One update arrived.

"Dong dong..."

As a result, he stood at the door and knocked on the door a few times, smiling apologetically at Song Xiaoyu, "Director Song, I want to ask Lin Chuxia something."

Song Xiaoyu looked at Chu Xia with a smile: "We, Dr. Xiao Lin, are really busy with business. Go ahead and don't miss the meal. Your mother-in-law told me not to eat cold rice."

Lin Chuxia, don’t forget that you are a married woman, so be careful about the impact..., is this the subtext, right? Chu Xia responded with a black line, stood up and planned to walk out.

It turned out that he was not stupid. He originally asked Chu Xia for help, but he didn't want to get dirty on him, so he stepped in and closed the office door: "Let's talk here."

Now it was Song Xiaoyu's turn to feel embarrassed. She wanted to say something to make up for it, but she became more and more anxious and couldn't find any words to say, so she looked at Wang Jing for help.

Wang Jing had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "As a result, do you want us to avoid it?"

He was so embarrassed that his face turned red and he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, what I told Lin Chuxia was not something shameful..."

Chu Xia sat back in her chair speechlessly. She had finally seen what it means to not be able to chat. One, two, three... all...

Feeling that there was something wrong with what he said, Guangzhi stopped explaining and asked straight to the point: "Lin Chuxia, I'm looking for you to ask about Li Xiaoru, do you know that?"

This momentum... If you don't know the truth, you really think she has done something to Li Xiaoru... "Brother, are you trying to settle a score with me?" Chu Xia said that she was not happy anymore.

"No, no, no..." Gu Guo waved his hands anxiously. "I, I'm just too anxious. I can't even speak. Forget it, I'd better explain it in detail.

Didn't I say last time that after Xiaoru's mother's accident, my parents didn't agree with our marriage, but they weren't so absolute.

However, they originally planned to go to the Li family to discuss marriage, but they didn't go. As for me, I also wanted both parties to calm down, so I explained it to Xiaoru and said that I would wait until my parents calmed down completely before going to her house.

Xiaoru's behavior at the time was quite normal. She said she could understand my parents' feelings and didn't blame them. She also agreed to postpone the matter for a while, saying that if both parents were worried. We won't be happy even if we are forced to be together.

I was injured a few days ago and was delayed from work.

I didn't look for her after the injury healed. I went over after get off work the day before yesterday and found that the door of her house was locked, and only a deaf old woman in the neighbor's house was at home. After asking around, she just said that her son and daughter-in-law had gone to work.

I'm thinking about this. I asked my mother to go over and take a look yesterday. It happened that the neighbor's uncle and aunt were at home. My mother went to inquire about it and said that Xiaoru’s family had moved away the day before yesterday. As for where they would move to, they didn't know, but it looked like they were traveling far away, bringing a lot of big and small bags with them.

My mother then went to find old colleagues she knew before. No one knew about their family’s move, not even Dabao and Sini. My mother was afraid something might happen, so she notified my father and I to inquire together, but the result was nothing I didn't get any valuable information.

When you passed by today, I suddenly thought that Xiaoru asked me when I was in the hospital, what would happen if I couldn't find her one day? I just thought she was joking and asked her to stop thinking.

In the past, she would immediately stop talking about topics I didn't want to talk about, but that day, she insisted on me telling me why. I was thinking about work at the time, and I was a little impatient, so I said that if I couldn't find her, I would just call the police. , what else can I do.

Then she became silent. After that day, she never came to the hospital again. I remember that she once chatted with you. In early summer, when she chatted with you, did she reveal any thoughts? "

"Yes." Chu Xia opened the drawer and found the letter Li Xiaoru left with her and handed it to Gu Guo, "Read it yourself."

Guo Guo took the letter and opened it with trembling hands. After reading only a few words, he asked Chuxia anxiously: "When did she give you this letter?"

"That's the day you asked her not to bring you food."

"It's been so long?" Gu Guo frowned and stared at Chu Xia, "Why didn't you give me the letter earlier?"

Chu Xia's face turned cold: "Are you qualified to question me?"

"I..." Zhuge Liang blushed and stared at Chu Xia. After a while, his momentum weakened, "I'm sorry, I was just too anxious. I'm not targeting you, and of course I'm not qualified to target you. I...I..."

Seeing his painful look, Chu Xia sighed: "Why did I do this if I had known this? Think about your attitude towards her at that time. As long as you could give her a little confidence, their family would not do this."

"Yes...yes..." Gu Guo nodded mechanically, "Blame me, blame me, I'm too selfish, I only think about my own feelings, and completely ignore the pain and suffering in her heart, but she went Where is she? Chu Xia, you know where she is, right? You tell me, I am going to find her, I am going to tell her that I will treat her well, I... I will never ignore her again. "

Chu Xia spread her hands helplessly: "I don't know where she went, but I suggest you sort out your feelings first and then decide what to do. This is responsible for you and her."

