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Listening to my grandpa's laughter, I knew how guilty he was. Chu Xia sighed helplessly, why did his grandpa's personality seem to have reversed his development after he became seriously ill?

As soon as the group entered the door, Zhao Yushui and Lin Xiaohua greeted them excitedly, "Mom, Dad, Qiyan has given birth to a big fat boy!" Naturally, it was Lin Xiaohua who announced the good news, while Zhao Yushui stood aside and rubbed her hands vigorously. hand.

"I heard what Xia said on the way, but I didn't expect that Qi Yan was so good at giving birth to a big fat boy in her life, hahaha..." Mr. Zhao smiled and patted Zhao Yushui on the shoulder, then looked at Lin Xiaohua, "The children will be treated like mothers. Come on, you two must not cause any trouble in the future, otherwise, don’t think that I, the father, will disown you."

"Dad, don't worry, I won't be confused again..." Lin Xiaohua quickly promised, "Yu Shui also told me that if I cause trouble again, I won't be wanted."

"Yes." Mr. Zhao glanced at his son appreciatively.

Receiving his father's gaze, Zhao Yushui straightened up unconsciously and was praised by his father. This seemed to be the first time in so many years. It good!

Zhao Yulan came over and smiled at a few people: "Father, mother, let's eat first. The second brother and second sister-in-law must be hungry. They arrived yesterday afternoon and couldn't find a place, so they ran to the station to deal with it all night and looked for it early in the morning. Come here, I let them eat some Dianba Dianba first, and they have to wait until their parents come back before using chopsticks."

"Eat and eat..." Mr. Zhao went to wash his hands and came back. He was the first to hand a wedding egg to Mr. Wan, "Mr. Wan, if you are a little happy, things will go smoothly for you."

"Okay." Mr. Wan took the wedding egg and knocked it on the table. After peeling it, he handed it to Aunt Yin, "You have a lot of troubles at home, so I'll give it to you first."

Sister-in-law Yin's face turned red all of a sudden. She didn't expect that Wan Lao would do such a thing in front of everyone. This was the first time that Wan Lao had done this kind of thing since they met...

"Look, how excited are you?" Mr. Wan smiled and put the egg into her hand. "Speaking of which, your family has more worries than mine, so I'll give you the first wedding egg. I'll give it to you again. Take one." As he spoke, he took another one and smiled at Mr. Zhao, "Brother Zhao, you won't be angry with me, right?"

"No, no, of course not!" Mr. Zhao waved his hands repeatedly, "I'm just looking forward to one more happy event now. I'm happy, I'm happy, hehe..."

Watching the interaction between several people, Chu Xia's doubts became even deeper.

She was 100% sure that grandpa knew about Wan Lao and the woman named Sun, otherwise he would not have said such things, and she was also sure that there must be something going on between Wan Lao and the woman named Sun. Otherwise, Wan Lao probably wouldn't do such a thing in front of everyone.

To put it bluntly, Wan Lao made a promise to Sister Yin in front of everyone.

But what is the reality?

Hey, she is a junior, so it seems not good to ask directly, but Sister-in-law Yin's temperament probably means that she will not take the initiative to ask questions. Is everyone always worried like this?

After breakfast, Chu Xia went to school.

She had class in the first period in the morning, and no matter how many questions she had in her mind, she could only wait until after school.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Lin Mengran put her head next to Chu Xia's ear and asked in a low voice, "I see you were absent-minded throughout the class. What's the matter? Just tell me if you have something to say. Don't forget there are so many sisters." Where is my son?"

"It's not my business..." Chu Xia sighed, "There is something wrong with the elders. As a junior, it's hard for me to get involved, so I can't help but worry about them."

"Can you tell me?"

"No." Chu Xia shook her head, "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that this belongs to the elders' privacy. I can't say anything without their consent."

"I understand..." Lin Mengran patted her shoulder comfortingly,

"Elders have so much life experience and social experience. If there is a problem, they will definitely find a way to solve it. Don't think too much. You should know what your important task is now."

"I know." Chu Xia looked helpless, "I really shouldn't think too much about my current physical condition, but don't forget, I am a human being, not a robot. When something happens, I can't really think about it or not. Don’t want to?”

"Try to control it as much as possible."

"What are you trying to control?" Yang Xiaoli poked her head over, "You two are whispering after class. Isn't that a little too much?"

"Then let me tell you clearly. After mumbling for a long time, I didn't raise any substantive issues. Okay, I will give up my seat and you will do the mumbling next." Lin Mengran stood up and moved to Yang Xiaoli's side as he spoke. He took Li Xinli to the bathroom.

"What's the matter?" Yang Xiaoli looked at Chu Xia confused, "Looking at the sisters, it seems that you have encountered some problem, or is it something she can't solve?"

