The two chapters come together.

In the small woods on the right side of Baihe Spring, there is a small wooden house of about ten square meters, which has been abandoned for many years. Now, Lin Mengye and Zuo Jiang are in this house.

Putting Zuo Jiang on the ground, Lin Mengye simply sat down on the ground. It was definitely not an easy task for her to help Zuo Jiang, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, here.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she looked sideways at Zuo Jiang, who was sleeping soundly. The corners of her lips curved in pleasure, and the dust was about to settle. This time was finally not wasted.

After staying in school for such a long time, it seemed that she went to and from get out of class like an ordinary student every day. In fact, how could she be willing to waste time like that?

When she had nothing to do, she would walk around with a book. She had noticed that it was still cold and almost no one came here. Therefore, since it was inconvenient to leave the school, this was the safest place. .

She stretched out her hand to caress Zuo Jiang's cheek, and then pinched his nose. Seeing that the other party's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, she turned over and continued to sleep deeply. There was a sarcastic smile on her lips, pretending to be like an uncle, and she was still there. Or not the fish on her chopping board?

"Humph, I didn't expect you to have this day, right?" Lin Mengye pinched his chin, sat on Zuo Jiang's body, and began to unbutton his clothes. Unfortunately, it was too difficult to undress a sleeping person. So, after peeling the other person clean, she herself was so tired that she completely collapsed.

Sitting next to him and panting for a while, he looked at Zuo Jiang, who was already turning blue from the cold. Lin Mengye snorted and piled the clothes he had taken off on the other person's body.

"You think I'm chasing you because I like you..." He reached out and patted Zuo Jiang's cheek. Lin Mengye curled his lips in disdain, "Stop dreaming! I haven't even given birth to a man who I can take the initiative to pursue.

You look pretty good..." She said. Her hands roamed his body, "You have a pretty good figure too. In fact, I really liked you at first.

However, your half-heartedness is so disappointing. The man I, Lin Mengye, like must be the only one in his heart. A man like you is not worthy of being liked by me.

Do you think that I am treating you like this because I plan to make rice with you? "While speaking, she held his lower part with her hand and played with it, "You are wrong again. I will not do such a disadvantageous thing.

Now, I will give you a feeling of a fait accompli. I believe that you must be very comfortable in the dream. Tomorrow morning, you will never be able to tell what is a dream and what is reality.

can you help me,

You don’t have to help me, but. I will let you carry this psychological baggage your whole life. Didn't you tell me that you are a dedicated person? Haha, then let me see what kind of single-minded approach you want! "

Hands removed from his body. Lin Mengye messed up his hair, took out a small mirror from his pocket, looked at it, and raised the corners of his lips with satisfaction.

Even if Zuo Jiang wakes up now. He will definitely believe what she faked.

If she had known that Zuo Jiang was insufferable, she would have used this method a long time ago. However, she was originally too confident in her charm. She thought that given time, Zuo Jiang would be attracted to her.

Unfortunately, the longer she persisted, the closer he got to her, which finally wore out her patience. Then she chose this place, cleaned it in advance, and put some spare items here.

She walked to the position against the wall, opened the sack, and took out a quilt from it. It was still very cold at night. If anything happened to Zuo Jiang, her plan would be ruined. .

Of course, she would destroy all the evidence before the other party woke up. Hmm, if she didn't have some means, how could she get everyone in the Lin family to praise her?

As for those old guys who suddenly changed their minds, it was just for their own calculations. Otherwise, the head of the Lin family was definitely hers, and she wouldn't have had to worry about it.

That way, she can now stand in front of the man she likes and tell him her feelings, and there is no need to get entangled with these messy people here.


She sighed and forced herself to stop thinking wildly. She knew that it was still impossible now, so why bother to embarrass herself in such a hurry? She believed that when she was designated as the heir to the family head, she would be able to make him accept her!

Zuo Jiang, who was lying naked on the ground, probably felt the coldness and curled up into a ball. Lin Mengye kicked him in disgust before throwing the quilt on him.

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Lin Mengran who pushed the door and broke in. "What are you doing?!" He stepped forward and pushed Lin Mengye away. Lin Mengran stared at her angrily, "Why are you so vicious? Why treat Zuo Jiang like this?"

Lin Mengye, who took a few steps back, looked at Lin Mengran with a horrified expression: "You...why are you here?" She clearly saw him leaving the school, and in order not to leave any trace, she helped Zuo Jiang turn around a lot. You just came here in a circle, how could you be found by the other party? Has she been following him? No, if that were the case, she wouldn't have waited until now to break in... In an instant, she suddenly realized, because she saw Zuo Qian following behind!

