First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 466: Catch the duck and put it on the shelves (4K)

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"When I followed the teacher into the operating room for the first time, not only was there no one to comfort me, but I was also beaten up by Jiao Meiqin. Compared with you..." Wang Jing sighed with emotion, "I am really too bad. Failed."

"Our situations are different, we can't compare like this..." Chu Xia laughed, "When we first joined the army, we also fought fiercely."

"Don't comfort me. Even if I were in your situation, I wouldn't have so many friends. This has a lot to do with my personality..." After a pause, Wang Jing continued, "Lin Chuxia, actually I'm still jealous. Yours, your looks and talents have made you who you are, but if it were me, I wouldn’t be lovable with a character like yours.”

It's impossible to figure out some things at once. Chu Xia didn't try to persuade her. She just smiled and shook her head: "You have so many reasons."

"Haha..." Wang Jing smiled nonchalantly, "Maybe it's because I feel too inferior that I always have to find excuses for myself. In fact, I want to comfort you..."

"I understand..." Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "Senior sister, you have changed a lot than before. I have seen it all. No need to explain, I understand."

"Dong dong..."

Wang Feng walked in, smiled carelessly at the two of them, and sat next to Wang Jing: "Xiaojing, when did you come to work in 401? I don't even know."

Wang Jing looked at her coldly: "What's the matter?"

"Xiao Jing, we are cousins. I know you work here, so shouldn't it be right for me to come and see you?" Wang Feng said while looking at Chu Xia, "Dr. Xiao Lin. Do you think what I said is right?"

"Haha..." Chu Xia laughed dryly and stood up, "You guys chat. I'm going to the bathroom." When she reached the door, she almost bumped into the middle-aged woman who hurried in. She was so frightened that she quickly took two steps back.

"Sister-in-law?" Wang Jing shouted in surprise. He looked at Chu Xia and introduced, "This is my sister-in-law Wang Lei. You were not here when she came a few days ago. Sister-in-law, this is the Lin Chuxia I told you."

"Hello, Chu Xia." The middle-aged woman handed the thermos bucket in her hand to Wang Jing, and held Chu Xia affectionately, "Thank you, thank you for your tolerance to Xiao Jing."

He has a very well-proportioned medium build, and his facial features are not exactly exquisite. But it gives people a very comfortable feeling. When she smiles, the corners of her lips are slightly raised, which naturally makes people feel close to her. Chu Xia also unconsciously burst out with a sweet smile: "Hello, aunt, you are so polite."

"This kid is really cute..." Wang Lei glared at Wang Jing and said,

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you give Chu Xia a taste of the white fungus and red date soup I stewed?"

Wang Feng looked at Wang Lei eagerly: "Sister-in-law. I'm here too."

"I saw it..." Wang Lei nodded lightly at her, "If you don't stay with your eldest sister, why are you running around here?"

"Sister-in-law..." Wang Feng frowned, "I am also your biological niece. How can you treat her so differently?"

"You have parents who love you, so who will get me?" Wang Lei glared at her, "I want to be a good wife of the Qin family. You have to work hard, why are you standing here?"

Wang Feng snorted from his nose. Turned around and left the office.

"Xiao Jing, if you don't want to talk to her, just don't talk to her."

"I know." Wang Jing handed a bowl of hot soup to Chu Xia. "My sister-in-law's soup-making skills are beyond compare. You will know when you try it. The same porridge she makes tastes different."

"Okay, let me try it." Chu Xia was not polite, took the bowl, tasted it carefully, and praised sincerely, "Wang Jing, you are really good at tasting it, sister-in-law, your soup is really amazing!"

"If you like it, ask Xiaojing to bring it to you every day." Wang Lei narrowed her eyes as she smiled, "It's good for girls to drink more soup. Don't refuse, my sister-in-law is sincere."

"I know my sister-in-law means it sincerely, but if you take it with you every day, it's easy to get tired of it, no matter how good it is." Chu Xia smiled and handed the empty bowl to Wang Jing, "Here's another bowl."

"No more drinks..." Wang Jing pushed her bowl back, "It's not long before the operation. You drink so much, what if you want to go to the toilet?"

"I almost forgot." Chu Xia smiled gratefully at her, "Thank you, senior sister, for reminding me."

"You, you seem smart all day long, but you were just a little fool when you first came out..." Wang Jing shook her head helplessly and tightened the lid of the thermos bucket, "You can drink the rest after you have the surgery."


