Second update.


Chu Xia felt that her bottom line had been refreshed again.

What this woman named Zhang Yuzhen said is clear and logical, but again, where does she stand? Damn it, is it appropriate for her to complain to her father when she had a quarrel with a man?

It's not like she didn't know her father's temper. He was frightened by the criticisms and struggles in those years. He would listen quietly to anyone who spoke to him, but wouldn't he let the other party take advantage of the situation and make her angry?

And the most disgusting thing about this woman is that she used lies that are similar to the truth to slander her own mother. I have seen such shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!

Did she think that she would definitely believe what she said? Also, my reputation in the village was really bad before, and given my age, isn't that what people think? !

"Are you done?" Thinking of this, Chu Xia looked at her mockingly, "Tell me who the person who instigated you is. Tell me now. I guarantee you won't regret it."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Yuzhen looked at Chu Xia with a blank look on her face, "My child, are you angry? I'm just a rural woman, who can give me orders?"

"Forget it, don't talk about knocking me down..." Chu Xia smiled sweetly at her, "By the way, don't you know what the man I married does?

Let me tell you this, if he wants to find out what you did twenty years ago, he can do it now. So, do you think your little secret will be a problem with me?

Originally, I wanted to give you a chance. Since you don't cherish it, you can't blame me. Don't think I'm scaring you. I really can't do it.

By the way, let me tell you about my husband's temper. He is absolutely cold, hard, and stubborn. No one can convince him of the things he has decided, including his grandparents, parents, and parents. "

"You kid, the more you talk, the more mysterious you become." Zhang Yuzhen was still smiling, but her smile was a little forced.

Chu Xia really admires this woman's mental endurance. If it were her mother or her fat aunt, she would definitely be frightened.

However, according to what my father and mother said, this woman has never left the village in her life. Apart from being a bit hot-tempered, there is really nothing special about her.

So, she can act so calm now, and things are even more unusual... Chu Xia rolled her eyes and continued: "I can give you enough benefits to leave your hometown and come here to ruin the relationship between my parents and understand us. , the circle is actually very small.

After locking this circle, do you think it is difficult to find out who the other party is? He can inoculate you, and the prerequisite for giving you benefits is that you really do what he asks you to do.

But now do you think you can do it? If you can't do it, can you still get all this promised to you? When the time comes, your son will be affected again..."

Speaking of this, Chu Xia paused, and sure enough, Zhang Yuzhen's expression changed.

Chu Xia looked at Zhao Yulan: "Mom, have you guessed who it is?"

"Who?" Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter in confusion. After listening for a long time, she became more and more confused. She felt that what her daughter said was quite reasonable, but she couldn't figure it out at all.

"Who else could be there besides Jiang Yuesheng's family?" Chu Xia snorted coldly and looked at Zhang Yuzhen, "It would be easier to find out whether it was Che Yali who instigated you or Jiang Yuesheng instigated you, right?"

Zhang Yuzhen looked at Chu Xia with a horrified expression, and then sat down on the ground. The answer was naturally self-evident.

"They... what are they trying to do?" Zhao Yulan looked at her daughter with a confused look on her face, "I have nothing to do with them, why aren't they done yet?"

"They must have climbed onto something high..." Chu Xia sneered, "Those kinds of people, if you think about their character, isn't everything they do normal?"

Lin Mengran gave Chu Xia a thumbs up: "Youngest,

I'm really impressed by you. With just a few words, you were able to find out the person behind the scenes. It's a shame to study medicine. You should be doing criminal investigation. "

"Fuck you..." Chu Xia pushed her, "It's just such a small thing, and it can be linked to criminal investigation? Let you put it like that, it's too easy to do criminal investigation."

"Why did you hit the target? Can you tell me your idea?"

Chu Xia glared at her and looked at Zhang Yuzhen: "You're not going to say anything yet, are you? It's just you who destroys other people's families, or the family of a soldier's wife. Just wait, even if you don't go to jail, your son will be implicated by you!"

As soon as she heard that her son was implicated, Zhang Yuzhen said anxiously: "Everyone is responsible for the work. My son doesn't even know what I do. I'll tell you everything. Don't implicate my son, okay?"

As soon as a few people left the factory gate in early summer, Lin Baohe quickly opened the car door and let them get in. Another person handed a hot water bottle: "Why have you been here for so long in this cold weather? If you don't come out, I will go in to find you." .”

"Let's talk at home." Zhao Yulan looked a little sluggish and closed her eyes after saying that.

Lin Baohe looked at his daughter worriedly.

