Second update.

When Qian Yan asked Mrs. Qi to make a choice again, Mrs. Qi sighed heavily and looked at Qian Yan seriously: "Yanyan, grandma just wants to ask you something. Do you really mean it from the heart?" Do you think that there is nothing wrong with you and your mother, but it is all your grandpa’s fault?”

After hesitating, Qian Yan shook her head: "No, I admit that my mother and I made mistakes, but I also feel that my grandpa is more responsible.

Back then, my mother had no choice but to make that choice. Her younger brother was taken away by her grandmother after he was born. She told her mother clearly that if her mother was a slight drag on the Qian family, she would leave the Qian family immediately and never see her younger brother again in her life.

As a mother, my mother can only make that choice. Moreover, my mother also told grandpa the truth. Why can't grandpa just be accommodating and forgive my mother?

Now my brother is nineteen years old, and my mother has only seen him three times. Many people don't even know that my mother has a son. How sad my mother is. Grandpa should be able to think of it, why doesn't he think about his mother at all?

What the grandparents did was a bit excessive, but they just wanted to make the descendants of the Qian family live a better life. Rationally speaking, there was nothing wrong with what they did.

I used to be jealous of my younger brother. He is also a child of the Qian family. He is a young master in front of my grandparents, but I can only be a maid in front of my grandparents.

Even where my brother lives, I can only go there during the holidays. My mother is even worse off than I am. Before her grandfather was rehabilitated, she had never had the opportunity to go to the old house to celebrate the New Year. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been unable to see my brother for so many years.

these past. My grandpa knows this. He is also a father and should be able to understand my mother's mood. As long as he helps my mother, my mother's situation will not be like this.

Grandma Qi, I won’t hide it from you. I used to think it was good for my brother not to live with us. Otherwise, my mother would definitely not be able to pamper me so much. But now I don’t think so. My mother’s life is too hard.

To her, every child is her own flesh and blood. When I quarrel with her, I will blame her for being partial, but when I think about it later, I regret it terribly. I am by my mother's side every day, and of course she trusts me, but for my younger brother. She has never really fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother. Naturally, she is always obsessed with her. No one in the family understands her yet.

Dad was pretty good to me before. But since my grandfather regained his freedom, he has become more and more indifferent to me. Sometimes I am particularly scared. We are afraid that one day our mother and daughter will be abandoned by the Qian family.

If grandpa doesn't care about us then, then my mother and I..." She bit her lip hard.

"Then my mother and I really don't know how to live anymore."

When I was chatting with Wan Lao before early summer, Wan Lao said that Wan Yuqiong only had one daughter. This is also the reason why Wan Yuqiong is not taken seriously in the Qian family. She believes that Mr. Wan will not lie, and now Qian Yan is so sure that Mr. Wan knows, which means that Wan Yuqiong is the one who lied.

She didn't understand why Wan Yuqiong would tell such lies to her daughter.

Old Mrs. Qi didn't expect that there would be so much more to do about the Qian family. She sighed, hugged Qian Yan, and didn't know what to say. If it was really like what Qian Yan said, it could only mean that Qian Yan was very interested in her. All Mr. Wan's hatred stems from her love for Wan Yuqiong.

A daughter who loves her mother deeply, she can't bear to say anything about her, even if her thoughts are a bit extreme, she can't bear to say anything bad about her, and even make her feel a little distressed.

For a time, the room fell into a long silence.

After saying this, Qian Yan's mood was a little agitated. She had never told anyone about these things, and she wouldn't have spoken out if she hadn't been forced to do so today.

In any case, this is considered a family scandal for her, and family scandals cannot be made public. However, in order to regain her own tone, she can only do this.

Otherwise, Old Mrs. Qi would definitely not support her. Growing up, she and her mother were despised by many people, and only Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi were kind to them.

Although the situation of Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi was not good at that time, people in bad situations would despise their mother and daughter, so the mother and daughter always remembered this affection.

Every time during the holidays, her mother would ask her to bring some delicious food to the old man and old lady, and also told her to spend more time with the old man and old lady when she had nothing to do.

After coming here more often, she fell in love with this pair of brothers and sisters from the bottom of her heart, because they truly loved her, and they treated her as if they were their own.

She only felt this feeling from her mother, and she cherished the two additions later.

When she saw Lin Chuxia appear today, she felt inexplicably afraid.

Grandpa has already been taken away by Lin Chuxia. If Grandma Qi and Grandpa Qi are taken away by her again, she will vomit to death!

