One update arrived.


Li Xinli had never expected Fang Jingwen's sudden change of attitude to be so cold. In her impression, Fang Jingwen was simply a coward and a coward to the extreme.

Even calling him the word "man" is derogatory to all men in the world! His simple mind, his lack of opinion, his obsession with her... all made her look down upon.

Because of these characteristics of his, she never felt the slightest bit towards him.

The reason she was with him at first was to use him to make a good future for herself by leveraging the good luck of his sister Fang Jingzi. Unfortunately, the Fang family was too defensive against her, making it impossible for her to realize her idea.

Later, she thought, it would be better to save the country. Fang Jingwen is the only male in the Fang family. No matter what happens, the Fang family will force Fang Jingzi to pull her brother. Then she and Fang Jingwen will eventually get what she wants. Want life.

However, after waiting for a month, she lost her patience. Not to mention Fang Jingwen, even Fang Jingzi's own work had not been adjusted. She didn't know when the waiting would end.

When I thought about it carefully, I felt that I was really stupid. The Fang family and the Lin family were clearly not the same family. How could Fang Jingzi seek benefits for her mother-in-law's family at this time in order to make her husband's family like her?

Even if she is really married, it is unknown whether Fang Jingzi will seek benefits for her husband's family in order to please her husband's family, which means that her curve to save the country may be simply wrong.

So, does it make sense to wait any longer? especially. The people in the Fang family still dislike her and don't have a good look towards her. With her conditions, why should she be with a loser she doesn't like. Also look at the faces of his family?

However, she was not willing to be separated like this. After all, they had persisted for so long. Isn't it too much of a loss to just divide them without getting any benefits?

So she decided to ride on a donkey to find a horse. If she met someone with good conditions, she would separate from Fang Jingwen regardless of whether she could benefit from the Fang family. If you encounter no, then hold off for now. What if Fang Jingzi marries the Lin family in the capital and turns around?

Regardless of whether the Fang family liked her or not, Fang Jingwen was completely devoted to her anyway. She only had such a son in the Fang family, so she didn't believe that the whole family could be so cruel as to make things difficult for Fang Jingwen.

Besides, even if that day does come, leave everything to Fang Jingwen to handle. If he couldn't even handle this kind of thing well, what qualifications did he have to ask her to be his wife?

And she didn't believe that Fang's father and Fang's mother had the nerve to keep making it difficult for their son to be a good person.

To be honest, her recipe Jingwen is simply more than enough. For the old Fang family to be able to marry a daughter-in-law like her, it is a blessing!

But no matter what, Fang Jingwen is her second record. Because the other party is really not her type, in this entanglement. She thought of Xi Jiangtong.

Xi Jiangtong's infatuation with her is comparable to Fang Jingwen's, otherwise. Nor would he change the mailing address of Li Xinli's admission notice under her command just to please her.

Although Xi Jiangtong's father was just an ordinary teacher, his mother was a doctor, and his family background was not considered outstanding, Xi Jiangtong's grandfather was a famous anti-Japanese hero. He was implicated by Xi Jiangtong's grandma and was imprisoned. Later, it was proved through investigation that Although Grandma Xi is a capitalist lady, she was expelled from her natal family long ago because she married Grandpa Xi Jiangtong.

Then the old couple were released, but Grandpa Xi never received any more attention. The reason was naturally because of Grandma Xi. Now a large number of people have turned over because of their redress. Does that mean that the Xi family Is this also the most likely?

In any case, she felt that it was safer to take a two-pronged approach. If this didn't work, there would be that. Anyway, she had to choose one that she liked, and she couldn't lose herself.

However, just when she was about to express her attitude to Xi Jiangtong, Li Xinli discovered what she had done and made it clear that she was going to sue her. She was really frightened at that time.

This matter is not a small crime, she was in her best years. If she was stained by this, even an ordinary man would probably not marry her, let alone a decent man.

After her pleading, Li Xinli finally suppressed the matter, and she began to behave with her tail between her legs. As for trying it with Xi Jiangtong, she had no thoughts at all.

If something happened one day, Xi Jiangtong's fate would not be better than hers, so she'd better stay away from him.

Then, suddenly one day, she discovered Jiang Jie's identity.

She had always been unwilling to take a serious look at this man who had been delivering letters to their area, but she did not expect that the man had such an identity and background.

Suddenly she felt unbalanced. Why could Li Xinli be admitted to university and she could only be an ordinary worker? Why should Li Xinli marry a better man than Fang Jingwen, but she could only live with Fang Jingwen?

