The third update has arrived.

Waiting is the most painful thing.

I spent these days in early summer feeling very anxious. I rushed home after class every day. Unfortunately, all I got was disappointment.

The elders naturally noticed something was wrong with her, but they blamed the young couple's longing for each other after not seeing each other for a long time. Normally, no one would want to talk too much, but at this time...

That night, Zhao Yulan finally couldn't help but pulled her daughter and started a heart-to-heart talk: "Xia, mother knows that you are worried about Xiaomi, and mother also knows that this is human nature. Moreover, seeing that you and Xiaomi have such a good relationship, mother Very happy for you.

However, my mother is also worried about the health of her two little grandsons. For them, their emotions completely follow you. For their health, let's work hard to adjust ourselves, okay? "

"Mom, you think I'm thinking about Zhou Mixang, so I'm in a bad mood?" Chu Xia suddenly realized that her behavior these days may have been misunderstood by her elders.

"What else are you embarrassed about?" Zhao Yulan rubbed her daughter's head with a funny look on her face.

"Mom really misunderstood..." Chu Xia told Zhao Yulan about Wan Yuqiong, and then said, "Mom, I don't feel embarrassed that you misunderstood me, I just want my mother to be mentally prepared.

If Zhou Mikang finds out that what Aunt Wan said is true and the Qian family is truly unfeeling towards Aunt Wan, then Grandpa Wan may be living with Aunt Wan in the near future.

Of course we don't mind if we all live together, but Aunt Wan will definitely mind. Therefore, Grandpa Wan will leave us when the time comes. It becomes very possible.

Mom also said hello to dad to let him be mentally prepared. Both father and mother are very emotional people. After living together for so long, they have regarded Grandpa Wan as a real relative. When the time comes to separate, they will definitely not be able to accept it.

However, for Grandpa Wan, blood relationship is what he has been looking forward to his whole life. Originally, he had to make that choice because of a misunderstanding. If he knew that his daughter had been thinking about him..."

Zhao Yulan interrupted her: "Xia, there's no need to persuade me. Mother is not stupid. Although mother can't let go of Uncle Wan, your father will certainly not be able to let go of him either. But if he leaves because he gets the blood relationship he has been looking forward to, then I and I will Your father will definitely not drag him down."

"Even if we are separated, we can still see each other often. If we come and go frequently, this relationship will never fade..." Chu Xia hugged Zhao Yulan, whose eyes were already red, "Mom, you believe me. Okay?"

For Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe,

This feeling is extremely important.

Especially Lin Baohe.

I have never felt the warmth of my relatives since I was a child. Later, he learned about his life experience and recognized his relatives. But, so many years apart. They don't live together, and they are in awe of the big family. After all, they are one level behind.

Mr. Wan and their family had known each other before. Mr. Wan was the first outsider to help Chu Xia so sincerely. They had been living together for nearly a year. Zhao Yulan and Lin Baohe had regarded him as their real father. After separation, It must be painful!

Therefore, when Zhao Yulan told Lin Baohe about this, this always strong man actually covered his head in the quilt and cried like a child.

Sighing, Zhao Yulan patted his back again and again without saying anything.

Everyone knows that persuasion will only make people feel more upset, so at this time, crying is actually the best way to vent.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, Lin Baohe's crying stopped.

Zhao Yulan hugged him from behind: "Xia is right, even if we are really separated, we can still keep in touch, and we can also spend some festivals together. Even children, there are many who have been separated from their parents, right?"

"I know." Lin Baohe lifted the quilt and looked at his wife seriously, "No matter whether Uncle Wan and Wan Yuqiong will recognize each other, we must treat Uncle Wan as our biological father and be filial to him in this life."

"Of course." Zhao Yulan nodded and said hesitantly, "However, we'd better look at Wan Yuqiong's attitude before deciding what to do.

Father and daughter have missed each other for so many years and finally got together. If we do it rashly, Wan Yuqiong may be repelled. Uncle Wan will definitely feel embarrassed in his heart if he doesn't say anything.

Originally, we wanted to do that because we were close to his old man, but in the end, it turned out to be a difficult thing for him to struggle with, which is no fun, right? "

After thinking about it carefully, what his wife said made sense, so Lin Baohe sighed: "I hope Wan Yuqiong is generous."

"There is also a possibility that Wan Yuqiong is just faking it, then..."

Zhao Yulan shook her head and said no more. This kind of result was actually not what they wanted to see. Although they could live with Wan Lao because of this, the pain in Wan Lao's heart was destined to last a lifetime.

