Updated today.


"What you said is really right..." Li Xinli looked at Chu Xia with a wry smile, "With my mother's character, if I help her clean up the mess this time, she will definitely do it again next time.

It was my mother who took the initiative to pursue my father at that time, but later she always thought that my father was worthless, saying that she was blind when she first took a fancy to my father, and later she was not clear with the music director.

In fact, I saw my dad hiding and crying secretly several times. When I asked him what was wrong, he said he had sand in his eyes. I am not a fool, so how could I believe the reason for frowning like that?

But no matter how I asked, he always said that I was wrong. Later, I found out about my mother and the director of the music factory. He didn't mean not to tell me, but he just couldn't tell me.

No, just after I was deceived by Director Qu, I got another one on the back. My mother has such a short memory in this regard. She is extremely narcissistic. She always thinks that she is a fairy-like figure. Men treat her very badly. The good thing is that she is the one who is fascinated by her.

My sister is really following her in this regard. Chu Xia, you are right. In order to avoid future troubles, I cannot give in at all this time. Otherwise, my life will really be ruined by her. " Speaking later, Li Xinli's attitude became firm.

"Then have you figured out what to do next?" Chu Xia asked.

"I..." Li Xinli bit her lip, "I haven't thought about the details yet, but I won't think about hiding like I just did..." She looked at Chu Xia hesitantly, "When you resume school, I have no company."

"Who said that? Although I am taking a year off, I will take all the exams. Anyway, these two years are mainly theoretical classes, so it shouldn't have much impact. I will come back when you are a junior."

"Really?" Li Xinli looked surprised, "Have you made arrangements with the school?"

"Yes, this was something we agreed on from the beginning. Of course, there will still be people gossiping about me, so just say it. Anyway, I earned it based on my ability.

I take all the exams seriously. If I fail, I will have to make up the exam. During the mid-term and final exams, if my grades are too bad, I will have to repeat the grade. However, I will try my best not to let this possibility happen. "

"But, is it really okay to not study in school for a year and only take exams?" Li Xinli looked at her with some worry, "How about I take class notes and send them to you every other week."

"If you don't tell me about this, I will bother you. Each of you will be responsible for taking down one or two particularly detailed notes for me. At that time, whether we can continue to be classmates or not, the decision-making power rests with you. In hand."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to do this well. Then I can be responsible for two more subjects. By the way..." Li Xinli slapped her forehead fiercely, "I almost forgot to tell you that I went to see my dad some time ago and found out that there was a Auntie is very kind to my dad. I guess I’ll be able to eat my dad’s wedding candies again soon. Can you all go there then?”

"Okay, Uncle Li is quite good..." Chu Xia looked like a gossip, "He seems to be silent and quite charming. By the way, how does that aunt look?"

"It should be better than my mother..." Li Xinli said and smiled sheepishly, "Am I being a bit rebellious by saying this? Hehe..."

"No, don't change the subject. Tell me what your father's future wife is like. I'll help you make a judgment. You can't let your uncle enter the tiger's den just after leaving the wolf's den."

Li Xinli: "..."

"Oh oh oh, I didn't mean it, don't look like that..." Chu Xia pushed Li Xinli, who looked stunned, "Don't be angry, I..."

"No need to explain..." Li Xinli quickly interrupted her, "I was just shocked by your frankness. However, I am very happy that you treated me like this. It shows that you really treat me as a friend.

I like this feeling, hehe..."

Chu Xia poked her anxiously: "Stop hey, let's get to the point."

"I see how anxious you are..." Li Xinli looked at her funny, "Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense. I can't say anything about that aunt now. I only met her once, and she seems to be fine.

He is of average height and not very tall, but he takes good care of my dad. I paid attention to my dad's dormitory. The clothes were washed very clean and the room was tidy.

My dad is good at technical work, but definitely not good at housework. So from this aspect, the other party was very attentive to my dad, chatted with me for a few words, and was very polite to me.

