At midnight, everything is silent.

On the warm double bed, mother and daughter hugged each other and slept soundly.

Suddenly, the bedroom door was quietly pushed open from the outside, and a tall figure walked in gently. He walked to the bedside with a clear purpose and stood there. He leaned over and turned on the small lamp on the bedside, and put it next to Xiao Yan's ear. He whispered, "Bao'er?"

Unfortunately, Xiao Yan didn't respond.

Xu Jinqiao frowned slightly, carefully separated the hands of mother and daughter, picked up Xiao Yan, turned off the light, and left quietly.

Returning to the master bedroom next door, lying on the bed with the baby in his arms, Xu Jinqiao sighed spontaneously. Sleeping alone, alone, with his lover by his side, even if he does nothing, is... Satisfied.

After changing the environment, Xiao Yan turned over twice and touched the person beside her randomly with her hands. She felt something was wrong. She opened her eyes in a daze, "Belle...that's not right! Husband!"

With surprise, she suddenly woke up and said, "Why are you on top of me? Where is Belle?"

"Wrong, you are on our bed." Xu Jinqiao smiled, his thin lips slightly hooked, his eyes full of teasing.

Xiao Yan looked around and frowned slightly, "What's going on? Am I sleepwalking? I remember, I was obviously with Bei'er..." At this point, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind, "That's not right! It was you who smuggled me here again, right?"

"Hmm." The man responded vaguely, neither denying nor admitting clearly, with an evil smile on his lips, "Is it better to sleep with me than with Belle? My arms can be your pillow and my body your quilt. , lots of benefits.”

Xiao Yan stared speechlessly, "Can these be compared? Really, what if Belle wakes up and can't see me?"

"It's okay. The little girl has already experienced it. She will come directly to find her mother." Xu Jinqiao didn't take it seriously. As he spoke, he sat up and started to take off his pajamas.

When Xiao Yan saw this, he immediately bit his lip, "What are you doing? It's so late, it's time to go to bed! And your grandfather..."

She didn't know what to say and was a little dumbfounded. At ten o'clock, when everyone was about to take a rest, the old man made a request that they were not allowed to have sex before marriage, and that Xu Jinqiao was not allowed to follow in his father's footsteps and raise an illegitimate child outside. After hearing this, blood rushed to his forehead on the spot, "Bao'er and I will never have an illegitimate child. Our child will definitely be a legitimate child! We have been sleeping together for a long time and have been husband and wife for two years. You don't want us to be together now." Sleeping, is it possible?”


If you don't listen to me, don't try to impress me! "The old man had a firm attitude and snorted coldly.

When Xiao Yan heard that there was something going on, he quickly grabbed Xu Jinqiao's temper and responded with a sweet smile, "We listen to grandpa, grandpa, don't be angry. As long as you agree to our marriage, we will promise you anything!"

"Then let's separate first!" the old man announced expressionlessly.

So, Xiao Yan decisively entered Bei Er's room, and Xu Jinqiao was driven back to the master bedroom to live alone. Unexpectedly, this man actually stole her over in the middle of the night!

"Ignore grandpa, he is too old and does not understand the minds of young people." Xu Jinqiao sneered and raised his eyebrows, "I am in my prime, and I am not allowed to live as a couple. Is this scientific?"

Xiao Yan frowned, and her face flushed, "What are you talking about? You are shameless! Besides... just live apart for a while. When grandpa agrees, we can be together again."

Xu Jinqiao said seriously, "That's not possible. I don't want to be separated for a day. Besides, you are going to Shanghai to film a movie soon. How long will it be before we see each other? Are you willing to spend these rare days together?"

"Uh..." Xiao Yan was stunned. Come to think of it, this movie is expected to be shot in two months from start to finish!


"I can't bear it!"

"That's right, let's live our lives as we want. Don't pay attention to grandpa. He is deliberately tossing us. He doesn't sincerely want to agree to our marriage."

"Ah? No way? Will the old man go back on his word?"

"Oh, ninety percent possibility!"

Xiao Yan was stunned immediately, "No, I still have high hopes! Hey..."

Sighing, she suddenly cheered up again, "No, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up! Husband, I have decided, we..."

