First Marriage Then Love (Mr. Mayor Please Be Kind)

Chapter 902: Master Tongzi’s Worries

Second update. I wrote the wrong chapter in the previous chapter, and Nuan couldn't change it, so this chapter went down normally.

"I came here by bus..." Old Mrs. Qian smiled at her daughter-in-law and grandchildren, "Otherwise, how could the old man not know about it? Even if we were unhappy with him, after all we had lived together for a lifetime, it would not be too stiff. It’s better not to be too stiff.”

"Mom..." Wan Yuqiong's eyes were red and she didn't know what to say. Obviously, the old lady sneaked out behind her family's back, and she did this just because she didn't want it to be difficult for the three of them.

"Grandma..." Qian Yan stepped forward and held the old lady's arm, "I will take you home."

Qian Dakun quickly put his arm around the old lady's other side: "Grandma, I'll give it to you too."

"Okay, okay, I appreciate your filial piety. Grandma is not old enough to even sit on the bus..." The old lady stopped her grandchildren and said, "Of course grandma also wants to spend more time with you. For a while, but for the long-term future, we must pay attention to it."

Qian Yan thought for a while and said, "How about we take you to the station?"

"Okay." This time, the old lady agreed.

Wan Yuqiong had just been discharged from the hospital, so the old lady naturally wouldn't let her see her off. Seeing her son, daughter and the old lady walking away, Wan Yuqiong sniffed and returned to the room.

Seeing his daughter's heavy mood, Mr. Wan advised: "Yuqiong, your mother-in-law is reasonable. However, filial piety is not temporary. The days will be long in the future, for now. It is your business to take good care of your body. Without your health, I want to It’s impossible to do anything.”

"Dad, I know..." Wan Yuqiong smiled apologetically at everyone, "I didn't mean to be pretentious. I really didn't know my mother-in-law was such a person before, but now I feel very sorry for her."

"People can't always live in regrets. The past is the past. Looking forward..." Old Mrs. Qi looked at her. He said with a serious face, "If you are always so sorry for yourself, whether it is your mother-in-law or your father, all the worries they have for you will be in vain."

"Aunt Qi, I know..." Wan Yuqiong nodded gratefully to Mrs. Qi, "You helped me take care of Yanyan before, but if it weren't for your influence, Yanyan wouldn't be so sensible.

We can continue to be neighbors. I'm really, really happy to be so close to you. Don't worry, I won't be immersed in the emotions of the past forever.

I already know why my mother-in-law did this. All I can do is live well and give my two children a good future. When my mother-in-law needs help one day,

I have the ability to help her.

Dad..." She looked at Mr. Wan. "From now on, I will never just ask you to help me with everything, I will also work hard myself. The same goes for children. Let them beat and beat themselves and have the ability to cope with things. In fact, it is better than anything else..."

"I really didn't expect that the situation of Aunt Wan's family would change so much. Who would have thought of this a few months ago?" When she got home and was alone with Zhou Mikang in the evening, Chu Xia couldn't help but sigh, " So I really can’t say what will happen to this person in the future.”

"Yes, sometimes what you see and hear may not be true..." Zhou Mikang held his little wife in his arms and caressed her bulging belly with his hands, "So you have to remember, if one day you hear If you hear any rumors about me, don’t believe them unless I tell you them myself.”

"Tch!" Chu Xia rolled her eyes, "Is what you told me personally true? Don't forget, if I hadn't met you this time, you would have continued to lie.

I think we should make an agreement that no matter what happens to either of us, good or bad, we must tell the other, and we cannot deceive the other with self-righteous white lies.

Since we are husband and wife and have a baby, we should be the closest people to each other. Is there anything that we cannot say to the closest people?

Anyway, I just think that no matter good or bad, the other person should be informed. For example, when their partner is seriously ill, many people choose to hide it, thinking it is for the other person's good, but I don't think so.

It is true that everyone's psychological endurance is different. Some people may collapse suddenly after hearing bad news, leading to a drastic physical decline. However, there is another kind of person who has a strong psychological endurance, such as me.

Speaking of which, I have experienced life and death, so life and death are not the scariest thing here. The scariest thing is that you find yourself leaving before you are prepared and have not done what you want to do. .

This kind of shock can never be made up for, so Zhou Mikang, remember, in this life, when you and I are together, don’t hide anything from me or lie to me.

You have to believe in my mental endurance and my ability to handle things. You have to believe that I will never be a drag on you. As long as you are willing, I will definitely be your best assistant. "


After thinking about it, Chu Xia nodded: "That's all I want to say right now."

