First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 773: Different perspectives

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The fourth update has arrived.


"I understand, I understand now..." Li Xinli looked at Chu Xia seriously, "I have seen how kind Mr. Zhou is to you. A person of his ability must be particularly valued at home. His wife, Of course, you are also given special attention. If you really don’t treat yourself as an outsider, your husband’s family will be happier. I understand that, really.”

"What you said is correct or not..." Chu Xia smiled at her and said, "My husband's family is not snobbish. Even if Zhou Mixang has no future, as long as they marry me into the Zhou family, they will treat me sincerely. "

Li Xinli looked envious: "Then you are really lucky. I have a classmate who also married a man with better conditions. Of course, he is no better than the Zhou family. It can be said that he is better than ordinary working-class families.

Her father-in-law is the workshop director of a chemical fiber factory, her mother-in-law is the team leader of another workshop, and her husband is a skilled worker. When she got married, everyone was envious of her.

Her parents also felt that their daughter had flown to the branches and become a phoenix. From then on, the life of the family must have been prosperous. After meeting the enthusiastic couple, they no longer looked at her.

However, the reality is not at all what they thought. My classmate’s husband’s family did not allow my classmate to work as an ordinary female worker. They said it was too embarrassing and they thought workers were shameful. However, they did not give her a better position and just let her idle at home. He was doing laundry, cooking, cleaning and house cleaning for the family.

When speaking to the outside world, he said that he felt sorry for his daughter-in-law and was unwilling to let her go out to endure hardships. Then he flaunted his high level of consciousness and said that as a leader, he must not give his own family a back door and deprive others of opportunities.

In fact, they just wanted to use my classmate as a nanny at home, and they did not allow her to have more contact with her mother's family. They clearly told my classmate that just because she married her, the family would not have poor relatives.

She said that if her parents really encountered something serious, she could help. Otherwise, just go and visit during the holidays. Now, her parents regret it. I'm too embarrassed to go out. Except for going to work, I stay at home and don't go out at all other times.

At first I thought that people with good conditions looked down on others like this, but now I finally understand that no matter what the conditions are, people have to be divided and cannot be generalized. "

"Yes." Chu Xia smiled at her, "Don't worry, everything I told you is true, and there is absolutely no exaggeration."

"I know." Li Xinli's face turned red. "Why would I doubt you? Just when you said it, I thought about my classmates and couldn't help but tell you.

My classmate also regrets it now.

Except when I can go out for a walk when buying groceries, I stay indoors at other times. I couldn't find anyone to talk to, so I occasionally went out to talk to a neighbor. When her mother-in-law found out, she pointed at her nose and scolded her for a long time.

Originally, I didn't know she was like this now. During the Chinese New Year, we rarely met each other, and she held it in too hard. He just chatted with me and told me that I must not look for someone with much better conditions than my own.

She said that if she was given another chance to choose, she would rather marry a beggar than marry into such a family. It would be the same as going to jail. It's better to work hard and live a comfortable life. "

"How did her husband's family treat her before she got married?" Zhao Yulan couldn't help but ask.

"I couldn't tell it at the time. She was very active when she went to her husband's house. She cooked, washed dishes, mopped the floor, did laundry, and did all the work. Her mother-in-law always praised her and said she was more considerate than her daughter.

At that time, she also told me that only those who are young and diligent can please the elders, and told me to behave well when I find my husband's family, saying that only in this way can my mother-in-law like it and treat her as a person. "

Chu Xia curled her lips: "I think it's more realistic to describe it as a cow or a horse."

Li Xinli nodded: "Yes, she is just like a cow and a horse in her husband's family. Therefore, I have also made up my mind. No matter who I am with, I must first understand the character of his family. I will never allow myself to be a slave in their family. A cow acts like a horse!”

Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter, then at Li Xinli, and laughed: "You can't deliberately show bad behavior after seeing such a bad example. Think about it, which parent would want his son to find a lazy and greedy person?" A bad daughter-in-law?"

"Mom, we just said that we can't lose our dignity and behave in a good way. We didn't say that we should behave in a lazy, greedy and bad-tempered way. It's just how it was before and how it is now. If they can accept this, they can get married. There aren’t that many contradictions, right?”

"Okay, okay, mother has wronged you..." After a pause, Zhao Yulan said again, "However, it is correct to say that, it is better to understand the important events of your life clearly than to get married in a haphazard manner."

Li Xinli glanced at the time and saw that there was still plenty of time, then she looked at the couple: "Aunt, Chu Xia, let me tell you something real. She is a neighbor's daughter in our area. I call her Aunt Xiuqin.

When Aunt Xiuqin was looking for a partner, she had one condition: as long as he was good-looking, she didn't care about anything else. Then, at the age of 25, she really fell in love with a good-looking man.

