A certain person was so unconscious that he used his hands on his buttocks one after another. Chu Xia sat up with an "Aww" and said, "Zhou Mikang, get down on the ground! Hurry up!"

The group leader Zhizi didn't say a word, just pushed her down, and lay on her body by the way...

Chu Xia flushed anxiously: "What are you doing? Are you shameless? I...I didn't ask you to lie on top of me, I...I asked you to lie on the bed, Zhou Mikang, you can't be so shameless!"

"Why am I shameless?" Zhou Mikang smiled and pecked her lips: "What you meant just now clearly asked me to do this, and I did exactly what you said. How can you say that I am shameless?"

"You..." Chu Xia rolled his eyes and changed the subject, "I talked with Dad today, do you want to hear what we talked about? It's about Dad's body."

"You..." Zhou Mikang nodded her nose helplessly, and rolled down from her, "There are a series of bad intentions, you know that I can't do anything when you say that, Chu Xia, be kind Son!"

"Cut!" Chu Xia slapped him on the buttocks, "Save your trick and tell others. It's useless here. Let me get back what you owe me first."


Someone seemed to be addicted to it, and someone seemed to be addicted to it. For a while, there was no other sound in the room except the "slapping" sound of hands hitting the buttocks.

Having had enough of the addiction, Chu Xia breathed a sigh of satisfaction: "Do you really think I'm easy to bully? Let me tell you, I've never been good at taking losses, making cheap is my forte!"

"This is also my strong point." Zhou Mikang turned over and quickly pressed on Chu Xia. "You can't just enjoy yourself, I have to enjoy it too. Little thing, it seems that I still can't clean up you enough. You are too brave..."

An hour and a half later, amidst Chu Xia's begging for mercy, the head of the regiment, Tongzi, finally retreated, and slapped her on the buttocks, "Do you dare to make a big mistake with a small one in the future?"

"Don't dare."

A good man... oh no, a good woman doesn't suffer from the immediate disadvantages. At this time, Chu Xia is nestled in the quilt, as soft as a cat, with that soft little voice. Hearing the head of the group, Tongzi's heart was throbbing, and his body reacted naturally. Chu Xia was so frightened that his three souls lost two and a half souls, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "I... I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, I will always listen to Yours, don't...don't don't..."

Zhou Mikang interrupted her funny: "Why are you still stuttering?" Without waiting for Chu Xia to say anything, he turned and went to the bathroom,

Not for a while. The sound of flushing water came.

"It's okay..." Chu Xia let out a long sigh of relief, but he was scared to death. Fortunately, the group leader Tongzi still has a conscience. I still know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade...

When Zhou Mikang came out of the cold shower, Chu Xia had already fallen asleep, knowing that his Meng Lang had really frightened her. I was also tired of her, so I felt a little guilty. Knowing that she likes to be clean, she brought a basin of hot water over. Help her scrub carefully...

When waking up in the morning, Chu Xia asked Zhou Mikang, "When are you going to be on a mission?"

"Why, expect me to leave quickly?" Zhou Mikang, who had already returned from morning exercise, looked her up and down, "Are you hoping that I will leave and never come back?"

"No, no..." Chu Xia shook her head again and again, "I don't mean that, you think too much, I just care about you and want to help you pack your luggage in advance."

"Do you think I'll believe it?" Zhou Mikang snorted, "You think I'm a fool?"

"Don't dare..." Chu Xia smiled flatteringly, "If you are stupid, then there will be no smart people in this world. I really care about you. Let's go and eat. Are you hungry?"


Before the two of them went down, the door knocked, and Yinger's voice came: "Third Uncle, Third Aunt, can you send me to Yuhong Class today?"

If she didn't know Ying'er's mission, Chu Xia would definitely respond immediately, but now, her mood is different, and her sympathy for the little girl disappeared. However, she didn't want her to return to her previous appearance, so she rushed Zhou Mikang winked and told him to dismiss the little girl.

Zhou Mikang opened the door expressionlessly, and said, "Third Uncle and Third Aunt have something to do, so they can't go see you off, let Aunt Xiaojing take you to Yuhong Class."

"Auntie, do you not like Yinger anymore?" The little girl had tears in her eyes, "Auntie has been unwilling to talk to Yinger these two days, what did Yinger do wrong, little aunt, can you tell me ?”

"No, you did nothing wrong. My aunt is really too busy..." Chu Xia walked to the door and forced a smile, "When my aunt is busy for a while, I will send you to school, okay?"

"Little aunt, you have to keep your word!"


"Pull your finger."


"Stamp it."

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Xia satisfied the little girl's request.

After Ying'er left, Chu Xia sighed heavily, and looked at Zhou Mikang helplessly on the sofa: "You shouldn't have told me, I can't pretend."