"If you weren't pregnant with the baby now, I really want to beat you up..." Zhou Mikang glared at her dissatisfied, "Listen to what you said? This is unprovoked, what kind of disease or disaster is it related to? ?

I'm not superstitious, but at a young age, I don't want to hear you talk about yourself like this. I want you to be healthy all the time, and you're not allowed to talk nonsense like this again, do you understand? "

"I'm not just making a metaphor..." Chu Xia looked at him speechlessly, "It's not like I've said this, something will really happen to me. I'm just chatting with you, asking you to You know what I don’t mind and what I don’t mind.”

"Don't use metaphors like this!" Zhou Mikang pinched her nose angrily, "I'll keep this in mind for you. If you keep talking nonsense like this, see how I deal with you."


"Yes, I am so domineering!" Zhou Mikang glared at his young wife, "Do you know what I was thinking when I fainted?"

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Xia said: "I must wake up. I can't let myself face everything with my child."

"Yes, this is the key reason, so my request to you is the same. No matter when the time comes, you must stay with me and the child, and don't make any bad assumptions.

I don’t like the feeling of being about to lose, and I don’t even want to think about it..." After a pause, the teacher Tongzi sighed, "When I didn't wake up, I could hear your voice, but I couldn't do anything. It's such a terrible feeling.

Every time you spoke, I tried my best to wake myself up, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't. I was very scared at the time, afraid that I would have to lie there for the rest of my life.

In early summer, I have already tasted this feeling, and I will never let you taste it again. Call me timid or cowardly, but my request to you is that you are never allowed to use this feeling again. assumptions to reason. "

"Okay, you don't have to make this assumption anymore. Anyway, you understand what I mean. Then you can do anything without lying to me, right? Not even white lies, okay?"

"Okay." Zhou Mikang nodded seriously, "If something happens, I will face it with you, but until something happens, no one of us is allowed to think too much, okay?"

"Okay." Chu Xia responded happily, but in her heart, she felt that the frightened look of the teacher Tongzi now was really funny and cute.

"I'm not afraid of anything..." Sensing the little wife's attitude of not paying much attention, the teacher Tongzi explained again, "But because of you, I am afraid of everything. I hope you are the same."

"Okay, okay, I promise to do it." Chu Xia quickly raised her hand, "I promise you on behalf of myself and the babies, I will only think about good things and not bad things in the future."

"Yes, that's it. People, if you think about the good in everything, everything will go smoothly. People who like to think about the bad will inevitably encounter bad things. There is a scientific reason for this.

You see, if you always think well, your mood will be good, your mood will be good, your temper will be good, your temper will be good, and others will like you. If others like you, you will naturally get more help. If you have more help, everything will go smoothly.

On the contrary, if you always think bad things, you will naturally be in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood, you will have a bad temper. If you have a bad temper, others will stay away from you. It is impossible to be alone without friends..."

Chu Xia interrupted him with a smile: "I found that you have become very wordy now."

"A walk on the Huangquan Road will naturally make you a little more wordy."

Chu Xia curled her lips at him: "I was told not to say anything unlucky just now. Now you have done it yourself. What should you do?"

"You tell me, whatever punishment you want."

"I owe you. I haven't thought of a good way to punish you yet." Chu Xia raised her head and glanced at him, "Have you decided on a day to leave?"

After a slight hesitation, Zhou Mikang nodded.

In the following days, he could no longer stay by her side, and her body was getting heavier day by day. He heard people say that pregnant women are prone to depression, and he was very worried. Otherwise, he would not be so wordy. So much to say?

"Don't worry, I will take good care of myself. Besides, my parents and grandparents are all around me. I can see them every day, which makes me feel very good. I will definitely not have any problems due to poor care. I can work with peace of mind. , come back and see me when you have free time, it’s enough to be by my side when the baby is born.”

"Okay." Zhou Mikang rubbed her chin with his thumb and sighed, "I used to feel particularly worthless when I saw other people falling in love with their families. I didn't expect that now it's my turn and I realize that this is simply human nature. , Hey, retribution in this world!"

Two days later, Zhou Mikang left for City A, and life in early summer returned to what it was before.

Half a month later, Mr. Wan and Aunt Yin held their wedding. In fact, several families gathered together to have a lively meal, including the old man and his wife of the Zhou family, Lin Yanqiu, and Zhou Jingping who all rushed over. (To be continued...) ()

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