There was only one mother in the man's family, and she lived in a ten-square-meter house. Aunt Xiuqin felt that having a nest was much better than living in a dormitory.

Although Aunt Xiuqin's parents didn't agree, she had met so many people, and that man was the most handsome. She was determined to marry her uncle.

She was getting older and couldn't afford to delay, so her parents agreed and made arrangements for the two of them to get married. From the beginning after the marriage, the two of them lived well.

A year later, the man just wanted to sleep at home and did nothing. Aunt Xiuqin said a few words to him, and he would quarrel with Aunt Xiuqin. After the quarrel, he continued to sleep.

With no other choice, Aunt Xiuzhen went to the Women's Federation for help, but she was told that the Women's Federation had no control over the matter, and her uncle did not bully Aunt Xiuzhen, so they had no share in going.

After persisting for a while, Aunt Xiuzhen felt that she and her uncle couldn't live together anymore, so she wanted to divorce him. But the uncle didn't go to work, and the factory was afraid of taking responsibility, so they didn't give him a letter of introduction, so Aunt Xiuzhen divorced her. Take him to the district to find the leader.

Of course, the leader tried to persuade them to reconcile and not let them separate. The uncle didn't care, but Aunt Xiuzhen insisted on leaving. It happened to be a soldier with a disabled leg who went to the district to seek help. He said it was inconvenient to live alone. I hope the organization can help me start a family.

Originally, the leader was having a headache. He could help with other things, but how could he help with starting a family? You can't find a woman and force someone to marry him, right? He's not a great hero, so he wouldn't dare to do that.

Just as Aunt Xiuzhen came to the door, the leader pointed at Bing who was sitting on a chair watching the excitement and said, "You can leave if you must. Marry him. Are you willing?"

Aunt Xiuzhen looked at the veteran sitting on the chair and felt that he was decent-looking and energetic. She felt that she had really made a lot of money and agreed immediately.

That uncle was lazy, but very courageous. When the boss agreed to divorce, he didn't dare to say a word. He signed and left. Then, the boss called the person responsible for issuing the marriage certificate and directly Went to his office to get a marriage certificate for Aunt Xiuzhen and the veteran.

It wasn't until she finished all the formalities and left that Aunt Xiuzhen discovered that the veteran was lame in one leg and had to use a cane to walk. She finally understood why the leader was so anxious to get her a marriage certificate.

She turned around and was about to protest, but the leader glared at her and said, if you dare to make trouble again, don't be rude to him. The district government is not open to play tricks with her.

Then, she went home with the veteran with bad legs. There were good soldiers and bad soldiers. The one Aunt Xiuzhen married was a bad soldier. He was lazy and wanted to be fed even when he was eating.

Later, she inquired and found out that the veteran's leg was broken by climbing up a tree to dig out a bird's nest. He was not a hero at all. Then, she couldn't get divorced even if she wanted, so she had no choice but to live with that man.

I have been married to the veteran for more than seven years now, and the veteran is still lounging around all the time. He is definitely even more lazy than his first uncle.

Aunt Xiuzhen has also become a typical representative of our generation. Therefore, after reading these examples, I will never blindly touch with my eyes closed when looking for a partner. If I make a mistake in this step, I will make a mistake in every step. If I make a mistake in the end, I will die. Sorry, it's terrible. "

Zhao Yulan couldn't help but sigh: "Your Aunt Xiuzhen can't blame anyone else for her fate. It's all because she didn't understand and was stubborn, so she got to this point. However, there are few men like that after all, so don't always Take this comparison.”

"My mother is right, you can't use this as a reference..." Chu Xia looked at Li Xinli seriously, "Have you noticed it yourself? You always regard such bad examples as warnings.

Of course it is right to have such thoughts, but it cannot be all such thoughts. You should also look at the positive examples around you, those examples of people who have lived a happy life. "

"Yeah." Li Xinli nodded quickly, "I know, I have looked at the good news now. In the past, maybe I was not popular, but I was very concerned about these unfavorable things, and I always didn't want my life to be bad. Things go smoothly but then things go wrong. Now that I have met a few of you, I find that I really live too passively, and I must change this problem."

"If you realize your mistake, change it and become a good comrade." Chu Xia reached out and patted her shoulder, stood up, "You eat a few more buns, I will go back to the room and change clothes, and we will leave in a while."

"I can't eat anymore." Li Xinli rubbed her belly and looked at Zhao Yulan with an embarrassed look, "It's so delicious. I didn't even notice it while I was talking. I ate all the buns on the plate. It was really a waste. ”

"The buns aren't even big. Besides, at your age, you have a good appetite. How can you not eat enough?" Zhao Yulan said while pushing the plate in front of her, "Eat some more." If you're too thin, you won't look good. If you put on some fat, you'll look good."

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