Three updates.

Looking at her father who was speechless and his face turned into a bitter gourd shape, Chu Xia had no choice but to continue to help him smooth things over: "Mom, don't pick on dad now. He is anxious and confused. Then you can talk to dad. Can you let him know what exactly you are angry about?"

"Yes, yes, Yu Lan, tell me what exactly makes you angry."

Chu Xia almost knelt down... My biological father, I am trying to help you smooth things over. What are you trying to say? Aren't you just trying to find trouble for yourself? ——Wan Lao has already analyzed this issue!

As expected, Zhao Yulan looked at Lin Baohe with eyes full of disappointment: "We have lived together for so many years, you really don't know what I am angry about?"

Lin Baohe also reacted at this moment, his face turned red, and he bowed deeply to Wan Lao first: "Uncle Wan, it's not that I didn't listen to what you said, I was just confused..." Then he looked at his wife, "Yulan, I know, of course I know what you're angry about. Isn't this just because you are so anxious that you don't know what to say? Why don't you... give me a beating?"

Zhao Yulan snorted coldly: "I don't think my hand hurts."

"Then I'll hit myself." Lin Baohe said and actually slapped himself in the face. Chu Xia was stunned and quickly stepped forward to hold him, "Dad, what are you doing? It's such a big deal, and..." She He lowered his voice and pointed his chin towards the kitchen, "Uncle Wang and Aunt Qin are still here, and there are also guests in the room over there."

With Lin Baohe's slap, all the anger in Zhao Yulan's heart disappeared, and she secretly blamed herself. She knew clearly what kind of temper her husband was, so why did she continue to make trouble with him?

Hey, she too was so angry after just a few words from that woman. I thought she wasn't like this before. She was used to living a good life, but she couldn't even bear the anger? With this in mind, she quickly called to her husband: "Sit down quickly, don't stand there and look embarrassed."

"If you do something wrong, you do something wrong. It just makes everyone bear witness..." Lin Baohe looked at his wife seriously, "Yulan, I promise never to do such stupid things again.

In fact, I just see that you are worried about your daughter's health, your daughter's studies, and your daughter's safety all day long, so I don't want to add any more troubles to you.

It’s not like I don’t know how much you annoyed her when you were young. Even after all these years, you can’t just look at her and be happy with her. I really don’t want you to think of those unpleasant old things. .

Without any psychological preparation, I panicked when you asked me, and started looking for excuses. You believe me, what I am saying now is definitely my true thoughts. You believe me, okay? "

"Mother..." Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan with a black line,

"Are you really worried about me and me, like dad said?"

Zhao Yulan coughed unnaturally: "It's... not as serious as your father said."

This meant she had admitted it. Chu Xia looked at her helplessly: "Mom, before you came to the capital, you were worried about this and that. Later, when I talked to my mother, she also said that I would stop worrying blindly in the future. Think on the bright side.

I thought Mom had really changed, but I didn’t expect she was still the same. Mom and Dad were so anxious to get the job. Are they still worried that the Zhou family would pick on me? "

Zhao Yulan hurriedly denied: "No, no, your father and I just went to get work because we couldn't have any time. What's the matter with two big laborers, eating at home all day long?"

"I don't believe it. Mom and dad must still be a little worried. Even if they know they are sincere, mom and dad will still be uneasy, right?" Chu Xia sighed, "Forget it, you are here at your age anyway, so you can't do anything. There are benefits to a little bit, but I won’t take it seriously.

I also know that unless one day I can really support half of the family, it will be difficult for you to live with us in a down-to-earth manner. "

"Xia..." Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter apologetically, not knowing what to say. Indeed, even if the Zhou family specifically talked to them, and the son-in-law also specifically talked to them, they were still a little worried subconsciously, wasn't it? Don't believe it, this is simply instinct.

"Mom, I said, I don't blame you. It's my incompetence that makes Mom and Dad live in an uneasy way. I won't raise this issue again in the future. I believe that one day, I can make you feel at ease.

Let’s talk about the two of you now, dad..." Chu Xia looked at Lin Baohe, "You said that Zhang Guizhen came here to take care of her son who is in college, right? "


"Then I have a question. Her son should be about the same age as me or older, right? It's impossible for her son to be pregnant, right? Why does he need her to take care of him?"

"Huh?" Lin Baohe just stood there, he really didn't think about it.

"His son has a dormitory, a stipend, and he doesn't have to worry about food, clothing and sleep. But when she comes, she doesn't even have a place to live. How can she take care of her? Is it possible to wait for her son to take out his dirty clothes and wash them for her?