She was not exaggerating when she used the word "毇". Fang Jingwen, who works in technology, was too boring. Every day they were together, they only read books. After being asked by herself, she finally stopped reading, but all she did was sit and accompany her. …

With this idea in mind, she began to pay attention to Jiang Jie. If she couldn't find any other channel, she would go to Li Xinli every week during her break. Because the day she was resting happened to be when Jiang Jie was also resting, so the chance of a collision was very high.

Gradually, she discovered that Jiang Jie was really a good man who was hard to find even with a lantern. He had a good family background, good looks, and was careful. He was exactly the ideal type she had always wanted to find.

As a result, the thoughts in her heart became more and more determined. She believed that with her charm, one day she would make Jiang Jie surrender.

Unfortunately, during the testing process, she found that Jiang Jie's attitude was too tough and he would not accept the move at all. She had no choice but to use the method like today. Her idea was that if she succeeded, she would make a profit. It didn't matter, she would go find her sister and tell her about Jiang's mother bringing the girl to Fang Jingwen.

Anyway, what she said is the truth. As long as Li Xinli takes it to heart, conflicts will break out one day.

She knew her sister's character very well. She seemed gentle and quiet, but if she really got stubborn, even ten cows wouldn't be able to pull her back.

As for herself, she still has Fang Jingwen as a spare tire. No matter when the time comes, Fang Jingwen will never abandon her. She still has this confidence.

However, what is happening now?

This guy who had always been so honest that he would only answer yes or good to her, actually told her clearly that he would not be with her anymore? She's not allowed to go to his house, and he doesn't want to see her again?

She stared blankly at Fang Jingwen, with disbelief on her face...

The most important thing is that she can't accept this reality. It's impossible to be with Jiang Jie, and it's impossible to be with Fang Jingwen... Suddenly, she looked at Li Xinli: "Do you really think you and Jiang Jie are together?" Will we be happy together?"

"Then it's none of your business..." Li Xinli looked at her indifferently, "Why, when you find out that you got nothing out of the calculation, you just want to be a back-up? Li Xinlan, is it in your heart that no one except you Are you and everyone a fool?

Of course, I know very well that there are still many problems to be solved between Jiang Jie and I, but I am confident that as long as he and I are of the same mind, nothing will be a problem.

Even if I work hard until we can't be together in the end, I don't have any regrets. At least I tried hard and I worked honestly, that's enough. "

"I can also say nice things..." Li Xinlan raised her eyebrows, "I can say that as long as I work hard, one day I will meet the most suitable man for me and live the happiest life. But these can only It is said to be a wish, but whether it can be realized or not is unknown.

Moreover, I am close to Jiang Jie. On the one hand, I want to be with him. On the other hand, am I not helping you verify a man's sincerity towards you?

For now, he is completely devoted to you, but how long can this kind of devotion last? If nothing else, it’s just our mother’s business. Can the Jiang family accept it?

My parents were divorced, my sister was abandoned, and my mother ran away with a shady man. With such a family background, I would be surprised if the Jiang family could accept it.

Of course, I know very well that telling you this will only make you more determined to be with Jiang Jie, because in your heart, I don't wish you well at all.

However, as your biological sister, whether you believe me or not, I must fulfill my responsibility and tell you what I think. It is up to you whether you can listen to it or not.

Also, his childhood sweetheart would never let go of him easily. If a girl who could persist for so many years could let go easily, she wouldn't be her.

Even if you are married..." Li Xinlan spread her hands and said, "You don't need to tell me what's going on. I've reminded you of everything you need to know. Just take care of yourself. "

"Obviously I feel uncomfortable all over just seeing others doing well, yet I still have to put myself in a good light..." Lin Mengran looked at her speechlessly, "With you as a comparison, why do I suddenly feel that Lin Mengye is not that annoying? ?

Although she is better than you in some things, at least she will not shamelessly ask for credit from me, and even say that she is doing good for others. How can she say that? exit? "

"No wonder you have such an extreme personality. It turns out you can't get along with your sister..." Li Xinlan shook her head, "Why do you always blame others for your mistakes? Why don't you look for your own reasons? Forget it, I won't mess with you. "I'm sorry." She looked at Fang Jingwen, "I'm asking you seriously, do you really not plan to be with me? Fang Jingwen, I hope you think carefully before answering. This is the last chance I give you!" (To be continued...) ()

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