First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 468: Fate (Happy Double Holidays~)

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing here? Go home." Seeing that her sister-in-law was still outside, Wang Jing stepped forward and pushed her, "Why do you like to take care of things so much?"

"I'll go back right away..." Wang Lei sighed, "I just came here to keep an eye on Wang Feng because I was afraid that she would cause trouble. Regardless of whether we kiss her or not, she is still a member of the Wang family. If she loses her reputation, it will also affect you. of."

"Sister-in-law, you think too much. If we hadn't met in the hospital, she might have forgotten that she has a sister like me..." Wang Jing pushed her away impatiently, "Don't worry so much. Sister-in-law, what’s wrong with you?”

Feeling Wang Lei's sudden stiffness, Wang Jing stared at her with a puzzled expression. Following her line of sight, she saw a middle-aged man standing not far away, staring straight at her sister-in-law...

Wang Jing knew that man. He was the husband of the woman who didn't believe what Chu Xia had persuaded her to do a few days ago and had a cerebral hemorrhage. His surname seemed to be Wang... Wang Jing was furious. Wasn't the man that my sister-in-law liked in the past also surnamed Wang? , is it such a coincidence?

After a brief moment of shock, Wang Lei regained her composure. She smiled faintly at the man: "Hello, Comrade Wang Lianliang!"

"Comrade Wang Lei, hello!"

The corner of Wang Jing's mouth twitched, it was really...

After calling each other, the former lovers didn't know what to say, so they just stood there quietly without saying a word. It could be seen from their body movements that both of them were extremely uncomfortable.

It just so happened that he came out with Song Xiaoyu in early summer, and Wang Lianliang found a savior: "Dr. Xiaolin, my family members are conscious!"

"Congratulations." Chu Xia looked surprised, "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago, Director Jing was checking her up. I came to see you. I heard that you were here. I came over right away. I didn't expect that you were really here. What a coincidence... "

Listening to Wang Lianliang's incoherent words, Chu Xia just thought he was crazy for joy and followed his wishes: "Yes, yes, it's quite a coincidence..." She looked at Song Xiaoyu, "Teacher, I'll go and take a look and come back." ,OK?"

Song Xiaoyu nodded at her: "Go ahead and remember to call home later."

"Third uncle is here. I don't need to call." Chu Xia hurriedly walked to Zhou Shanping and smiled sheepishly at Liao Xinting, "Aunt Liao, let me say a few words to third uncle."

"Do you want me to avoid it?" Liao Xinting said and was about to walk away. Chu Xia quickly grabbed her, "No, no, I'll just tell my third uncle,

I have to be on duty with the teacher tonight and won't go home. Please tell Third Uncle, grandparents, parents, and others. "

"Okay." Zhou Shanping nodded, "I'll go back and tell them what they need, and ask Xiaomi to bring it to you."

"No. There's nothing needed. I'm just on duty." Chu Xia waved to Zhou Shanping, turned around and walked towards Wang Lianliang. At this moment, she noticed something was wrong with Wang Lianliang and followed his gaze. Realizing that it was Wang Lei that he was peeking at, he couldn't help but secretly sighed. Unexpectedly, Wang Lianliang, who seems to be very honest, would be like this.

"Ahem!" She coughed lightly and said, "Comrade Wang, let's go."

Wang Lianliang's face turned red instantly and he responded repeatedly, following Chu Xia towards his wife's ward. Halfway through, he finally couldn't help but explain: "Dr. Xiao Lin, I'm not a bad man who likes you."

The corners of Chu Xia's mouth twitched and she said, "Comrade Wang, you don't need to explain this to me."

"You are my wife's savior. I, I must explain it clearly to you..." After a pause, Wang Lianliang said, "Do you know Wang Lei?"

Hearing Wang Lianliang say Wang Lei's name, Chu Xia knew that she might have been thinking too much just now, and her expression softened: "We know her, she is my senior sister's aunt."

"We were lovers when we went to the countryside, and later we planned to get married. However, I didn't mind her taking my niece with her at that time, and my parents didn't agree either.

They said that if Wang Lei and I were together, I would not be allowed to live at home. The hard life in the countryside was too scary, so I gave in and married my current wife.

We haven't seen each other in these years, but I know that she has never been married, so when I see her, I feel very guilty. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have been single. "

Recalling Wang Lei's expression, Chu Xia suddenly realized, no wonder the smile on Wang Lei's face was so far-fetched, wasn't it? It was uncomfortable to see her former lover without any precautions.

She couldn't help but look at Wang Lianliang carefully. She didn't expect that this ordinary-looking man had such a past. However, seeing how deeply he loved his wife, it was obvious that the previous relationship was over. No, the only thing left in my heart is probably guilt.

" you look down on me?"

"No." Chu Xia waved her hand and smiled at the worried Wang Lianliang, "No wonder you couldn't defeat your wife that day. It turns out that's your personality."