Although she also knew that she could not completely blame Lin Chuxia, in order to keep everything that belonged to her, she could only blame the other party for all the responsibilities.

He even revealed private secrets that were never revealed to outsiders.

"Qian Yan, what would you say if I told you that your mother never told Grandpa Wan about your brother?" After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia finally told the truth. For the sake of Grandpa Wan, she must restore the truth.

"Impossible!" Without even thinking about it, Qian Yan shook her head and denied, "My mother never lied to me. She said she told grandpa, so she must have told grandpa. You can't use this method to provoke us mother and daughter."

"If I was deliberately trying to sow discord between you mother and daughter, I would have told the truth just now, but I hesitated because I was worried about affecting the relationship between you mother and daughter.

However, after careful consideration, I think I should tell you the truth, otherwise, you and your mother's attitude towards Grandpa Wan may not change for a long time.

The first thing I do is of course for the sake of Grandpa Wan, but at the same time, it is also for the sake of you mother and daughter..." After a pause, Chu Xia said, "If one day you want to make up for what you can't make up for, you will definitely regret it. "

Mrs. Qi also frowned. She didn't know Mr. Wan very well, so she couldn't tell whether what Chu Xia said was true or false. She unconsciously turned her attention to Qian Yan.

Qian Yan was also very conflicted.

She had met Chu Xia several times, but had never dealt with her head-on. Normally, she should have faith in her mother, but inexplicably, she found Lin Chuxia's statement credible!

But why did mom lie to her? This was something she couldn't understand.

"I suggest you go home and have a good talk with your mother..." Chu Xia looked at her seriously, "You have to believe that I am definitely not doing this for my own selfish reasons.

You said that I don’t have enough background to ask Grandpa Wan to help me, but if you think about it carefully, do I need to do this now? Don't say that my husband's family doesn't care about my family background at all. Even if they do, the Lin family in Beijing is not that bad, right?

Although my father returned to the family after being separated for many years, you only need to ask around to know how the Lin family in Beijing treats us. If we want them to be our backers, they are definitely more than enough.

I say this because you must classify me among the utilitarian people. In order to give you a sense of belonging, I will explain it according to what you said. I believe this will make you see the essence of things better. Be clearer, right? "

"Grandma Qi, if you have to choose between me and her, who would you choose?" Qian Yan did not answer Chu Xia's question, and was entangled in Mrs. Qi's choice.

"Hey..." Old Mrs. Qi sighed helplessly, "You kid, you are really stubborn. Since you must have an answer, let me tell you, if you have to choose, of course grandma will choose you."

"Really?" Qian Yan's eyes lit up, "Grandma, you're not trying to make me happy, are you?"

"Of course not. Grandma watched you grow up, so how could she be willing to throw you away?" Old Mrs. Qi sighed again, "I like Chu Xia because she is your Grandpa Qi's apprentice, and I like you because of our relationship. ,Understood?"

"I understand..." Qian Yan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sheepishly, "I won't force you to make unnecessary choices now..." She turned to look at Chu Xia, "I will figure this out. If If you lied to me, I will definitely go to you to settle the score. Even with the strength of our family, I can't do anything to you, but I will do my best to make your life uncomfortable."

Chu Xia nodded: "Okay, if I really lied to you, you can do whatever you want, but the premise is that you must clearly distinguish what is true and what is false."

After Qian Yan left, Zhao Yulan, who had been silent all this time, sighed and looked at Old Mrs. Qi apologetically: "Auntie, I'm really sorry for making this difficult for you. "

"Don't say that, who would have thought of such a coincidence?" Old Mrs. Qi shook her head helplessly, "Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. However, I am here to pray for Xiaoyan and her daughter. Personal feelings, no matter how many mistakes they make, you should be considerate.

We have been neighbors with their family for several years. To be honest, Xiaoyan's father is really not good to her mother. There are things that Xiaoyan's mother does not do well and she is really forced to do so.

If she doesn't listen, she will only get beaten. A woman with a child, what do you think she can do? If they were really divorced, wouldn't life be even more miserable? "

"Don't worry, Auntie, how can we hold grudges about this matter? We and I sincerely hope that Uncle Wan's family will be reunited. To be honest, no matter how close Uncle Wan is to us, there is still a layer between us.

At other times, the feelings may not be so deep, but when it comes to holidays, the old man is smiling. But if you look closely, you can find that it is just a superficial thing. In my heart, I don’t know why I am suffering. It’s partial. Everyone can only pretend to be confused, what a feeling..." Shaking her head, Zhao Yulan said no more. (To be continued...)

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