One update arrived.

Lin Yanqiu was very angry at her daughter's appearance, but this was not the time to teach her a lesson. Lin Yanqiu tried her best to calm down and looked at Zhou Mikang and Chu Xia: "What did Yu Mingtao say?"

Chu Xia reflexively looked at Zhou Mikang. Along the way, she was too angry to talk to him. Only then did she realize that she had forgotten to ask him what he thought. Seeing him nodding, she said: " The second brother-in-law wanted to come to our house to celebrate the New Year, but his parents stopped him, and he didn't say anything when we left."

Zhou Jiping's shoulders shook slightly, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes.

"We'll wait for him until the Chinese New Year. If he doesn't show up before then..." After a pause and looking at her daughter's reaction, Lin Yanqiu continued, "Then we really need to have a good discussion."

Zhou Xikang said: "When the time comes, Xiaomi and I will go find them to settle the score!"

"Where are you going?" Lin Yanqiu glanced at her son, "No one is allowed to step in the door of the Yu family again, otherwise, they will think that the daughter of the Zhou family will not be able to live without the Yu family!"

"Mom, don't be angry. I said the wrong thing. What I mean is that when someone comes to ask the second sister to go back, Xiaomi and I will support the second sister."

"Why are you supporting me? If they don't put the conditions in place, my daughter will never be able to enter the Yu family's house again. After being bullied for so many years, she should be more conscious..." Lin Yanqiu sighed heavily and sat on the bed. Looking at her daughter, "Jiping, whether you like it or not, Mom will not let you go back in such a muddle this time."

"Mom..." Zhou Jiping sighed quietly, opened his eyes and smiled forcefully, "I know mom is doing it for my own good. But mom, Yu Mingtao is also very difficult to do.

to be honest. I was surprised that he could talk to his parents like that today. I cried, not because of disappointment, but because I was happy that he finally understood my difficulty. He was a filial son and never said a harsh word to his parents and grandparents, but this time for me, he expressed something different. Opinion, this is really a big improvement.

The elders of the Yu family are different from the elders of our family. For them, Yu Mingtao is everything to them. They place all their hopes on Mingtao and do their best to cultivate him. Therefore, in their view, Yu Mingtao must regard them as The most important thing is not to say 'no' to them. Today's incident is definitely a heavy blow to them.

Yu Mingtao didn't dare to come over right away. It wasn't that he didn't have me in his heart, or that he didn't feel sorry for me. Rather, I don’t want unbearable consequences, based on my understanding of his parents and grandparents. If he leaves regardless of today, tomorrow. It was probably the day when the bodies of the four old men were collected.


Don't be angry with me. I'm not excusing him. What I said is all true. How could he be a junior and meet such an elder?

I am quite disappointed with what happened this time, but when I think about it, I am also responsible. I don’t even understand my own physical condition, so who am I to blame him?

I believe that he definitely feels no better than me now. Mom, I listen to you and spend the New Year at home. However, I also hope that Mom can give him a chance. It is really difficult for him. "

If it weren't for her daughter's current physical condition, Lin Yanqiu would really want to scold her. Even now, she is still trying to excuse the other party. Does she really have herself in her heart?

Chu Xia was stunned. She really couldn't understand such an old man. The grandparents in Dalin Village were already excellent enough, but compared with the second sister's parents-in-law, they were really nothing.

"Second sister, you..." Zhou Xikang, who has always been smiling, looked gloomy and frightening, "I just want to ask you, do you think Yu Mingtao is responsible for the four elderly people in his family becoming what they are today?"

Zhou Jiping nodded without thinking: "Of course, but they already had that kind of relationship before I married her. I can't really let him marry a wife and forget his mother."

"Second sister, are you thinking too much?" Chu Xia was speechless, "Speaking of which, I am not qualified to make irresponsible remarks, but second sister, I feel sorry for you, I really do.

I also knew before that the elders of my second brother-in-law's family were a bit difficult to get along with, but after meeting them today, my feeling is that their problem is not just that they are difficult to get along with, but that their hearts are too hard.

To put it bluntly, they were too cruel and unfeeling. They knew clearly that you had just had a miscarriage, and that the cause of the miscarriage had something to do with their unreasonable demands, but they didn't feel the least bit sad or say a word of apology. , the first thing that comes to mind is shirking responsibility.

Not to mention that you have been the wife of the Yu family for several years. Even if you are a stranger, you shouldn't be so indifferent, right? And isn't this indifference due to the second brother-in-law's connivance?

Second sister, if you forgive your second brother-in-law this time and don't think what he did was wrong, then when you return to that home again, your future life will never be better than before.