"It's nothing." Chu Xia shook her head helplessly, "She is trying to make things up. I'm fine. It's the elders' private matter and I'm a little worried about it, but it's not easy to say anything without their consent. Do you understand?"

Rolling her eyes, Yang Xiaoli nodded: "I understand, it's not Uncle Lin and Aunt Zhao who are in trouble, right?"


"Well, I don't think so..." Yang Xiaoli moved her head closer to her, "I'm relieved if something doesn't happen to them. The experience of other elders is there. No matter what happens, everything will be fine in the end. Don't worry about it. Come on, walk, go out and move around, pregnant women can’t sit still all the time, otherwise it will be difficult during delivery.”

As soon as she left the classroom door, Chu Xia saw Qian Yan walking over from a distance, and frowned unconsciously. She came here at this time, and she must be looking for her, right? But when she couldn't figure out the situation, she really didn't want to talk to him.

Unfortunately, the other party had already noticed her at this moment and ran towards her in a hurry. She could only sigh to herself and put a flawless smile on her face.

She is already famous enough in school. If she quarrels with a strange woman again, I believe the rumors will be even more bizarre. During this sensitive period, it is best to avoid it if possible.

Thinking like this, Chu Xia simply walked up to him and asked proactively: "Looking for me?"

"Yes." Qian Yan glanced at Yang Xiaoli and Wu Jingbo who were standing beside her, "Both of you, could you please help me?"

"No." Without thinking, Yang Xiaoli rejected Qian Yan's request.

"You..." Qian Yan frowned and looked at Wu Jingbo, "What do you mean?"

"Same." Wu Jingbo looked at her indifferently, "You have always been unfriendly to Chu Xia. At this time, we cannot safely let you be alone with her."

"Wu Jingbo, can you do me a favor because your sister and I are friends?" Qian Yan took a long breath and looked at Wu Jingbo seriously, "I promise, it won't hurt you at all. Lin Chuxia, I came to her because I needed her help with something.

As for..." She turned her gaze to Yang Xiaoli, "As for me being unfriendly to her before, it was because there were some misunderstandings between us. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will definitely not be unfriendly to her.

If you really don't believe it, then let's make a change and go to the playground. You can look at me where you can't hear Lin Chuxia and I talking. That's okay, right? "

"Xiaoli, Jingbo, it's okay." Chu Xia smiled at Yang Xiaoli and Wu Jingbo, then looked at Qian Yan, "I will feel very tired after standing for a long time. Let's sit over there at the stage and talk."

"Thank you." Qian Yan thanked her and followed Chu Xia to the playground stands.

"Do you want to... follow up?" Yang Xiaoli looked at Wu Jingbo with some hesitation. She felt that she should follow up, but if she did so after Chu Xia expressed her trust in Qian Yan, it seemed to be a bit of a disgrace to Chu Xia, so she was okay Hesitant.

"Let's go for a stroll on the playground..." Wu Jingbo said as she walked forward, "No one has stipulated that we can't go for a stroll on the playground, and we are not the only ones who go for a stroll on the playground."

"Smart!" Yang Xiaoli snapped her fingers, "Jingbo, I feel more and more that you are really smart. You usually keep quiet, but when you are really used, you never let it slip!"

"Your friend still doesn't believe me..." Looking back, Qian Yan looked at Chu Xia with a wry smile, "It seems that my previous performance was really bad."

"What do you want from me?" Chu Xia got straight to the point.

"Have you told my grandpa about my mother?"

"Yeah, I said it."


"No, you're just here to say thank you to me, right?"

"No..." Qian Yan looked at Chu Xia, "I..." After hesitating for a long time, she still didn't say a word, so Chu Xia sighed, "If it's not convenient for you to say it, don't force yourself.

I still say the same thing, we are good to Grandpa Wan just because we are destined, and we also really like him. If you mother and daughter want to reconcile with Grandpa Wan, we can only support and be happy, and we will never stand in the way. , just don’t worry about this. "

"That's not it..." Qian Yan shook her head, "If you are still struggling with this matter, I will definitely not come to you, and I will definitely not have such an attitude towards you.

Lin Chuxia, no matter what, I would like to thank you first. If I hadn't met you, my grandfather would not be as happy as he is now, and my mother would not be truly relieved. "

"Huh?" Chu Xia's eyes suddenly widened when she heard her next sentence, "You mean, your mother's attitude towards Grandpa Wan was intentional?"

"That's right." Biting her lip, Qian Ying smiled bitterly, "If I hadn't been forced to do so, my mother wouldn't have told me the truth. If I hadn't known the truth, I wouldn't have thought about it so quickly.

Lin Chuxia, you have to promise me that you will always take good care of my grandpa, and don’t tell grandpa that I came to see you. Since my mother has done this, let grandpa misunderstand it first. . "R1152

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