"Separated?" Xu Jinqiao interrupted her with a cold look without waiting for her to finish.

Xiao Yan's expression was solemn, "We have an underground affair! What time does grandpa get up in the morning? I sneaked back before he got up so he wouldn't find out!"

"Pfft--" Xu Jinqiao couldn't bear to laugh. He rubbed the top of her hair with his big palm and said angrily: "Bao'er, you are so promising. I thought you had some clever tricks. It turns out... Tsk tsk!”

Xiao Yan pursed her lips and pointed at the man's chest, "Oh, my IQ is limited. Since I don't want to live apart and can't disobey grandpa's request, I can only do it secretly!"


Xu Jinqiao took off her pajamas and pajamas, leaned over and pressed them down, "My dear, I did the right thing, just do as you say, let's coax the old man!"

Xiao Yan took the initiative to stretch out her arms, hooked her arms around the back of the man's neck, raised her body slightly, and put his lips on hers...

Night, full of love and affection, endless lingering*...

When we came out of the 24-hour fast food restaurant, it was already 2 o'clock in the morning.

Walking side by side, Ni Lang asked, "Are you going to work tomorrow?"

"Come on." Su Momo answered him casually.

"When do you have a day off? Can you take a break on the weekend?"

"I'll have next Tuesday off."

"Today is Thursday, and there are five days left..." Ni Lang thought, and said, "I'll probably have to go on a business trip next Monday. Can you take the day off? I'll rest before Monday!"

Su Momo curled her lips and said, "You can go on a business trip, why should I take a break?"

"Am I not allowed to chase you for five kilometers?" Ni Lang frowned, "You can take the weekend off. I don't work on the weekend. Let's go to the stadium."

Su Momo looked at him sideways and couldn't help laughing, "Do you really want to chase me?"

"Do you think I'm joking? Or, are you just saying casually that you can't actually run down five thousand meters?" Ni Lang looked serious and spoke in a serious tone.

Su Momo rolled her eyes at him, "I'm worried you won't be able to run! I was a long-distance running champion in college, did you know? I also participated in the 10,000-meter marathon in City A!"

"..." Ni Lang choked, swallowed his saliva, and gave her a thumbs up, "You are indeed a female man! You are awesome! My grandpa will definitely like you!"

Su Momo was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized something. She immediately blushed and scolded him, "Am I a tomboy? What does it have to do with your grandpa? Don't talk nonsense!"

"Of course it does matter. My mother listens to my grandpa the most. My grandpa has been fighting all his life, and what he admires most is the character of a soldier. How could he not like you if you are so passionate?" Ni Lang said with a smile.

Su Momo was so angry that she kicked him, "You still say that? I have nothing to do with you, so stop talking nonsense!"

Ni Lang answered while avoiding her shadowless feet, "Why doesn't it matter? It will matter when I catch up with you!"

"Hmph, can you catch up? This is a long-distance race, not a 100-meter race. Even if a man has the advantage of long legs, it will be greatly reduced over time!" Su Momo snorted disdainfully.

Ni Lang curled his lips and smiled casually, "We'll find out when we compare! I'm just worried that you will default on your debt!"

"Hey, I, Su Momo, keep my word! If you succeed in the challenge, I will give you the chance to be my boyfriend. If you fail..." Su Momo shrugged and spread her hands, "Unfortunately, I can only do it for you. Light the candles!”

Ni Lang was amused by her inadvertent cuteness, he pulled her over, put his arm around her shoulders, and said with a noncommittal smile, "Okay, then you can take a break, tell me the time, and I'll answer on time!" "

"Hey, you just keep talking, what are you doing with your hands and feet? Keep your distance!" Su Momo swayed her body from side to side, refusing his approach. For some reason, as soon as she got close to him, her face felt hot and her ears were so hot that her heartbeat stopped. They are all speeding up significantly.

Ni Lang sighed and had to let her go, "Okay, wait until I win before I touch you again!"

"..." Su Momo was completely speechless.

Ni Lang took out the car keys from his pocket and unlocked the door remotely. "Get in the car and I'll take you home."

