Chapter 820

Jiang Qi and Ma Chao, who wanted to know, had already asked. Therefore, after getting in the car this time, neither of them spoke. Zuo Hai stared at Ye Meiru infatuatedly since he saw her, almost even opening his eyes. Not even willing to blink.

Ye Meiru also kept staring at Zuo Hai. The difference was that there was nothing but hatred and disgust in her eyes. At this moment, she even regarded him as the culprit that brought her to this point.

Glancing at the two of them from the rearview mirror, Jiang Qi shook his head inexplicably. He was really not worth it for Zuo Jiang, or maybe this was the so-called love affair with each other.

The car drove about ten miles away, and then there was no road. Ma Chao stopped the car and looked back at the two people who were still staring at each other in silence: "Take your belongings and get out of the car."

Jiang Qi added: "You can run away, but you will be responsible for the consequences."

Ye Meiru glared at him: "Nonsense!"

Jiang Qi's lips curled up but he said nothing.

He was just adding salt to Ye Meiru's wounds, because those who entered this area were all chess pieces given up by each family. To put it bluntly, they were equivalent to people from each family who had been sentenced to death. Therefore, in the seemingly quiet forest, there are actually several snipers lurking with extremely accurate marksmanship.

And these are not secrets. Of course everyone who comes in knows it. Unless their head is filled with water, who would know that the sniper is aiming at their head and still insist on sending it up?

The few people walked forward in silence for a while. Jiang Qi and Ma Chao stopped. "You two, we will send you here. You two should take care of the rest of the way." Jiang Qi said and looked towards Zuo Hai, "If you regret it now, we can take you out."

"I won't go out..." Zuo Hai rejected Jiang Qi's proposal without thinking, "I worked so hard to come here and finally saw Meiru, how could I leave?"

"I hate you..." Ye Meiru stared at him coldly, "You know, just because of you, I had unreasonable hope, thinking that my grandfather regretted his previous decision.

I was so happy waiting for my destiny to change, but in the end..." She bit her lip bitterly, "In the end, it was you who was waiting! If you stay here, it will only make me more depressed, do you understand? "

"I can follow you. If you are in danger, I will appear in front of you as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will never hang out in front of you, okay?"

"You..." Ye Meiru glared at Zuo Hai gloomily,

He turned around and walked inside. Since his destiny would not change, the most important thing was to adapt to the environment in front of him as soon as possible.

Alternatively, it would be a good choice to have a scapegoat behind him. Thinking of this, Ye Meiru finally felt better, while Zuo Hai, who followed him, kept grinning.

He knows the character of the other party, and such an attitude means that he has accepted his suggestion. Isn't that his purpose? For him, the whole meaning of life is to pass this test and one day get together with Ye Meiru. Now, his goal has been initially achieved. As long as he is willing to work hard, the final goal will definitely be achieved.

After the two figures completely disappeared, Jiang Qi and Ma Chao turned around and walked back.

The next day, Chu Xia learned that Ye Meiru and Zuo Hai had entered the hinterland of Xiangxi Team 5. Of course, Jiang Qi and Ma Chao also told Zhou Mikang about the relationship between Ye Meiru and Zuo Hai, and the division commander Tongzi unexpectedly She told the truth patiently. After listening, she didn't speak for a long time.

Unspeakable feeling.

Not long after she and Zhou Mixang met, Ye Meiru became an obstacle between them. She tried every means to destroy them and snatch Zhou Mixang away from her, but in the end, she herself She was hurt more and more, and her relationship with Zhou Mixang was getting better and better.

To this day, the two couples talk about everything and keep no secrets, which is basically the same.

It's not that she pities Ye Meiru, but she really doesn't know how to comment on such a person.

As for Zuo Hai, she didn't know how to comment.

After Zuo Jiang's family went to see Zuo Hai, Zuo's mother talked to her alone. She did not plead for mercy, but told her Zuo Hai's plan truthfully. Zuo's mother said that she told her the reason not to ask her to help Zuo Hai. , but I don’t want my son’s good intentions to be misunderstood.

Zuo's mother said that she did this because she hoped that when her son returns one day, he would be welcomed with kindness instead of assuming that he is a psychopath.

Of course, there is another possibility that Zuo Hai will never come back. In that case, his son's good intentions cannot be known. What the kind-hearted eldest son needs is understanding. He will not deal with it himself. As a mother, she , just thought of it for him.

"Why, are you soft-hearted again?" On the other end of the phone, after waiting for a long time from his wife to answer, Zhou Mikang had no choice but to speak, "This is her own choice and has nothing to do with you."

"Tch..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes unconsciously, "Am I so blindly kind? I just thought of what Zuo Hai's mother talked to me, and I felt a little emotional.

