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After dinner and a short rest, Chu Xia took Li Xinli out for a walk. Zhao Yulan, who was busy in the kitchen, put down the things in her hands and chased her out. Chu Xia stopped her laughingly: "Mom, you and Dad have been tired all day. Rest at home. Don't worry, with Xinli by my side, I'll be fine."

"As long as you two young people go out together, I don't feel at ease..." Thinking of yesterday's situation, Zhao Yulan still had lingering fears, and she wanted to follow whatever she said.

In front of Li Xinli, Chu Xia couldn't emphasize the fact that someone was secretly protecting her, so she just let her go out for a walk together.

Her old mother and father are not people who can be idle at all. In the past two days, she went to school, and they asked Wang Zhongliang to take her to a nearby factory to get a handicraft job and come back to work.

This time, instead of pasting matchboxes, I changed it to sewing photo frames, which is to cut out a square frame from a pile of thick paper shells, wrap it in floral cloth and sew it on. It's not troublesome, and the price is more reasonable than sewing paper boxes.

In order to get them to promise not to work at night, she uttered harsh words. If they didn't pay attention to their health, then she wouldn't pay attention to just this one sentence, which scared the couple into letting her go.

In the windy and bright weather, the feeling of cold was much relieved, and the mood also inexplicably improved. When they returned home, all three of them had smiles on their faces, and Lin Baohe looked puzzled: "What good happened when you went out?"

"No. The sky is good and the mood is good." Chu Xia smiled at him. Walking to Mr. Wan's side, he snatched the uncle from his hand: "Grandpa, you should also pay attention to your eyes."

"I'm fine..." Mr. Wan was looking at the heart, and when he was interrupted, he felt like a cat scratching his heart, and smiled at Chu Xia with a flattering face, "Look at it for another ten minutes, and I will definitely rest after ten minutes."

Chu Xia didn't make things difficult for him, but emphasized it again: "You have to keep your word."

Mr. Wan nodded again and again: "Of course, at my age, how can I keep my word."

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a light knock on the door, and Uncle Wang hurried out to open the door. After a while, Lin Mengran and Yang Xiaoli floated in like the wind. In the cold weather, they were sweating profusely from running.

Chu Xia stared at the two of them in surprise: "What happened,

Put you in such a hurry? "

"Hurry up, I'll make some ginger soup for you guys." Zhao Yulan handed two dry towels to the two of them respectively, and then turned to go to the kitchen. Lin Mengran grabbed her, "Auntie, don't worry about it, we have to go soon."

Yang Xiaoli quickly took over the words: "Yes, auntie, if there was no urgent matter, we definitely wouldn't come here like this..." She said and looked at Li Xinli. "Xin Li, your mother and your sister went to school, but they couldn't find you. Your mother was scolding downstairs in the dormitory, and the scolding was pretty ugly anyway.

Let's go down and persuade her. She didn't listen, and said that if we don't know, don't get involved. There's no other way, the two of us have no choice but to hurry over to find you, and now Wu Jingbo is staring over there by himself. "

Li Xinli's face turned red, and then she turned around and ran out without even wearing a coat, probably out of anger, otherwise she wouldn't even say goodbye to her elders with her politeness.

"Uncle, Aunt, Grandpa, let's go, Chu Xia, see you tomorrow." Yang Xiaoli said as she grabbed Li Xinli's coat and ran outside, Lin Mengran also waved at the big family and chased them out.

"How about, let's go over and have a look." Zhao Yulan looked at Lin Baohe with some anxiety, "This kid is honest, she looks like she's getting angry, and she's not talkative, so we can't let her suffer."

Lin Baohe nodded: "Success, those who can't be helped, you can rest assured after passing."

"Let me go too." Chu Xia had already armed himself with a hat and scarf, "If I'm not with you, the guard won't let you two in."

Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe: "..." How did they forget this?

In the end, the two had no choice but to allow their daughter to be together. However, Wang Zhongliang was added, which finally made them feel more secure.

When they arrived at the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, there were already many students around. A middle-aged woman sat on the ground and cried loudly, cursing some unpleasant things. Li Xinli stood opposite her, pursing her lips, her face livid.

Next to Li Xinli stood a soft-looking daughter, holding Li Xinli's arm with one hand and talking non-stop. Behind them were Lin Mengran, Yang Xiaoli and Wu Jingbo. The three of them were full of anger and helplessness.

Stopped and listened for a while, Chu Xia was completely defeated by those vicious words, is this really her real mother? Why is she so skeptical? During the process, the teacher on duty and the dormitory administrator tried to persuade her to leave, but she simply refused to accept the offer and continued her great cause of scolding her daughter...

