In the past few days, when Nuan returned to her parents' home, there was only one update.


"Then why do you want to talk to me?" Zuo Hai sneered and stared straight at Chu Xia, "If it's like what you said, will you waste your time looking for me?

You are simply afraid that I will continue to avenge Ye Meiru, and that Ye Meiru will continue to seek revenge on you after she comes out. That's why you want to persuade me to give up fighting you.

Do you think I am a fool who will believe you just by saying a few words? Let me tell you, I will never be fooled by you, so you’d better put your thoughts aside! "

"You really impress me..." After saying this, Chu Xia paused deliberately, and after Zuo Hai showed a proud smile, he said, "You can be considered the only one who can put gold on your face to this extent." One serving.

Do you want me to repeat what I said before? I came to see you and gave you this opportunity for the sake of your brother Zuo Jiang. If he hadn’t mentioned the brotherly love between you since childhood, what do you think? Will I waste this time?

You don’t need to tell me what Ye Meiru said about me. I can imagine it. She always thinks that it is natural for her to steal husbands from others, so naturally she has to gild her shameless behavior.

In fact, what I am most curious about is the reason why you are so devoted to Ye Meiru. If it is convenient, can you tell me and hear it? It is not in vain for me to come here. "

"If I told you, would you let your husband let her go?"

"I can't..." Chu Xia shook her head without thinking, "If you want to say it, just say it. If you don't want to say it, it doesn't matter. I will never force you."

"It's what you want to hear."

"I'm just giving you a chance to talk and a channel to vent..." Chu Xia looked at him expressionlessly, "I believe you are also very tired of persisting in this relationship, right? No one wants to hear your feelings about this relationship. I am willing to give you this opportunity for my emotional sympathy and understanding, so you should thank me, right?"

" are really thick-skinned. It's obvious that you want to know, and you even said you were doing me a favor..." Zuo Hai snorted dissatisfiedly, "I won't tell you, I'll kill you!"


Chu Xia looked at him speechlessly, not knowing what to say. This was really a child. Look at the tone and expression of his words.

Just like a young child.

"I have fulfilled my obligations. You can take care of yourself." Chu Xia stood up and wanted to go out. Zuo Hai looked confused. When she reached the door, he quickly shouted: "You come back first."

"What are you doing?" Chu Xia turned around and looked at him indifferently, "I like people who are straightforward. If you want to play tricks, you should find someone else."

Zuo Hai looked at her eagerly: "How is Meiru doing now?"

"She..." A smile appeared on Chu Xia's lips, "Don't you already know, don't you have anything to say?"

Zuo Hai's face turned red with embarrassment, and he coughed awkwardly: "I mean, how is her current condition?"

"Then how do I know? I've never seen her. I came to see you just to give Zuo Jiang an explanation." Chu Xia spread her hands, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Do you like your husband?"


"I like Ye Meiru too."

"I know." Chu Xia turned back and sat down, looking at him quietly.

After hesitating for a moment, Zuo Hai continued: "I decided to tell you what happened between us, not because I am afraid of you, but because I want you to understand the truth and help us willingly."

Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, if you can impress me, I will help."

"Meiru actually had no intention of doing anything to you. On our way back, she had already decided to leave after seeing you for a chat. In the end, you arrested her. She was actually quite unjust."

"Yeah." Chu Xia responded expressionlessly and said nothing more.

"You ask me why I trust her, right? It's because she is really a very simple and kind-hearted girl. When she first met me, she wanted to plot against me.

However, she didn't really calculate that when I went to rescue her, she took the initiative to tell me everything and asked me to leave and not be dragged down by her.

If she was what you think she was, do you think she would make such a decision? Of course, there is something wrong with her getting caught in the relationship between you and your husband.

But think about it, she was the one who fell in love with Mr. Zhou first. If Mr. Zhou was willing to treat her well, how could she betray him? For a girl who doesn’t know anyone in a foreign country, it’s normal for her to go astray, right?

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Why can men be forgiven for making mistakes in this area, but women can't? Moreover, she has always been pretending to be your husband in her heart, otherwise, she would not have become more and more extreme..."

The corners of Chu Xia's lips curled up unconsciously. This man actually knew Ye Meiru's extreme personality, which was really beyond her expectation.

