One update arrived.

Seeing the frost-beaten eggplant-like old Wang's head, Chu Xia comforted him with a funny face: "Uncle Wang, it's only two days, we'll be here soon."

"I feel sorry for my daughter..." Old Wangtou sighed, "I told her not to come over, I can just eat in the cafeteria, but she always promised and came over after training. I saw her lose weight. It’s a big circle, I feel really sad.”

"Uncle Wang, for Sister Chunjie, the sooner you recover, the happier she will be. So, don't worry about this and that all the time. Recuperate peacefully. I can take care of you at this time. Be a little tired. Daughters are also happy, don’t you think?”

Lao Wangtou's brows were still furrowed: "Hey, that's what I said, but during this period she has to take care of her mother, take care of me, and train, and her iron-clad body can't bear it."

"Is it useful for you to be so worried?"

After a moment of silence, Lao Wangtou shook his head: "It's useless."

The male patient in the next bed couldn't help but interject: "Brother, you are just too worried. Relax and get well soon so that you can be discharged from the hospital early."

The middle-aged woman who was accompanying the bed quickly answered: "Yes, Uncle Wang, how can you worry all day long? You should be happy to have such a filial daughter. When the time comes, I will find you a good son-in-law, and you and your aunt will be left alone." Enjoy it."

"Yes, what could be more beautiful than a grandson in your arms?" The old lady in the fifth bed also chimed in with a smile, "Think about it this way, you think you can stay in the hospital for two more days and take good care of yourself. , better than anything else.”

Chu Xia said with a smile: "Uncle Wang. You see, everyone cares about you so much. Do you still feel lonely?"

"That's his excuse..." the old lady said with a smile, "We usually solve the problem by chatting with him. Just now I just wanted to say that he is so heartless."

"It's just that, all of us were rejected at once. It's so sad."


Being attacked by everyone, Lao Wang's head and face turned red, and his mouth was half-opened, not knowing how to explain.

Indeed, what he said just now was biased. Usually, when his daughter is not here, everyone takes good care of him. As soon as he saw Wang Yuebao discharged from the hospital, he was so anxious that he started talking without hesitation.

However, speaking of the person we usually get along with the best and talk to the most, it is Wang Yuebao. First, they have exactly the same condition, and second,

The age difference between the two is not that big, and they have many topics in common. Therefore, when Wang Yuebao left, he really panicked.

At this time, a woman in her thirties hurriedly walked in and said to an old man in his sixties who was lying on bed No. 6: "Dad, something seems to have happened to Director Huang who performed the surgery on you. What should we do?"

"What happened?" The old man opened his eyes and asked slowly.

The woman said sheepishly: "It's because the urinary blister has burst. I'm undergoing surgery."



Huang Baoquan is responsible for the patients in the fifth bed and the newly admitted second bed. Hearing what the woman said, the bedside family members all stood up in shock.

"It's true." The woman nodded. "How can I lie about this kind of thing? Everyone is talking about it now. If you don't believe me, you can go out and ask about it."

"Believe it, believe it, we believe it, but..." The family members of the fifth bed and the second bed looked at each other and then looked at the woman, "Shall we ask the dean?"

"Don't worry, everyone, I will be responsible for everyone's treatment during this period..." Tao Jianping, the third foreigner, appeared at the door, followed by his assistant Liu Yaning.

Last time I was on night shift in early summer, I went to sleep in the duty room and was so noisy that I couldn't sleep. It was Liu Yaning's masterpiece and Tao Jianping deliberately stopped it.

The final solution to that incident was that Chu Xia returned to the office to lay the floor. Liu Yaning was a little embarrassed about this. When he looked at Chu Xia, he was a little embarrassed. When Tao Jian gave him a flat look, he was so frightened that he quickly suppressed his smile and straightened his body.

It's not a serious illness. If someone takes over, of course there will be no objections. Therefore, Tao Jianping's response was everyone's thanks.

Glancing at Chu Xia expressionlessly, Tao Jianping nodded to everyone and turned to leave.

Liu Yaning stepped forward with the record book to take notes. Seeing that Chu Xia was about to leave, he quickly said: "Lin Chuxia, please wait for me for a while. I want to say a few words to you, okay?"

"Okay." Chu Xia nodded, "It will take more than ten minutes for you to finish all the records. I will go to Mr. Yuan's place first and come back to you later."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here." Liu Yaning added, "The teacher may be looking for me later. Can you please come over quickly?"

"Okay." Chu Xia waved her hand and walked out quickly.

"Ask me if you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Lao Wangtou urged without giving up.

"Okay, let me ask for you." Chu Xia turned around and glanced at him helplessly, shaking her head with a wry smile. She could understand his mood. His wife was not in good health, and he had lived here for several days. How could he feel relieved?

