First update


"Actually..." After a slight hesitation, Luo Xiaoqiong said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just feel a little uncomfortable watching your eldest brother leave."

"Stop lying..." Chu Xia curled her lips at her, "My understanding of you is almost equal to my understanding of myself. If it was just because of reluctance, you wouldn't be like this now."

"I..." Luo Xiaoqiong's face turned red, but she couldn't utter a single word after that. She was so happy that Chu Xia's eyes widened in an instant, "You and my eldest brother..." He looked at each other and lowered his head. She raised her head and said in a determined tone, "We are already husband and wife. You are worried about whether you are pregnant with a baby, right?"

Luo Xiaoqiong suddenly raised her head and looked at Chu Xia with an expression of disbelief: "He even told you such a private matter?"

"Is it possible?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "Don't say he is my cousin. Even if he is my cousin, you would be embarrassed to tell me such a thing, right? I guessed it from your appearance."

"Ah?" Luo Xiaoqiong covered her face, "Is it so obvious?"

"Yes, is there anything else that can make you so embarrassed?" Chu Xia put her arm around her shoulders and patted her gently, "Don't worry too much, it should be... not that coincidental, right?"

"What if?" Luo Xiaoqiong almost cried, "What if it really is such a coincidence? What should I do? Chu Xia, you have so many ideas. Please help me think about it. What should I do if there is a real chance? That’s good.”

"Okay..." After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia agreed, "No matter if there is any emergency or not, let's think of a way first so as not to be caught off guard.

But..." She looked at Luo Xiaoqiong seriously, "I won't hide it from you. My brother's mission this time has a certain degree of danger. I want to know your true thoughts. "

After waiting for a long time, Luo Xiaoqiong said nothing, and Chu Xia sighed: "You should think about this problem carefully first, otherwise, I will not be able to help you with any ideas."

"What if..." Biting her lip, Luo Xiaoqiong said, "If it is really just in case, I want to give birth to the child. I was still hesitant at first, but now, I have decided..." She looked at Chu Xia, with a look on her face. Firmly, "I want to leave a legacy for your eldest brother."

"Don't be so serious..." Chu Xia smiled and pinched her tight little face, "I'm just saying it's possible, and the chance should be very small. You'd better think about it carefully before making a decision."

"Don't think about it..." Luo Xiaoqiong shook her head without thinking, "I just saw him leaving and panicked. Actually... In fact, this matter between me and him was initiated by me.

Subconsciously, I was a little worried about his leaving this time, so I really wanted to give myself to him. At first he didn't agree, so I threatened him. If he doesn't want me, it means he doesn't like me, then I'll go right away. If I find someone else, by the time he comes back, I will definitely be married and have a baby.

He was so aroused by me that he obeyed me. At that time, I felt that as long as I really became his person, he would definitely care about me and come back safely.

However, I really didn’t think about the possibility of having a baby..." After a pause, Luo Xiaoqiong waved her hands vigorously, "If you think about it less, I should have registered with him before he left, so that the baby would not be born. Being gossiped about. "

"Uh..." Chu Xia looked at her speechlessly, "It's just a possibility. Don't talk like you're 100% sure. By the way, how long until your period?"

"have no idea."

"Don't know?" Chu Xia was even more speechless. Is there anyone who doesn't know about this kind of thing?

"I really don't know..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked aggrieved, "My menstruation has never been accurate. Sometimes it comes once a month, sometimes once a month and a half, and sometimes every two months."

"..." Well, Chu Xia doesn't know what to say. If it's like this,

There is really no way to infer the probability of pregnancy from the safe period, so the only way now is to wait... However, this feeling of waiting for a verdict is not comfortable.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaoqiong is an outgoing and free-spirited person, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

"How are you getting along with your colleagues now?" Chu Xia changed the subject. The two of them had been separated for nearly two months. Although they exchanged letters, this guy mostly reported good news but not bad news. She didn't believe it like what she said in the letter. So good.

"Fortunately, the director is in shock, so they don't dare to do anything to me." Luo Xiaoqiong said.

"Does that mean I don't like you?"

"That's for sure. In their eyes, I'm just a backdoor bastard, and I'm definitely not on the same level as them. However, there's not much difference between what they think and the reality.

Chu Xia, don't worry, I won't be affected by what they say. I'm not that sensitive. The more they act like that, the more it means they are jealous of me. Such good luck is not what anyone wants.

Of course I have to cherish it, otherwise, I will really fall into their trap..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled and patted Chu Xia, "Don't you think I'm much more mature than before? "

"Yes, I am much more mature than before..." Chu Xia smiled back at her, "If you are too tired and want to change the environment, just tell Director Xu."

