The second watch arrives.

Are there any guests? Still looking for her? Qin Mei lay on the bed thinking hard, who would come to her at this time, cried, it was too ugly, she didn't want outsiders to see it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Xiaomei, are you sleeping? Get up quickly, there is a guest, it is your leader, come out quickly..."

Qin Mei couldn't help shaking,... Zhou Shanping is here? No matter how ugly you look, the other party will see it, so what if your eyes are swollen from crying?

Moreover, the other party knew about her illness. It would be abnormal if she was happy now. Thinking of this, she quickly got up, trimmed her hair, tugged at the corner of her clothes, and opened the door. As expected, Zhou Shanping stood Outside, she is no stranger to the other two. There are too many connections between the two. Speaking of which, she should be most grateful to these two people...

Without waiting for her to speak, Zhou Shanping nodded at her: "Xiao Qin, have you already told your parents about your illness?"

"Say it." Qin Mei nodded, looked at Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang, and said gratefully: "Comrade Lin, Comrade Zhou, there are too many things to trouble you, please sit down."

Only then did Qin's father and Qin's mother realize that they were so excited that they forgot the etiquette of hospitality, so they hurriedly moved a chair over for a few people to sit on. Qin's mother smiled embarrassedly: "There are no chairs at home."

"Don't crowd around here to take up space." Qin's father frowned and pushed his son who was sitting there calmly, "He's such a big man, he doesn't have any vision at all."

"Dad, I'll just take up the big butt..." Qin Sheng said, looking at Zhou Shanping, "Leader, you don't think I'm in the way, do you?"

Without waiting for Zhou Shanping to speak, Qin Mei frowned and looked at her younger brother: "Qin Sheng, it's none of your business here, go back to your room and stay."

"If it wasn't for helping you, do I need to stay here?" Qin Sheng glared at her, "Don't think I didn't remind you, you don't want to touch a cent of Xiaofeng's gift money!"

"Bastard!" Qin's father wanted to save face. He felt that his son was so messed up in front of the guests. He felt that his old face was completely humiliated, so he picked up a big broom at hand and greeted his son.

Qin Sheng stood there without moving: "If you hit me once, I will leave this house immediately and take care of myself. Don't point at me."

The broom, which was about to fall on the shoulders, stopped there in an instant. Qin's father turned to sigh with a look of despair, and the broom fell heavily on the ground.

"You don't even dare.

Qin Sheng muttered, and went back to the room and closed the door with a bang.

Qin's father smoothed things over with a dry smile: "Leader Zhou, I'm sorry, my son has such a bad temper, but he's actually quite good-natured."

"Dad, don't put gold on his face. If he is really good-hearted, he shouldn't be making such a fuss today..." Qin Mei sighed and looked at Zhou Shanping, "Director, I wronged you so much. You Still come to see me, sorry!"

Zhou Shanping smiled and waved his hands: "It's okay, it's all over. I came here today just to talk to you and treat your illness with peace of mind. I'll arrange for the nurses.

You don't have to worry too much about work, when will you take care of your body. When will you go back to work again, the unit will reimburse 70% of the treatment costs, and you only need to bear 30%. If you still have any difficulties, tell me now, and I will definitely help you solve them. "

After hesitating for a while, Qin Mei said, "Director, I would like to ask the unit to give me a dormitory, is that okay?"

"Okay." After a little hesitation, Zhou Shanping agreed. He had already seen Qin Sheng's attitude, and the room Qin Mei came out of just now was obviously remodeled with a balcony. It is not too much to give her a dormitory under such conditions.

"Thank you, Director." Qin Mei bowed to him gratefully, "Don't worry, Director, I will never pester you again, in fact, I look down on myself for doing that in front of my colleagues every day.

Don't worry, when I recover from illness, the first thing I do when I return to work is to tell the truth, so as not to let everyone misunderstand my relationship with you. "

Zhou Shanping smiled and waved his hands: "I said, it's all in the past, don't mention it, by the way, I also want to ask you, do you want to stay in the unit to work after you recover or change places?"

"Can I be transferred to another place?" Qin Mei's eyes lit up, "It would be great if I could be transferred, but don't worry, even if I want to transfer, I will definitely clear your name first."

After listening to this for a long time, Qin's father and Qin's mother basically understood what kind of bad things their daughter did to the leader when she left the house in order to get married. Now, the couple are even more grateful to Zhou Shanping. It was my daughter who did something wrong. At this time, people can still come to help solve the problem...

In the end, the family sent Zhou Shanping and others out of the house with gratitude, accompanied by Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang, which was basically the effect of the background board.

On the way back, Zhou Shanping was very embarrassed and said apologetically, "It's late at night, and you are still dragging you around with me. As an elder, I really don't have to worry about it, right?"

Chu Xia smiled and said, "Third Uncle, if you let us follow, you trust us and get close to us. You are free at night, so you just come out to have a look at the scene. How good is it?"

The corners of Zhou Mikang's mouth twitched imperceptibly. It's a cold day, and the outside is bare. I don't know what kind of scene someone is looking at...

Zhou Shanping also laughed: "Chu Xia, did you forget to make a draft? Third Uncle can tell that you are deliberately comforting others."

Chu Xia innocently blinked his big eyes: "I didn't mean to comfort my third uncle, don't you think the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and we are the only car driving on the road, it feels very artistic and beautiful?"

"Beautiful?" Zhou Shanping stuck his head out of the car window, glanced out, then retracted his head with a puzzled expression, "It seems that I am really old, and I can see the depression."

Zhou Mikang couldn't help laughing: "Uncle San, you're not in the right mood right now. I'm with you in early summer. When Uncle San finds his beloved other half, he will feel beautiful."

Chu Xia was speechless, this man never forgets to praise himself...

Qin Mei was admitted to the hospital the next day. She needed a day of preoperative care. The next day, the surgeon was Song Xiaoyu. Korea.

After designing the operation plan, Song Xiaoyu looked at Chuxia: "Professor Yuan said, you figured out the new suture method for the inner and outer sutures yourself?"

Chu Xia nodded embarrassingly: "Yes, the teacher also thinks it is good?" I muttered to myself, the sooner it is popularized, the sooner it will benefit the patients. This is a good deed, and no one can blame us...

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