People are emotional animals. Only when they feel comfortable can they live happily and be in good health. Therefore, if they have to choose one outcome, of course they still hope that Wan Yuqiong is sincerely good to the old man.

They may not be able to accept it for a while, but over time, they will figure out a way to get along with each other, and they will naturally adapt to it.

Before there was any news about Zhou Mikang, Chu Xia met Qian Yan again.

"Your face..." Chu Xia frowned and looked at Qian Yan's half-swollen face. She didn't believe it was the result of an accidental fall.

"My father beat me." Qian Yan sniffed, "My mother... is more serious than me, so Lin Chuxia, I beg you, tell my grandpa what happened to my mother.

Regardless of whether my mother will blame me or not, I don’t want to hide it anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I told you not to expose myself, but because my current image is really not convenient for my grandpa to see.

Of course, if I hadn't been worried about my mother's mood, I would have wanted to let my grandpa see my miserable state. I believe that my grandpa would definitely seek justice for me.

But if I really do this, my mother will definitely be sad. She has persisted and tolerated it for so many years, but in the end she failed. She will definitely hate me. "

"Okay..." After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia agreed. Since she couldn't wait for news about Zhou Mixang, she wanted to take a gamble. Now that she had reached this point, she could only do this.

Therefore, when she got home at noon, she took Mr. Wan to the study...

As Chu Xia told it, Mr. Wan's face became increasingly uglier. He couldn't tell what he was feeling right now. He felt distressed, guilty, and angry...

Daughters are also mothers, and they should understand the feelings of parents. Even if their children do something wrong, as long as they sincerely change their behavior, their parents will definitely forgive them.

Of course, this does not mean that all parents are like this. Qian Jianming is not an example. Otherwise, he would not have beaten his granddaughter like that!

"The Qian family and his son are too bullying..." With a heavy sigh, Mr. Wan looked at Chu Xia and said, "Xia, thank you. You can leave the rest of the matter alone."

"Grandpa..." Chu Xia looked at him with some worry. She really didn't want the other party to do anything impulsive. Otherwise, it would be difficult to open the knot in Wan Yuqiong's heart.

"Don't worry..." Mr. Wan forced a smile, "Old man, I have lived for so many years, of course I will not impulsively go to the Qian family. Don't worry, I just want my daughter to live an easy life.

As for what to do in the future, of course she still has to take the decision herself. I know her temperament very well. Since she warned Yanyan like that, it means that the knot in her heart is still tight.

If I go and take her away now, she won't agree, and will even use vicious words to make me angry. Therefore, even if I want to take her out of the sea of ​​misery, I will find a way that is easy for her to accept. . "

Five days later, Mr. Wan moved out of the Lin family. This was the more acceptable way he came up with. He first moved out by himself, then got closer to his daughter step by step, and finally persuaded her to live with him.

If possible, of course he still hopes that his daughter can find her own happiness, but for the time being, this is the only way he can think of.

The most embarrassing person to do this is Sister Yin. The two have not got married yet, so it is impossible for them to move out together as wives. But as a nanny, how will she get along with Wan Yuqiong and Qian Yan in the future?

It is not appropriate to continue to stay in the Lin family, because she was arranged by the organization to take care of Mr. Wan. It makes no sense for her to stay after Mr. Wan left.

Of course, unless she tells the organization that she no longer wants to be with Mr. Wan.

But if she did that, where would she go? It was impossible to go back to her natal family. Last time, she had fallen out with her natal family because of something that wanted to benefit her. If she went back, what else would she get besides being disliked?

Regarding Sister Yin's arrangements, Chu Xia's family also had a headache. They racked their brains and couldn't come up with a solution.

Mr. Wan himself is also very confused. He has not thought about getting the certificate from Sister Yin immediately, but he is also worried that doing so will directly exclude his daughter. So what is the point of what he is doing now?

If you don't get the certificate, you'll be sorry for Mrs. Yin.

In the end, it was Mr. Qi who gave the idea and asked Mrs. Yin to go to their house first and stay with Mrs. Qi. But in this case, Aunt Yin would have to resign from her job of taking care of Mr. Wan. Wan Lao couldn't be without someone. If she doesn't follow him, she will naturally explain it to her superiors and ask them to send someone to take care of Wan Lao again.

Sister-in-law Yin was very hesitant about this. She was afraid that if she quit her job and couldn't be with Mr. Wan, she might never have the chance to be with Mr. Wan again.

After living together for the past few years, they have reached the stage of talking about marriage. Her feelings for Mr. Wan have truly transformed into love between a man and a woman. If they were separated from now on, she would definitely not be able to bear it! (To be continued...)

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