"You..." Zhou Mikang squatted in front of her and looked directly into her eyes, "It's all over, you can adjust it slowly, Ying'er is still a child, she has basically turned her heart to you now here.

If you try harder, then even if Zhou Aiping comes back in the future, even if Liu Lingmei provokes her again, she may not listen to her. Is it reasonable? "

"Why tell me the truth? I'd rather know nothing."

Thinking about it now, Chu Xia was afraid.

When Ying'er came to Zhou's house, she once spilled a small bottle of water all over her body.

She remembered the situation clearly, that is, when her mother-in-law and the old lady were not around, when Ying'er passed by her, she suddenly poured a small bottle of water on her, and then ran away.

When eating later, Ying'er seemed a little surprised when she saw her.

At that time, she only thought that this was a child's prank, but she never thought that Liu Lingmei secretly gave her the bottle of water, and Lu Su'e also knew it, but acquiesced to Liu Lingmei's actions.

The bottle was originally filled with concentrated sulfuric acid.

If Jiang Qima hadn't found out and hadn't changed the bottle for Ying'er in advance, then she should be covered with burn scars now...

Of course, Liu Lingmei's goal should be to make her face look ugly, but Ying'er is too small, and she didn't get wet on her face when she danced high.

However, even the scars all over her body were enough for her.

What kind of hatred does she have with her? She actually let an ignorant child do such vicious things. Does she really think that Ying'er is her granddaughter?

"We're going to see Ying'er off today." Chu Xia looked at Zhou Mikang and said solemnly.

"Have you figured it out?"

"Think it over." Chu Xia nodded vigorously, "It's not the child's fault. The adults taught the child's mistakes. I don't need to be smart after the fact. What I have to do is to settle the score afterwards!"

"Okay." Zhou Mikang nodded, "I support you."

"Does Third Uncle know about this?" Chu Xia asked.

"I don't know." Zhou Mikang sighed, "Third uncle's psychological pressure is too heavy, I really don't want to put another burden on him, but he will know about it sooner or later, but I still hope that he can find out through others. mouth knows about it."

"Understood." Chu Xia nodded and stood up, "Let's go, send Ying'er to Yuhong Class after dinner."

Zhou Mikang smiled and patted her on the back: "Remember, no matter what time you make, I will support you."

"Why?" Chu Xia looked up at him, "If I make a wrong decision, will you still support me?"

"Yes, who asked me to marry you?" Zhou Mikang waved his hand like chasing flies, "It's useless to regret now, a husband must have the self-consciousness and responsibility of being a husband."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Chu Xia smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, and put her hand on his arm: "Xiao Mimi, let's drive!"

Zhou Mikang: "..." Is there anyone who puts their nose on their face like this?

"Ying'er, my aunt asked you something..." On the way, Chu Xia asked Ying'er seemingly unintentionally, "You have to answer my aunt honestly, okay?"

"Okay!" Ying'er stared at Chu Xia happily with her small face up, "Ying'er promises that, whatever my aunt asks, Ying'er will answer the question and never lie!"

"When Ying'er first arrived, she was drenched in water all over her little aunt. Ying'er, do you know what kind of water is in that bottle?"

"What and water?" Ying'er shrank timidly, "Little aunt, do you know everything?"

"It's one thing for my aunt to know, but it's another for Ying'er to tell her the truth. I wonder if Ying'er wants to be friends with my aunt?"

Ying'er blinked her big eyes: "Did you tell my aunt that Ying'er and my aunt are friends?"

Chu Xia nodded affirmatively: "Yes!"

Biting her lip, and then taking a look at Zhou Mikang, Ying'er finally made up her mind: "The water in that bottle was given to Ying'er by grandma. Grandma said that Ying'er's parents were killed by her little aunt. Hate little aunt.

Then, the grandma gave the bottle of water to Yinger, saying that as long as the bottle of water was spilled on the little aunt, the parents would come back to find Yinger, but Yinger did so, and the parents did not come to find Yinger either. Son. "

"Did grandma tell you what the water is for?"

"She said that if the water was spilled on my little aunt, especially her face, she would become very ugly, and then my uncle would not want my little aunt anymore. As long as my little aunt leaves, my parents will come back.

Little aunt, I was wrong, don't be angry with me, okay? Ying'er is closest to her little aunt, and Ying'er knows that she is the best to Ying'er. "

Chu Xia looked at Ying'er with a complicated expression. Wouldn't it be too scary for a five-year-old child to pretend to be so realistic?

She cast her inquiring eyes on Zhou Mikang, she was really bitten by a snake once, and she was afraid of well ropes for ten years...

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