Seeing the interaction between her niece and Chu Xia, Wang Lei turned her face away and quietly wiped away her tears.

Song Xiaoyu was also very interested to see Wang Lei when she came back. When Wang Lei pulled her aside and muttered a few words, she smiled and shook her head: "You, you still don't believe what I said, do you?"

Wang Lei shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, I believe it, but I have to see it in person to feel more confident. Tell me the truth. Can Xiaojing follow you all the time?"

"It's impossible to follow me all the time..." Seeing Wang Lei's expression change, Song Xiaoyu smiled, "Don't you want her to become a disciple? Are you still following me?"

"Haha..." Wang Lei smiled sheepishly, "I mean, can she always follow you before she becomes a disciple?"

Song Xiaoyu looked at Wang Jing: "Wang Jing, do you want to leave me?"

"That's all my sister-in-law's worries. She never trusts me." Wang Jing smiled sheepishly, "But this also shows that what I did before was not good enough."

"As long as you know." Song Xiaoyu glanced at the time and said, "Let's go, follow me to prepare for the operation. Chuxia, do you want to go to the bathroom first?"

"Of course." After the words fell, Chu Xia had already disappeared. Wang Jing shook her head in amusement, "I just wanted to drink another bowl of soup."

Song Xiaoyu rolled her eyes at her: "For her age, it's pretty good to be able to do this. Think about the first time you entered the operating room, you were not as good as her."

Wang Jing's face turned red: "Teacher, I'm not laughing at her."

Song Xiaoyu's face tightened: "Really?"

Wang Jing shook her head anxiously: "Of course not! I didn't lie, teacher, I swear, I really didn't laugh at Chu Xia."

Song Xiaoyu's brows and eyes were filled with a smile: "I'm teasing you, I think I'll scare you."

Wang Jing: "..."

Coming out of the toilet, Chu Xia met Zhou Shanping who came in a hurry. Traveling with him was a woman in her forties. "Uncle Third!" Chu Xia greeted with a smile.

"Early summer..." Zhou Shanping stopped and introduced the woman next to her. "This is your fourth brother-in-law's aunt, Liao Xinting, the deputy director of the supply and marketing building..." He then looked at the middle-aged woman, "This is Xiaomi's wife, Lin Chuxia, you haven't seen her yet, have you?"

"Hello, Aunt Liao."

"Hello Chu Xia." Liao Xinting looked at Chu Xia with admiration on her face, "You're really cute. Xiaomi is a lucky person. He waited and waited for his favorite."

"Thank you Aunt Liao for the compliment." Chu Xia smiled calmly, "I also think Zhou Mikang is blessed. He has so many relatives, friends and elders who truly love him."

After being stunned for a moment, Liao Xinting smiled heartily and said, "No wonder Xiangping likes you. Your personality is exactly what she wants. She doesn't like coy girls the most."

Chu Xia glanced at the time and smiled sheepishly: "Uncle Third, Aunt Liao, I have to hurry up and prepare. I will talk to you after the operation."

Zhou Shanping waved his hand at her: "Go ahead, let's go, we also want to go to the ward."

When Chu Xia walked to the office door, Wang Jing was waiting for her, not waiting for her to go in. Pushing her straight out: "Hurry up, hurry up, the teacher is waiting for us."

The second assistant was Li Qing. He was making preparations when he saw Chu Xia and Wang Jing coming in. He just nodded slightly and continued to work on himself.

Chu Xia lowered her voice: "Senior sister. Why haven't I seen you working as a second assistant for others?"

"They don't need it." Wang Jing curled her lips and saw that Song Xiaoyu didn't look here. Then he continued, "Director Huang and Director Tao are not as skilled as the teacher, so they deliberately isolate us. They swap people for every operation."

Chu Xia nodded suddenly, changed her clothes, and went to do disinfection. She did it very seriously. Wang Jing, who was watching her movements and wanting to give her some advice, finally gave her a thumbs up.

Entering the operating room, Qin Mei had been pushed in. She was lying there, very anxious.

Song Xiaoyu stepped forward to comfort her: "Don't be nervous, this operation is not very dangerous, trust me."

"Yes." Qin Mei nodded, her eyes fell on Chu Xia who was standing at the back, and then on Li Qing, her face turned red, she bit her lip and looked at Song Xiaoyu, "Can...can you not?" Is a male doctor present?”

Song Xiaoyu smiled and shook her head: "Li Qing is the second assistant. According to the regulations, he must be present. Qin Mei, he is a doctor now, not a man. Relax."