"Yes." Luo Xiaoqiong nodded, her face falling again, "If you are really pregnant with a baby, that's for sure, otherwise, Director Xu will definitely be affected."

"Xiaoqiong, no matter what my brother becomes, you will be him for the rest of your life, right?"


"Then I'll talk to my husband's family and help you and my brother get a marriage certificate, so that you won't be under so much pressure and can continue to work at the workplace."

"Chu Xia!" Luo Xiaoqiong held Chu Xia's arm tightly, with a look of surprise on her face, "Are you telling the truth?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

"But..." Luo Xiaoqiong looked confused, "But how do you tell them?"

"be honest."

Luo Xiaoqiong's face turned red instantly: "Isn't this too embarrassing?"

Chu Xia glared at her and ignored her lazily.

"Don't be angry..." Luo Xiaoqiong shook her arm in a flattering way, "I'm so confused now, but I don't regret it. Really, if I were asked to choose again, I would still do it."

"How about we wait two months and see?" Chu Xia looked at her inquiringly, "If I win the bid, I will get a marriage certificate. If I don't win the bid, I will wait until my brother comes back. How about that?"

After thinking for a while, Luo Xiaoqiong nodded: "Okay, I'll do as you say, otherwise, if your brother doesn't want to get the certificate with me, it will seem like I am forcing him."

"Put it down. If my brother doesn't want to get the certificate with you, can he be husband and wife with you?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "It's okay for you to lie to others, but stop pretending in front of me."

"Hehe..." Luo Xiaoqiong smiled sheepishly, and then looked at Chu Xia seriously, "I won't hide anything from you. You can't laugh at me because of this in the future."

"Am I that kind of person?"

"It used to be."

"Then you still tell me?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes dissatisfied at her, "Since you don't believe me, don't tell me. What's the point of telling me and then doubting me?"

"Because you are different now from before. I don't think you would do something like that now."

"That's pretty much it..." Chu Xia pulled her and quickened her pace, "Let's go quickly. My mother-in-law and the others must be waiting anxiously at home. If there is a misunderstanding, I will be in trouble if I can't think about it."

"Chu Xia, you are luckier than me..." Luo Xiaoqiong pouted and complained, "Uncle Baohe and Aunt Yulan are with you, and now even grandma and grandpa are here to accompany you.

When I return to my husband's house, I treat you like a treasure. How many women in the world are as lucky as you? I ask, what benefit have you given God to help you like this? "

"You're not convinced?" Chu Xia squinted at her, "If you're not convinced, bite me!"

"Disgusting!" Luo Xiaoqiong glared at her bitterly, "You know that I don't dare to bite you now."

The two of them returned to the car chatting and laughing, and the driver Zhou Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief. He was so anxious that he stretched his neck and looked inside but didn't see the figure of his young mistress. He wanted to go in to look for it, but he was afraid. It's been leaked, so don't look for it, and you're afraid that something will really happen. Hey, the master and his wife are so big-hearted, and they actually let themselves be relieved to send the third young mistress alone to see the third young master off. What if she starts crying... …

"Xiao Meng, are you in a hurry?" After sitting down, Chu Xia apologized to the driver, "We haven't seen each other for two months, and we lost track of time while chatting. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhou Xiaomeng looked flattered. He had heard that the third young lady was particularly easy to get along with, but now it seems that it is true. Compared with the fifth young lady, she is really much easier to get along with.

The elders who were waiting at home secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Chu Xia coming back and looking good.

They chose to let her go alone because they wanted to give the young couple some time alone.

To be honest, Chu Xia's performance made them particularly satisfied. Even children who grew up in a big family would not be so open-minded when encountering such a thing when they were pregnant.

After lunch, Chu Xia accompanied Luo Xiaoqiong back to the unit, and of course it was Zhou Xiaomeng who saw them off.

Although Mrs. Zhou and Lin Yanqiu felt a little sorry for Chu Xia, they thought that they had such a strong relationship and they would definitely want to talk more since they hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they didn't stop them.

When entering the compound, they happened to meet Dean Xu who was returning from dinner. Chu Xia and Luo Xiaoqiong quickly got out of the car to say hello.

Reaching out and patting the two of them on the back, Dean Xu sighed: "It's hard for you two. Let's go and sit in my office for a while."

She hadn’t seen Dean Xu since the early summer after the Chinese New Year, so she didn’t shirk it and took Luo Xiaoqiong to go to Dean Xu’s office. On the way, she could clearly feel a lot of eyes turning on a few people, and they didn’t seem to care much. friendly. RS

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