"You actually went to inform her?!" Lin Mengye stared at Zuo Qian angrily, "You promised me not to interfere with the affairs between us. I believed you, and you betrayed me?"

"When did I betray you?" Zuo Qian looked at her speechlessly, "Besides, what does the current matter have to do with getting involved in the matter between you two?

Didn't you say that Zuo Jiang was sick and you wanted to send him to the infirmary? How could it be sent here now? "While talking, he glanced at Zuo Jiang lying on the ground and frowned tightly, "Why did you take off his clothes? "

"Who...who took off his clothes?" No matter how thick-skinned Ren Linmengye was, his face turned red with embarrassment when such a thing was told by his own mouth, "He took off his clothes himself. He said it was too hot and he had to take them off. , I couldn't stop him at all, and after he finished taking off his clothes, he hugged me and insisted..." With her heart pounding, she continued to talk nonsense, "I insist on that. I am weak and can't break free at all. Now. , my innocence is gone. You guys have to testify for me, otherwise, I will have no shame in living."

"Then go to hell!" Lin Mengran snorted coldly, squatted down and tried Zuo Jiang's forehead, but it was still extremely hot. She raised her head and looked at her angrily, "What kind of medicine did you give him? Lin Mengye, if Zuo Jiang does something wrong, I will never forgive you! Now, get out of here!"

"Why should I get out? Now I am his woman. If you want to get out, you should get out!" Lin Mengye squatted on the other side as he said this, reaching out to get some clothes for Zuo Jiang to wear.

"Show some shame!" Zuo Qi'an grabbed Lin Mengye and then stretched out his hand to grab Lin Mengran, "You all get out, and I will put on his clothes!"

Lin Mengran stretched out his hand and pushed Lin Mengye hard, causing the other party to stumble and rush out.

"Crazy!" Lin Mengye turned around and cursed bitterly. She was not as good at it as her sister, and she collapsed from exhaustion after supporting Zuo Jiang all the way. Coupled with the fact that he was beaten out of his guilty conscience, he was naturally no match for his younger sister at this moment.

"Whether I am a psycho or you are a psycho, you should know better." Lin Mengran looked at her with disdain, "Before, I only knew that you were scheming and duplicitous, but now I know that you are not only scheming but also repay others. Poor quality.

You said, if grandma and mother knew that you had done such an ugly thing. What will it be like? Lin Mengye, if you can. I would rather be a stranger to you, you disgust me so much!

By the way, what kind of medicine did you give Zuo Jiang? You should know what his position is in the Zuo family. If you don't want to be hunted down by the Zuo family, you'd better cooperate. "

"I would like to drug him, but do I have the ability? It's not like you don't know what I know and what I don't know. Are you embarrassed to frame me like this?"

"Just keep your mouth shut." Lin Mengran looked at her coldly, "Anyway, I've said everything I should say. It's your fault if you don't listen. You'll know if I'm doing it for your own good after you suffer a loss. ”

"Will you do good for me?" Lin Mengye chuckled and looked at her with a sarcastic face, "You should be thinking about how to frame me now, and then you can reap the benefits, right?"

"How's it going?" Two dark figures came over, they were Chu Xia and Lin Yanqiu. After waiting outside for a long time, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't see Lin Mengran and Zuo Qian go out, so they guessed that they had found Zuo Jiang.

"This shameless woman took off Zuo Jiang's clothes. Brother Qi'an is dressing Zuo Jiang." Lin Mengran snorted coldly as he spoke, "Now I feel that it is so embarrassing to be her sister. !”

Chu Xia and Lin Yanqiu didn't speak. At this time, it was really hard for outsiders to get involved in the sisters' affairs. No matter how they came up with ideas in private, they could never get involved in such an occasion.

After waiting for another minute or so, Zuo Qian helped Zuo Jiang out. Chu Xia shined the flashlight on Zuo Jiang's face and frowned: "What kind of medicine was given? It's so cold in this cold weather. There are so many drugs." Khan, will something happen?"

As he spoke, he turned around and led the way out, "Lin Mengye, please tell me what kind of medicine you gave. It's best to have an antidote. Although I'm not a professional doctor, looking at Zuo Jiang's current state, it's definitely not a good thing. .

If, because of your own selfishness, an innocent person is left with sequelae that affect his or her life, then you will not be able to absolve yourself of the blame even if you die.

Besides, your original intention of doing this was to become the head of the Lin family. If something irreparable happens now, you will have nothing. "

"I really didn't inject the medicine." Lin Mengye still gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

Lin Yanqiu glanced back at her and lowered her voice to Chu Xia: "She doesn't look stupid. I guess Zuo Jiang will be fine after she wakes up."

