One update arrived.

"Sister-in-law Yin, who is outside? Why don't you come in and talk?" The slightly hoarse female voice revealed a hint of impatience. Aunt Yin looked at Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong with a wry smile: "Do you want to go in?"

"Of course." Chu Xia grabbed Luo Xiaoqiong, who was a little shaken, "Let's go in with me."

Turning to look at the people who came in, Wan Yuqiong frowned visibly, "Hello, Aunt Wan." After all, she is Mr. Wan's biological daughter. Chu Xia smiled politely at her and said hello, then looked at Mr. Wan with a smile: "Grandpa, my father and my mother are here. Uncle Gangshun and Aunt Fat are also here."

"Hello, Grandpa Wan." Luo Xiaoqiong also greeted, but she automatically ignored Wan Yuqiong. She was not the god-granddaughter of Mr. Wan anyway, so she didn't bother to talk to him.

Hearing that Lin Baohe, Zhao Yulan and others were coming, Mr. Wan, who had a somewhat gloomy look on his face, immediately beamed with joy: "Finally here, finally here..."

"Dad, I am your biological daughter."

Is this jealous? Chu Xia glanced at Wan Yuqiong, who looked even uglier than before, and curled her lips secretly. She was so selfish if she didn't treat her father well and didn't let him find compensation elsewhere!

"You mean, you know that I am your biological father?" Mr. Wan looked at his daughter with a calm face, his eyes full of disappointment, "I thought you didn't know."

"Dad, I don't want to quarrel with you in front of outsiders. Dad, you are not young anymore. Why do you have to do things that make your relatives angry and your enemies happy?" Wan Yuqiong said and stood up, "What should I say? I've said it all, dad, you can do whatever you want. If you really think you will be happier without me as your daughter, then I won't say anything."


The door slams hard. Chu Xia was so surprised that she shivered reflexively, and she looked at Mr. Wan with some worry. "I'm fine, I've already adapted to it." Mr. Wan smiled and pointed to the seat opposite him, "Sit down and chat with grandpa for a few words before going over."

Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong sat opposite the old man, deliberately avoiding the spot where Wan Yuqiong was sitting just now.

"Aunt Wan is here, asking you to help negotiate with Grandpa Long again?" Someone has to start the topic first, so Chu Xia took the initiative to ask. Not asking about this matter really made it seem like she had something in mind.

In fact, she was quite puzzled. As far as she knew, Wan Yuqiong's husband and his family supported the Long family, but their level was not high. At that time, it made sense to want Mr. Wan to report to Mr. Long for support, but later, it was not because they felt unwelcome. Was he reused and transferred to the Huang family?

Since he has already joined the Huang family,

I also came to Wan Lao for help... Or, are you trying to get Wan Lao to support the Huang family? But that's not of much use. Wan Lao's biggest reliance is Mr. Long, if he leaves Mr. Long. What else can you do to help them? In short, she was puzzled.

Mr. Wan sighed: "What do you think will happen to the wallflower?"

"I'm sure I don't want to be seen by anyone." Luo Xiaoqiong rushed to answer.

"This is the situation now. Qian Jubing has been beaten to the end, and Qian Jubing's father Qian Hongmin has also been hung up. She came to me like an ant on a hot pot."

After hearing Mr. Wan say this, Chu Xia understood. It turns out that I want to return to Elder Long’s army again. It’s so interesting. I think this is just kindergarten kids playing house, and I can go back on my word at any time?

"Grandpa, have you decided what to do?"

"Yes." Mr. Wan nodded, "Listen to Xiaomi's advice and live with your parents in the Zhou family's old house. If she has the ability, she will go to the Zhou family to find me.

Everyone knows that she has not interacted with me for so many years. I am a lonely old man. I am willing to live with my godson and his family without anyone saying anything. If she has the nerve to talk about it everywhere, then so be it. I don’t care. "

What Wan Lao means is that he doesn't care about people saying that he only has sex with his granddaughter to gain glory and find someone to support him in old age, nor does he mind that others say that he has sex with his granddaughter just to join the Zhou family.

Anyway, as long as he moves to the Zhou family, he will be clearly labeled as a Zhou family from then on. If anything happens to the Zhou family in the future, he will never be able to escape his involvement.

The reason why he did this was that on the one hand he was heartbroken by his daughter, and on the other hand he sincerely regarded Chu Xia's family as his closest relatives, and from then on, he was tied to everyone by the same rope.

Both the Zhou family and the Lin family definitely welcome his addition with both hands. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mr. Long now has the absolute advantage.

Although the political arena is changing rapidly, the foundation was definitely not built in a day. Moreover, they can no longer be neutrals, so it is better to stand more clearly.

Chu Daoer was able to understand these things clearly in Chu Xia, and she was very grateful to Mr. Wan, but Luo Xiaoqiong couldn't understand it. In her opinion, Mr. Wan had taken a huge advantage, so she waved her little paw and said proudly: "Wan Grandpa, if I can stay here in the future, I will take care of you in your old age together with Chu Xia. Don’t worry, with us here, you will never be wronged!”

