Second update arrived.

Lin Wenbin, who was not a good drinker, was dragged to Jing Zhe's dormitory by Zhou Mikang and forced onto the bed. After covering him with a quilt, he was still muttering: "If you dare to treat my sister badly, I will beat you to death! ... …”

Zhou Mikang shook his head funny and went to pour him a glass of boiling water. The two jars were poured back and forth. When the water temperature dropped, he poured it into Lin Wenbin.

After knowing the other person's drinking capacity, I can no longer let him drink so much according to his temper. But speaking of it, this guy is quite perseverant. He can hold on for more than two hours until the early summer comes out. He just got drunk, which indirectly explained the position of Chu Xia in his psychology.

Maybe the fate between people is so magical. He has three sisters, but he is the closest to Xiaorao... Thinking of his little sister, his heart sank, and he quickly forced himself to stop his thoughts.

On the other bed, Gu Zhi, who was asleep, sat up in a daze, looked at the people standing in the room, suddenly stood up straight, stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Captain!"

Zhou Mikang returned the military salute and said helplessly: "Who are you trying to scare in the middle of the night? Hurry up and lie down to sleep."

"Yes!" Zhuge Liang responded and hurriedly lay down on the bed, but he was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep at all. Seeing how uncomfortable he looked, Zhou Mikang had no choice but to say, "Get up if you can't sleep."

"Yes." Gu Guo breathed a sigh of relief and sat up. Suddenly, his face turned red, "Regiment... Captain, I'm sorry, was my junior sister hurt by me?"

Zhou Mikang didn't know what he had done before, so he looked at him doubtfully: "How could you hurt Chu Xia? What's going on?"

As a result, he felt regretful and wanted to bite off his tongue. Why was he so tongue-tied? If the group leader knew about his previous behavior, would he skin him?

Chu Xia was sitting at the table and taking a nap. I felt a tightness in my arms, and then. Her body flew into the air unconsciously, which frightened her so much that she suddenly woke up and found that she was being held in Zhou Mikang's arms and walking out.

"What are you doing?" Chu Xia pinched him anxiously and secretly glanced in the direction of Song Xiaoyu. Fortunately, the other party was lying on the table and squinting, not noticing their little movements at all.

Zhou Mikang didn't say a word, and walked straight out of the office door with Chu Xia in his arms, and met two nurses. I was so shocked that I could hardly close my mouth.

Yes, her reputation in the hospital was completely ruined by this man. Everyone knew that she was married, but as for who she married, not many people knew.

The key is,

The medical staff unanimously assumed that she was married to a farmer from the countryside, and deliberately did not mention it because they were afraid of hurting her heart.

This is great. She was hugged and hugged by a soldier in front of the public. She really didn't know how it was going to be spread.

Hey, it seems that it is impossible to hide her identity any longer, I thought so. She simply looked at Zhou Mikang openly and said: "Put me down."

Zhou Mikang continued to move forward, not listening to her at all.

Chu Xia frowned: "I will talk to you seriously about anything you have to say, now. Let me say hello to my colleagues. If you don't want me to divorce you, just listen to me."

After a pause, Zhou Mikang put her on the ground. Coincidentally, the two nurses moved at a snail's pace to get in contact with the two of them. Chu Xia smiled at them and said, "Nurse Ma and Nurse Qi are on duty today?"

"……Yeah yeah……"

Unexpectedly, Chu Xia would say hello. The two of them were stunned for a moment and quickly nodded in response.

Chu Xia pointed to the sullen man next to her and introduced, "This is my husband Zhou Mikang." Then he introduced the two nurses to Zhou Mikang, "These are my colleagues, Nurse Ma Ma Yan, and Nurse Qi Qi Jie."

Although Ma Yan and Qi Jie did not know Zhou Mikang, he was wearing a military uniform, and it was also a military uniform with unusual texture, which naturally represented his identity. The two looked at each other suspiciously, a little at a loss.

Fortunately, Zhou Mikang had already nodded to the two of them and walked forward on his own. Chu Xia waved to the two of them and quickly chased after them.

Wang Jing and Ma Yan Qijie came out of the toilet and bumped into each other. They quickly grabbed Wang Jing's arms and dragged her back to the toilet.

"What are you doing?" Wang Jing looked at the two of them, "It's midnight, what are you doing?"

"Let me ask you, do you know who the man your junior sister married is?"

"Yeah, yeah, you know what?"

The two looked at her and asked.

"I know." Wang Jing looked at the two of them suspiciously, "What's wrong? What does it have to do with you who you marry in early summer?"

"It has nothing to do with us, but just now..." Ma Yan vividly explained the scene she just saw in detail...

Chu Xia followed Zhou Mikang to a secluded corner and looked at him with a frown: "What's wrong? How did I offend you?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Mikang glared at her, "I will give you a chance now. Think about it quickly, what are you hiding from me? If you tell me now, I can forgive you once. Otherwise, don't blame me for talking. It doesn’t count!”

"What are you hiding?" Chu Xia scratched her head, then scratched her head again, and then smiled in a flattering manner, "Are you awake?"

"Lin Chuxia!"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Chu Xia quickly raised her hand and promised, "I will never make similar mistakes again in the future. I am a doctor, not a pioneer. I should save people, but I will definitely hide myself first. Absolutely It’s not worth it if you can’t save the person and end up killing yourself, right?”

"Really? What is it?" Zhou Mikang snorted coldly, "Who are you asking?"

"Ask me, I'm asking and answering myself." Chu Xia tugged at his sleeves, "I know I was wrong. The teacher and Jing Zhe both trained me yesterday, and they also said that if I do this again If it’s wrong, I won’t be allowed to be a doctor.”