"Mom, have you ever heard of this kind of medicine?" Chu Xia asked quickly. This is no joke. If it is like what her mother-in-law said, then it is best not to send Zuo Jiang to the medical school, otherwise, it will be embarrassing. Lin Mengye is not the only one.

"Yes." Lin Yanqiu nodded, "The Lin family and the Xin family are family friends. The Xin family has a medicine that causes such symptoms. The antidote must be taken beforehand to be effective, and you only need to sleep afterward.

Of course, I have never seen this kind of medicine, but I heard your grandma mention it before. Our family used to deal with the older generation of the Xin family, but later there was some misunderstanding and we stopped communicating.

So, there are some things that I don’t know very well, but. Your grandma specifically said this, I won't remember it wrong. Later, drive directly to Beijing Central Hospital.

At this point, there are only one or two people on duty at the school hospital, and the testing equipment is not complete. Regardless of whether it is the kind of medicine I mentioned, going to Beijing Center is the best. "

"Okay, listen to mom." Chu Xia responded and walked forward faster. While mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, Zuo Qi'an and Lin Mengran had already helped Zuo Jiang out of the woods, but Lin Mengye stayed with them all the time. behind.

After getting in the car, Chu Xia said to Zuo Qian: "Go directly to Beijing Central Hospital."

"Don't you need to go to the school infirmary first?" Lin Mengran looked worried, "What if... what if there are some sequelae? Chu Xia. It's not that I don't believe you, I am... I really Afraid."

"Xiao Ran, don't worry, go to Beijing Central Hospital." After the car started and drove out, Lin Yanqiu explained, "I just paid attention to Lin Mengye's expression, so I can conclude that it should be the same as I guessed."

My mother-in-law said this. Chu Xia understood it and immediately told Lin Mengran exactly what her mother-in-law had just said to her, finally making the other party retreat with a look of panic on his face.

Facts have proved that Lin Yanqiu is right. After a check-up at the hospital, Zuo Jiang just fell into a deep sleep and would wake up automatically when the time comes. As for sweating so much, it’s because it’s a mandatory break. The body will resist instinctively, so. Only then will you be sweating profusely.

When the results came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Xia was a pregnant woman, so naturally she couldn't stay here. Lin Yanqiu naturally had to go back with her daughter-in-law. Since Chu Xia could drive, she left Zuo Qi'an in the hospital with Lin Mengran.

When Chu Xia and her mother-in-law came over again early the next morning, Zuo Jiang hadn't woken up yet, and Lin Mengran's eyes were all dark, obviously she hadn't slept well all night.

"You've said everything will be fine, and you still push yourself to this point?" Chu Xia pushed her and said angrily, "Zuo Jiang will be fine by then. You push yourself to get through it, or you'll be like something like this?" Is it what people want?"

"She must have left early today..." Lin Mengran sighed, "It's not just because of Zuo Jiang that I couldn't sleep. In early summer, although I have always hated Lin Mengye, I envied others for having a good sister who cherished his sister.

However, I still regard her as a relative in my heart. I always thought that she was more scheming and a better person than me. I really never thought of her so badly.

You said, it's terrible that an unmarried girl can use such methods! What would happen to the Lin family if it really fell into her hands?

I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking that if we were in ancient times, she would be the kind of master who could develop the family into a evil sect. I really hate myself for being so ignorant before, otherwise, He won't be so passive now. "

Chu Xia had no choice but to comfort her: "Don't think too much now. Wait until Zuo Jiang wakes up and ask him what's going on. I think he's usually quite smart, so why did he fall for Lin Mengye's tricks?"

"Have you eaten?" Lin Mengran looked at Chu Xia and asked.

Chu Xia nodded: "Eat, hurry up and eat."

"After you eat, go back and take a rest. When you have to go to class, go to class. Don't worry about my affairs here. I will take care of it. In the future, I must make myself better.

In fact, I used to be a ** person, but the place where I ** was wrong. I used to be too selfish. I only wanted to live a happy life for myself, and never thought about my family.

Chu Xia, from now on, you don’t have to worry about my affairs. Let me handle it by myself. I can’t always let others help me walk, otherwise, I will never grow up. "

Lin Mengran pushed Chu Xia out as he spoke. When he got to Zuo Qi'an, he also grabbed him, "Brother Qi'an, you should go back too. I am already very embarrassed to have you stay with me all night."

"Even if you want to have sex, you don't have to be so alienated from me, right?" Zuo Qi'an smiled helplessly, "Xiao Ran, I'm very happy that you are willing to grow up and take on the responsibility, but I don't want you to grow up and take on the responsibility. It doesn’t look like you anymore.”