"Well, I can just ride a motorcycle. You can go back by yourself!" Su Momo frowned.

Ni Lang was unhappy, "Did you feel how low the temperature was in the middle of the night? Is it okay to ride a motorcycle?"

"What about my motorcycle?" Su Momo bit her lip. She came here to eat in his car. The motorcycle was still parked where she was and she had to go back to get it.

"Just throw it over there and we'll talk about it tomorrow!"

"No, what if it's stolen by a thief? I still have to rely on it to commute to get off work!"

"You insured it with me. If it's lost, I'll pay for it!"

"Hey, I don't want you to pay for it!"

Facing Su Momo's stubbornness, Ni Lang couldn't help but get angry, "It's such a cold night, you are blowing cold wind, what should you do if you catch a cold and a fever? What should you do if you go home alone as a girl and are targeted by bad guys?"


"What am I? Get in the car!"


"Hurry up! Don't worry about the motorcycle. When I beat you in the 5,000 meters, I will take you to and from get off work!"

No matter how strong Su Momo was, she couldn't be stronger than a man who practiced family training. She was quickly stuffed into the passenger seat of the sports car. Ni Lang started the engine and drove her away...

The next day.

It was a very cool morning at the beginning of spring. In the courtyard of the villa, the old man was dressed in loose white clothes and doing Tai Chi leisurely.

Xiao Yan's alarm clock was set for six o'clock. When the bell rang, she didn't hesitate at all. She quickly got up and got dressed and prepared to escape.

While she was in a hurry, the man stretched out his long arms and wrapped them around her slender waist. His voice was husky and sexy in the morning, "Honey, don't leave."

"No, it will be troublesome if grandpa finds out!" Xiao Yan was very anxious. After putting on his clothes randomly, he picked up his pajamas and hurriedly put them on again.

Xu Jinqiao sat up sleepily. Before Xiao Yan could put on her pajamas, he pushed up the bra she had just put on and took one of her delicate breasts into his mouth. His handsome face was buried in her warm chest, and his arms held her Hugging her tightly, she muttered vaguely, "Stay with me for a little longer, just a little while..."

Xiao Yan took a breath, her body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and her voice changed slightly, "Husband, we don't have enough time..."

The desire to wake up in the morning was astonishing. It was about to explode. Every cell in his body was screaming. Xu Jinqiao turned over, pressed his little wife under him, and eagerly pulled her pajamas...

"Husband, I just put it on..." Xiao Yan exclaimed, gasping for air as he moved his hands up and down, "Don't, don't come, I really can't make enough time..."

Xu Jinqiao changed the kiss, and kept moving her hands, "It doesn't matter, I won't delay, this time will be quick, just this once, please cooperate with me..."

Soon, Xiao Yan, who was half-dressed, was fucked by the man again. The moment he rushed in, a satisfied sigh came out of her throat, and she could not bear to whisper, "Husband..."

He was going hard, and the continuous hard impacts made her cum continuously, and the temperature in the room gradually increased...

When Xiao Yan rubbed her sore waist and finally stepped out of the master bedroom, it was already six forty!

She slunk uneasily to the next door, praying not to run into the old man. Unexpectedly, it didn't work out, and after only two steps, she heard the sound of "dong dong" footsteps from the direction of the stairs!

The old man is back doing Tai Chi!

Xiao Yan secretly screamed, and immediately changed from walking to running. Just when she pushed open the door of Belle's room and was about to rush in, the old man's voice happened to sound behind her, "You came back from sleepwalking so early?"

Xiao Yan was so excited that she clung to the door in fright. She was so ashamed that she didn't dare to look back, and her face was filled with tears...

What are you really afraid of? What's coming!

A bad year!

"Yes, he is very talented in running underground parties."

The old man mocked unhurriedly and slowly approached. Xiao Yan was like a criminal who fell into the hands of the police, panicked and terrified...


At this moment, Xu Jinqiao's voice intervened in time. Xiao Yan, like a savior, immediately turned around and looked at Xu Jinqiao standing at the door of the master bedroom, only to see that he was naked and wearing only a sleeping bag. pants, obviously he came out in a hurry and didn't have time to put on his shirt.