Chu Xia smiled consolingly at her father: "Dad, it's okay. It's just a long story. Mom wants to go home and sit down and talk quietly."

Lin Baohe responded, but his expression was still a little solemn.

He knew his wife too well. If he hadn't been shocked, how could he look like this?

The few people returned home in silence, and Wan Lao and Aunt Qin came out to welcome them.

"Things are not going well?" Wan Lao asked after seeing the expressions on several people's faces.

"It's pretty smooth." Chu Xia smiled bitterly, "It's just because it was so smooth and I knew everything without any mental preparation that I was in a bad mood..." She sighed and said, "Let me calm down and tell you. Listen, I'll go up and call Zhou Mikang, Meng Ran, come upstairs with me."

"Okay." Lin Mengran responded and hurriedly followed. She was worried that it would be too embarrassing to leave her alone. After all, this was a matter involving the feelings of the elders. She even regretted following him.

As soon as Chu Xia walked in, the phone rang.

Zhou Mikang is here.

Without waiting for Chu Xia to say anything, he said bluntly: "I know everything. Don't worry, I will handle this matter. You take care of yourself and tell your parents that no one can hurt them. I will take care of everything."

"Yeah." Chu Xia sighed, "Mom was very shocked. She may be blaming herself."

"What does this have to do with mother? She is the victim. Please advise mother."

"I know..." After a pause, Chu Xia said, "Zhou Mikang, I don't want to ask you anymore who the person you arranged to be beside me is. Actually, it's better not to know."

"You..." Zhou Mikang smiled helplessly, "Why are everything related? I won't let you know. It's not because I don't trust you, but because I hope you will behave more naturally and the other party will behave more naturally. Do you understand?"

"I understand, but..." Chu Xia chuckled twice and asked, "I still want to know, how many people have you arranged to be around me?"



Zhou Mikang sighed: "This is also their wish. When you leave school, they will continue to stay in school, and they will graduate as usual, fulfilling their dream."

"I understand." Chu Xia glanced at Lin Mengran and simply put the phone on speakerphone, "Zhou Mikang, let's talk about Zuo Hai. Meng Ran is also here. She talked with Zuo Jiang in the afternoon. She knows some things about the Zuo family better than I do, so I’m putting the phone on speakerphone now and I’ll tell you first. If you have any questions, just ask them. If I can’t answer them, let Meng Ran tell you.”

Lin Mengran's face flushed red, and she said hello: "Teacher... Hello, Mr. Zhou."

"Hello." After a pause, Zhou Mikang's voice sounded again, "Tell me."

As long as there were outsiders, he would speak in a short and scary manner. Chu Xia curled her lips and said, "Zuo Jiang was definitely not sent here by Ye Meiru, and he doesn't agree with Zuo Hai and Ye Meiru being together..." She said what she had said before I told Zhou Mixang in detail what I had talked about with Zuo Jiang, and also told him what Zuo Jiang had asked him to do, and asked him to try not to hurt Zuo Hai when he dealt with it.

When she finished speaking, Lin Mengran quickly continued: "Zuo Jiang said that the battle for the head of their family became intense after his brother and Ye Meiru got along.

Originally, his father's title as acting head of the family was about to be taken off, and he was basically determined to be one of the first candidates for the next head of the family. However, after what happened to his brother, his uncle and third uncle both protested. He said that his father could not even educate his own son well, and it was even more impossible for him to lead a family to glory.

His grandfather added another half year to the investigation of his father. So, if his father made any mistake within half a year, or in other words, his brother did something wrong within half a year, his father's position as head of the family would definitely be gone, and he, They will also be kicked out of the team of family head candidates.

He came to me because he hoped that I could help him bring a message to Zuo Qian, hoping to get some help from him, and also hoping that in their generation, the two lefts could restore contact.

Of course, he is not a particularly power-minded person. In fact, his uncle and his first cousin are too narrow-minded. He is worried that the Zuo family will really be doomed if they fall into their hands.

He and I are actually in the same situation, and I can quite understand his mood. Mr. Zhou, if it is convenient for you, please help him..."

Hearing this, Chu Xia chuckled and interrupted her: "Zuo Jiang officially confessed to Meng Ran today and said that he wanted to be with her. Therefore, if you marry Zuo Jiang, you will be helping Meng Ran. The two of them cherish each other." People who are like each other will soon be in love with each other."

Lin Mengran defended anxiously: "No, no, he just suggested that to make my sister angry. Mr. Zhou, please don't believe it. It's really not because of this that I plead for him."

"That's weird!"

Lin Mengran: "..." Can we still be good friends...! RS

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