"Don't worry, no matter how much I change, I will never become like Lin Mengye." Lin Mengran grinned, "I mainly want to talk to Zuo Jiang alone. Don't you see?"

"Okay, it'll be fine if you know it's a joke." Lin Yanqiu smiled and patted her shoulder, "Xiao Ran, if you need anything, just ask. Auntie is also happy to help."

"Auntie, thank you." Lin Mengran looked embarrassed, "I have troubled you enough. Hey, it would be great if you had another son. Then I can be your daughter-in-law."

"If you become my daughter-in-law, what will happen to the person on the bed?" Lin Yanqiu smiled and rubbed her head. "However, I heard what you said. Auntie is still very happy. Okay, let's go. When Zuo Jiang wakes up, you take him home and stay at home for lunch."

"Okay aunt, I will."

After the group left, Zuo Jiang, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes, so when Lin Mengran turned around. Just in time to touch the other person's shining eyes staring at him.

"You..." Although she knew he was fine, she couldn't stop crying after worrying for so long. She stepped forward and pushed him hard, "You scared me to death!"

"I'm sorry!" Zuo Jiang's face turned red. "I was too careless. By the time I realized it, it was already too late. It's not that I didn't fight, but the medicine was too powerful. So..." He bit his lip and said nothing. Go on.

"Hey!" Lin Mengran sighed, "How long have you been awake?"

"I woke up a long time ago..." Zuo Jiang blushed even more, "I saw Zuo Qian here too. I... I'm really embarrassed."

"Huh!" Lin Mengran snorted coldly, but said nothing.

"Xiao Ran, if Aunt Lin has a son. Do you really want to be her daughter-in-law?" Zuo Jiang held her hand with a flattering smile on his face. "You're kidding, aren't you?"

"What I said is true. I am so lucky to have a mother-in-law like her. Moreover, Aunt Lin's son will definitely not be as stupid as you and fall into the trap so easily. If I hadn't gone there in time, you would definitely be Being forced by Lin Mengye to marry her.

By the way, Zuo Jiang..." Lin Mengran rolled her eyes and looked at him with a smile, "If I hadn't noticed, if you woke up in the morning and found yourself naked and lying together with Lin Mengye, what would you do? "

Zuo Jiang suddenly sat up: "Did she take off all my clothes?"


"Who...who put it on me?"

"Zuo Qi'an."

Zuo Jiang's face turned even redder: "Is... is it all naked?"

"Then I don't know..." Lin Mengran spat at him with a red face, "I can't pull back the quilt to see if you are really naked, then wouldn't I become a female hooligan?"

"Why don't you take a look now?" Zuo Jiang said and started to take off his clothes. Lin Mengran was so frightened that he grabbed his arm and asked, "What are you doing?" As he spoke, he looked around guiltily.

"I live in this room, and the door is closed. What are you looking at?" Zuo Jiang said with a funny face, "I just feel a little bit shortchanged by Lin Mengye's eyes on me, and I want you to look back."

"Rogue!" Lin Mengye glared at him bitterly, "You still have the nerve to say it. A grown man can be fooled so easily. I tell you, if you want to be with me, you will never give in. Anyone sees your... body, otherwise, I... I won't be with you!"

"Yes, yes, I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future..." Zuo Jiang sighed, "I didn't expect Lin Mengye to be so despicable. When she was with me, she raised her hand, and I didn't even think about it. I didn't think much about it, just that I didn't want to talk to her.

When I felt something was wrong, she had already supported me, and then I felt dizzy. In fact, when Zuo Qian met us, I was still conscious, but I couldn't speak.

Moreover, my brain is extremely heavy. The more anxious I am, the heavier my brain becomes. Later, I don’t remember it at all. "

"You should really thank Zuo Qian. If it weren't for him, you would have been tricked. It was him who felt something was wrong with you and informed me. I thought of Lin Mengye's character and became suspicious."

"Don't worry, I will thank him..." After a pause, Zuo Jiang said, "I will go back and convince grandpa. I hope grandpa can take the initiative to make the two sides merge into one."

"By the way, you haven't answered me yet. What would you do if you were really hit?" Lin Mengran returned to the original question.

"I won't do what she wants." Zuo Jiang's eyes turned cold, "Even if I really get tricked, I won't be a coward and admit it. At worst, we'll go to the hospital for testing together."

"Testing?" Lin Mengran looked at him in confusion, then understood, her face turned red and she spat at him, "If you can figure it out, then you are really famous."

"Be famous, be famous. At least I am responsible for myself." Zuo Jiang put his arm around her shoulders, "Xiao Ran, thank you, and let's make our relationship public, okay?" (To be continued...) ()

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