husband, as well as Teacher Wu Jingbojing, are my benefactors of Li Xiaoru, and I will remember them all my life. of."

"Don't be so polite." Chu Xia put the letter in the drawer and locked it, got up to send her off, "I'll accompany you out."

Li Xiaoru quickly waved his hand: "No need, you should squint for a while, it will delay your rest."

"At my age, it's okay to miss a nap." After Chu Xia sent her away, seeing that it was still a while before work, she went to Luo Xiaoqiong's place for a walk. When she came back, she went to the laboratory to pick up Qin May's checklist.

Qin Mei came over in the morning, and after Song Xiaoyu checked her with bare hands, he wrote orders for her to do the inspection quickly, and some of the orders were picked up in the morning.

At the door of the office, Qin Mei was standing there with a look of helplessness. When she saw Chu Xia, she greeted her as if seeing a savior: "You are here, I...I..."

Seeing that she was nervous and didn't know what to say, Chu Xia shook the stack of sheets in her hand: "The rest of the sheets are out, and Director Song will explain it to you in detail after he reads it."

"I... I won't die, right?" Qin Mei asked timidly.

"I can't guarantee this." Chu Xia shook his head, "Everyone will die one day, I really can't guarantee you this question."

Qin Mei's heart went round and round like a roller coaster, and finally fell back to the original point.

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