First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 563: Settlement of Accounts

"You're unreasonable!" Su Weimin stared at Zhou Mixang for a long time and finally choked out four words.

"Am I being unreasonable or are you being unreasonable, Uncle Su?" Zhou Mikang put down the pen in his hand, leaned back, and looked directly at Su Weimin, "If your daughter is married, will any other girl treat your daughter like this? , what would you do?”

"I..." Su Weimin murmured for a while, then sighed, "I know what Jiao Hong did was wrong, but what you did was not right either."

"What do you think I should do?"

"Discuss this with her carefully."

"Do you think it's useful?"

"Hey!" After a long silence, Su Weimin answered with a heavy sigh.

"Uncle Su, you yourself know that your daughter can't listen to other people's words at all. You are her parents and you can let her have her own way. I have no relationship with her, so why should I let her have her own way?

She is hurting my wife with her willfulness. Do you think it is appropriate if I only consider her feelings but not my wife's?

Uncle Su, if it weren't for the fact that you and my sister-in-law are classmates, I wouldn't be able to say this to you politely. If you still don't understand, then I'm sorry. "

"I understand, it's my fault." After a pause, Su Weimin looked at Zhou Mikang eagerly, "Can...can you please go and see Jiaohong? Even for the sake of me and your sister-in-law's classmates. , can you give me this face?"

Zhou Mikang refused without thinking: "No!"

Su Weimin sighed again: "Jiaohong said, if you don't go and see her, she won't be treated well. She will be limping all the time, which will make you feel guilty for the rest of your life."

"Whatever. The legs are her own, so you can be lame if you want."

"You were not like this when you were a child." With a heavy sigh, Su Weimin stood up and walked out, his back looking desolate.

"Uncle Su in the past was not like this."

Zhou Mikang's words made Su Weimin pause. For a moment, he turned back with a wry smile: "Well, it's uncle's fault for making things difficult for you. Actually, I also know that my request is too unreasonable. I'm sorry. Uncle apologizes to you."

"I understand Uncle Su's difficulties, but we still have to discuss right and wrong, right?"


"Su Weimin nodded, "It's because I take the things in my hands too seriously, that's why I follow her in everything. Now I don’t even know myself anymore. "

Zhou Mikang declined to comment.

Su Weimin and his sister-in-law Zhou Yueping were classmates, and he once had a crush on his sister-in-law. He often comes to Zhou's house to play and is very close to Zhou Mikang and Zhou Xikang.

Later, my sister-in-law and her uncle established a relationship, and he never came to Zhou's house again.

But he was at that time. Knowledgeable in books and etiquette, gentle and elegant. Upright and kind, before establishing a relationship with my uncle. My sister-in-law was hesitant about who to choose, but in the end, considering the situation of the Zhou family at the time, I chose my uncle-in-law who had a more innocent background.

After his sister-in-law made her choice, Su Weimin showed his generous side. Not only did he not get angry because he was not chosen, he also sincerely blessed Zhou Yueping and became friends with Zhou Yueping and Xu Zhenghong from then on.

Later, he was favored by Yao Limei and became the son-in-law of the Yao family. His contacts with the Zhou family gradually faded away until later, they no longer had any contact.

Although they had no contact, Zhou Mikang still knew something about Su Weimin's situation, because at work, his third uncle and Su Weimin often had contact, and they would talk about him when chatting.

Before meeting him, he just listened to his third uncle's words. After meeting him, he deeply agreed with his third uncle's words that knowledge, courtesy, gentleness and elegance were still there, but integrity and kindness had faded to the point where they were almost gone.

Otherwise, he would not have come today, let alone put forward his requests.

Even if he was forced to come by his wife, it was because he was afraid of losing the benefits that his wife had brought to him. To put it bluntly, that's it.

Zhou Mikang's silence made Su Weimin's expression darken a little bit, and he completely understood that there was no way to make the other party make concessions. "Excuse me." As soon as he turned around, he saw two girls one behind the other. When I came in, the girl in front of me still had a little blood scab stuck to the corner of her mouth, and there were five red finger prints on her left cheek.

"Who hit him?" Zhou Mikang put his hand on the table and jumped to Chu Xia's side in a few steps.

"Su Jiaohong's mother." Chu Xia looked at him with an aggrieved face, "She wanted you to marry her daughter. Of course I didn't agree, so she beat me."

Zhou Mikang looked at Su Weimin who was blocked behind him with a gloomy face: "Uncle Su, go back and tell Yao Limei that I will settle this account with her."

"Okay." Su Weimin nodded and said nothing else. The facts were in front of him. What did he have to say? Apologize, is it helpful? The key is, will Zhou Mikang accept it?

When things have come to this point, as the son-in-law of the Yao family and the father of Su Jiaohong, all he can do is to ask his father-in-law for forgiveness together with his wife, otherwise Zhou Mikang will really kill them.

