First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 509 Everyone has their own thoughts

One update arrived.

Wang Jing's father, Wang Guozhu, leaned on a cane and moved forward step by step with difficulty. The beads of sweat on his forehead and the protruding veins showed his pain.

Stepmother Wang Yuqin was sitting on the side selecting dried beans, glancing at him from time to time without any expression.

Wang Guozhu stopped, panting heavily and looked at his wife: "Aqin, bring me a dry towel and wipe my back. It's all soaked."

"Take it yourself!" Wang Yuqin replied without raising his head.

Glancing at the towel rack, Wang Guozhu sighed and moved over with difficulty. During this time, he had gotten used to such cold looks.

At first, he was angry, angry, and protested, but what he got in exchange was double indifference and ridicule, which made him clearly realize that if he wants dignity, he must stand up on his own.

He never thought that one day the person he looked forward to seeing the most would be his biological daughter who had always been disliked. With this, he began to miss his late wife...



Unsteady on his feet, Wang Guozhu rushed towards the washstand. As a result, he fell, the shelf fell, and the basin rolled...

"You bastard, you can't make money, but you're the first to do harm..." Wang Yuqin, who had an indifferent look on her face, quickly jumped up and ran towards Wang Guozhu, cursing.

Although the scolding was uncomfortable, Wang Guozhu was relieved that his wife could run over to help him immediately.

Unfortunately, it seemed that he was relieved a little too early. Wang Yuqin was indeed running in his direction. However, his hand reached out to the basin...

Ha ha……. It turns out that he is not as important as the basin. Wang Guozhu smiled self-deprecatingly and struggled to stand up, but his hand slipped and he fell back with a "plop". The water from the basin came over and mixed with the soil on the cement floor, making his face wet. The clothes also completely chilled his heart.

"Ah ha ha ha..." He slapped the mud beneath him like crazy, his voice sounded like laughter and bitterness, and Wang Yuqin kicked him bitterly. "Why are you crying in mourning? Get up quickly!"

"Retribution! Retribution!" Wang Guozhu simply turned over and lay on the ground, looking at Wang Yuqin with a sad face, "Be careful, this will happen sooner or later."

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Wang Yuqin stared at him bitterly,

"You want to exercise yourself and want to stand up early. What the hell are you talking about now?"

Wang Guozhu smiled at her: "Wang Yuqin, I am serious. Back then, I left Xiaojing alone just to make you happy. Now I have received my retribution. And you were not good to Xiaojing back then. Now you are plotting against her again, sooner or later. One day, you will also get your comeuppance."

He has not received good care since he became paralyzed. Wang Guozhu was almost skinny because he was always locked in the house. His face was pale, and now he was smiling so sadly. Wang Yuqin felt terrified from the bottom of her heart and took a step back unconsciously.

"Are you afraid?" Wang Guozhu laughed loudly, "Are you afraid of retribution for yourself or that I will retaliate against you? Don't worry, I can't touch you now. Even if you kill me, I will only suffer. share.

However, if I go underground, I will definitely beg the Lord of Hell to take you away as soon as possible. I will take you to Xiaojing's mother to apologize. Your daughter is a daughter, and my daughter is also a daughter.

Over the years, I have treated your daughter like my own child, but how do you treat my daughter? To tell you the truth, if I hadn't seen Xiaojing and Xiaolei living better together than us, I wouldn't have really let go. "

"Why are you so crazy?" Wang Yuqin hesitated, helped Wang Guozhu up, and sighed softly, "You, you are really stormy. You have to exercise to stand up earlier, but you just suffered a little. I cursed and swore when I was suffering, but you still drag me to the Lord of Hell. Are you acting like a man?

After being married to me for so many years, you should know my character well. Why was it that you could tolerate my bad temper before, but not now? To be honest, if your sister had not married into a wealthy family, and if Xiaojing had not stayed with your sister, would you dare to do this to me?

It’s true that I brought Xiaolan and Xiaonan here, but didn’t I also give birth to Xiaojun? That is your biological son, and he is also my only biological son. You think, with my son here, how can I care about this family?

I am good to Xiaolan and Xiaonan because apart from being my biological daughters, they are also obedient. As for Xiaojing, think about her stubborn temper when she was young. When did she ever listen to my words?

Yes, sometimes she is quite capable, but while doing it, I didn’t show any shame, and even scolded me in a low voice when I wasn’t paying attention. How could I endure it?

It’s hard to be a stepmother. When I train my own child, no one will say anything even if it means beating her. But if I just say a few words to Xiaojing, you all think I’m not treating her well.

You don't even think about it, she can work by then. If I really don't love her, I will definitely not let her go and let her help take care of Xiaojun at home while I go to work to earn money and support the family with you.