Wang Lianliang sighed: "Yes, I am a cowardly man who is easy to compromise. I know that I have brought this on myself."

"Don't say that. Realize it. From now on, stick to some things that should be insisted on, and compromise on some things that should be compromised. Everything will be fine."


"This..." Chu Xia smiled helplessly, "I can't give you an exact answer, but as a human being, you should learn lessons and move forward, right?"

"Yes, Dr. Xiaolin, I can see that you are extraordinary. Everything you said makes sense. If I had listened to you that day, my wife would not be like this now."

"Don't regret the past, just look forward." Chu Xia said while making a gesture to move forward.

Wang Lianliang nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, Doctor Xiaolin, I listen to you and look forward."

Chu Xia smiled and said: "No, I don't have much experience. I'm just telling you my own opinion. How do you do it yourself? You still have to make your own decision."

"I know, I know." Wang Lianliang nodded repeatedly, "No matter what the result is, I will not blame Dr. Xiaolin. Just don't ignore us."

I have a black line in early summer. I don’t know what to say. We are not on the same frequency band. Conversation is really tiring...

After Jing Zhe finished examining Wang's wife, he turned around and saw Chu Xia and Wang Lianliang coming in. He smiled and said, "Are you having surgery?"

Chu Xia nodded: "Yes, the operation went well." After greeting Wu Jingbo, she walked to Jing Zhe and said, "Is the situation okay? Uncle Wang was so happy that he was incoherent."

"It's not bad..." Jing Zhe looked at Wang Lianliang, "It's estimated that the patient will wake up in another two hours. As for whether her brain is damaged, we won't know until testing."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Wang Lianliang's eyes, and he quickly thanked him: "Thank you for your hard work, Director Jing."

"I'll come over to check her out in two hours. When you're fine, you can do some more massage for the patient." Jing Zhe said and walked out. Chu Xia waved to Wang Lianliang and followed him out, "Brother, what's wrong? Like?" she asked in a low voice.

Jing Zhe turned to look at her: "What do you hope?"

"I certainly hope she makes a full recovery."

"It's a pity that your hope is impossible." Jing Zhe sighed slightly, "Left-sided hemiplegia is unavoidable. Fortunately, they are close to the hospital, and the time it takes to send them here is not too long. If the patient has perseverance, eventually Full recovery is not impossible.

That Wang Lianliang listens to you very much. Go back and persuade him to not lose confidence. Alas, this man is also very miserable. He doesn't even have a child. If the woman really can't recover, he will be very tired in the future. "

"No children?" Chu Xia was stunned, "Did he say it himself?"

"Well, I was on duty last night and chatted with him for a while. He said that he and his wife had been childless for three years after being married, so the family urged them to go for a check-up, and it was finally determined that his wife could not get pregnant.

His family teased him about divorce. He felt that he had already let down one woman and could not let down another, so he insisted on staying with his wife. In the end, his parents kicked him out of the house.

Fortunately, his wife's mother-in-law's family extended a helping hand and gave them a house to live in. Now, they still live in her mother-in-law's house. However, his father-in-law and mother-in-law are gone. His wife has a younger brother. Because of that house, and Their relationship was very tense.

What he is most afraid of now is that after his wife is discharged from the hospital, the house is taken back by his wife's brother, and then they will really have to sleep on the street. He said that the house was not taken back before because his wife has a strong personality and can spare the trouble. Go ahead, his wife's brother doesn't dare to play rough tricks.

Now, his wife has become like this, and there is no telling what the outcome will be. He is a good man, and he is thinking about this matter, and he is not willing to leave his wife and go back to see the situation. "

"The woman he let down was Wang Jing's sister-in-law, whom he met just now."

"What a coincidence?" Jing Zhe smiled and shook his head, "What a coincidence."

"Originally I thought he was quite cowardly, but after hearing what you said, I thought he was pretty good too. Alas, it's such a mess that it's really hard to sort it out. By the way, do you think their house has been given to him by his wife's brother? Taken away?"

"I can't say for sure, but when his father-in-law and mother-in-law passed away, he had given them the property rights of the house they lived in. If it was really occupied, he could still get the house back as long as he produced evidence. However, from now on This relative has probably become an enemy."

Chu Xia returned to the office and told Wang Jing what she heard from Jing Zhe. Wang Jing, who was originally angry with Wang Lianliang, was silent for a long time after listening to Chu Xia's story, and sighed: "This is probably our fate. Well, my sister-in-law should be able to let it go after meeting him today. I hope my sister-in-law can still find a man she really likes."

"You can talk to your sister-in-law about this. She has to open up her heart first. No matter how good the fate is, if she is unwilling to accept it, it can't happen to her for no reason, right?"

Wang Jing smiled and said, "Yes, you are young, you know a lot, and you know a lot."

Song Xiaoyu laughed: "Wang Jing, if you are still not convinced, Chu Xia can be our teacher in this regard."

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