
Then what happened was that I ran away from home in the rain in early summer...

Since then, Chu Xia has become much colder towards Luo Meiying, and she no longer mentions changing her name. \\[The fastest updates are all on Si! Novel Network\\]

Or because she feels guilty, in the past six months, no matter how cold Chu Xia is to Luo Meiying, she will protect Chu Xia. However, Chu Xia does not mention the matter of changing her name, but she has to mention it every once in a while. .

"There's no need to change it, Chu Xia sounds nice." Lin Chuxia felt that the name was given by Chu Xia's parents. She couldn't take over their daughter's body and then change the name they gave her.

And the key point was that her original name was Lin Chuxia. No matter what, she couldn't lose this only familiar thing.

The two chatted for a few more words. Luo Xiaoqiong felt a little bored when she didn't get a warm response from Chu Xia, so she stood up and left, and made an appointment with Chu Xia. If the uncle's family dared to bully her again, they would call her immediately and she would help her. Take it out.

Watching Luo Xiaoqiong's figure fading away, Chu Xia sighed slightly. In the past six months, if the other party hadn't come to support her from time to time, her family's life would have been more difficult, or she really should have changed. Change your attitude towards her?

"Xia, Shuan'er is crying from hunger. Do you have anything to eat?"

As Chu Xia expected, as soon as Luo Xiaoqiong left, the aunt came to look for Chu Xia.

"Auntie, what can I get here to eat?" Chu Xia looked at Zheng Sanqiao with a smile, and exposed her directly, "Are you feeling sorry for the sweet potatoes you gave me and want to take them back?"

"No...haha..." Zheng Sanqiao laughed a few times and changed the subject, "In early summer, when a family lives under the same roof, there is always a sense of intimacy and a sense of familiarity, don't you think?"

Chu Xia agreed with a smile: "What the uncle said is true, but there is one thing I don't quite understand. The uncle is the captain, and my parents work under him. The uncle always gives the dirty work to my parents. When recording work points, not only do you not record more but also less, so what do you mean?"

"This kid, are you going to be the captain of your uncle? If he dares to favor your parents even a little bit, someone will immediately file a complaint.

Chu Xia, do you think it’s none of your business if your uncle is raped? Silly boy, this is related to whether you can find a good husband in the future! "

Speaking of this, Zheng Sanqiao glanced around and leaned in front of Chu Xia.

Lowering his voice, he said, "Actually, your uncle secretly helped your parents a lot. Your parents didn't tell you because they were afraid that Luo Meiying would know if you were not strict with your words.

Alas, who told your father and mother to be honest people? Forget it, let your aunt do this evil thing. One day, you will understand whether your aunt is doing it for your own good.

Let's put it this way, Luo Meiying is about the same age as you, but she is not as good-looking as you. The little sisters don't say that when it comes to kissing, it's sweet and sweet. When it comes time to talk about kissing, who gives way to whom? "

Seeing Zheng Sanqiao stop and stare at her earnestly, Lin Chuxia found it funny. In the other person's mind, she was just a fool.

Thinking this in her heart, the expression on Lin Chuxia's face was indifferent: "Don't everyone in the village say that Meiying is prettier than me? How come it turns out that I am prettier than Meiying here?"

"Oh, you stupid kid..." Zheng Sanqiao's voice became softer, "If this is really a child from a rich family, not just working people, they will definitely care about your little appearance. People in the village When people say that, it’s pantothenic acid, do you understand?”

Lin Chuxia nodded: "I understand, have you finished talking? I'm going to cut the sesame cakes."

Zheng Sanqiao felt that there was a feeling of anger in the pit of her heart that would not come or go. She had been talking passionately here for a long time. Was it in vain?

"You kid..." Zheng Sanqiao held back his anger and grabbed Lin Chuxia, "My aunt said this just to let you know. From now on, don't tell Luo Meiying anything about our family." , if her father takes advantage of her and seduces your uncle's wife, it will be difficult for you to marry into a good family in the future."

Chu Xia nodded: "Yes."

Zheng Sanqiao opened her mouth gloomily and didn't make a sound for a long time. Seeing Lin Chuxia was about to go out, she hurriedly grabbed her and said, "Xia, do you still hold grudges against your eldest uncle?"

"Huh?" Lin Chuxia stared at her doubtfully.

"It's about the last time you and Luo Meiying changed their names. What I told you was all true. Who would have thought that you, a kid, would be so serious..."

Lin Chuxia's lips curled up with a hint of coldness. It turned out that Lin Chuxia and Luo Meiying had a quarrel that day, and Zheng Sanqiao got involved.

In other words, it was Zheng Sanqiao who helped her come to this dimension and become Lin Chuxia! Damn it, this damn Zheng Sanqiao has brought her to this bad era where even rabbits don’t want to poop! ! ! ! ! Lin Chuxia didn't want to say a word to Zheng Sanqiao now, and immediately pushed her away with a drooped face.

"Where's the sweet potato?"

Zheng Sanqiao stopped pretending and kept talking for a long time. She couldn't get enough of it, so she didn't achieve her goal at all, so she decided to get the most affordable one.

Lin Chuxia glared at her, "You are such a big man, do you think what you say is nonsense? Is there any reason to take back the things you gave out? Get out!"

XX, don’t blame her for speaking rudely. She has endured this for half a year, and her eyeballs are almost boiling out. After half a day, everything is caused by this damn woman. If she didn’t get paid by killing, she really wants to strangle this dead woman. woman!

"I've rebelled against your destiny! I've really rebelled against your destiny!" Zheng Sanqiao's face turned red with anger, and he raised his hand to slap Chu Xia on the face. I grabbed something and blocked it...


Seeing the blood pouring from Zheng Sanqiao's hands, Chu Xia was dumbfounded. She didn't mean it. She really didn't mean it. She didn't know that the scissors she took over were just a pair of scissors. Moreover, she was really anxious. , just Zheng Sanqiao's calloused hand slapped her face... Do you still need to think about the consequences?

Liu Meiqing, who was looking after the children in the east room, had been waiting for her mother-in-law to carry the sweet potatoes back. When she heard the screams, she ran over immediately.

Then, he let out an earth-shattering howl: "It's a murder, it's a murder, Chu Xia, you damn girl..." After saying that, he ran into the yard and shouted, "Come here, help, there's a murder, come on." People, they killed people..."

Liu Meiqing was beaten up by Luo Meiying, and she was still simmering with anger. Now, it happened to be all the fault of Chu Xia. She was eager to make things worse and ruin Chu Xia's reputation.

There are only three people in the family. How can I say that it is not just a matter of words between her and her mother-in-law? ---- Newly uploaded, please recommend, please collect

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