Also, Xiaolan and Xiaonan started taking on small jobs to earn money to support the family when they were only fifteen. After all, do you support them, or do they help you support the family? Wang Guozhu, I have never settled a score with you, but now you have settled a score with me.

Since we have to calculate, let’s calculate it in detail. You can think about it for yourself. Will it be cheaper for me or you to marry you? You picked up two girls for nothing to be filial to you and help you support your family, but you still complain about them. Do you have a conscience? …”

Wang Guozhu closed his eyes and said nothing.

After living with Wang Yuqin for so many years, if you don't know what kind of person she is, you will really live like a dog. This woman is really good at everything.

For those who don’t know, listening to what she said, they might really think that he is a white-eyed wolf, but in fact, if his sister hadn’t married into a good family, and if his sister hadn’t loved Xiaojing so much, he would have probably been kicked out of this place. Is it home?

These days, Wang Yuqin was hot and cold, which made him really see through her.

At first, when Wang Yuqin learned that her sister was married to a good family, she thought she could benefit from it, and she really regarded him as a Bodhisattva. However, as Wang Lei declared in front of a large family, she could not use her husband's family's influence to help the Wang family. After getting rich and rejecting all the family's requests, Wang Yuqin's attitude towards him took a 120-degree turn.

Later, he was kind to him for a period of time because Li Dajun fell in love with Xiaojing. Wang Yuqin wanted to use Xiaojing's influence to arrange jobs for his two daughters and son.

After she made it clear that she would not force Xiaojing, Wang Yuqin's attitude cooled down again.

Now she suddenly became good-tempered again because her curse frightened her. At the same time, she was also worried that if Xiaojing and her sister changed their attitude towards him, she would not be able to take advantage of him.

After living together for eighteen years, when did she really put her heart into this family?

When the children were young, she went behind his back to buy delicious food for her two daughters, but he turned a blind eye. When the children grew up, she went around looking for Xiaolan and Xiaonan's in-laws, but she never asked her. Pass his idea?

When looking for an in-law for her daughter, she not only considers the man's family background, but also his age and character. Why, when it's his daughter's turn, can she only consider whether she can bring benefits to the family?

Yes, she was very considerate about their common son, but her intentions did not include him. She just thought that after her son got along well, she could live a good life and make her face shine.

He even heard someone tell him that Wang Yuqin planned to be buried with her ex-husband a hundred years later. In other words, there was never a place for him in all her preparation plans.

In the past, he was blindfolded and couldn't see all this. Now, he finally saw clearly that he was already like this, lying on a hard bed wearing mud clothes. He had never been pessimistic before.

"I know you blame me, but have you ever thought about it? Our family is all about Xiaojun. If he doesn't have a good future, what hope do we have? When he marries a wife in two years, we will Where can he find a good girl?

Xiaojing is now twenty-four years old, and it is not a bad idea to marry Li Dajun. Although she is nearly twenty years older than her, men tend to love others when they are older, and treat her as a treasure. With her delicate temperament, Is there any way to find someone with a bad temper?

With Li Dajun here, their children are destined to have a future. Even if Li Dajun leaves first, Xiaojing can still live a good life. When people get old, they just want to make a living for their children. How can she live a good life? You feel comfortable and can help Xiaojun. Why can't you understand this? "

"My little girl isn't married either. Why don't you marry her to Li Dajun?" Wang Guozhu stared expressionlessly at Wang Yuqin, who was taking off his pants for him. "Besides, my little girl is one year older than Xiao Jing. Why don’t you let your little girl get married and enjoy her happiness?”

Wang Yuqin glared at him: "Isn't it true that Li Dajun doesn't like Xiaonan? If he does, I will definitely let Xiaonan marry him."

"Okay, I will go to Li Dajun later and ask. If he is willing to marry my little girl, you can let her marry me. This kind of happiness will be given to whoever wants it."

"You..." Wang Yuqin loosened his half-sloughed pants and glared at Wang Guozhu, "You...are you trying to make me angry?"

"Why am I angry with you?" Wang Guozhu moved his back and sat on the edge of the bed, "Didn't I follow your wishes? You said this is a good marriage and a good marriage to enjoy happiness, then I You took the initiative to help make the good marriage fall on your daughter, why am I angry with you?"

"Uncle, aunt, are you at home?"

Along with the greetings, Cao Cao, who was talking to each other, arrived. When he saw Wang Guozhu, who was wearing a pair of mud pants and lying on the bed, he was shocked and quickly stepped forward to support him, "Uncle, what's going on? Aunt, it's not me who said that. Your uncle is not in good shape, so don’t make him angry all the time. If Xiaojing knows about it, you’ll have to worry again.”

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