I say this not to ask the second sister to divorce her second brother-in-law, but to hope that the second sister will really think about herself. In fact, the second sister thinks about herself and her brother-in-law. Looking at his appearance today, I know that he is also very concerned. He was sad and disappointed with his relatives, but he didn't have the courage to resist.

As the second sister said, the elders of the Yu family feel that they focus all their energy on their brother-in-law, so it is right for the brother-in-law to listen to them. And the brother-in-law himself also feels that he owes that family, so he should listen to them and let them It's their own responsibility to be happy.

But at the same time, the brother-in-law loves the sister in his heart, and he feels very sad when he sees the sister being wronged. I believe it is also because of this. Every time the sister tolerates it, and after she tolerates it, the brother-in-law will definitely express his guilt to the sister, so next time, the sister will be even more of tolerance.

After such a long time, the brother-in-law will gradually become numb to the sister's tolerance, and the family will take the sister's tolerance as a matter of course. I don't believe that the sister is particularly happy when she is tolerant. Therefore, if the sister's unhappiness is passed on to the brother-in-law, he will also You will be unhappy. In the end, your brother-in-law and sister are living a very tired and hard life, but the Yu family feels that you have not fulfilled your due responsibilities to that family.

The so-called thankless efforts refer to the way you get along with each other. After a long time, when you are tired and tired, it is unknown whether you can stay together for a lifetime.

Sister, I have such a temper. When I see you endure it and see you being wronged, I can't help but say what I think. Anyway, I will tell you whether I am happy or not, even if it makes me give birth to you. I am angry and think I am nosy, so I will tell you. "

Listening to her daughter-in-law's somewhat angry words, Lin Yanqiu's originally depressed mood finally saw a glimmer of sunshine. She patted Chu Xia's head lovingly and looked at Zhou Jiping: "Second brother, what Xia said is what mom wanted to say. Think about it carefully."

Zhou Jiping nodded and took Chu Xia's hand: "Brother and sister, I am not ungrateful. Of course I know you are doing it for my own good. In fact, I also understand what you said. Even every time I am with your brother-in-law, I can't bear to see him in trouble.

I also admit that when I first got married, his parents and his sister had a better attitude towards me. Now, when I go to his house, they basically don’t treat me seriously.

As for his sister, she wanted my help to find an easy and comfortable job the year before last. I helped, but she only worked for two months before she was fired because of poor performance. From then on, she completely hated her. I feel that I didn't do my best and deliberately made her look embarrassed. Even if I explained to her, she wouldn't listen.

Since then, the attitude of Yu Mingtao's parents has also changed drastically. Later, when I was wandering in the yard and heard the neighbors talking, I found out that they actually told outsiders that I had evil intentions and was afraid that Yu Mingxia would marry into a good family. , deliberately not arranging a good job for her.

I was quite angry at the time, so I went back and asked them why they said that about me. Of course they denied it, but the underlying meaning behind their words was that they thought that was what I thought.

I was confused, what harm would it do to me if my sister-in-law married into a good family? Is it worth my dealings with her? If I really thought that way, why would I bother to arrange a job for her?

She was careless in her work, and formed cliques. In the end, she was expelled because she was with the wrong person. Who can blame her? Could it be possible that I designed that too?

Anyway, I couldn't reason clearly with them. Fortunately, Yu Mingtao believed in me and comforted me afterwards. Otherwise, I would have been unable to stay in that home. "

Zhou Mikang looked at her expressionlessly: "What's the use of comforting you afterwards?"

After being blocked by her brother for a long time without saying anything, Zhou Jiping became a little embarrassed. However, speaking out the words she had been holding back in her heart made her mood much better. She loved Yu Mingtao, but that didn't mean she wasn't aggrieved. Once she said it, the cotton wool that had been blocking her heart was released.

"Second sister, you must make up your mind this time, have a good talk with Yu Mingtao, and completely resolve the matter between you two." Zhou Xikang sighed as he spoke, "I haven't been married for a long time in Chu Xia. Let's not talk about it. Look at Yu Tao, she has been married to our family for several years. How have her parents and grandparents treated her?

Now Yu Tao is pregnant. Every time I go home and want to talk to my dad and grandpa, they impatiently ask me to accompany her. They are all elders. Do you think the mentality of his family is right?

We don’t require the elders of his family to be like ours, but they have to be pretty good, right? When a son marries a daughter-in-law, of course he has to kiss her. Could it be that he wants to marry them a servant?

What I said is not pleasant, but this is how they treat you. If you still insist on going back this time, don't think that I don't recognize you as my sister in the future. "

Zhou Xikang has a kind-hearted personality and usually doesn't get angry. To be able to say something like this shows that his anger has reached the extreme.

Zhou Jiping was finally touched by the attitudes of several people, and her face became serious.

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