"What did the Third Young Master say to you?" Returning to the nanny's room in the evening, Liu's mother lowered her voice and asked Xiaojing, "I see that you have been in a low mood since you came back. Does the Third Young Master know your thoughts about the Third Young Master?"

Xiaojing remained silent, and Liu's mother knew that she had guessed correctly. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "Didn't you figure it all out last time? Do you want to inform the old lady and let her help you make up your mind? Why did you suddenly Just changed your mind?

Every time I ask you, you avoid me. Jing, we have been together for more than a day or two. I really treat you as my daughter. If you can trust me, talk to me about what you know and don't keep it to yourself. ,not good for health. "

"When I was walking on the street, I saw Zhang Jun and a woman holding hands..." Xiaojing bit her lower lip, "Mom Liu, I know that he already has a partner, how can I let Zhang Jun go again?" Mom proposes marriage?

The third young lady came to see me today. She indeed knew what I was thinking about the third young master. She asked directly and told me that she would discuss with the old lady and the third young master to arrange individual work for me. "

"You agreed?"

"Do I have the right to speak?" Xiaojing sighed heavily, "Three Young Mistresses have said that, is it useful if I don't agree? But Mother Liu, I really don't want to leave.

I grew up in the Zhou family. To me, the Zhou family is my natal family, and the old lady and madam are my biological grandmother and biological mother. I... I am particularly reluctant to leave them. "

"You kid likes to keep everything in your heart. I'll ask Zhang's mother about Zhang Jun. Maybe the person with him is his sister or cousin.

We have known Zhang Ma for just a day. If her nephew has a partner, how could he still mention this matter to us?

You have the right family. Third Young Mistress will not change you place, besides. By then, maybe you will no longer want to be a nanny and want to go to your man's house to enjoy your life. "

"Don't ask. It would be embarrassing if someone already has one." Xiaojing sighed again, "If that doesn't work, I'll just listen to the Third Young Master and find another job, or as the Third Young Master said, I just see the Third Young Master every day. , only then will I have those thoughts that I shouldn’t have. I changed my job and have a new social circle. Maybe I won’t have random thoughts.

Mom Liu, let me tell you the truth. I have been very conflicted during this time. Before you exposed me, I could still control myself, but since I told you, I can’t control myself. Seeing the third young master, everything about him. I think it's good.

Even his shoes and socks smell good to me. Every time I look forward to washing the third young master's clothes with my own hands.

It's a pity that the third young master is a very particular person and washes his own clothes. I can't even get my hands on it.

I also know that I am not normal, but... The more you try to control yourself, the less you can control yourself. There is nothing you can do. I had no choice but to agree to date Qi Fei.

However, I don't like him, and I don't want the old lady to know, so I always meet him when I go to pick up Xiaojing.

I tried to get close to him, but every time he held my hand, I felt sick in my heart. Mother Liu, do you think there is something wrong with me? "

After thinking about it, Liu's mother asked, "Do you think it would make you sick if Zhang Jun held your hand?"

Xiaojing shook her head: "I don't know, I haven't held hands with him either."

"You kid, why are you acting so nonsense? If you don't like Qi Fei, why are you trying to hook him up? You said that if you can't get along with him, you can find someone else in the future, and he will let you go?"

"I..." Xiaojing muttered and was speechless. Qi Fei was a security guard of the Ye family and grew up in the Ye family. Therefore, Xiaojing often played with him when he was young.

Later, because Ye Meiru and Zhou Mixang had a falling out, the Ye family and the Zhou family had less contact, and the two lost contact. This year, the two families resumed contact. Qi Fei often accompanied Mr. Ye to the Zhou family, and he was somewhat interested in Xiaojing. , Xiaojing had always ignored him before because she felt that he was too hot-tempered and not an ideal marriage partner.

Later, Liu's mother talked to her and happened to see Zhang Jun with another girl, so Xiaojing had the idea of ​​finding someone to marry. However, the idea was only for a while, but when she actually did it, It's another thing. When I'm with Qi Fei, I always dislike everything about the other person. To this day, I've basically reached the limit of my tolerance.

She and Qi Fei mentioned that they were not suitable, but the other party refused without thinking, making it clear that he thought they were suitable and did not agree to break up.

When Liu Ma said this, she felt even more regretful. What if Qi Fei must marry her? Even holding hands makes me feel uncomfortable. What if it goes further? ...She simply didn't dare to think about it any more.

"If you misunderstood Zhang Jun, would you still be with him?"

