"Hey, hey, hey..." As soon as Chu Xia entered the hospital gate, Luo Xiaoqiong, who had been there earlier, pulled her aside and said, "Let me tell you, Ye Meiru is back to work again."

Chu Xia stroked her forehead speechlessly, "After something like that happened, you still have the nerve to come back to work. What a strong psychological quality you have. I admire you!"

"Yes, when she came in the morning, everyone was muttering, but she went to the dean's office without looking away, and now she went to report to Director Jing." Luo Xiaoqiong shrugged, "Is it unexpected?"

Chu Xia's eyes widened in shock: "She became one of Jing Zhe's assistants?"

"That's right." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, "Why don't I have to intercept you here early in the morning? I just want to tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared.

I really don’t understand what she’s thinking now. Tell me, what exactly is she trying to do? Could it be that she wants to attack your godbrother because she has nothing to do with the leader of your family?

The problem is that Captain Zeng and Teacher Jing are already engaged. If she really has such thoughts, Captain Zeng's life will not be easy in the future.

Regardless of whether Teacher Jing is interested in her or not, with such a person beside her, as Teacher Jing's fiancée, it would be strange if Captain Zeng could sleep peacefully. "

"What on earth is causing this trouble? During the Chinese New Year, does she have to make others unhappy in order to be happy?" Chu Xia sighed, "I'll call Sister Meili later. Anyway, she is also Aunt Zhou Mixang's cousin. , I should inform her whether in public or private, Xiaoqiong, I won’t say thank you, anyway, I am a good sister. For life."

"You look silly, who asked you to say thank you. Also, don't try to take advantage of me. I'm your sister-in-law."

"It's so shameless. You haven't married my brother yet." Chu Xia scratched her nose, "You are so shameless."

"Who is not ashamed? I am reminding you that if you talk about sisters, I am your sister, and if you talk about relatives, I am your sister-in-law. So, thanking me is too disrespectful."

Chu Xia waved her hand: "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll go back to the office first and chat at noon."

Luo Xiaoqiong sighed: "Dean Xu is resigning today. There are quite a lot of things. I may not have time to have dinner with you at noon. Let's go to the evening. Come with me tonight. I'll go see Uncle Baohe and Aunt Yulan. ."

When I came to the office in early summer. Wang Jing and Liu Yaning were cleaning, because Song Xiaoyu had promised Liu Yaning to be his assistant later in the year, and she would come over to help whenever she had time these days. Obviously, she wanted to have a good relationship with Wang Jing before coming over.

After all, Wang Jing's reputation from the outside world was very bad before.

"Senior Sister Liu. Are you done with your work over there?" Chu Xia asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Liu Yaning nodded, "I came early in the morning. Everything is done over there."

When Liu Yaning spoke, he didn't dare to look at people. Thinking that she hadn't been like this before, Chu Xia took a look at her eyes. It didn't matter. He found that there was a large bruise on her hanging neck...

"Senior Sister Liu, your back is a little gray."

Liu Yaning reflexively looked up and looked back. At this moment, Chu Xia and Wang Jing saw that her entire face was covered with bruises and bloodstains...

"What's wrong with your face?" Wang Jing put down the broom and grabbed her shoulders, "I said you've been drooping your head since you came in. Did you ask your father to hit you or your daughter to hit you?"

"It's okay." Liu Yaning smiled forcefully, "I just accidentally got a little exposed when I was having a fight. It's okay. I'll be fine soon with some medicine."

Wang Jing frowned: "Director Tao hit your mother again? Why?"

“His mother complained to him, saying that the New Year’s goods my mother bought were running low and that she must have secretly taken them back to her parents’ house. He went back and caught my mother and beat her up.

I happened to meet him when I got home, so I stepped forward to start a fight. He thought I was nosy, so he pushed me away. He hit me on the table and got a bruise on his forehead.

Originally, my mother never fought back, but when she saw that I was injured, she stopped giving in. She started tearing and fighting with him, and his daughter came out of the room and joined him in beating my mother, so I definitely stopped giving in.

He and his daughter were stronger than my mother and I, so the result was that my mother and I were more seriously injured, while he and his daughter were less seriously injured.

It's okay, I've experienced this kind of situation many times before. Anyway, I don't plan to stay in that home any longer, so I'll just tolerate him this time.

When I came to work in the morning, my mother said that after the Chinese New Year, she would file for divorce from him and take me back to live with my grandma.

My grandma and grandpa have promised us and my mother to go back and squeeze in. When we can afford to rent a house by ourselves, we will move out. "

"Hey, what kind of life are you living like? By the way, if your grandma and grandpa's house is crowded, you can consider living in a dormitory. It would be better to let your mother go back and live by herself, right?"