"Don't just make promises with your mouth..." Zhou Mikang stared at her, "You must take it seriously from the heart. Lin Chuxia, don't think I didn't say the ugly things first. If I find out about it again, you won't want to be a doctor. Now, don’t even think about going to medical university!"

"Isn't that too overbearing?"

"What, you're still pretending to be a good person and a bad person?"

Chu Xia quickly shook her head: "No!"

"Since not, what are you afraid of?" Zhou Mixang looked at her calmly. "As long as you don't make mistakes, I won't deprive you of your right to become a doctor. What do you have to be afraid of?"

"There is always a contingency for everything..." Chu Xia said with a bitter face, "Let's be reasonable. Look, I didn't stipulate that you are not allowed to go forward but only backward when on the battlefield, right?"

Zhou Mikang was so angry at her absurd reasoning that he laughed: "Is this the same thing? Doctors save people. In order to save more people, you must hide yourself first.

Soldiers are meant to kill the enemy. If I, a general, retreat when I see danger, how can I lead my troops? You don’t want me to become a laughing stock, do you? "

"It's just a metaphor." Chu Xia sighed, "Okay, okay. I'll do as you say, but don't tell your parents about this, including my parents."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Zhou Mikang glared at her, "You're as skinny as a monkey, and you're still being used as a cushion for others. You're really brave!"

"Hehe..." Chu Xia smiled sheepishly, "I was so anxious at the time, it was completely a conditioned reflex. But don't you think this shows that I am a kind person?"

"Okay, let's go on duty. I'll go to Jing Zhe's place to have a look." Zhou Mixang said as he turned around and walked towards Jing Zhe's office. He didn't see Jing Zhe coming over all night, so he was a little curious.

After returning in early summer, I first went to the intensive care unit. Qin Mei had already fallen asleep and had been struggling all night. She was so tired and suddenly it still hurt. But it no longer affected her sleep.

After checking the data of each instrument, Chu Xia smiled at Qin's mother who looked at her worriedly: "It's pretty good, don't worry."

"Thank you, Doctor Xiaolin." Mother Qin quickly thanked her, "I know she must be fine, but that's how mothers are, they can't help but worry."

Chu Xia smiled at her and said, "You and Sister Huang should take turns to sleep for a while. Staying in bed is a long-term battle. If you tire yourself out, how can you take care of Sister Qin?"

Qin's mother nodded: "I'm relieved now. I can take turns sleeping with Xiao Huang. Doctor Xiao Lin, you must help us talk to Director Zhou. Xiao Huang is so responsible. With her here, we are really happy." Blessings for the two of you."

"This is my job, Auntie, please don't be polite to me." Huang Li said and handed the two sacks under the bed to Qin's mother, "Auntie, just keep your eyes peeled for a while."

"You go to sleep first." Mother Qin pushed her hand away, "You have been busy all night. You must be very tired. You go to bed first. I will ask you to get up for me later."

"Auntie, I'm young, so I'll be fine if I stay up a little longer. I used to work night shifts, so staying up late is a piece of cake for me."

Seeing that Qin's mother wanted to push her back, Chu Xia smiled and said: "You two are pushing back and forth like this. I don't think anyone needs to rest tonight. Aunt Qin, you go to bed first. No matter what, Sister Huang also A lot younger than you."

"Okay, I'll listen to Dr. Xiaolin." Mother Qin obediently took the sack and spread it on the open space to the right of the door. There is a small open space prepared for family members accompanying the bed. If the conditions are good, they will use a blanket to spread it. If the conditions are poor, just lay out sacks.

Qin Mei slept until five o'clock in the morning when she woke up and found that Chu Xia was helping her adjust the drip speed, so she said gratefully: "Thank you." Her voice was completely hoarse and she made a hissing sound, not to mention others. She herself felt terribly uncomfortable listening to it.

"How does it feel?" Chu Xia asked softly.

Qin Mei shook her head and smiled again, indicating that she was fine.

"Your throat had to endure it too hard yesterday, so I protested to you." Chu Xia said, giving her a thumbs up, "That's really good."

Qin Mei laughed sheepishly. After thinking about it, she asked again: "When you get better in the future, you won't always have a bit of a mute feeling, right?"

"Where's my mother?" When she found that only Chu Xia was with her in bed, Qin Mei wanted to turn her head to look, but Chu Xia quickly stopped her, "Don't move. If the wound is pulled, you will suffer more. Your aunt should go to the work to ask for leave. Now, Sister Huang is going to fetch hot water for you and scrub it, so I’ll just keep an eye here for a while.”

"Thank you." Apart from these two words, Qin Mei didn't know what to say. Thinking about the first time they met and looking at herself now, she felt that she was really lucky. If she thought about it in other people's shoes that day, By the way, she would definitely not help the other person without any grudges.

Chu Xia smiled at her: "If you really want to thank me, just let yourself get better as soon as possible."

"Okay." Qin Mei responded happily, as if she would really get better quickly if she agreed.

"Sister, it's time to eat." The son of the old man in the next bed came in with a food box and poked the sleeping woman sitting by the bed. "Sister, get up and eat. After you finish eating, go home and go to bed."

The woman sat upright in a daze, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. She looked at the intravenous drip bottle in panic, and found a full bottle of medicine dripping. Then she breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death."

"Just relying on you, I might have died several times." The old man curled his lips at her, "Dr. Xiaolin has been keeping an eye on me. It was Dr. Xiaolin who rang the bell and asked the nurse to change the medicine every time. You slept there Just like a dead pig, go home and sleep."

"Dad, I heard that you are so angry that you seem to be recovering well." The man said as he turned to Chu Xia to thank him, "Dr. Xiaolin, thank you very much."

Chu Xia smiled and waved her hand: "I'm a little tired of being alone in bed. It's just something I do conveniently, so there's no need to be so polite."

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