"Okay, okay..." Mr. Wan smiled happily. It seemed that he had forgotten the depression just now, but in fact, is it really possible? After all, she is her biological daughter. How could she really let her go just because she said she would?

If it weren't for his daughter's good, if he didn't know her too well, he wouldn't do this. Only by letting her stop the idea of ​​going astray can he truly reflect and live a down-to-earth life.

Of course he wants to persuade his daughter, but after so many years, how can he not understand his position in the other person's heart? It's okay if he doesn't persuade her. The more she persuades her, the more mysterious she becomes. She can't afford to offend her, so just hide. I hope this method will work. If her daughter still hasn’t changed after this incident, it can only be said that her daughter is hopeless.

After thinking about all this, Mr. Wan looked at Sister-in-law Yin who was sitting aside with her head down: "Xiao Yin, I have decided. Do you want to go to Zhou's house with me?"

"I..." Sister-in-law Yin was a little hesitant. In her heart, she wanted to go, but if she went to Zhou's house, she would be living with her employer. Is this really good?

But if she didn't go to Zhou's house and asked Mr. Wan to re-arrange her job, she would be embarrassed. Otherwise, she would have to go to her uncle's house to help her eldest cousin's son take care of the children.

It was precisely because of the bad relationship between the niece's wife and her eldest cousin that the nephew wanted to ask her for help. If she really went, she would be caught in the middle and suffer. After thinking about it, she really couldn't make a decision.

"You haven't been working with me for more than a day or two. You know my temper. If you have any troubles, just speak up and don't hesitate." Wan Lao said.

Sister-in-law Yin told Wan Lao all her doubts.

Chu Xia smiled and answered: "Sister-in-law Yin, you are thinking too much. You didn't speak just now. I thought you wanted to help your nephew take care of the baby, so you were embarrassed to refuse grandpa. If you are worried about the issue of living under someone else's roof, you should not meeting.

Although I haven't been married to the Zhou family for too long, I still know their character well. If you come over, my mother-in-law's family will only become closer to you. I feel that you don't treat them as outsiders. If you don't believe me, , you can move there and test it for a while. "

Sister-in-law Yin looked at Wan Lao hesitantly, and Wan Lao nodded at her: "You have known Chu Xia for only a day. You should know that this child will not tell lies."

"I'll move with Wan Lao." She no longer had any worries and made up her mind. Mrs. Yin's expression became visibly relaxed.

"Let's go, let's go there together to have fun." Chu Xia said, reaching out to pull Mrs. Yin, "Don't stay here by yourself, so as not to keep thinking."

"I..." Sister-in-law Yin hesitated a little. She felt that following her was a bit like rubbing her nose in her face.

"Go ahead." Wan Lao said as he walked out, "I've already thought about it, what's wrong with you?"

A group of people walked into the gate of Zhou's house and heard a lot of laughter.

The joyful atmosphere is the most contagious. The little anxiety in Mrs. Yin's heart disappeared without a trace in the laughter.

"Uncle Wan!"

As soon as they entered the door, Mr. Wan was still looking around, but Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan had already hurried over to greet them, with excited smiles on their faces.

"It's finally here, it's finally here." Mr. Wan held the couple's hands with excitement on his face. Over the years, they were the only ones who had given him the warmth of home.

"Hello, Sister Yin." After getting close to Mr. Wan, Zhao Yulan hugged Sister Yin, and then pulled the fat aunt who had already come to her side to introduce the two parties.

"Hello, Sister Yin." The fat aunt is an enthusiastic person. Even though it was her first time to meet her, she still hugged Sister Yin tightly like Zhao Yulan, "I have heard Yulan say a long time ago that you are a teacher, and I am the most I admire cultural people, and I admire teachers the most.”

Luo Xiaoqiong lowered her head and rolled her eyes quietly. When did her mother admire the teacher the most?

Luan Dajiang and Luo Hongqi sat restrainedly in the corner, looking at the room full of people, feeling like they couldn't breathe easily. Chu Xia noticed their discomfort and walked over.

"Da Jiang, why are you shaking?" Luan Dajiang's legs were shaking like they were sifting chaff. Chu Xia looked at him funny, "Weren't you quite calm when you came here last time? Why are you so bearish today?"

"It hurts... it hurts so much!" Luan Dajiang pointed to Luo Hongqi's paw tightly grasping his arm, gasping and speechless.

"Hey, let go." Chu Xia reached out and poked Luo Hongqi's paw on Luan Dajiang's arm. "With your current strength, Dajiang's arm will be broken if you grab it again."


After being released, Luan Dajiang let out a long sigh of relief.

"You won't let him go?" Chu Xia looked at him speechlessly, "If I don't come over, are you going to endure it forever?"

"I want to speak, but it hurts so much that I can't speak. When you came here just now, he obviously relaxed a little. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to answer me even if I wanted to." Luan Dajiang rolled up his sleeves as he spoke. The deep purple finger marks made Chu Xia's scalp numb.

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