Moreover, according to Wang Chunjie, her parents have a very good relationship. Her father usually stays at home with her mother when he has time, just because he is afraid that her mother will be bored.

Thinking about it, it's normal for him to be so anxious.

"Are you done with your work there?" Mr. Yuan was very happy to see Chu Xia come in. "When you are done with your work, come with me to the laboratory. You can't relax in your studies."

"Teacher, I have something to do for the time being. I just came over to see you first and tell you..." Chu Xia told Mr. Yuan about Huang Baoquan's condition and said, "I guess the patients that the teacher has taken over are also There will be more, I will go back and take a look, if the teacher and senior sister can be busy, I will come to find the master."

In order to facilitate the distinction, she now calls Teacher Song Xiaoyu and Professor Yuan Master.

"Okay, go ahead... wait!" As soon as Chu Xia stepped out of the door, Professor Yuan stopped her again, "I'll ask you something when you come back."

"Master, tell me."

"Close the door." Mr. Yuan pointed to the office door, "Close it tightly."

The old man was so mysterious. Chu Xia thought something big had happened. After closing the door, he looked at the old man nervously: "Master, it's ready."

"Actually, I want to ask you something personal." Mr. Yuan smiled sheepishly, "Looking at what I've done to you, you're quite nervous, aren't you?"

Chu Xia: "..." Is the old man trying to be cute? …

"I just want to ask you, has your cousin returned to the capital?"


"Are you coming back after the New Year?"


"How old is he?"

"It seems to be twenty-seven."

"Are you engaged?"

"Maybe not."

"Can you tell me for sure?" Mr. Yuan glared at Chu Xia dissatisfied, "Don't always pretend to be so, I want a definite answer."

"Did you check my first cousin's household registration because you like him?" Chu Xia stared at her big eyes, "You want him to be your son-in-law?"

"I made you guess. It's quite smart."

Chu Xia had a black streak, and it was all about that, so she was being stupid if she couldn't guess anymore, right?

Mr. Yuan himself felt that what he said just now was a bit false, so he coughed uncomfortably: "You also know what I think. Can you tell me more clearly now?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Xia said: "I have told you everything I know. I don't seem to know anything else. As you know, our two families have known each other not long ago..."

"Then during the Chinese New Year, try to find out what kind of person he is looking for and whether Yuan Hui is suitable for him. Hey, I shouldn't ask you like this, but I can't help it.

Your wife and I have taught Yuan Hui to study hard and work hard since she was a child. As a result, she is really obedient and doesn't let us worry about her study and work. However, she is always lacking in emotional matters.

Finally, this time I saw that she was a little interested in Lin Wenbin. I had to strike while the iron was hot to prevent her enthusiasm from passing away and drawing water from a bamboo basket to nothing. Why! "

After hesitating, Chu Xia said: "Master, what I saw that day was that Sister Yuan Hui and my cousin didn't deal with each other at all. Are you sure you are not mistaken about this?"

"That's right, that child is like that. She will only be willing to talk back if she likes it. If she doesn't like it, she won't say a word.

After you left that day, she mentioned Lin Wenbin several times in front of me and her mother, and your wife told me to worry about it. I'm embarrassed. Today, your wife gave you an ultimatum. I can only ask my little apprentice for help. is you. "

Chu Xia nodded: "I understand, Master, I will help you find out about this matter, and I will tell you the truth about the result."

"Okay, you have to worry a lot." Old Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief, "Whether it works or not, we just have to do our best. You can't force things like fate."

"I know."

Mr. Yuan sighed and waved to him: "Go and do your work. Come to me when you're done."

"Master, I'll leave first." Chu Xia said and stood up. After taking two steps, Mr. Yuan stopped her again: "Yuan Hui didn't tell anyone about Mei Xiaofeng. She asked me to tell you. ,don’t worry."

"Thank you, Sister Yuan Hui." Chu Xia thanked her without moving, "Master, can I leave this time?"

Old Yuan waved his hand again: "Don't worry, I'm too talkative."

Well, the old man was shocked. Chu Xia looked at him funny, "Master, you are too sensitive. I know you told me about Mei Xiaofeng not because you wanted me to inquire about my first cousin. You really I just remembered that I was worried that Zhou’s family would be worried, and I understand that.”

"As long as you understand." Mr. Yuan smiled sheepishly, "When it comes to my daughter's affairs, I will inevitably be a little too sensitive and make my little apprentice laugh."

Chu Xia saw Liu Yaning waiting at the door of the ward from a distance, so he quickened his pace and trotted over: "Sorry, I'm a little late."

"It's okay, I just finished checking the room." Liu Yaning smiled at her, "I just want to apologize to you personally. I'm really sorry for what happened last time. If I knew the teacher was targeting you, what would I say? He wouldn't fall asleep, he told me that I would be the female intern on duty, and I believed him."

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