Waiting will make time pass very slowly. For Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe, the past few days have really been like years. Even if their daughter and son-in-law analyze the matter to them over and over again, the couple still cannot really put their minds at ease. come down

Every day when their daughter goes to school, the couple's hearts are aroused. When they see their daughter at noon, they can relax for a short time. When their daughter goes to school in the afternoon, they raise their hearts again. Only when school is over can they truly feel relieved. Down, but the next day, it was the same...

Living in such fear, the couple lost weight as fast as they could see. Chu Xia felt terribly distressed, but she had said what needed to be said countless times and there was nothing she could do. {First release}

What she is looking forward to most now is for Zuo Hai to show up quickly and settle the matter quickly. Otherwise, her parents will have to be physically exhausted, especially her father. If the old disease relapses, it will be in trouble... Therefore, it has developed to this day. , in early summer, I was just looking forward to Zuo Jiang appearing as quickly as I was looking forward to the stars and the moon, embarrassment~

Zhou Mikang did not lie to her, let alone everyone, because when she returned home from school that day, Chu Xia received a call from Zhou Mikang, saying that Zuo Hai had been controlled by his people, so that she could rest assured.

"Originally, I had nothing to worry about..." Chu Xia chuckled, "I believe in your ability. If you can't even protect me, you, the teacher, are too much of a loser, aren't you?"

"That's true, but..." Zhou Mikang's voice revealed a faint smile, "Do you really believe me so much?"

"Do you think I'm teasing you?" Although the other party couldn't see it, Chu Xia still rolled her eyes, "Does someone like you still need to coax to improve your self-confidence?"

"By the way, let me tell you, Ye Meiru was also controlled..." Zhou Mikang sighed softly, and told Zuo Hai in detail how he rescued Ye Meiru and went all the way to the capital to settle accounts with Chu Xia.

"Ye Meiru wants to come to me to settle a score?" Chu Xia was speechless. "That means that now, Ye Meiru still blames me for her misfortune?"

"That's basically it."

"Zhou Mikang, what kind of vision do you have? How can you be able to marry anyone? If you had really married a woman like this back then, would the Zhou family have been tortured to death?"

"Yes, yes, I have trouble recognizing people, I know."

"You know what you know..." Chu Xia replied angrily, "Although it's all in the past, this matter always involves me and it's not over. You'd better handle it quickly this time. If Ye Meiru If she appears in front of me again, I won't let her go regardless of whether she really plotted against me or pretended to plot against me.

You said it was because of her that caused this bad thing these days,

How are you all living in fear? My dad's leg injury hasn't healed yet. If it gets really serious, who should I go to settle the score with?

Although my grandparents and mother said they were not worried, were they not worried when they stretched their necks to wait for me every day? I don’t care if she doesn’t understand, as long as it affects me! "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and then Zhou Mikang's voice came: "Don't worry, I will handle it smoothly this time. Now, I will rush over and you wait for my final result."

"Then what..." Chu Xia coughed lightly, "I'm just angry at you, I don't really want you to do anything. If you come here again just two days after you go back, will you make the leaders unhappy?

After all, this is a private matter, so don't keep going back and forth like this. Why don't you just leave Ye Meiru to his family to deal with it. As for Zuo Hai, I want to talk to him once. Can you arrange it? "

After thinking for a while, Zhou Mixang said: "Let's do this. I will send Ye Meiru directly to the place where she should be sent, Zuo Hai. I will arrange for you to meet him. After talking, we will consider how to deal with it. Bar."

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed happily, "You should arrange to meet as soon as possible. If you can, go there tonight. Otherwise, the elders will not be comfortable at all."

"Okay, I'll call you later."

"Chu Xia, Mr. Zhou is so kind to you..." Yang Xiaoli, who came back with Chu Xia, looked at him with envy, "I can't imagine that such a serious man can be so caring."

"When you get married, Brother Mei will be so considerate to you..." The matter was about to come to an end. Chu Xia was in a particularly good mood, so he looked at her with a smile, "He was very domineering when we started. I didn't have any Human rights are nothing like Brother Mei, who will discuss everything with you, so just be content."

"If possible, I don't want him to discuss everything with me..." Yang Xiaoli looked at Chu Xia seriously, "Equality and respect are indeed important, but in relationships, sometimes, a man's domineering attitude towards you means of loyalty and single-mindedness.

The teacher has been domineering to you from the beginning, which means that he absolutely fell in love with you at first sight, and it is absolutely necessary for you. You are so much younger than him, if he is not more domineering, what if you become someone else's girlfriend? But what to do, right?