"If I live in a dormitory, how can others sleep?" Liu Yaning smiled sheepishly, "Grandma's house has a balcony, and the sound insulation is pretty good when the door is closed. No one can be affected by me living there."

"Your snoring can probably be cured. I suggest you go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department and get some medicine. And..." Chu Xia hesitated and said, "You don't live in Tao's house anymore, so why don't you clean yourself up?" It will be more convenient. Don't be angry when I say this. To be honest, when I went in and lay down for a while, I was almost fainted by you. It is good for girls to pay attention to such things."

"I know." Tears welled up in Liu Yaning's eyes, "I don't want to say too much about it, but there is really nothing I can do about it.

There was no place for me to scrub at home. Tao Fang did not allow me to scrub in the bedroom, and I could not scrub in the hall. He stipulated that I must go home within twenty minutes after get off work. It was impossible for me to take a bath in the hospital bathhouse. .

At the beginning, I was very uncomfortable with it, but then I got used to it and just got used to it. I knew that others would be annoyed by me, but I... I really had no choice. "

"What's wrong with him?" Wang Jing was speechless. "He is your stepfather, not your husband. Why does he make such unreasonable demands on you?"

"He asked me to go home early and make paper boxes to supplement my family income. Otherwise, I would not be allowed to work in the hospital..." Liu Yaning sniffed, "Anyway, I still thank him for letting me work in the hospital. This is My mother’s wish is also my ideal. I like this job, I really like it, so I don’t hate him at all.”

Wang Jing had been looking at Liu Yaning carefully, and now she said: "I just realized that you are quite good-looking. Chu Xia, take a look, isn't it?"

"I've discovered it a long time ago. She just doesn't clean up. She always likes to lower her head, so she doesn't get noticed..." Chu Xia said, stepping forward and patting Liu Yaning on the back, "Stand up straight. , raise your head."

Wang Jing said with admiration: "Not bad, it feels a little different this way. The energy and spirit are different, and the whole person looks different."

"Really?" Liu Yaning smiled sheepishly, "Tao Fang always said I was ugly. My mother told me not to look at people too seriously, so I always thought I was very ugly."

"You, silly sister..." Wang Jing put her arms around her shoulders and said, "Tao Fang said you were ugly because of jealousy, and your mother told you not to look at others too seriously to protect you.

If I guess correctly, your mother is probably worried about what your stepfather thinks of you, otherwise, she would not do that. "

Chu Xia glanced at the time and hurriedly walked to the phone: "I have to make a call quickly. Senior sister, you have worked hard today. I will be responsible for the hygiene tomorrow."

"Isn't it just some work? Look at you, aren't you too outsider?" Wang Jing picked up the thermos and walked out, "Yaning, go back quickly. You have to work for the last few days, so keep at it."

"I know." Liu Yaning saw that it was not far from work time, so he stopped staying here. In any case, their mother and daughter would still have to spend this year at Tao's house. According to local customs, married girls are not allowed to return home. Her parents' family was celebrating the New Year, and they didn't even have a place to stay. No matter what, they couldn't make Tao Jianping fall out at this moment.

Zeng Meili was quite happy to receive a call from Chu Xia. To her, Chu Xia was her third cousin-in-law, her sister-in-law, a former student, and her fiancé’s former crush. After spending so long together, she automatically Ignoring the secret crush item, the other three items all made her feel very friendly. Most importantly, she liked Chu Xia's personality and character very much, and she was willing to associate with him.

"Sister-in-law, why are you calling me so early? Don't tell me, you miss me." Zeng Meili's voice was relaxed and cheerful, and she was in a good mood as soon as she heard it.

"Sister Meili, please stop making fun of me. Didn't we agree that in private, we should call you whatever you want? It's so serious that I don't know what to say to you."

"Haha..." Zeng Meili laughed, "I knew there must be something wrong with you calling me so early. Just tell me. You don't have to be polite to me."

"Um..." After thinking about the words, Chu Xia said, "There is something I need to say hello to you first. Ye Meiru has become my brother's assistant. It was just decided this morning."

"Ye Meiru became Jing Zhe's assistant?" Zeng Meili repeated, and chuckled, "Are you worried that I will be jealous, or are you worried that Jing Zhe will be seduced by Ye Meiru?"

"I..." Chu Xia was stunned there. Yes, what was she worried about? The moment she learned that Ye Meiru had become Jing Zhe's assistant, she was worried about Zeng Meili, but what was she worried about?

"Third sister-in-law, thank you." Zeng Meili's voice was full of seriousness, "I am particularly touched by your performance. Really, if you didn't treat me as the closest person, you wouldn't worry about me, and you wouldn't be there for me. You called me without thinking about it, don’t worry, Ye Meiru can’t make too many waves, this time, I will definitely let her get her wish."

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