It's useless for you to reason with this kind of person, who can be more aggressive than her?

After thinking about it, Chu Xia turned and walked out. Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe and Wang Zhongliang hurriedly followed, "Xia, shall we go back now?" Zhao Yulan asked, she didn't quite understand her daughter's behavior, and according to her daughter's personality, she probably wouldn't do this...

"Go to Mr. Yuan." Chu Xia said and quickened his pace, "Father and mother also saw it, the teacher on duty and the dormitory manager couldn't persuade her at all, what standpoint should we use to persuade her?

As far as Li Xinli's mother's character is concerned, the last one of us was killed by one, and the last two were killed by a pair, so, let's find someone who can cure her to cure her. "

Zhao Yulan looked puzzled: "Could Mr. Yuan cure her?"

Chu Xia has a black thread: "Mother, Mr. Yuan will vomit three liters of blood when he hears your words."

"Didn't you say you're looking for Mr. Yuan..." Zhao Yulan smiled embarrassedly, "I'm just skeptical. With Mr. Yuan's character, how can I be her opponent?"

"Sarpo is unreasonable and no one is her opponent, but who is going to be tough?"

This time, not only Zhao Yulan didn't understand, but even Lin Baohe and Wang Zhongliang were puzzled. Although Wang Zhongliang had never met Mr. Yuan, he heard an old word, so he must not be young anymore. Just an old man who is not young, how can he be tough on this woman?

"Where did you guys go..." Chu Xia could tell at a glance that several people were thinking wrong. "I'm familiar with Yuan now. If he can be transferred here on a special basis, he must have some contacts in the school. Let him help transfer the people from the school security department, so it's over?"

"Oh oh oh..." Zhao Yulan responded repeatedly, "I mean, Mr. Yuan doesn't seem to be a martial artist, so how can he be tough, girl, or your quick thinking, your father and I didn't expect it."

"What's wrong with you? You still compare the two of us with my daughter..." Lin Baohe curled his lips, "If our daughter is as stupid as us, do you think Xiaomi will like our daughter so much?"

Chu Xia was instantly speechless...

Dad, is it really appropriate to praise your daughter so much in front of outsiders? In particular, this so-called outsider was found by Xiaomi as you said...


Li Xinli looked at her mother whose mouth was opening and closing, and felt that her brain was about to explode. She always knew that her mother didn't like her, and she got used to it, but she never thought that her mother's dislike for her could reach this level.

It is obvious that the divorce of father and mother is the mother's responsibility, but the mother does not think so at all. She must say that it is her fault that led to the divorce of father and mother.

But the key point is that her mother insulted her with all kinds of dirty words, insinuating that her relationship with her father was not normal!

This is simply the greatest joke in the world!

She has an abnormal relationship with her biological father? ! It's so interesting, such an honest father, such a forbearing her, in exchange for such an insult!

If it wasn't for the last sliver of rationality to support her, she would have pounced on her and tore that open and closed mouth to pieces!

Her mind is in a mess now, she doesn't know what tomorrow will be like, she doesn't know how she will live in school in the future, she doesn't know if she can stay here...

give up? No! she can't!

If she gave up, she would really be unable to turn over in this life, and she believed that even if she was not in school, this woman called mother would not let her go.

Now, she doesn't know exactly what happened to Liu Jinli that made her hysterical to this extent. Her sister kept nagging in her ears, which meant that she should give in to her mother and apologize, saying that she would be filial to her in the future...

But she didn't understand, what did she do wrong? I'm going to give in and apologize, and if she really did that, doesn't it mean that all her scolding is true?

Then she really doesn't have to stay in school anymore.

Although she doesn't know the reason why her mother did this, she is very clear about her mother's intentions, that is, she wants to borrow more people to force her to submit, and continue to support her in the future.

That's impossible!

In fact, if she is willing to talk to her properly, she is not hard-hearted. When she is really capable, she will definitely be filial to her. She is too anxious!

She has just entered school, so she has been following her, and now, what she is following is the little allowance in her hand, joke, doesn't she even have to eat at school?

I think clearly in my mind, but my mouth can't utter a word. This feeling is like being in a nightmare, unable to move or speak...

Then, just as she was stiff, a group of people rushed over, and then her mother was dragged out. She only felt that her mind was buzzing, and she couldn't understand anything...

When Li Xinli woke up again, she found herself lying on the bed. Her mind was still in a state of chaos, and what echoed was her mother's abuse. She couldn't figure out when she was lying on the bed, and even wondered if it was a dream... (to be continued...)

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