"I..." Xiaojing was hesitant and speechless.

"You can't say you have to pull her over to be sure, right?" Mother Liu looked at her helplessly, "What you have to do now is to force yourself to stop daydreaming.

Among these men, how many of the same age as the Third Young Master can match up to the Third Young Master? Not to mention others, even the eldest, fifth and eighth young masters in our family cannot compare with the third young master, right?

But compared with the others, the eldest, fifth and eighth young masters in our family are all first-class. Thinking about it this way, do you think that if you have the third young master in your heart, you can still fall in love with other men?

I also came here when I was young, and I understand what you are thinking now, but Xiaojing, sometimes, this person has to look at what kind of man is more suitable for his own conditions.

You can't do this kind of thing according to your own temper. You are still young now and don't think anything of it. If you stay for another three to five years, not even Zhang Jun or even Qi Fei will want you. "

"Mother Liu, please help me ask." Xiaojing closed her eyes and sighed heavily, "I feel very uncomfortable. I have decided that no matter what, I will listen to the third young lady and find another place."

"That's okay." Mother Liu took her hand and patted her, "The Zhou family are all kind-hearted. No matter where you go, when you are wronged and bullied, they will never ignore you.

You may be reluctant to leave this person, but for the sake of a lifetime of happiness, you have to force yourself. To be honest, the third young lady is a good person. Otherwise, how could she be so considerate of you and kick you out directly? You have to suffer it, yes no? "

Xiaojing nodded: "Mom Liu, I understand. When the third young lady told me directly, I felt a little uncomfortable. She said that she was straight-tempered and didn't like to beat around the bush with me. If I were sensible, she would know everything. For my sake, if I don't know what's going on, don't blame her for being rude.

When I heard her say that, I was very angry. I felt that she was using her status as a master to suppress me. Now is not the old society. Being a nanny is also a job for me. Moreover, the old lady and my wife treat me as a relative. She relies on her Why are you talking about me like that?

Although I didn't say anything against it along the way, I was unconvinced. But now, after listening to your analysis, Mrs. Liu, I feel that meeting such a young lady is better than the kind of person who smiles on the surface and doesn't say anything. , the one who stabs you in the back is stronger.

Don't worry, Mom Liu, no matter what happens, I won't blame anyone in the Zhou family. They are my relatives, and I really regard the Zhou family as my own home. Now, I will treat it as if I have grown up and want to go out. After working, people will have to have this day. Thinking about it this way, it won’t be so uncomfortable. "

"It's best if you think it over." Mother Liu stroked her head, "I was afraid that you would get into trouble. I saw you changed your mind a few days ago and didn't say anything, but I was so worried."

"I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Why are you so polite to me?"


Chu Xia and Zhou Mikang were also talking about Xiaojing. She told Zhou Mikang about her decision and said: "Whether you blame me for making a decision without consulting you or not, if something like this happens again, I will still take this approach.”

"I know." Zhou Mikang shook his head funny, "Don't you just want to use this method to judge whether I think you are the most important thing in my heart? If I object, you will think that I am interested in her. Stop it, right?”

"Is it not?"

"Of course not." Zhou Mikang shook his head, "Xiaojing, to me, is just a little sister who grew up in the Zhou family. I believe her feelings for me are also misunderstood. She has no relatives, and grandma loves her very much. Her mother and second aunt were also good to her, so she felt a sense of belonging to this family, and she had a vague desire to stay in the Zhou family.

Originally, I was the only one in my family who had never gotten married at my age. At her age, it was normal for her to have random thoughts. Unexpectedly, just as she was thinking wildly, you got married.

Since I got married to you, as long as I'm not on a mission, I'm definitely at home. I believe everyone in the family can see how attentive and considerate I am to you. To be honest, even though they didn't say it, I could guess that it started. At that time, I believe no one could adapt.

You have never seen me before. I was indifferent to everyone in this family. It was not that I was deliberately indifferent, but I had too much hatred and complaints in my heart at that time.

When the knots in people's hearts are lifted, they become more tolerant, and people seem to be naturally friendly. Therefore, misunderstandings arise. Xiaojing doesn't interact with others, so she treats me as her ideal fantasy object. Already? "

"What do you mean by telling me so much?" Chu Xia looked at him indifferently, "Could it be that you want me to take back what I said and let her continue to stay in the Zhou family?"

"Of course not. I just want to explain to you why she has such thoughts, and also to let you understand that I am very popular. You must cherish it in the future, okay?"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes and glared at him bitterly: "I don't know!"

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