Judging from my dad's attitude towards her, it's not bad, so I guess that as long as nothing happens, the two of them should be able to get together. I want to invite you to participate just to make my dad proud.

With my dad's personality, he would definitely be embarrassed to get married again. He might as well just get proof and do it quietly. His first marriage was not happy. I hope that this time he can live a happy life. No regrets. "

"Uncle Li's love for you is not in vain..." Chu Xia smiled and poked her, "It's quite thoughtful, but I guess Uncle Li won't get married so soon. You should pay more attention, or find time to talk to Uncle Li. Are you sure? Tell me the wedding date.

My situation..." She pointed to her belly, "It's obvious here. If you get married within these two months, it will definitely be no problem to attend. If you get married after four months, it should be okay too. Hurry up and get ready. Speaking of which, there is really nothing I can do. "

"That's right..." Li Xinli suddenly patted her forehead, "I really ignored this matter and thought I would just ask you for advice. Look at my stupid brain.

If not, I'll ask my dad for his opinion later. If he wants to get married, hurry up. If he's still not sure, just delay for a few more months to understand more..."

"No..." Chu Xia interrupted her anxiously, "You can't tell your uncle like this. You must be careful about your marriage, especially if it's your second time.

If the uncle decides to get married, that would be the best thing. If he wants to delay it for a while, don't force him to confirm the date. This is not something he can decide by himself. And what about the aunt? If she misunderstands If her uncle doesn't care about her, she'll be in trouble.

Anyway, you must not do bad things with good intentions. No matter when your uncle gets married, you cannot interfere, otherwise I will really fall out with you. "

"Okay..." Li Xinli had no choice but to agree, "I just feel that you helped my dad with everything today. It would be a bit disappointing if you didn't show up."

"What's so shocking about that? It's because you're overthinking it..." Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "Anyway, if I can't attend in person then, you have to send me wedding candies."

"That's for sure..." After agreeing, Li Xinli quickly asked, "By the way, where will you sit during confinement? Where do you plan to stay after you leave school?"

"It's not completely decided yet. I originally decided to go back to City A when I gave birth, but later I thought it would be better to stay in the capital. I still need to discuss the details with my husband's family.

Don't worry, no matter where you stay, there will still be a phone. Aunt Qin and Uncle Wang will stay here. If you have anything to do with me, if I'm not in the capital, you can call me at home. "

"I...I'm not worried about this..." Li Xinli's face turned red, "I just want to know your plans. If you are here to confine yourself, you should seize the time to learn how to take care of the mother. When the time comes, you can also come and help. , of course..." She smiled sheepishly, "If you stay here, I will feel more at ease."

"I've made it clear that I can't bear you, do you need to be secretive?" Chu Xia rolled her eyes at her, "Is it such a shame to be close to me?"

"You know it's not the case..." Li Xinli looked at her with a dark look, "I... I just feel that since we met, I have always been the one causing trouble for you, so... I'm quite embarrassed..."

Chu Xia shook her head helplessly, too lazy to talk to her.

"Don't be angry..." Li Xinli hurriedly grabbed her arm, "In the future, if I have any ideas, I will tell you the truth. When I really need your help, I won't hesitate. Anyway, you will help no matter what." I, I won’t be pretentious, okay?”

"It's good to know..." Chu Xia sighed, "You and I have known each other for so long and you should have discovered that I am not nosy. In the beginning, if it weren't for Sister Jingzi, I definitely wouldn't have helped you.

Later, if I hadn't liked your character and we really got along, I wouldn't have stepped in to help you. However, don't regard being helped as a burden. This would be tiring for both me and you.

Now that I have the ability, I will help you more. There will always be time for you to grow up in the future, right? At that time, I might have to ask you to help me, right? "

"I guess it's possible that I can help you occasionally, but it's absolutely impossible for me to help you all the time. Your teacher's abilities are there, and with him around, it's not easy to step in and help. "

Chu Xia looked at Li Xinli speechlessly: "You have learned to be a talker. I really underestimate you."

