Second update.


"I was very sad to hear what you said before, but what you said next moved me very much. I think this is the best compliment for me..." Chu Xia smiled happily at Zhou Mixang, "So, you must remember Come on, the babies and I are your lifelong responsibility. No matter when the time comes, you can never give up this responsibility, otherwise, you will be the most despised coward!"

"Of course!" Zhou Mikang nodded affirmatively, "I will definitely do this. Chu Xia, you must trust me 100%. I will definitely not break my promise to you.

I will never agree easily to something that I can't do anything about, or something that is ambiguous and uncertain. Even if you are unhappy, I will not agree just to make you happy. "

Chu Xia rolled her eyes at him speechlessly: "Are you reminding me that you were right in not agreeing to me before?"

"It's okay if you insist on thinking so. Anyway, you know, everything I do is to make you happy..." Zhou Mikang pointed to the small cup on the table, "Bring me some water."

Chu Xia blushed, and she actually forgot that the other party was still seriously ill.

After all, he had been in a coma for so many days. Speaking of this, Zhou Mikang obviously felt a little weak. He originally wanted to go out for a few steps, but now it was impossible.

Chu Xia also saw the tiredness in the eyebrows of the teacher Zongzi. After the other party finished drinking the water, he stepped forward and helped the other party lie down gently. Before she could say anything, the teacher Zongzi spoke first: "Go back and have a rest. Come again."

"Okay." Chu Xia agreed happily, but couldn't help but say, "Look, I am still very smart and will not insist on staying here. Do you feel now that you were wronged at that time?"

"No." Zhou Mikang smiled at her, "You have admitted it yourself and you have been feeling guilty. How can you say that I wronged you? Well, stop thinking about it. Go back and have a good sleep at night. Come to see me in high spirits tomorrow. .”

"Okay." She pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead, waved to him, turned around and left the ward.

Zhou Jingping, who was sitting in a daze on a chair by the door, turned his head when he heard the sound. When he saw it was his youngest daughter-in-law, a smile appeared on his face: "Come on, I'll take you out. Wang Zhongliang is waiting outside."

How can she be so squeamish! Chu Xia quickly refused and said: "Dad, no need. You should go into the room and accompany Zhou Mikang. It's just a small way, I can do it myself."

It was obvious that his daughter-in-law was still a little embarrassed because of what had happened before, so Zhou Jingping didn't force herself. He gave her a few words and turned back to the ward.


"Let's go." Zhou Jingping sat beside his son's bed and sighed, "Just coax her and follow her. One day, you will regret it."

"No." Zhou Mikang looked at his father seriously, "Chu Xia is not the kind of person who relies on favors and is arrogant."

"I didn't say she was arrogant, I just thought she was too childish. Of course, she is very mature in some aspects, but living in a family like ours, being too kind is not a complete advantage."

"That's better than not being kind. Besides, I have the ability to protect her, so why should I let her become like others? Ye Meiru is not kind. Does Dad think that kind of person is good?"

"I didn't mention her, why did you mention her?" Zhou Jingping smiled helplessly, "You, you can't tolerate anyone saying anything bad about Chu Xia now.

Anyway, I don't agree with her helping Wan Lao this time. I also heard what you said to her just now. Originally, I could still stick to myself, and as I said it, I just went along with the other party.

You will really hurt her if you act like this. If something like this happens next time, will she still help? If the other person is Wan Lao and is sensible, that's fine. But if you meet someone who is confused,

Don't put all the blame on her?

She is only this age, and although she is married and is going to be a mother, after all, her experience is there, and no matter how smart she is, she can't really care less about what others say.

If she had a strong heart like you, I would never say no if she did this. But the problem is, she is just an ordinary girl. "

"Is she ordinary?" Zhou Mikang looked at his father seriously, "Dad, do you think an ordinary girl would have the achievements she has achieved now?

Let’s not talk about anything else. How far-sighted is Mr. Qi? Many people have tried it before, which one impressed him? But as for Chu Xia, it was just a matter of a few words, and he became Qi Lao's apprentice.

And now, Mr. Qi has moved to the school for her. Furthermore, he also wants to stay at the school to teach. These changes are all because of early summer. This is something that many people want to do but fail to do. .

If she is really like you think, do you think Mr. Qi will do this? Indeed, because of her personality, more and more people are surrounding her, which also determines that there will be more and more chances of trouble finding her in the future.

But, is it really because of this that we have to stop her from interacting with these people? Dad, don’t forget, when our family encountered difficulties during that time, it was her appearance that solved our family’s difficulties. "

"I just said a few words, but I got you so much..." Zhou Jingping looked at his son and really didn't know what to say. In fact, he was not blaming his daughter-in-law at all, he was just blaming her for her. Worry.

The son's wish to protect his little daughter-in-law at all times is wonderful, but is that actually possible?

It's not certain how long he can stay with her after he recovers from his injuries and is discharged from the hospital.

Even if we can wait until the baby is born, what about the future?

This life is too long, and no one dares to say what their future will be like. This kind of confident vow is the most undesirable...

"Dad, I know what you are worried about. Have you forgotten what Grandpa Wan told you?" Zhou Mikang gently pushed his father, "You agreed at that time, why are you so entangled now? Already?

And you also have to believe in Chu Xia, she is constantly improving, and she will become more and more skillful in handling things in the future. Moreover, you have to believe in her eyesight. Look at the friends she makes, which ones are not affectionate and unreliable? of? "

"Well, I can't tell you..." Zhou Jingping sighed, "Maybe I'm really old. Even though I thought it made sense when Uncle Wan said it, when I think about it, I still can't help but worry.

She is your wife. Since both of you think this is the right thing to do, I won't mix it up. It's business for you to recover from your injuries as soon as possible and spend more time with her! "R1152

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