"Are you Su Jiaohong's father?" Chu Xia didn't want to let him go so easily. She took a step back and blocked the door with Luo Xiaoqiong. "Your wife is going to force me, you are going to force my husband, are you?" Too bullying? Even if I am as small as a speck of dust, you can't trample on my dignity like this, right?

I'm telling you, originally I thought I was too weak to offend you, so it would be best to hide, but now I have changed my mind..." She looked at Zhou Mikang pitifully, "Take me to find Su Jiaohong's big brother. Backer, I want to ask him face to face whether he knows that his family is bullying people like this! "

"Okay, I'll take you there." Zhou Mikang stepped forward, hugged Chu Xia and walked out. Chu Xia dragged Luo Xiaoqiong, who was still in a daze, "You are my witness, hurry up."

"Hey, hey, hey..." Su Weimin stepped forward anxiously and pulled Zhou Mikang's sleeves, "Captain Zhou, please give us a chance. We did something wrong this time. You sir, don't be the same as us, okay?" good"

I told you just now that the old man doesn't know what we are doing. If you come to find out like this, my wife and I might be kicked out of the Yao family. "

"Why didn't you think of this when you did it?" Zhou Mikang pulled his hand away, "Please don't pull me like a shrew, okay?" The more he said this, the more rude he became, and Su Weimin's face turned red. Blushed, he stood there without saying a word.

It only takes more than two hours to drive from City A to the capital. Therefore, when Chu Xia and others arrived at Mr. Yao's office, it was 2:30 in the afternoon. Mr. Yao happened to take a break after finishing the work at hand. After receiving the notification, he asked the guard to let them in.

"Xiao Zhou, did you come here specifically to see me, an old man, today?" Mr. Yao had a good impression of Zhou Mikang, so he teased him with a smile.

"Mr. Yao, I did come to see you specially, but just to seek justice for my wife." Zhou Mikang pointed to Chu Xia beside him, "Your daughter ran to my wife's office at noon and beat her up. , the reason is that my wife does not agree to divorce me and make way for your granddaughter Su Jiaohong."

"Asshole!" Mr. Yao slapped the table and said to the secretary standing beside him, "Xiao Jiang, call Yao Limei and ask her what's going on!"

"Yes!" Jiang Quan responded and quickly retreated.

"Comrade Xiao Lin, I'm sorry. It was my fault in teaching my daughter. Don't worry, I will definitely give you justice for this matter." After looking at Chu Xia, Mr. Yao chuckled, "I came all the way here to wash my face. Bar."

What he said was insinuating that Chu Xia deliberately didn't wash her face and didn't treat her, so she came here to play a cruel trick.

"Vice Chairman Yao, I have nothing to explain or hide in front of you. That's right, I deliberately showed up in front of you as I am. The reason is that I don't want this to happen again.

I can't do things like knocking out teeth and swallowing blood. I'm here to seek justice from you. You can't help me introduce a partner to my husband when I don't know whether he's married or not. How beautiful.

You know clearly that your daughter and granddaughter are being pampered in a lawless manner, yet you allow them to bully people like this. If placed in the old society, they would be bullies who robbed civilian girls, right? "

"Hahaha..." Mr. Yao laughed loudly, "Comrade Xiaolin said it very well. I really want to do some self-examination, but I still want to explain. I really don't know about Xiao Zhou's marriage. , so, after he explained the situation to me, I ordered Jiaohong not to provoke him again.

As for the rest, I don’t want to explain more. The results have already explained everything. If you are wrong, you are wrong. Therefore, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result in this matter. "

The other party's attitude made it difficult for Chu Xia to criticize him anymore, so she sighed: "I'm sorry, I may not be polite, but if I hadn't been bullied to the extreme, I wouldn't be like this. They are using your banner. I Of course I will come to you, please bear with me for my inappropriateness."

"Xiao Lin, don't worry. Although what my old man did was unreasonable at first, it doesn't mean that I am an unreasonable old bastard."

With such a low attitude, Chu Xia had no room for improvement, so she had to quietly glance at Zhou Mikang and ask him for help.

In fact, they all know that Vice Chairman Yao is retreating in order to advance. If he really gets tough, given their background, they can definitely find someone else to mix it up. No matter what the outcome, Yao will definitely be the one to suffer the most. Vice Chairman.

Therefore, he did not give them this opportunity at all. He had already trampled his own identity under his feet. If they looked for other reinforcements, they would be aggressive and ignorant.

This old fox!

Zhou Mikang took Chu Xia's hand and pressed it gently, hinting to her to be calm.

At this time, Jiang Quan walked in and reported to Vice Chairman Yao: "Sister Yao said that she will come over in half an hour and explain to you personally."

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