"No..." Qin Mei's face flushed nervously, "I...I can't accept it."

"Doctors are neither male nor female. You have to accept it even if you can't accept it." Song Xiaoyu said and looked at the anesthesiologist, "Let's get started."

"No!" Qin Mei wrapped herself tightly in the sheets and huddled into a ball, "I...I'm not married yet, I...I don't want a male doctor."

"Nonsense!" Song Xiaoyu frowned, "When life is at stake, do you still care about this? Comrade Qin Mei, please cooperate with my work!"

"No! No! I won't!" Qin Mei said, her body curled up even more. The anesthesiologist shook his head helplessly at Song Xiaoyu. He could not give anesthesia to the patient in such a state.

"Director Song, I think I'd better go out." Li Qing looked at Song Xiaoyu with an ugly face, "I can't work well in the face of such a patient."

"Qin Mei..." Song Xiaoyu tried to pat Qin Mei on the shoulder, but found that the other party's body was as hard as iron, so she had to sigh, waved to Li Qing, and motioned for him to go out first.

Sure enough, the moment he went out, Qin Mei's body softened.

"You are a patient, how could you do this?" Song Xiaoyu also looked very ugly. This was not the first time she had seen this kind of patient, but she had never seen such a violent reaction like Qin Mei's.

"I'm sorry!" Qin Mei's eyes were full of tears, "I...I don't want to do this, but...but I can't control myself, I...I met a male doctor when I was doing an examination before, he...he …”

Seeing Qin Mei's appearance, Song Xiaoyu still didn't understand what was going on, so she frowned and asked, "Who is that male doctor?"

"He is dead."

Song Xiaoyu: "..." What's going on? She had no choice but to ask nurse Qi Hong to find Jiao Meiqin. As a result, Qi Hong came back after a while and said that Jiao Meiqin had entered another operating room. She also went to Director Tao, and two interns also entered the operating room. In other words, except Li Qing, there is no one else available now.

"Chu Xia..." Song Xiaoyu looked at Chu Xia hesitantly, unable to make a decision.

The second assistant was to help with some preliminary work, that is, some simple sutures. This was not difficult for Chu Xia. She took a deep breath and looked at Song Xiaoyu: "Teacher, I can do it."

Qin Mei quickly answered: "I believe in her, no matter what the outcome, I believe in her."

"Okay, prepare for the operation." Song Xiaoyu looked at the anesthesiologist, "Let's get started."

The operation was carried out in an orderly manner. The epidermis, dermis, and abdominal cavity were incised, and blood poured out quickly...

Wang Jing glanced at Chu Xia with some worry, but saw that the other person's eyes were staring at Song Xiaoyu's hand tightly, without any sign of panic. She couldn't help but secretly praised the teacher's good eyesight, thinking that it was her first time to participate in the operation. , I was almost scared to death.

In fact, Chu Xia was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. This was not a guinea pig, but a real human belly. If nothing else, the pile of intestines when Song Xiaoyu took them out was terrifying enough. of……

She tried hard to suppress her emotions and try not to show panic on her face. Qin Mei was half numb and very clear, and she kept staring at her. She didn't want to make the other party nervous because of her performance. She was calm Only then can the other party be calm, so she can only make herself look calm...

At this moment, even she admired her acting skills and believed that no one except her parents could see her nervousness.

As the operation progressed, Song Xiaoyu watched the sarcoma as big as a fist being cleaned out, and her heartbeat was no longer so fast. Even she was surprised at her skill in debridement and removal...

The last stitch came from Chu Xia's hand. After tying the knot and twisting the thread, she realized that her back was soaked...

"Chu Xia, you are awesome!" Wang Jing gave her a thumbs up, "I have never been so worry-free as a first aid. Compared with you, Li Qing and Jiao Meiqin are really far behind."

"Thank you for the compliment, senior sister!" Chu Xia looked at Song Xiaoyu anxiously, "Teacher..."

"Not bad." Song Xiaoyu smiled and shook her head, "You still have to praise me?"

Chu Xia nodded matter-of-factly: "That's right, only the teacher's affirmation can make me feel at ease."

The anesthesiologist looked at Song Xiaoyu with a smile: "Director Song, congratulations on receiving such a talented student."

After Song Xiaoyu checked carefully, she signaled the nurse to push the patient into the intensive care unit, and then looked at the anesthesiologist: "Will I accept students who are not talented?"

Chu Xia: "..." Teacher, can you be more humble?

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