Don't worry, I'm not that holy. To put it bluntly, if she doesn't go to the Fifth Team of Xiangxi, then I will basically be living in the Fifth Team of Xiangxi.

Also, grandma and mother want to stay here for a longer time. You can call them to persuade them to go back. I have no other intention. I just think that the third aunt and the elder sister-in-law are still pregnant.

Xiangping also needs to go back to her parents' house from time to time. If grandma and mother are not at home, they will not adapt. I have my parents here, and Mengran and the others to accompany me, so there is really nothing to worry about. "

Zhou Mikang responded: "Okay, I'll call them tomorrow."

In fact, Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu are also thinking about Wang Lei and Yu Tao, but they are not worried about Chu Xia, so you can imagine the entanglement in their hearts.

When Zhou Mikang clearly told them that there was no longer any danger in Chuxia and they could rest assured, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law finally agreed to stay in A City for another five days before returning to City A.

In the past few days since arriving, I have been thinking about things and haven't even gone to the Lin's house in the capital. Now that they are leaving, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law feel that out of politeness, they should go to the Lin's house in the capital.

Since Lin Baohe recognized the Lin family, none of them, except Zhou Mikang, had ever been to the Lin family in the capital. As soon as they came here this time, Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin came to see them. Due to emotion and reason, they should pay a return visit.

As soon as Lin Baohe and Zhao Yulan discussed this matter, the couple agreed.

Everyone specially found a Sunday, which was also a day off in early summer, and Uncle Wang drove the group to Lin's house.

As soon as the car drove into the Lin family's courtyard, Old Man Lin and Old Mrs. Lin came out with their children and grandchildren. They had been notified of the visit before. Obviously, the younger generations of the Lin family had been summoned back today.

Including Lin Wenbin and Lin Wenhang, they all came back.

What makes Chu Xia most happy is that Yuan Hui also comes together.

Therefore, after everyone said hello and sat down, Chu Xia deliberately sat next to Yuan Hui and lowered her voice: "Sister Huihui, can I call you sister-in-law?"

Yuan Hui rolled her eyes and said nothing. The seats were full of seniors and juniors, and no matter how small the sound was, it would still fall into other people's ears. She couldn't say anything good. She was really embarrassed!

Finally seeing the opportunity, Chu Xia pulled her aside and glared at her with a dissatisfied look on her face: "Did we really become a matchmaker and forget about the matchmaker? It's too much to roll my eyes at every question I ask you!"

"There are so many people, what do you want me to say?" Yuan Hui looked helpless, "I still want to be shameless, little junior sister."

"Little Junior Sister?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes and smiled happily, "I like this name. You can call me this way from now on, even if you marry your eldest brother, you can still call me this way, okay?"

"Okay, as long as your elder brother is willing."

"Haha..." Chu Xia smiled proudly, "I understand, my eldest brother has agreed to be with you, then I can rest assured, and the teacher and mistress can finally rest assured."

Looking at Chu Xia who was smiling like a little fox, Yuan Hui realized that she had been fooled, and sighed helplessly: "You, why are you so mean-spirited? I really admire you. I have hidden everything from you. Are you still using this method to defraud me?"

"One moment and another..." Chu Xia looked at her innocently, "Aren't you worried that Sister Huihui will deliberately lie about the military situation out of embarrassment?"

"Do I dare?" Yuan Hui curled her lips unconsciously, "If I really lied, and you complain in front of your elder brother, then my lie will immediately become the truth."

"This is too much of a hat." Chu Xia waved her hands repeatedly, "You can't say that. If I am involved in the matter between you and your eldest brother, I will never interfere with it, no matter how good the relationship is between you two. I don't get involved in it, whether it's good or bad, so don't give me this kind of label in the future."

"We have decided to get married next month."

"..." This time it was Chu Xia's turn to be speechless. The news was really beyond her expectation. Is this speed... too fast? However, when she thought about the time between herself and Zhou Mixang from getting together to getting married, she felt that it was normal. Considering Lin Wenbin's age, Yuan Hui was not too young. It was normal for the two to get married as soon as they decided to settle down.

"Is the date set?"

"No..." Yuan Hui smiled sheepishly, "This time, I will be brought here to meet the elders first. Then, the parents of both parties will determine the wedding date."

"After we get married, please ask my wife to come to the capital as soon as possible. It's too inconvenient to leave the teacher here alone. Let the teacher come to my house for dinner. He is too particular and says he can only come once a week..." Chu Xia sighed, " Although the food in the cafeteria is not bad, you know the teacher's temper. When he is busy, he forgets all about eating. I packed it up and sent it to him, and he scolded me, saying that it would not affect other students if they saw it. Well, hey, it really makes him worried, and he’s too particular!” rs ()

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