"Hehe, actually I'm not an old-fashioned person, but when I'm with you, I seem a little more old-fashioned." Li Xinli chuckled twice, and her expression became serious again, "Chu Xia, I figured it out, tomorrow I will Tell Jiang Jie the truth about my current situation. If he is willing to accept me, I will continue with him. If he hesitates, I will not make it difficult for him. Anyway, I feel that my family affairs are not clear. Anyone who marries me will be in trouble."

"Okay, that's how it should be." Chu Xia patted her shoulder, "I feel relieved now that you have figured it out. Otherwise, I would always feel uneasy if I didn't go to the capital.

To be honest, what I disagree with the most is your previous idea. The so-called concealing the truth for the other party's benefit is nothing more than evading responsibility and punishing the other party. You don't know what he thinks, so why should you make decisions for him, right? "

"Yes." Li Xinli nodded, "My biggest problem is that when something happens, I think about it and come up with a lot of problems, and then solve them in a self-righteous way." She looked up at the time and patted her head in frustration. "Look at me, I'm so happy that I forgot about time. I...I'm going back to the guest room. You should rest early."

"Okay, I won't send you off." Chu Xia yawned, "I wasn't sleepy at all at first, but as soon as you reminded me, I fell asleep immediately. Hehe, if you feel guilty for what I said, that's fine!"

"I was a little embarrassed and guilty just now. When you said this, I immediately felt comfortable. Chu Xia, thank you..." Li Xinli waved her hand, "Frankness is indeed the best way to get along with friends."

"Wait a minute..." Chu Xia waved to her anxiously, "I just thought that something happened and I forgot to ask. When I saw you were about to go out, I suddenly remembered. Is Li Xinlou still bothering you?"

"No, you just always have a bad look when you see me..." Li Xinli curled her lips, "Speaking of which, this is the real villain, and now he is chasing Zhao Xiaohong."

"Then don't worry about him. Okay, I'm fine. Good night."

"Good night." Li Xinli waved and exited the room. After returning to the guest room, she couldn't calm down for a while. Although she said it calmly in front of Chu Xia, she felt uneasy in her heart.

After all, Jiang Jie is the first boy she likes. If they break up, she will definitely be very, very sad. However, Jiang Jie's mother's attitude is there, and there is also a childhood sweetheart who has always been eyeing her. She is really I have no confidence in my heart...

Early the next morning, when Chu Xia got up and saw Li Xinli's obvious dark circles, she sighed secretly. She knew that it was not so easy to be open-minded about emotional matters.

However, outsiders can't help with this kind of matter. Just one word of persuasion is enough. Besides, it will only make the other party feel that it is not painful to stand up and talk. The person concerned still has to explore the details by himself.

Speaking of which, she is lucky in this aspect. Thinking about it this way, she feels that the domineering nature of her teacher Tongzi was actually quite good. Otherwise, with her mentality from later generations, she still doesn’t know when she will find her other half. .

She was not in a hurry, but her father and mother would probably make her worried. The more she thought about it, the more she recognized her teacher Zongzi, and her desire to see him became more urgent.

After breakfast, Aunt Qin stayed behind to look after the house. Wang Zhongliang was responsible for sending the family back to the capital. As for the two cars following behind, Chu Xia was smart enough not to say anything.

On the other hand, Mr. Zhao looked back and forth and smiled so hard that he knew what the old man was thinking without asking. He was just happy that his grandson-in-law valued his granddaughter so much!

Later, Mrs. Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, so she pushed the old man: "You are quite old, can you be more reliable? Looking at your smile, I would have thought you were a traitor. !”

"Can you say that you are unhappy?" Mr. Zhao raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "If you are unhappy, you are not Xia's grandma."

The old lady glanced at him lightly: "Do you think you have a wife outside?"

Everyone: "..." R1152

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