Dad, Mom, you used to dote on me so much, so I can’t even wash my clothes, right? "Chu Xia looked at Lin Baohe seriously, "It's a good thing that my father is kind-hearted and willing to help others, but if he just helps without understanding the situation, I don't agree with it.

The key is, because of her, she made my mother angry and made my father confused. Of course, I believe everything my father said, but I don’t believe that woman! After dinner later, my mother and I will go over and take a look. Dad, please don’t go, okay? "

"Okay, okay..." Lin Baohe nodded repeatedly. He dared to say no, and it was true. He trusted people too much, and he didn't dare to say that people had bad intentions towards him. But judging from everything that had happened now, he It seems wrong.

"Baohe..." Mr. Wan looked at his godson with a serious expression on his face, "After what happened today, you have to remember a lot. I, the old man, dare to conclude now that that woman did it intentionally.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have dragged Yulan to talk so much, and it wasn't Yulan who helped her. She didn't know her relationship with Yulan in the past. What qualifications did she have to talk to Yulan like that?

I have no objection to Yulan and Chuxia going today, but if you see her again in the future, you must correct your attitude and not let her think that you still have feelings for her. "

"Uncle Wan, how could I think that?" Lin Baohe said with a bitter look on his face, "I already know what kind of person she is. I just think she is unfamiliar with the place where she lives. How can I fulfill my responsibility as a fellow villager? What kind of affection do you have for her?"

"Who said you have feelings for her, but don't let her misunderstand you." Mr. Wan glared at him, "You are quite shrewd sometimes, how could you become such a fool now?"

Lin Baohe scratched his head and smiled stupidly without answering. He realized that everything he said seemed to be wrong...

Seeing his look, Zhao Yulan also felt soft-hearted and sighed: "Okay, let's leave it as it is this time. I don't blame you. Speaking of which, if we hadn't moved to a new place and were not familiar with each other, Yes, these things can’t happen.”

Lin Baohe quickly nodded in agreement: "That's right, if it weren't for the new place, you wouldn't have so many worries, and I wouldn't dare to tell you."

Afraid that the two of them would get angry again, Mr. Wan said: "Okay, let's leave it like this for now. Xiao Ran has stuck his head over there several times. Xia, go over and take a look."

When Chu Xia walked to the kitchen, she stretched her head and asked, "Aunt Qin, how long until dinner is ready?"

Aunt Qin hurried over to greet her: "There are still two big dishes that will be ready in ten minutes. Are you hungry, young lady? Can I serve you some broccoli first?"

"I'm not hungry, I just want to know the meal time..." Chu Xia smiled at her, "I'll go to the west wing and we'll come over for dinner in about twenty minutes."

Aunt Qin responded respectfully and continued to work in the kitchen.

As soon as Chu Xia walked out of the door, Lin Mengran waved to her: "Why did you come here? I've been looking around for a long time. I wanted to go find you, but Zuo Jiang said that you and your family looked like you were talking about something, so I didn't let you. I went over there and it suffocated me to death!”

"With Zuo Jiang accompanying you, what's there to hold back?" Chu Xia looked at Zuo Wang with a smile, "right?"

Zuo Jiang admitted openly: "Yeah, I don't think I'm a boring person either. Chu Xia, what do you want from me?"

"I want to ask about your brother Zuo Hai. I don't know if it's convenient or not."

Zuo Jiang, who was still smiling at first, immediately turned serious when he heard Chu Xia mentioned Zuo Hai.

Lin Mengran said quickly: "Do you want me to avoid it?"

"No need." Zuo Jiang waved his hand and looked at Chu Xia, "What do you want to know about my brother?"

"Let me be straightforward. Ye Meiru, whom your brother likes now, used to be my husband's fiancée. As for her character, I dare not compliment her. Of course, I don't say this out of jealousy or jealousy. Her behavior is there. If you don't believe what I say, you can go investigate.

Of course, I am telling you this not because I am nosy and want to destroy the relationship between your brother and Ye Meiru, but to complete a task assigned to me by my husband. Do you know Ou Jie? "

Zuo Jiang nodded: "Of course."

"What's the relationship between her and your brother?"

"We always thought she was my sister-in-law." Zuo Jiang sighed, "But my brother didn't know what happened. Suddenly, he didn't like her at all, and he wanted to be with Ye Meiru no matter what.

As for Ye Meiru you mentioned, there is probably no one in the circle who doesn’t know about her, right? No one wants to have anything to do with such a person, except my eldest brother.

To tell you the truth, I only made up my mind to come to school after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, just to reduce the pressure on my elder brother. I have told Lin Mengran about our family affairs. You can ask her later. .

Anyway, I can tell you clearly that we are definitely on the same side, and I will never accept someone like Ye Meiru as my sister-in-law! "rs()

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