"My own feelings?" Gu Guo looked at Chu Xia blankly, "Is there anything wrong with my own feelings?"

Without waiting for Chu Xia's answer, Wang Jing said first, "I can see the result. You like Wu Jingbo and Li Xiaoru is your girlfriend. Girls have delicate minds. I believe she must have noticed it."

"Look, senior sister has noticed it. Does that mean how obvious it is for you?" Chu Xia sighed again, "Senior Brother Cheng, maybe you don't want to admit it now, but you must sort yourself out. You can't let guilt or pity go. If the other person is happy, you have to really love her to bring her happiness."

"I..." Gu Guang stared at the letter blankly, reading it again and again. The last sentence wishing him happiness and wishing him a happy life with his beloved girl made his heart full of joy. guilt...

Obviously, his behavior prevented her from seeing his love for her, so she left quietly, just not wanting to embarrass him...

"Brother Guozi, I will be your wife when you grow up!"

"Brother Guozi, you are not allowed to look at other girls, I am your wife!"

"Brother Guozi, remember to come back to me!"

"Brother Guozi, is it really you?!"

"Brother Guozi, it's great to have you by my side!"

"Brother Guozi, I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"Brother Guozi..."

Childhood, boyhood, youth... Li Xiaoru at various stages rolled through his mind, and he felt that his heart was so suffocated that he could hardly breathe...

Seeing him falling straight down, Chu Xia was so frightened that she hurriedly pulled him up. The moment her hand touched him, she gritted her teeth and fell to the ground first. Then, the result hit her hard... hiss... …It hurts!

Wang Jing hurriedly went to help Guo Guo get up, and the voices of Chu Xia and Song Xiaoyu rang out at the same time, "Don't help!"

Chu Xia sucked in the air-conditioning and said, "Senior sister, I'm not a fool. If I weren't afraid that something might happen to him because of something bad, would I need to make him a mat?"

Wang Jing clenched her claws and looked at the two people stacked together, not knowing what to do.

"Quickly go find Jing Zhe, he is an expert in this field." Song Xiaoyu said as he stepped forward, looked at the results, opened his eyelids, looked at the flesh pads underneath, and asked worriedly, "Chu Xia, are you there?" Where do you feel the pain?"

"It hurts everywhere..." Chu Xia stared at her with a bitter face, and there were faint tears in her eyes, "Look at him, he is not fat, why is he so heavy? Teacher, if I am paralyzed, you have to Heal me."

"You..." Song Xiaoyu sighed and glared at her, "Next time, remember to act according to your ability. Even if you couldn't hold him back just now, just a buffer is enough. Why do you have to put yourself underneath?"

"Just think that I have a brain twitch, teacher, get me a piece of cloth to sit on, I have to lie down for a while."

Song Xiaoyu quickly took the small pillow she had used during her lunch break and placed it on Chu Xia's neck, and spread a piece of cloth for her so that she could lie down firmly.

When Jing Zhe came in, he saw that his sister Qinqin was lying on the ground with all kinds of props, and his eldest disciple was lying on the back of sister Qinqin like a dead dog...

Without saying anything else, he hurried forward to check the results, and then called four young nurses to come in and move the results to the trolley bed. Wang Jing and Song Xiaoyu hurriedly stepped forward to help Chu Xia up.

Song Xiaoyu looked solemnly and tried various parts of Chu Xia. After finally confirming that no one was injured anywhere, she relaxed with a relaxed expression and pinched Chu Xia secretly with her hand.

"Hehe..." Smiling ingratiatingly at Song Xiaoyu, Chu Xia looked at Jing Zhe, "Brother, is Senior Brother Cheng okay?"

"It needs to be checked to be sure. You, please don't engage in such dangerous actions in the future!" Jing Zhe glared at her and hurriedly chased her out. If he hadn't been worried about Chu Xia, he would have followed the nurses out just now.

There was no one else in the office. Song Xiaoyu closed the door and scolded with a fierce face: "Lin Chuxia, if you do this again next time, I won't take you with you!"

"Teacher, I...I was anxious at the time. I was afraid that he might have a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage..."

Song Xiaoyu interrupted her angrily: "How can there be so many heart attacks and cerebral hemorrhages?"

Chu Xia shrank her neck and didn't dare to say anything.

Song Xiaoyu slowed down her tone: "Teacher, I know that you are kind-hearted, but when you do things, use your brain and protect yourself first so that you can save more others, right?"

"Yes." Chu Xia nodded solemnly, feeling warm in her heart. If she didn't really care for her, how could she train her like this? If it were someone else, I wish she would do this. The teacher will always take credit for the good things the students do.

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