Mei Yitong is different. It was me who first expressed my affection for him, and he passively accepted the relationship. Therefore, as long as there is any trouble, he will have the intention to quit.

Of course, he said that he was doing it for my sake, but had he ever thought about what I wanted? Is his so-called consideration for me really what I need?

I believe that true love should be love as soon as you fall in love, that is, you should be with the other person regardless of your own safety. Even if your life is going to end tomorrow, you should be together well today instead of quitting early to fulfill the other person's needs. "

"I agree with what you said, but Brother Mei..." After a pause, Chu Xia smiled sheepishly, "Forget it, I won't persuade you. In fact, you know best what's going on between you. Brother Mei is right. It's all right and wrong, so I don't bother to find reasons for him.

In short, we are friends. No matter what you do, I will support you. If you need Zhou Mikang to help you communicate, just tell me and I will definitely let him help you. "

"That's pretty much it..." Yang Xiaoli scratched her head in confusion, "People are so elusive. Originally, I felt quite happy to be with Mei Yitong.

However, seeing Mr. Zhou's thoughtful care and love for you, I gradually felt that the relationship between me and him may not be love, but just because I took the initiative and he accepted me when he was old enough.

I can't help but not mind being ignored by him all my life, so now I'm a little undecided and don't know what to do next. "

Chu Xia stared at her: "Do you want to hear my sincere words?"

Yang Xiaoli nodded: "Of course."

"Don't compare your own feelings with other people's feelings. Everyone has different personalities and different experiences, so the way they get along with each other is naturally different.

No matter how good the relationship between you is, and no matter how much Brother Mei loves you, if you always compare other people's feelings, you will not be happy, because what you see is the happiest side of others. "

Thinking about it, Yang Xiaoli nodded: "That's right. When you quarrel and get awkward, you will definitely not do it in front of me, and you will definitely not tell me afterwards. I only see happiness, right?"

Chu Xia looked at her with a dark look: "Okay, although the chance of what you mentioned happening to both of us is basically very small, it can still be regarded as one."

Yang Xiaoli's eyes widened: "What do you mean, you two have never had a quarrel?"

"He is so much older than me, do you think we can quarrel?" Chu Xia looked depressed, "But, can you understand the feeling of one person yelling at the other person and not picking up the fight?"

"I understand..." After a pause, Yang Xiaoli smiled mischievously, "I understand that you are just spoiled and spoiled."

Early summer: "..."

"Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you. I know how you feel. In fact, sometimes I have the same situation with Mei Yitong. I am so anxious that I yell at him, but he seems to be coaxing me. Children just don't accept the call at all.

At that time, I really hope that he can quarrel with me happily. At the very least, he can let me understand his thoughts instead of me just guessing and hastily.

Just like this time, he suddenly cut off contact because he said it was for my own good. I originally said to just ignore him. As long as he doesn't contact me, I will definitely ignore him.

However, I felt that if I left him alone, he might never contact me, and I was afraid that you would laugh at me, so I had to call him secretly.

Then, I wrote him a long letter, telling him my thoughts truthfully, hoping that he would cherish the fate between us and not regret it later.

After receiving my letter, he replied. In the letter, he told me a lot of reasons, saying that I was too young and that if anything happened to him, he would be sorry for me.

I told him, there are no young or old people on the road to hell. If everyone thinks so, then there is no need for a partner or marriage. There are several couples in this world who go to hell together at the same time on the same year, month and day, right?

Anyway, I have discovered that in a relationship, the one who takes the initiative should always take the initiative. No matter you are a man or a woman, if the other party accepts it passively, it will never change.

Uh..." Yang Xiaoli scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm also a chatterer, and I came up with such a long string while talking. Hehe, don't take it to heart. Anyway, you two are sure. It won't be like this. "

"Okay, if you are upset, just tell me. Friends are meant to help each other solve problems. This problem-solving does not necessarily have to be concrete. Sometimes talking and comforting when you are in a bad mood also count, right? "

"Yes." Yang Xiaoli nodded happily, "Sometimes I am holding back so much that I want to talk to a few of them. People in school are so talkative that I really can't find a chance to talk. Fortunately, I have you. Otherwise, Maybe one day I will be so depressed that I become nervous. Even if it is more serious, it is possible that one day I will develop like Ye Meiru." After saying this, she realized that she spoke too quickly, so she smiled sheepishly, not knowing How can I round things out? rs()

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