"Do you want to catch a cold? Go back and put on clothes!" The old man naturally saw it, and his beloved grandson reprimanded him eagerly.

Xu Jinqiao not only didn't listen, but strode over to her, Shen frowned and said, "If you want to scold me, scold me, and don't pick on Xiao Yan to bully her! She didn't come to my room shamelessly, it was me who took advantage of her in the middle of the night. After I fell asleep, I secretly hugged her to my bed. Without her by my side, I would have had insomnia and couldn’t sleep."

"Shameless!" After hearing this, the old man threw down these four words angrily, turned around and walked towards the room where he was staying temporarily.

Xiao Yan was about to cry but had no tears. She glared at Xu Jinqiao sadly, "It's all your fault. Is it over now? Ugh..."

"It's okay." Xu Jinqiao took her in his arms, rubbed the back of her head, and comforted her softly, "As long as I don't change my mind, no one can stop me!"

Xiao Yan still couldn't let go and sighed, "It's really that all our efforts have been wasted. I've let grandpa down!"

"Why do you care so much about him? You live with me, not with my family. All you have to do is make me happy!" Xu Jinqiao couldn't bear it, so he hugged her and walked back, " Go back to sleep!"

Xiao Yan frowned, "Why are you sleeping? It's almost seven o'clock, aren't you going to work?"

"I don't have to clock in to work on time. If there's no meeting in the morning, I can go there at any time." Xu Jinqiao said.

"Then you can sleep a little longer. I won't sleep anymore. I'm going to see Belle." Xiao Yan pursed his lips, secretly planning something in his mind.

Xu Jinqiao couldn't resist her, so he let go and went back to his room to catch up on his sleep.

Xiao Yan took a look at Bei'er. The little girl was still sleeping. After taking a shower, she changed into home clothes and quietly went downstairs.

The old man went downstairs at 7:40, intending to read the morning newspaper for a while and walk around the courtyard. Unexpectedly, when passing by the living room, he heard a clanking sound coming from the kitchen, and his exclusive nanny was holding a Watering can, watering the flowers on the balcony.

"Who is making breakfast?" The old man asked doubtfully, "Is it Aqiao's nanny Xiao Li? She doesn't know my taste, so don't cook it randomly!"

"Master, the person in the kitchen is not Ms. Li, but Ms. Xiao!" The nanny is also Asian, with yellow skin and black hair, and replied in fluent English.

The old man was stunned, and his eyes couldn't help but fixate in the direction of the kitchen. The sliding door was closed, and through the frosted glass, a small figure could be vaguely seen, lowering his head and busy.

The old man stood there for a while without saying anything. He turned around, walked to the sofa, sat down, and picked up the newspaper on the coffee table.

After Belle woke up, she didn't find her mother. Someone took care of Sister Li's breakfast, so she went upstairs to help Belle get dressed and wash up. When she took Belle's little hand and went downstairs, Belle shrank when she saw the old man. After a while, Tong Yanwuji said, "Why hasn't grandpa left yet?"


The old man flipped the newspaper and made a nasal noise in displeasure, "I won't leave yet! I will live here forever, unless I turn into ashes!"

When Belle heard this, she quickly ran over with her little short legs, stood in front of the old man, pouted her little mouth and said unhappily, "Then let's fight. If you don't curse others in the future, I will welcome you to live here!"

"Hey, you little girl, do you know who I am? Calculated by generation, I am your great-grandfather!" The old man fainted upon hearing this and put down the newspaper and said angrily.

Belle persisted and said without fear, "No matter who you are, you can't curse!"

"Go, go, go and play aside!" The old man waved his hands impatiently, with obvious disgust. Psychological factors, Belle is not his biological great-grandson, Xiao Yan gave birth to another man, so he feels uncomfortable no matter how he looks at it. .

Belle ran away aggrievedly, wiping the corners of her eyes with her small hands, "Aunt Li, is Belle annoying?"

"No, Belle is a little princess, and we like Belle the most!" Sister Li quickly comforted the little girl, and glanced at the old man helplessly. She was a servant and was not qualified to speak for Belle, but the old man was too... Why!



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