Su Weimin, who thought his sense of existence was basically zero, felt a hint of joy in his heart when he was named and criticized. He quickly sat up straight and said, "Dad, what you taught me is that I will definitely change in the future."

"It's not that you have to change it in the future, but you have to pay attention from now on..." Yao Lao sighed heavily, "Li Mei has a bad temper and is very impulsive. As her husband, you must persuade her. Usually you are not the only one. You spend the most time with her, right?"

"Yes, yes." Su Weimin nodded repeatedly, "Dad, it's all my fault. I didn't fulfill my responsibility. No matter how you punish me, I won't complain."

"We still need to listen to Xiao Zhou and Xiao Lin's opinions on this matter." Vice Chairman Yao looked at Zhou Mikang and Chu Xia, "It's my daughter and son-in-law's fault. You decide how to deal with it. I will definitely support it."

Old fox!

Chu Xia couldn't help but slander her again. By scolding her son-in-law, she showed that her daughter had a bad temper. Then, she used this to show that it was her daughter's and son-in-law's fault. This was basically telling them that it was all a family matter. It's become a big deal. As a parent, he has done his best to show no favoritism to his children. So as the perpetrators, shouldn't you also stop it?

is it possible? Her face was slightly bruised. This crime was in vain and she really became a joke.

Before she could think of a way, Luo Xiaoqiong spoke first: "Chu Xia's face was purple and the corners of her mouth were bleeding. I can testify that Chu Xia didn't say anything impolite at all. She just told her the truth, and she became angry and started to attack. ”

It could be heard that she was still very nervous and her voice was trembling. But she stood up bravely... Not to mention early summer, even Zhou Mikang. They all looked at Luo Xiaoqiong a few more times.

Only then did Vice Chairman Yao notice the girl who had been shrinking aside and smiled: "Young comrade is Lin Chuxia's friend, right?"


"I'm trying to defend my friend. Okay, very good. I like children who are loyal..." As he spoke, Vice Chairman Yao stood up and slapped his daughter hard...

The crisp sound stimulated Yao Limei's eardrums. Yao Limei never expected that her father would be so cruel to her. She could hear nothing but a buzzing in her ears now.

She only saw her father's mouth opening and closing, but she couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

"What are you doing standing there? Apologize to Lin Chuxia." Being stared at by his daughter in confusion, Vice Chairman Yao felt angry. How could he have given birth to such a stupid girl? !

"Lin Chuxia,

Sorry, Captain Zhou, I'm sorry. "Seeing that his wife was motionless, Su Weimin quickly apologized to Chu Xia and Zhou Mixang on his wife's behalf. He also secretly pinched his wife.

"What are you doing?" Feeling the pain, Yao Limei poked at Su Weimin, "Dad hit me, and you hit me too. You all don't like me, Su Weimin, you don't look in the mirror to see how you look. Dad. Just hit me, are you qualified to hit me?"

"I'm not……"

Su Weimin hasn't said anything yet. Yao Limei had already knocked her to the ground, her head stuck on the corner of the table. There was a "boom" sound, and blood flowed down the cheek...

"Xiao Jiang, come here for Dr. Song." He shouted outside, and Vice Chairman Yao frowned and glared at the frightened Yao Limei, "Kneel down for Xiao Lin, hurry up!"

"No need." Chu Xia quickly waved her hand, "Mr. Yao, I can't bear such a big gift. No matter what, Aunt Yao is an elder and a junior. How can you not let go of the faults of your elders?

Now that Mr. Yao knows that my husband and I are innocent, we won’t bother you anymore. Today is New Year’s Eve and we are really rude, but we still ask Mr. Yao to be considerate of our difficulties. "

"You are a bastard who fails to succeed but fails to succeed!" After Chu Xia and the others left, Vice Chairman Yao slapped Yao Limei on the back, "If you hadn't made a move first, would I have been so passive?"

Yao Limei's ears had recovered, and she said aggrievedly: "Dad, wasn't it that I was so angry when I saw Jiaohong's appearance? You also know that Jiaohong suffered a lot of grievances since she was a child, and it was not easy to meet someone she likes." Yeah, I really don’t want her to be disappointed.”

"She is already married. You don't want her to be disappointed to solve the problem?" Vice Chairman Yao glared at him, "I would rather tear down ten temples than break up one marriage. Who can you say can explain what you did?" Son?"

Yao Limei: "..." She had nothing to say.

Vice Chairman Yao then looked at Su Weimin, who had a piece of gauze on his forehead: "And you too, following her like a pug all day long, are you still a man? When I agreed to marry her, it was because I fell in love with you. You are an upright and kind person. Unexpectedly, I have misjudged the wrong person. You are also a bastard who doesn't care about anything for your own future!

Forget it, I'm too lazy to be angry with you. Don't come back during the Chinese New Year. As for this matter, I will help you handle it. If anything happens in the future, you can figure it out yourself. "

In one day, two people exposed him. If Su Weimin didn't feel anything anymore, he would no longer be a human being. People say that people who are naughty can also be angry, and now his anger is also rising.

When he married Yao Limei, the Yao family said that he was not allowed to bully Yao Limei, that everything should be discussed, and that he should not engage in male chauvinism, etc...

He did as he was told, but every time he went back to his father-in-law's house, he was still scolded by his mother-in-law and his brother-in-law. He had no choice but to make himself become more and more cowardly.

As a result, his forbearance was rewarded by everyone's contempt, so why could he endure it?

"Dad, I have never changed. I am just trying to find ways to satisfy you and mom, and my brother-in-law and brother-in-law. In order to satisfy everyone, I adjusted my bottom line again and again. The result is that no one recognizes me.

It seems that I am not suitable to be the son-in-law of the Yao family, so I'd better be more conscious and write a divorce application when I get back. Dad should find a son-in-law for Jiaohong who can persuade her. "

Yao Lao's eyes narrowed: "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm telling the truth." Su Weimin smiled bitterly, "Even I feel like I'm living like a dog now. If I stay with her, I have to be a dog all the time, so I'd better let myself go." I want to give her a chance to survive. She has always been dissatisfied with me and thought I was useless. Now, she can follow her own temperament and find a man she likes."

Yao Limei didn't expect Su Weimin to propose divorce, and her face turned red with anger: "Su Weimin, if you don't divorce, you will be raised by my grandson!"

"Okay." Su Weimin looked at Vice Chairman Yao, "Chief, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

Listening to his title, Mr. Yao knew that what he said was true. (To be continued...)

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