Updated, more updates starting tomorrow.

Old Mrs. Zhao looked at her wife speechlessly. This old guy had already picked up the wine bottle to pour the wine, but now he could actually hold a teacup. The red mouth and white teeth said it as if it was true. He was seriously ill. Nothing else has improved, but the thickness of my face has increased...

"Look, you're looking at me like this, as if I'm lying. What I said is obviously true..." Mr. Zhao said as he pointed to the wine bottle that he had moved aside, "I was just disgusted with it." This was in the way, so I moved it to the side."

Mrs. Zhao: "..." Well, my wife is so thick-skinned that she can't say anything and doesn't know what to answer...

"Okay, just know you're wrong. I don't blame you..." Mr. Zhao said as he raised his teacup and looked at everyone, "Let's celebrate with tea instead of wine. After a while, the food will be ready. Let's Let’s celebrate formally.”

"Okay!" Mr. Qi responded cooperatively and stood up. Seeing this, the others also stood up and picked up tea one after another, cooperating to give Mr. Zhao face...

Old Mrs. Zhao glanced at her wife who looked complacent, and shook her head speechlessly, but she was angry and funny in her heart. The old man usually likes to drink a few sips, but he has not been able to drink since he fell ill. He must have been too greedy to bear it. , at this moment, he was just pretending to be confused and wanted to take the opportunity to drink...

When the food was served and everyone sat at the table, Mr. Zhao kept glancing at the wine bottle. His eager look finally made Mr. Qi feel compassionate. He looked at Mrs. Zhao and said, "Sister-in-law, let Brother Zhao have a small drink. It'll be okay."

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, thank you, Mr. Qi..." Before Mrs. Zhao could speak. Mr. Zhao has already impatiently handed the wine glass to Zhou Mixang, "Xiao Mi, pour me a glass too."

Mrs. Zhao was so angry that she pushed him: "You are so old and you are so greedy for wine, you are not afraid of the children's jokes. Look at this table full of people, who is as shameless as you?"

"Hehe..." Mr. Zhao, whose wish was fulfilled, was surprisingly good-tempered. When his wife accused him like this, he just smiled stupidly. Not a word of rebuttal.

Zhao Yulan felt sorry for her father, so she stayed close to Mrs. Zhao and whispered: "Mom, it's not easy for Dad to endure it for so long. Mr. Qi has spoken, so there should be no problem."

"I know there's no problem. I just can't stand the way he looks like he's greedy for alcohol. He keeps saying that he wants to compete for face in front of his little great-grandson. He looks like this now and his little great-grandson sees it. It's weird that he still has the face. Woolen cloth."

"I won't drink anymore." Hearing what his wife said, Mr. Zhao quickly handed the cup back in his hand.

"As an elder, you should keep your word. If you don't drink it, you won't drink it in the future."

"Drink less..." Mrs. Zhao shook her head helplessly and waved to Zhou Mixang. "Put the wine in front of his face..." He looked at his wife again, "Just don't make such an expression that you will die if you see the wine in the future. Everyone is happy today, and I won't disappoint you. Young Master. Have a drink, since Mr. Qi has spoken, there is nothing to worry about.

As for the future, you have to weigh it yourself. The doctor also said that drinking in moderation is good for the body. I won't stop you. I just can't stand the poor and humble look you just looked like. "

"I got sick, and I lost all my status in the family..." Mr. Zhao sighed and pushed the wine glass out, "I said I won't drink, so I won't drink. Take it away."

The old man said this, but his eyes were uncontrollably glancing at the wine glass, and his nose was twitching. Chu Xia found it funny, but she also knew that her grandfather felt so embarrassed and humiliated at the moment that she could not follow him anymore. Adding fuel to the fire, he smiled and pushed the wine glass in front of the old man: "Grandpa, drink some. This is good wine, and drinking it won't do any harm to your health. Anyway, just drink this glass, and you'll be fine."

After a moment of hesitation, Mr. Zhao brought the wine in front of him, "Xia Du said so, and it won't be good if I push it further, so just drink it..." As he spoke, he picked up the wine glass and sniffed it...

"Hahaha..." Now, everyone who had been holding back really couldn't bear it anymore...

Mr. Zhao himself also laughed coquettishly, and then tried to save himself: "I am doing this to make you laugh. In fact, I am not very greedy for wine, really."

"Yes, yes, we believe it..." Chu Xia looked at her grandpa funnyly, "The question is, grandpa, do you believe it yourself?"

"You kid..." Mr. Zhao glared at his granddaughter and admitted openly, "Yes, I am greedy for wine, but if you don't let me drink, I can hold it back."