"...She has been punished, and you should give her a chance, right? If she is sent back this time, she might really go to extremes.

As long as she comes out by then, you won't be able to think about resting, so why not be more tolerant to her now and let everyone live in peace in the future, right? "

Chu Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "You have the final say?"

Zuo Hai looked serious: "I can help you persuade her."

Chu Xia curled her lips: "That's a bit loud, do you think you can persuade her?"

"I try my best."

"What you mean is that you believe in her because you think she is pure and kind? And the so-called pure kindness is actually her cheating on her openly, right?"

"No..." Zuo Jiang's face turned red, "You are distorting the facts. I didn't say that Ye Meiru was right to cheat. I just said that the situation at that time was worthy of forgiveness.

If you love someone, you must tolerate them. I love her, and of course I must believe her in everything. If Mr. Zhou had treated her like me, she would definitely not be like this. "

"Yeah." Chu Xia nodded.

Joy filled Zuo Hai's eyes: "Look, you also think what I said is right, right?"

"You misunderstood, I haven't finished speaking yet..." Chu Xia looked at him, "Zhou Mikang went to study abroad with her. If he did nothing every day and only stayed with her at home, do you think that was studying abroad? ?

You yourself are also a top student. What do you mean is that when you find a girlfriend, you don’t go to class, you don’t care about anything, and you just stay with your girlfriend every day? "

Zuo Hai looked serious: "If she likes this, I will stay with her every day."

"What to eat? What to drink? Where is your social value?"

"My family's conditions can afford to support me and hers."

Chu Xia looked at him speechlessly: "Well, you have true love for her. Although the love is a bit inexplicable, she is also lucky to meet you."

"I'm lucky to meet her..." Zuo Hai still looked serious, "After meeting her, I realized that girls can still be like this. She made me..." He was thinking hard with a tangled look on his face. After a while, he said, "She made me feel that besides studying, there are other things that are interesting."

"for example."

"Example..." After thinking for a while, Zuo Hai said, "I can't tell you a specific example. That is, before I met her, I only spent every day in the laboratory, but after I met her, I went to climb Went over mountains, went to exhibitions, and even went to the movies!”

Chu Xia had a dark line: "Have you never climbed a mountain or seen a movie before?"

"No..." Zuo Hai shook his head, "I think those are very boring things, not as interesting as what I do in the laboratory, but doing those things with Meiru, I find it particularly interesting.

She can always make me happy, and she can always come up with all kinds of fun things, some of which I have never seen before. Others don't understand my ideas, but she does.

Zuo Jiang and I are indeed very close, but there are some things that he doesn’t understand about me. Although he is my younger brother, he always likes to teach me a lesson when we are together, but Meiru doesn’t. Anyway, being with her is special. Comfortable. "

Or, this is because they really met each other, so in his eyes, the other party's advantages are advantages, and the other party's shortcomings are also advantages in his eyes. In this way, Ye Meiru doesn't know how to cherish it.

"You hated me before?" Chu Xia asked.

"Well..." Zuo Hai nodded honestly, "Because you are the source of Meiru's pain. No matter what the reason is, I can't possibly think you are right."

"What now?"

"Now..." Zuo Hai sighed, "Do you think I will change my view of you in just a short while?"

"Still hate me?"


"Not speaking means you are no longer sure, right?"

"The main thing..." Zuo Hai looked confused, "You are the first person to listen to what I said seriously, and you didn't laugh at me or ridicule me. I think you are not bad at heart."

"You've never had friends?"


"Okay, I understand..." Chu Xia looked at him clearly, "This is not an era that attaches great importance to knowledge, so your genius is not taken seriously in the eyes of many people, but your efforts are not taken seriously in the eyes of many people. It's even ridiculous.

Therefore, you are too lazy to communicate with them, including your relatives. As time goes by, the distance between everyone becomes farther and farther. When one day, someone suddenly is willing to approach you and is willing to listen to you about things that others are not willing to hear, you feel , the other person is your angel.

If the other party does it intentionally, you will easily fall in love with her. In fact, you also know in your heart that some of what she said is false, but because of love, you don't want to doubt it.

You have been doubted by others before, and you don't like that feeling. Therefore, you feel that you must absolutely believe in your lover, even if the other person is wrong, you must believe in what I said, right? "RS

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