"I am an outsider, so I will shamelessly take the lead. I propose that everyone raise their glasses and congratulate Wan Lao's family on their reunion, and also congratulate Mr. Xiao Zhou's family on their reunion!" Mr. Qi said while raising his glass to Mr. Zhao, " Brother Zhao, you control the amount yourself."

Mr. Zhao was a little embarrassed, but he finally picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The mellow and refreshing feeling made him narrow his eyes unconsciously. After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's hard to stop drinking this wine!"

"Then what did you say just now?" Mrs. Zhao said as she put a chopstick of green vegetables in front of him, "Don't just drink, eat vegetables. If you really want to drink, you have to take good care of yourself first. "

"I know, I know..." Mr. Zhao responded and smiled at everyone, "As we get older, we need someone to take care of us. They are doing it for our own good, so we have to appreciate it."

Everyone: "..." Old man, don't you just want to have a drink? Look at your explanation right now. Are you trying to cover up your guilty conscience?

But from another perspective, one person's guilty conscience represents the importance he attaches to another person's opinion, and the emphasis on another person's opinion represents the other person's intention...

Mr. Wan stood up, raised his glass and looked at Mr. Zhao: "Brother Zhao, for the deep relationship between you and your sister-in-law, let's do something. You take a small sip, and I take a small sip. Our friendship doesn't matter how much we drink, okay?"

Mr. Zhao glanced at his wife, and when he saw no objection, he said: "Okay, then I also wish you and Xiao Yin to get married soon. From now on..." The old man smiled proudly, "You also have to be controlled. When you get up, you can experience the feeling I have.”

Mr. Wan has a dark streak, and it’s not his first time getting married. How can he not know this feeling?

Wan Yuqiong also thought of this problem in an instant, and what filled her heart was the longing and guilt for her biological mother. If it weren't for her previous choices, her mother might still be alive now, right?

Thinking of this, tears welled up uncontrollably, and she hurriedly lowered her head to hide it...

"Mom, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?" Qian Yan noticed something was wrong with Wan Yuqiong. Her face turned pale with fright, and she lost control of her voice, which attracted everyone's attention...

"I..." Wan Yuqiong tried hard to swallow her choked words, but she couldn't. She simply raised her head and smiled at everyone, "I'm fine, I..." She looked at her father apologetically. , “I just feel that I have made too many mistakes in the past, causing irreparable damage in this life, and I feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, God has been kind to me and allowed our family to reunite at this time. I promise that I will never do such self-righteous wrong things again in the future, let alone hide anything from my family. "

Mr. Wan sighed and looked at his daughter: "It's been so many years, don't punish yourself for your past mistakes. Moreover, if it comes down to it, you are at fault, so are your mother and I.

If we gave you full trust and full attention, you probably wouldn't have reached that point. It was your mother and I who didn't care enough about you that made you take a detour.

Now that the two children have returned to you, they can live a good life and let nature take its course. Dad will also express his attitude to you in front of everyone today. No matter what you do in the future, as long as it does not violate Dad's principles of life. , will do their best to help you. "

"Thank you, dad." Wan Yuqiong picked up the wine glass and looked at Aunt Yin, "Aunt Yin, let me toast you and formally apologize for everything I have done to you."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no need to do that," Mrs. Yin quickly stood up, waving her hands, "You have nothing to apologize to me for, it's just for others to see. I know, don't take all the mistakes on yourself."

Old Mrs. Qi laughed: "I suggest you both have a drink. The past is in the past. Getting along well in the future is better than anything else."

The two people who were going to become mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really took a sip each. Then, you toasted me and I toasted you, and the wine table became lively...

"Sister, I like it here." Qian Dakun leaned into Qian Yan's ear and whispered, "It has never been so lively at my grandparents' house before. Even during the holidays, it's not interesting."

Qian Yan nodded: "I like it here too."

"It's really lively..." The sudden appearance of Mrs. Qian made the lively scene quiet for an instant, "Why is she here?" Qian Dakun grabbed Qian Yan's hand in panic, "Didn't she want to... …Take me back, right?”

"Don't panic, let's wait and see." Qian Yan held her brother's hand firmly, "Grandpa hasn't come, so there might be a better chance."

"Dakun, Yanyan, don't you know grandma?" At this moment, Mrs. Qian had already turned her attention to the siblings and walked over with a smile. Wan Yuqiong hurriedly greeted her, "Mom, you didn't even say a word when you came. , we...we can also wait for you to have dinner together..."

Old Mrs. Qian smiled and took her hand, looking her up and down: "Yes, she's recovering well, so I'm relieved..." Then she turned to look at everyone, "Looking at your expressions, you don't seem to welcome me. Coming, huh?”

"No..." Mr. Wan sighed softly, "My dear, you all agreed before. The child has just been discharged from the hospital and his body has not recovered yet..." (To be continued...) ()

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